Crystalnet Technologies Ltd

About Crystalnet Technologies Ltd

Founded in 2013, CrystalNet Technologies LTD is a privately held and limited company registered in England and Wales with Company Number 10787379 which is specialised in producing runtime library environment and database tools.

Crystalnet Technologies Ltd Description

Founded in 2013, CrystalNet Technologies LTD is a privately held and limited company registered in England and Wales with Company Number 10787379 which is specialised in producing runtime library environment which allows access to . Net Framework class Library from Delphi. We deliver unique tools and interfaces to the . Net Runtime libraries that helps software developers build rock-solid software applications using .net framework classes. We produce VCL for Delphi using the . Net Runtime Library and develop and sell tools for database administration and development.



We're pleased to announce the release of CrystalNet Database Tool v5002 at
CrystalNet Database Tool also called CrystalDB Tool is a Microsoft Windows based database tool which is used by developers, DBAs and analyst for managing, administering and developing databases. This tool supports the two most common database management system, which are Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. It provides an editor that offers code completion and syntax highli...ghting for standard SQL. It features a connection browser and a comprehensive set of database administration tools such as:
a.Database Management The CrystalDB Tool provides database management functionalities which includes editing table data, creating or altering tables and views as well as database objects, backup and restore database etc.
b. Generate Scripts This is a wizard in the CrystalDB Tool which allows the user to perform Data Definition Language(DDL) operations on the database objects. The DDL operations performed using this wizard include: ALTER, CREATE and DROP objects.
c. Import & Export Data This is a wizard in the CrystalDB Tool which allows the user to create packages that import and export data between databases from different servers (MSSQL and Oracle), the same servers, spreadsheets, text files and XML Files.
d. Compare Databases This is a wizard in the CrystalDB Tool which allows the user to compare the structure or the data in two databases both from the same server or different servers.
e. XML Explorer This is a tool in the CrystalDB Tool which allows the user to view XML data from an xml file, excel file and any file which contains xml format and add a new xml data.
f. Query Builder This is a tool in the CrystalDB Tool which provides an easy way to develop database queries by using a point-and-click interface and does not require in-depth knowledge about the SQL syntax.
For these databases which are commonly used in the industry we have added support for database specific features. Some of these features are:
- Edit Table Data - Auto Completion support in the SQL editor - Create/Alter Table support - Create/Alter Database objects support - Query Builder - Compare Data - Compare Schemas - Management of Databases, tables, views, triggers, synonyms, functions, procedures, etc. - Generate Scripts - Database Operations - Import and Export Data - XML Explorer - Database Management - Advance Data Search - Advance Object Search - Backup and Restore Database - Switch Oracle Client - Visual actions for CREATE, ALTER, DROP and so on - ..and much more
For more information, go to…/ CrystalDbaseTool.aspx
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We're pleased to announce the release of .Net Runtime Library for Delphi v6000 at
The .Net Runtime Library for Delphi is the best library to work with the .Net framework from Delphi. It is designed to provide a way to interact with applications written in anyone of the .Net languages: C#, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net and others. Programmers can produce software by combining pascal source codes with .Net framework and other .Net l...ibraries.
The .Net Runtime Library for Delphi can be used to:
- Hosts the .Net Common Language Runtime (CLR) in Delphi. - Loads assemblies from .Net dll or executable file without registering the Library as COM in Delphi. - Loads .Net assemblies from Global Assembly Cache (GAC) without prior registration of the assembly types as COM. - Accesses .Net assembly types and members of the types which includes fields, properties, methods events etc. - Creates an instance of a .Net object from the types of the loaded assemblies. - Calls static and non-static members of the .Net types from the loaded assemblies. The members include fields, properties, methods and events. - Handles and raises .Net exceptions and also get information about the type of the exception. - Accesses, handles and invokes .net events and delegates from Delphi. - Contains all the assemblies and types in the .Net Framework Class Libraries. - Hosts .Net controls in Delphi Forms. - Contains a utility which imports .net dll, executable or Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) and generates Delphi classes from the loaded assemblies. - ..and many more.
There are 2 main libraries that constitutes the .Net Runtime Library for Delphi, these are:
1. Host Class Library
This is also called Delphi Host Class Library or DHCL. This Library contains Delphi classes and interfaces for starting and hosting the .Net Common Language Runtime which allows allows Delphi applications to load and access .net assemblies, create object instance of the types from the loaded assembly, invoke the members of the types etc. The CLR manages memory, thread execution, code execution and other system services.
2. Framework Class Library
The Delphi Framework Class Library (DFCL) is a Delphi interface representation of the .NET Framework class library which is a collection of reusable types that tightly integrate with the Delphi Host Class Library.
.Net Assembly/WSDL Importer
A tool which is part of the .Net Runtime Library for Delphi is used to import .net assemblies, WSDL or Web Service XML schema and generates Delphi classes from the types of the imported assemblies.
For more information, go to…/Runti meLibrary4Delphi.aspx
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More about Crystalnet Technologies Ltd

Crystalnet Technologies Ltd is located at London, United Kingdom