Cuadrilla Gas Exploration Site Blackpool

About Cuadrilla Gas Exploration Site Blackpool

Shale Gas Exploration Site

Cuadrilla Gas Exploration Site Blackpool Description

Shale Gas Exploration Site



PNR Live 9 FEB 2018


Went to see what all the fuss was about, met some really nice people, they explained what goes on here and were really friendly, interesting and very organised.

I would recommend anyone to spend an hour outside this despicable company’s wrecking ground and to keep supporting the protestors. They’re doing a fantastic job!�


Congratulations Cuadrilla. Common sense finally prevails. I hope to see you expand operations soon, and look forward to seeing you fracking in East Yorkshire soon. There's plenty of gas under our feet here, currently going to waste. Come, and make use of it.


Came here all members of staff downed a pint with me. Didn't even die by being on site unlike the time I died at Drayton manor 9/10 would visit again


After I came back off my holiday in Syria I asked these guys if I could have a tour of the facilities, they were very welcoming to me and the manager even offered to perform felacio on myself if I left a 5 star review ......


the lunatics have taken over the asylum, they dont care for the people of lancashire just trying to rape mother earth backed by money grabbin government ministers corrupt to the core


caudrilla is a dirty industry bringing havoc to Lancashire and beyond


You have brought nothing but violence, hate, anger and disruption to our local community. There are no words to describe the contempt you are showing to the people of Fylde Coast. Your company and all the people who are employed by you should hold their heads in shame.


You come you take, you dump other waste. You leave earthquake. Untouchable water, disruption, death and sadness, then you leave to your next town.and the next till we have nothing left for our children and grandchildren. No fracking in my name


You are disgusting poisoners of the planet who care nothing about the planet and localities where you drill taking the money and leaving others to clear up after you. You should all be closed down and imprisoned for what you are doing.


You and your filthy industry are not welcome anywhere.


What was a beautiful agricultural area is now being destroyed for profit by this company, registered in the Cayman Islands. I have been pushed and shoved by security staff here, kettled and unlawfully detained by the police to facilitate the destruction of our countryside, our water, air and food. Lancashire said NO.


Utter utter scum


Unregulated clueless cowboys with a 100% record at failure aim to destroy the beautiful fylde coast for the benefit of their shareholders. Greed, corruption & Tory backhanders undermine local democracy & attempt to poison & destroy the north of England.


There's no words that can explain the eyesore that greets you, when entering Blackpool now. The greenbelt of beauty has gone forever.


There is nothing positive to say. We do not want fracking we voted against it but our disgusting dirty government over ruled us. Destroyers of our earth water air animals and our health. What for all for money greed and sod the people wishes and health.


There is nothing good about Cuadrilla they are happily trying to frack the land and poision the water without so much as the by your leave of the local people, Lancashire County council denied them planning permission for their dirty fracking rigs but Cuadrilla appealed and their friends in the government rode over the will of the people as expressed by the local authorites, Cuadrilla are going to find out that we the people are gonna fight back! Oh & Apparently Neil is a bit of 'cockwomble' whatever that is ;)


Should have a button for extremely dislike.... Some People wreck anything and everything for a profit regardless of the environmental consequences :-(


Not wanted, not needed. I would not be proud to belong to this industry.


Lancashire people voted no, but profiteers, the greedy elite, babs murphy and the Tories brought this on us. Its time to defy and end tory rule! BABS MURPHY WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR BUILDING CUADRILLAS NETWORK OF SUPPLIERS WHILST THE DECISION WAS BEING CHALLENGED IN COURT. PARIAH!


Keep it in the ground please. Renewables are the future


If I could give no stars I would. A company that has no regard for its neighbours with noise and traffic issues. Let alone breaking planning agreements with deliveries outside of agreed times. No full information given on the chemical used and no real impact on local employment figures


I wish I could rate this 0 stars. What a disgusting place and a total eyesore on the landscape. How did central government allow this to happen. Why are we the guinea pigs for an industry that we do not want here or anywhere in the world. Caudrilla don't care about us nor does our government. We said NO and NO means No. #wesaidno #lancashirecountycouncilsaidno #caudrillamustgo


I visited what used to be a lovely area, last week, and what a shame, what have these people done to it, its horrible now, and I bet the people responsible for the eyesore, dont come from around Lancashie


I live 3 miles from this abominable eyesore. #wesaidno ...fracking is an awful, disruptive industry. There is no need for fossil fuel extraction in this day and age. Renewables are the future. Keep it in the ground and protect our lovely Fylde.


I have seen and heard nothing but bad things about Cuadrilla. They are most definitely not local, (funded by an Aussie mining outfit and an US-based private equity company), but they have no qualms about going against the wishes of local people and trying to frack up our countryside in the hope of lining their own pockets, spurred on by their Tory masters. So far they have caused traffic chaos including accidents, and acted unlawfully when being confronted with lawful peaceful protest. You can generally find them acting like total cockwombles daily on a livestream near you. One of them is called Neil. You hear his name a lot. Don't be like Neil.


Horrible company that allows it's security to push innocent people around


Greed and propaganda page... for the planet polluters who ride roughshod over democracy at every level!


Disgusting, your a Vile Industry who needs to be stopped. How anyone can think this is progress is beyond comprehension! I'd Like to see your company dissolved and the CEO's and Big Wigs to be Prosecuted for their crimes against the People of Lancashire and our Planet!

And for the People who work for this Vile company they're are far more important things in this world than your Dirty Pay check!


Disgusting to force fracking upon a community and council that said NO !!!!! Do one before you contaminate the air,water and land ���


Disgusting how this firm is targeting kids ,Cuadrilla the jimmy Saville of the fracking industry!


Disgraceful over-riding of local democracy for a technology that will finish the idea of clean fresh water. Give up, nobody wants it except some Tories.


Destroyers of our land, there is nothing good to be said about this company or process.


Cuadrilla's track record is diabolical. Their gold standard is non existent. The only time this industry has been tried in England was in 2011, when they caused earth tremors and damaged people's houses. They then tried to cover up toxins leaking from ineffective casing. Spend your money on saving our planet, not destroying it.


Couldn't give less than one star unfortunately. This company is a total disgrace. they've lied and bribed to promote their disgusting industry.

They are happy to destroy the Fylde with their filthy activities all in the cause of profit. Hope they fail miserably.


Bog standards, sinking into the clay an mud stone, a total ecological disaster waiting to happen and a threat to the community they claim to be helping.


A poor company who are unable to listen to their neighbouring community. Not good team players, out for all they can get at any cost. Not even good at what they do! Drilling going very poorly, more like fishing. They dont seem to get anything right. Have nothing to do with them, especially if you are an investor, better get your money out now. Have you heard Renewable energy is the sector to invest in, big money to be made


A friend of mine received a visit off the police for a comment he made on Caudrilla's Facebook page... A COMMENT. ON A FACEBOOK PAGE. Redifining The words 'petty' and 'wasting police time' in my opinion. Indeed, In my opinion their contempt for local democracy and the environment is matched only by their contempt for free speech. You'll notice, Caudrilla, that I have only spoken the truth and shared my opinion, so you have no cause to call the thought police.


A dirty money grabbing company who are all out to exploit the "shale gas"revolution just like the prospectors in 1930s America during the gold rush ... only these lot of prospectors are riding roughshod over the people who will be living within this hell whilst they grab what they can then clear off leaving these people with the aftermath ... I personally don't trust them and certainly don't agree with what they are doing ... they are even trying to blame the lovely people they call protesters and we call "protectors" for all the disruption ... we said no ... Lancashire County Council said no ... our dictators in central government said you can't do that and forced it on us #wesaidno


A dirty industry that doesn't clean up after itself and should not be allowed to operate in the UK. Fracking has already ruined vast tracts of America and, despite the propaganda of the fossil fuel industry, is just as dirty as any other fossil fuel. it shouldn't happen in the UK, it threatens the whole nation's water supply and when it has been compromised, you can guarantee that sufficient shell companies have been formed to protect those who are guilty. They have already shown their willingness to break the law at Preston New Road, aided and abetted by uniformed police mercenaries using illegal equipment and immoral tactics against peaceful protectors who are trying to safeguard their communities from unaccountable, faceless, corrupt criminal corporations and governments, as witnessed at Preston New Road and ignored by the bought and paid for Mainstream Muck-Rakers.

More about Cuadrilla Gas Exploration Site Blackpool

Cuadrilla Gas Exploration Site Blackpool is located at Preston New Road, PR4 3PJ Blackpool
0800 170 1115