
About Cubasolidays

Cubasolidays is an accommodation booking website offering a wide range of excursions, properties and home holidays to rent in awesome Cuba.

Cubasolidays Description

Cubasolidays is an accommodation booking website offering a wide range of excursions, properties and home holidays to rent in awesome Cuba.



How to fly to Cuba from the US right now! As airlines begin to exercise their rights to fly toCuba, here's a list on who's flying where and how often.


Visiting Havana on the Tourist Bus Travelling from a seat on the #Havana Tour Bus is a great way to explore the #Cuban capital with 3 different routes available from just 5 CUC a day. The double decker open-top red buses are great to take photos from and you can get on and off along the route, to explore a little on foot. Checkout all the routes to choose your favourite…/getting- to-know-la-havana-fr…


RUNDREISEN AUF KUBA Kuba reizt nicht nur durch sein #karibisches Flair: sein türkisblaues Meer und seine wundervollen weißen Strände, sondern vor allem durch die Lebensart der Kubaner. Feurige Tänze wie der Mambo, #Rumba oder Salsa stammen aus Kuba. Doch #Kuba ist vom Ansturm der Touristen völlig überfordert Besuchen Sie Kuba’s Hauptstadt #Havanna, deren Altstadt zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO gehört. Gehen Sie in eine der vielen Bars und fühlen Sie einen ...entspannenden Urlaub zu verbringen o-go-out
Das beliebteste Reiseziel auf Kuba ist #Varadero, welches ein traumhaftes Karibikflair bieten kann. Überall finden Sie dort karibisches Lebensgefühl, Musik und Tanz…/…/varadero-gen uine-caribbean-tresaure Planst Du eine #Reise nach Kuba? Die sogenannte “Casas Particulares” sind zum Übernachten günstiger als Hotels. Hier findet man die beste #Gasthäuser für ein super Urlaub in einer Casa Particular
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Voyagez à Cuba #Cuba est réputée pour ses plages paradisiaques, dont le vert flamboyant des champs de tabac, le bleu azur de la mer, la blancheur des plages et le panorama des montagnes ne vous laisseront pas indifférent. L'île offre plus de 300 plages naturelles d'un blanc immaculé et figure parmi les pays touristiques les plus convoités des #Caraïbes. Cette destination touristique vous conduira surtout vers un amalgame de charme naturel et d'images historiques, mais aussi ...pour la culture des #Cubains avec leurs véhicules des années 1950, leurs célèbres cigares, leurs rythmes musicaux latinos et leurs maisons colorées. Quoi de mieux pour comprendre une culture et découvrir la façon de vivre d’un pays que de dormir directement chez l’habitant? À Cuba c’est possible! Cubasolidays chez l’habitant, une façon totalement différente et passionnante de découvrir le pays! Réserve de #logément, tours et transport privé à Cuba
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Cuba is the Caribbean Destination Stop of the Moment The name Cuba itself has acquired something of a mythical place in modern folklore, a party island throbbing to the beat of Afro-Latin jazz pumping out of heaving clubs and bars, vintage American cars, epic colonial buildings and everyone puffing away on Cubanos, swilling rum or chilled #daiquiris to the rhythms of salsa, rumba, son and timba playing late into the night. And to be honest, if that's what you're looking for, will not be disappointed, although Cuba has a lot more to offer.
There's a huge amount of interest in visiting Cuba right now - and not just from Americans. Cuba has always been popular with celebrities and artists as well as adventurous worldwide travellers, so much so that if you wait too long you may find the the Caribbean island too crowded. So it's easy to see why so many new airline connections have been established over the last decade. #AirChina recently started a flight from Beijing to Havana via #Montreal plus four weekly flights connecting Havana and Cancun, while the German airline #Condor has expanded its routes into Cuba, along with #Iberia, Air Berlin and #AirFrance which all have regular #flightstoHavana. Catering to this demand the authorities in #Cuba have responded by renovating and restoring many of it's finest buildings, public monuments and opening up some of its finest natural attractions. A short stroll around the capital quickly reveals its intense work done in recent years in many parts of the city finally returned to its full glory.
Hotels & Homestays in Cuba Accommodation in Cuba can fill up very quickly, especially at busy times of the year, so it's very convenient to book ahead, particuarly for your first few days or if you’re planning to travel around Cuba and experience as much of this unique island as possible. Like anywhere, hotels vary in quality and standards of service while casas particulares (private residences) and homestays, which come in many different styles and pricebands, tend to offer a more personal level of service with exceptionally helpful and attentive hosts
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We specialize in booking ‘casas particulares’ (accommodation in private houses) all over Cuba, guided tours in and around Viñales, plus taxi and airport transfers. With Cubasolidays you can discover the real Cuba for yourself and forget about holiday packages.


Don't limit yourself to #Havana and miss out Sancti Spiritu's combination of mountains, valleys and beaches! Get lost along the cobblestone streets of #Trinidad, offering an amazing scenery with plenty of good quality casas to stay tion-in-trinidad In the morning, head to Topes de Collantes National Park to hike the 3 miles of orchids and parrots to Salto del Caburní waterfall. Or you can go to the beach - Playa Ancon with fine, white... sand only a few kilometers away, one of the few beaches in Cuba where the locals bathe next to foreign tourists. In the evening, swing by Disco Ayala, a dance club built in a cave and sip the signature honey-lime-rum cocktail, the #Canchanchara. When you get hungry along the way, ask around for a #Paladar, a family-run restaurant, to taste the best local dishes iritus-province
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Genuine #Caribbean Treasure - Find out all things to do in #Varadero…/goi…/t hings-to-do-in-varadero Private #accommodation in Varadero allows travelers to stay just yards away from the best Cuban #beaches and experience the real #Cuba at the same time tion-in-varadero


You can't go wrong with spicy grilled shrimp with garlic. The key to this delicious dish is marinate at room temperature with olive oil and lemon.


Viñales is a beautiful village set in a verdantly lush valley declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. It's a peaceful awesome and totally #tropical landscape well known for growing the best tobacco in the world. Check for activities in Viñales…/excursio ns-in-the-vinales-va… Don't miss the boat ride to the #caves complete with an organic restaurant, multiple levels and cooling natural pools for a dip. Nature fans will love the bike and horseback ri...ding, so remember some shoes a hat and suncream. Book your excursion around Viñales s Grab a rocking chair, sit back on a rustic porch and enjoy a slice of real rural #Cuba. Tourism in #Viñales is is truly one of the island's hidden gems. Check out some of our favourite #homestays in Viñales tion-in-vinales
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Staying in and around Caibarién A pretty colonial town full of pristine multi-coloured houses, wide open squares that fill up in the evenings with strollers, sandy streets and the scent of flowers in the air that never fails to enchant visitors and is off the beaten track of most #tourists. The town makes a perfect destination to use as a jump off point to explore the surrounding area, beaches and #cays: Cayo Las Brujas, Ensenachos or Santa María, among others without having... to endure the all-inclusive hotels and crowds. The Casa Particular…/house/ca ibari%…/hostal-cintra is located in #Caibarién, a town well known for its strong tradition of fishing and exceptionally friendly people. It's also known as the White Village, famed for its delicious crabs, beautiful #beach with clear waters, amazing cays and a sugar plantation which has been converted into a museum along with the recently expanded Malecon seawall. People don't generally visit Caibarién for sightseeing, but rather to experience a town that hasn't been preened for mass #tourism. This is a world where horses and carts are still the main mode of transport and the town is bathed in serenity. Nature lovers should head for the nearby Palmar de Araña one of the largest palm forests in #Cuba. When you're in Caibarién, there are two nearby visits that should not be missed: Remedios, which is 9 km away and famous for its serenades (Parrandas) and #CayoConuco, accessible by ordinary road, just offshore, a biosphere reserve with abundant flora and fauna, with a well appointed camp-site. There are also plenty of small cays which are easily accessible from Caibarién nearby. It’s well worth taking the 45 km drive (including paid toll) from Caibarién to the 3 cays just off the north coast of Cuba. The road takes you through mangroves and open water and it is an impressive drive ending in a vast underwater complex of hundreds of coral keys supporting a vast ecosystem of mangroves, reefs and sugar-sand #beaches. A quiet paradise with plenty of #Caribbean solitude and one of the most idyllic beaches you will ever see, completely unspoiled with gently swaying coconut palms. If you want a few days of peace and quiet on unspoilt beaches then the keys are perfect, but they are remote and you need to be aware that there are few facilities outside the main hotels.
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If you are looking for the best independent B&B to stay in #Varadero, you probably already know this is one of the most fascinating destination to visit in the whole of Cuba. tion-in-varadero Varadero is a popular beach destination which is home to many all inclusive resorts, but you can also choose to stay at #homestays (casa particulares). Staying in a casa particular in Varadero makes a fantastic choice, offering an authentic altern...ative in this very tourism-focussed town with your own private place close to the beach. The beaches in Varadero are exquisite and you will have plenty of day trip #excursions available to keep you entertained, including the possibilty of an overnight trip in #Havana. Private B&B accommodation in Cuba has grown increasingly popular over recent years and that's no surprise since you have the chance to stay in some very beautiful (and comfortable) #Cuban houses at prices lower than an equivalent #hotel, plus friendly service and advice. For independent travellers to Varadero, staying in private casa is a great option. Likewise, if you’re travelling on a budget in #Cuba, particularly as a couple, it can also keep down the cost of #accommodation.
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Afro-Cuban Culture at Havana’s HAMEL ALLEY Havana’s Hamel Alley, as the name indicates, is a small backstreet located in Cayo Hueso, Centro Havana. It's an important socio-cultural project aimed at celebraing Afro-Cuban culture through music, theater and arts. Exploring this interesting part of #Havana, just like other neighbourhoods in the city, you will find Cubans sitting outside on doorsteps chatting with neighbors and playing the guitar. Central Havana is the most populated part of town with potholed streets and unlike Old Havana, nothing has been restored. Much more rustic it is portrayed by rundown buildings, yet it also feels more #Cuban (more like the real thing). Take a coco-taxi (a three-wheeled scooter much cheaper than a traditional taxi) and enjoy a fun ride down the #Malecón to the surprising Hamel’s Alley. Hamel’s Alley is a treasure for photographers. Tucked away between two streets on Hamel, this area is home to an extraordinary Afro-Cuban community art project. Created in 1990, Hamel’s Ally is an impressive example of how a simple idea can transform a rundown place into a creative explosion of color, culture and art. Entire four-story buildings are painted in bursts of color and designs reaching all the way to the sky. Whimsical sculptures are made out of recycled household goods transformed into works of art, plus inspiring quotes and sayings are painted on the walls. Usually you can have the entire place to yourself, but on a Sunday afternoon Hamel’s Alley is jammed packed with locals and #tourists alike listening to live #Rumba music and dancing.
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Quand partir à Cuba en #vacances?
La meilleure période pour se rendre à Cuba se situe entre novembre et avril, c'est à dire après la saison des tempêtes et avant la chaleur écrasante de l'été. C'est aussi la période où tout est plus cher: avion, hôtels, etc. Si vous aimez la chaleur, la période fin aout - début septembre est plus supportable et les #touristes sont plus rares.
25 °C de moyenne à l'année. Cela fait rêver mais il est important de bien choisir sa période pour y s...éjourner. Le climat subtropical de #Cuba, chaud et humide, entraine de fortes averses et même des ouragans en été. Les régions les plus régulièrement touchées sont la province de Pinar del Rio, l'île de la Jeunesse et la province de La #Havane.
La température de l'eau varie entre 24° et 26° Tableau des températures La Havane Janvier : min. 18 max. 25 Février : 18/25 Mars : 18/25 Avril : 20/28 Mai : 20/28 Juin : 27/30 Juillet : 28/33 Aout : 28/33 Septembre : 28/33 Octobre : 27/32 Novembre : 20/28 Décembre : 18/25 Plus d'information…/what-is- the-best-time-to-vis…
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More about Cubasolidays

Cubasolidays is located at Camberley