Cyprus Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool

About Cyprus Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool

The fieldschool is organized and taught by the University of Cyprus Maritime Archaeological Research Laboratory and the Nautical Archaeology Society.



Ben illustrating he knows how to keep Irene from the University of Cyprus MARE Laboratory happy

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Only a month until Nautical Archaeology Society returns to Cyprus for the Honor Frost conference! How many of these lovely pink t-shirts shall I bring?!!


Congratulations to Germán Zubeldia Pérez, one of our students from 2017, who has just been accepted on a Masters of Underwater Archaeology in Cádiz, Spain. We would like to wish him all the best in his career and hope to work with him again soon.


Thanks to everyone that took part in the 2017 Cyprus Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool, especially to the staff and team from the University of Cyprus M.A.RE Lab.


Think they are all going to miss their fieldschool Mum


Here is to the Class of 2017 (minus Michael who unfortunately had to fly out before the presentations were made).......


A few images from the end of fieldschool BBQ kindly hosted on the roof the boys house........thanks especially to Connor for putting those party planning skills to the test.


The Cyprus Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool and Nissia Shipwreck Project Team 2017 - minus Abigail Darville and Christiana Christodoulou who were unfortunately off the boat at the time....


Perhaps the team dynamics in Trench C might have suffered a setback over the last few days?


It's the last day of the fieldschool and our final blog shares the conflicting emotions felt by students on this momentous day.…/la st-day-of-the-field…/


Cypriot maritime archaeology is in its early stages and should be supported in the future. Read the thoughts of a local maritime archaeology student in our latest blog.…/th ank-you-for-the-opp…/


As the 2017 Cyprus Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool draws to a close we said goodbye to our wreck and to our home for the last two weeks. A huge thank you to all the fieldschool staff, participants, volunteer divers, helpers as well as the Captain and crew of the Queen Zenobia.... Just the last day student presentations to do tomorrow........eek !!! - 1m scale and North arrow included naturally !!!


Andonis and Andreas just hanging out after the final dive of the day, which is always a photogrammetry dive to capture the extent of the excavation at the end of each day.....


'Lifting' is the theme of this blog. Whether it is 'airlifting' or lifting large artefacts, either way the students are learning important new skills and loving every moment!…/di g-dig-dig-and-after…/


'A student life less ordinary' is the moto for the British Army University Officers' Training Corps - UOTC and fieldschool student Connor also finds it relevant for his archaeology studies. He explains more in the latest blog -…/a- student-life-less-o…/


"You learn more from your mistakes than from your successes." Wise advice from our latest #archcyprus17 blog.…/di ving-and-archaeolog…/


Trips to Zorpas have turned into a daily highlight #archcyprus17


No rest for students this Saturday! An early start, diving, sieving, entertaining special guests, classes and processing finds. Just another busy day on the Fieldschool. 7/16/232/


i have learned alot from every person and very grateful for being a part in it <3 thank you all and hoping to do it again next year :)

More about Cyprus Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool

Cyprus Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool is located at Fort Cumberland, PO4 9LD Portsmouth
+44 (0)2392 818419