Damson Belle

About Damson Belle

Passionate, professional & positive London based Image Coach and Body Confidence advocate, helping you look & feel fab. Trained in colour, style & bridal. And now: Body Confidence Cards creator.

Damson Belle Description

Getting the Real You. . . Colour confident - Style savvy - better Branded - Suited Up!
"Look great on the outside, feel great on the inside"
I am a Colour Me Beautiful trained Personal stylist, coach and trainer and my aim is to "Help you be your best you". I offer a range of style and beauty related services; and am available to present at /deliver events - in a business context or for fun.
Follow me on Twitter @DenDamBelle and Check out my blog too at: http://www. damsonbelle. blogspot. co. uk /



Sweet graphic, sound advice. How do you shop ethically? Comment below...


Here's my latest blog on the (de)fence of your #bodyconfidence inspired (unfortunately) by #stormCiara. You'll see what I did there when you read it 😊
http://damsonbelle.blogspot.com/…/body- confidence-and-storm…


I love the responses from Tracy Brabin about her off the shoulder dress*, especially this one... https://www.ebay.co.uk/…/Tracy-Brabin-M P-shou…/362906593199…
*Her dress was for another event when she was thrust in to the position of having to speak. She has defended her right to wear it all the same and challenged the over-arching narrative about women's presentation being 'policed. She spoke well, but the focus turned to her dress...
... ...The debate shows just how much attention is paid to what we wear, where.
What are your thoughts? Denise.
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Mary Berry and I share the same taste in necklaces it seems!
This image shows the difference between the cool and warm undertones you hear colour analysts, like me, talk about.
Do you know which is which, and which you are? It's not always as easy as you think, so if you'd like to know which you are... you know who to call!


This post is so me! I do love a dress with pockets 😊


Hi All, Happy Friday my Belle's. What achievements, things or memories will you cherish from the first 10 days of this year? Hope something comes to mind x
... I went to a networking meeting this week for the first time in ages, met with some familiar ladies and was reminded of a former client. Knowing the time we had was still a positive memory was something to cherish 😊
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Nobody should have trouble with this one... it's a good neutral so you can pair it with one of the more oomph colours in your palette, go it alone and more. I still do colour analysis so if anyone wants to do or gift it this Christmas, holler!


I've resisted fan-girling about Lizzo for as long as I could in my Body Confidence Card club* , but I just had to share this article. https://apple.news/AWNTreUj7Rkin19GreWvFW w
I gotta lotta love for Lizzo 💜
... She totally rocks her own style and doesn't play it safe with her look. Her look says "I am confident, I am fun and I am me" to me... what does her image say to you?
Anyhoo, hope you're "feeling good as hell" today and here's to the weekend, Dx
*There's a link to the group in the comments.
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Really pleased to read that the #bodyconfidence cards lead to someone's breakthrough.
I hope they know how to process it. I'd be happy to help them, or you, through.
... Happy Saturday, Denise x
https://www.facebook.com/groups/265360620 4690681/
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I've set up a private group for all things Body Confidence cards. Pop over if you'd like to join this private group. It's private to encourage openness in discussion. https://www.facebook.com/groups/265360620 4690681/ Happy Sunday all, Denise.


They're here. Finally! I kept going over the bumps and through the roadblocks, but I now have my body confidence cards.
This is a new chapter but the journey started years ago, including all these... http://damsonbelle.blogspot.com/…/la… /%2330daysofbodypraise…


The time is coming when ill need you to be this person! Thanks in advance, Denise 😘


What Beth said!


Lesley makes some fine points...
"So I’m not an advocate of buying nothing new as this just decimates our already struggling high streets, however I do advocate BUY SMART - buy only what you need and re-use and recycle whatever you can
I regularly drop off at our local Rowans Charity store in Titchfield - but I also love to have a rummage there too. Style doesn’t have to be new, but it has to be right for you and your style personality.
... If clothes are the perfect style but not the right colour, then dye them .... if it needs a new button, then add one .... but let’s support our local charities but not without supporting our high street too.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could recycle our clothes more effectively"
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This... although I'd also advocate adjustments e.g. for length. But still, this!
Thanks @vintageimporium for the image!


What do you think of the idea of #BodyConfidence workshops? What content and format would excite you to attend one vs what would put you off?
Thanks in advance for your comments and for asking around! 😉

More about Damson Belle

Damson Belle is located at Beckenham, Bromley, Catford, Lee, SE61EA London, United Kingdom
07887 643807