Dan Lambert Fitness

About Dan Lambert Fitness

Maximuscle Fitness Expert
SHAPEU Personal Trainer
Body Transformations
Group Training
Training & Nutrition Plans
Fitness /Nutrition Advice

Dan Lambert Fitness Description

Founder of SHAPEU Personal Training and the creator of the '12-Week Transformation'. Dan holds a BSc Degree in Sports Science from the UK's most prestigious sport & exercise facility, Loughborough University, as well as other advanced specialist qualifications and awards.

Dan is a sponsored Maximuscle expert trainer and published Fitness Model, working closely with national publications to create fitness content, provide expert advice and produce informative material.

Dan has over 8 years experience in the fitness industry working within various environments, training hundreds of clients from first-time gym-goers looking to improve their general health and fitness, pop stars preparing for media campaigns and tours, celebrities looking to sculpt an eye-catching beach body and elite athletes such as; top level Rugby teams, professional Mixed Martial Arts champions, GB Hockey players, undefeated professional Boxers, Premiership and International Football players and even an Olympian!

Dans real passion however is for helping you change your life through fitness, and a sustainable healthy lifestyle, achieving things you would never have thought possible on your own! This is why the 12-Week Transformation was developed, not only to produce amazing, life changing results in a short period of time, but to simultaneously educate clients in training, nutrition, health and motivation.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch!



Realising you’re in a world of 💩 and there’s still 5 minutes left on the clock 🥺⠀ ⠀ 15min AMRAP⠀ 60 Double Under’s⠀ 20 Wall Balls @ 20lb⠀... 15 Deadlifts @ 110kg⠀ ⠀ Maximuscle #WorldwideWOD
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Chimp training with the 20lb slam ball 🐒


#SPRINTfinish⠀ 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME (8 min cap)⠀ x5 Pull Ups⠀ x10 HSPU⠀ x15 Assault Bike Kcal⠀... ⠀ Maximuscle #worldwideWOD⠀
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A workout is always good when it involves cleans! 🏋🏽‍♂️👌🏼⠀ ⠀ 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME:⠀ 10x Power Cleans @ 70kg⠀ 20x Wall Balls @ 20lb⠀... 50x Double Under’s⠀ ⠀ @maximuscle #WorldwideWOD #crossfit #health #fitness #workout #WOD #menshealth #mensfitness #thailand #phuket #maximusle
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1x Power Clean 1x Hang Squat Clean... 1x Split Jerk
Started at 60kg and added 5kg each set until a clean 105 #babysteps
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10-MIN EMOM x3 MUSCLE UPS (odd) x3 PUSH PRESS (even)
@maximuscle #worldwideWOD 🌏🏋🏽‍♂️
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Learn to do a RING MUSCLE UP in 5-minutes with these 3 simple steps...
Stage one is the false grip. Karate chop the rings then internally fold your palm across the ring trying to start contact at the bottom of your wrist then running between your thumb and index finger. This will be uncomfortable but you can work on strength in this position with short sets of false grip hangs. You must grip the rings like this to allow your transition from the pull to the dip.
Stage two is t...he row. Notice I said row and not a pull up. A big mistake most guys face is they try to do a pull up, which could be very strong, however they then get stuck on their transition to the dip. Lean back and row the rings, keeping your arms in tight, to the bottom of your chest. You can practise this from a standing position but remember to keep using your false grip.
Stage three is the transition. At the top of the row you should be looking up at the ceiling. To transition to the dip imagine throwing your head through the rings to look down at your toes. Practise this first in a standing position and be aggressive in your movement..
Practise each stage on its own then throw it all together to hit your first muscle up!
Maximuscle #WorldwideWOD from Tiger Muay Thai & MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand
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The 5 strength exercises (or variation of) me and Jess both do AND YOU should be doing every week!
... Press
Pull Up
Weighted Carry
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Life getting in the way of your fitness goals?
No matter how much of a gym bunny you are, sometimes life throws a curve ball and the gym becomes less of a priority, sometimes even a hindrance!
However, you can still maintain your strength and fitness and even make progress during this time if you can be flexible and adapt...
... Here are 5 ways you can continue progressing in the gym when time / money / motivation is short....
https://www.danlambertfitness.com/…/5-w ays-you-can-continue…
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Busy gym, short time or limited equipment?
Hit every muscle in your body with this intense full-body workout!
Maximuscle #WorlwideWOD


Introducing my latest online coaching programmes:
The 10-Week ‘Winter Muscle Plan’ for the guys!
...Continue Reading


Couples workout with Jessica Webb courtesy of @davedriskell programming and an empty CrossFit Wanderlust Bali 🏋🏽‍♂️🏋🏼‍♀️
Complete 30 reps of each exercise; Toes 2 Bar Power Clean 60/30... C2F Burpees Push Press 60/30 Pull Ups Push Jerk 60/30 Toes 2 Bar
... within 25 minutes! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
Maximuscle #worldwideWOD
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The oldest gym in Asia, dating back to the Ming dynasty, when warlords ruled the world, mighty warriors roamed, cable machines were made from actual rope and only 3 odd pairs of dumbbells were invented.
Not the best environment to workout in but its definitely testing our adaptability! #noexcuses


Why hire a coach? 🤔
Surely all you need is a programme and away you go right?
How has that worked out so far? 🤭
... What are you missing, which could enable you to finally reach your goals?...
Check-ins throughout your programme keep you motivated, halt stagnation, fix problems as they arise and essentially ensure you stay on track. Its a lot harder to quit when you have two people to answer to rather than just yourself.
One of the biggest motivation killers is self doubt. Am I doing the right programme? Am I eating the right things? Are my calories right? Sound familiar? Knowing someone who has been there, done it and has taught others with success is watching your back removes any doubt you may have about your programme and leaves you to focus on your progress.
Getting in shape is never plain sailing. Its a roller coaster of ups, downs, wins and losses and if you can not adapt a plan to your needs, you are going to quickly stagnate, stall out and relapse.
Two heads are better than one. Hiring a coach is a great way to refresh ideas, try things you might not have thought of before and develop your own knowledge and understanding.
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Full-body Kettlebell Workout! 🔥 Coming out of @crossfitwanderlust_bali 🌿✌🏽 .
Complete as many round as possible of the following circuit in 12-minutes! .
... Deadlift x12 .
Swings x9 .
Push Press (right arm) x6 .
Squat (right arm) x3 .
Push Press (left arm) x6 .
Squat (left arm) x3 .
Let me know how many rounds you managed or use the hashtags #worldwideWOD and #maxiontour to show maximuscle your efforts! Good luck guys! 💪🏽 .
#maximuscle #worldwideWOD #crossfit #kettlebells #functional #fitness #strength #health #muscle #fatloss #fatburning #workout #gym #motivation #shreddedacademy #fitnessmotivation
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Sign up here...
https://www.danlambertfitness.com/10-day- challenge
So sign up today for free, and you get...
... - 10 FREE workouts - Calorie and Macronutrient recommendations - Supplement Recommendations - Daily Online Educational Seminars - Social Support via Private Facebook Groups - Separate Male and Female Groups - Daily Poll’s and Group Activities
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Wether your goal is fat loss, muscle building or just to start living a little healthier, the FREE 10 day challenge has been designed as an intense mini challenge to enable you to easily transition into sustainable long term plan.
So sign up today for free, and you get... - 10 FREE workouts - Calorie and Macronutrient recommendations ... - Supplement Recommendations - Daily Online Educational Seminars - Social Support via Private Facebook Groups - Separate Male and Female Groups - Daily Poll’s and Group Activities
Sign up here...
https://www.danlambertfitness.com/10-day- challenge
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Make a positive influence on your life in just 10-days!
Join the 10-day challenge today for FREE!
- 10 FREE workouts... - Calorie and Macronutrient recommendations - Supplement Recommendations - Daily Online Educational Seminars - Social Support via Private Facebook Groups - Separate Male and Female Groups - Daily Poll’s and Group Activities
Challenge starts SEPTEMBER 10th! 📆
Click the relevant link below to join...
Male Group https://m.facebook.com/groups/20683407898 57033
Female Group https://m.facebook.com/groups/88503525521 7990
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Our last session at CrossFit Wanderlust Bali 😢
An incredible gym full of amazing people 🏋🏽‍♂️🤙🏽
Big thank you especially to @sambish92 @coach_suse @neelco and @megaonthemove for being awesome coaches and introducing us both to the world of CrossFit 🤜🏼🤛🏼
... On to #ubud 🌿
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Very knowledgeable and supportive to keep you motivated! Really enjoyed all my sessions!


Started sessions with Dan with no prior gym experience, unfit and really unhappy with my body. Through struggling with arthritis affecting different joints Dan has found alternatives to still push me to my limit and get the best of my workouts without affecting or putting strain on the affected joints. Dan mixes up each session and doesn't allow me to get comfortable always challenging me to beat my last! Thought I'd never say it but I love exercise now and look forward to each session. He is clearly passionate about fitness and getting the best out of his clients .. would recommend to anyone.


If you have been searching for a guaranteed way to lose weight then look no further. Providing you follow his instructions you cannot fail. Earlier this year I weighed around 98 kgs and decided enough was enough and that I needed to do something about it. I joined my local gym and after 2 or 3 months had managed to lose 3 kgs. I contacted Dan and embarked on a 12 week body transformation course. Starting at a hefty 95 kgs I followed his diet plan to the letter and trained 2 times per week with Dan and once or twice on my own doing some lighter sessions at my local gym using some of the techniques he taught me. To cut a long story short at the end of my 12 weeks I had lost 15 kgs and at 49 years old have never felt fitter.

Thanks Dan, I could not have done it without you.


I've been training with Dan for over 2 years, Dan has got to know how I like to train to make the most of my session and to push me on my weaknesses, therefore I have built up my strength and always feel great after training with Dan .


I've been training with Dan for a year now. He's inspired me to get into the best shape of my life by keeping every session fresh, whilst also being challenging.... always in the right way. Would recommend him to anyone!


I've been training with Dan for a few months now. It's not easy but you can't argue with the results. One of the best things about Dan is his knowledge and the variety of training. Would definitely recommend him to help you achieve your goals. Respect to you Dan keep pushing me dude.


I've been training with Dan and the Shape U team for nearly 3 and half years. The support and motivation that I receive from Dan is amazing, I can't believe how far i have come. Dan has created such a great fitness community and it's brilliant to see the progress and achievements everyone who steps in the gym makes! Couldn't recommend highly enough! Thank you Dan! ��


I trained with Dan at the start of the year and it was one of the best decisions I have made for my fitness and health lifestyle.

Enjoyed every minute of it and I'd do it over again if I could. The sessions were tough but fun and Dan pushes you to your limit as a trainer but is also a great person to get along with. I also learnt so much about nutrition and exercise that I didn't know before and I still use all of that knowledge in my diet and fitness now.

Thanks mate! And hopefully I'll get to train with you again at some point ��


I started training with dan in April this year after seeing his amazing transformations on his Instagram. He looked the best by far in this area and extremely professional. Its the best decision i ever made, after years of training in different gyms and classes and bootcamps i had got used to my own level of fitness and i wasn't pushing myself and had lost motivation. Dan really pushes and challenges me to the point where i actually re-evaluate my life its that hard but IT WORKS!! Training with him 3 times a week has toned and sculpted my body and lowered my body fat like no other exercise has done before. He always helps and supports you and will answer any questions about fitness and nutrition in depth :) definitely worth every penny �


I started off with 12 week challenge and loved it! The sessions pushed your body to the max (in a good way!), always different, and different to how I had previously trained

Dan is very knowledgable and practices what he preaches. Highly recommend to both men and women

It is clear to see that he loves what he does ! �


I started attending personal training sessions with Dan 1 year ago. From then Dan has transformed how I train not only by the results that I have achieved but by my mindset. I always struggled with motivation when training but now it's just routine and I thoroughly enjoy it. Thank you so much!!


I have been training with Dan for just over 2 months now on my transformation program and i can honestly say i am in the best shape i have ever been in. I have trained for over 20 years in different sports and thought i had a good knowledge, Dan has shown me better ways to train to get the most benefit along with the nutritional advice its a recipe for success. If you want to succeed and you have the determination you should book a session


I have been training with Dan for a few months now and it's been the best decision I could have made. Dan makes exercise fun but challenging. He is focused on helping me achieve my goals, extremely knowledgeable about a huge variety of training methods and nutrition. Having Dan as your PT is a sure fire way to achieve your fitness goals! Sign up now, you won't regret it!


I have been doing the 12 week transformation and within this time I have had a few sessions with Dan. One of the sessions that sticks out was a challenging leg day.

Dan is encouraging in the right kind of ways. He isn't annoying, patronizing or pushie. He makes you want to do your best for yourself and really makes you do you best.

Dan is very knowledgeable about diet and has helped me get on a healthy lifestyle. After telling Dan I am veggie he wrote me a plan to follow my needs. Using the plan and Exercise from Dan and Sarah I have lost just over a stone and 2 dress sizes.

Don't hesitate to get in touch. Doing this has made me a happier and more confident person.


I had been going to the gym a couple of times a week but found it tedious and that i was just going through the motions. Since training with Dan i have noticed a massive difference in my fitness and body shape. Dan always pushing me to limits i never would push myself to training alone and always mixes up my sessions so it is never the same and never boring! I currently train once a week and look forward to every session! I have lost almost 3 stone since training with Dan and am confident my weight will continue to drop until i reach my goal weight!


I always struggled with motivation in the gym and didn't enjoy training sessions. But Dan manages to motivate me through varied and tough gym sessions, pushing me harder than I thought possible and, remarkably, at the end of each session I have enjoyed it! Dan also gave me a tailored diet/nutrition plan which was easy to stick to and, tigether with the training programme, it gave me the weight loss results i wanted.

I've been training with Dan for 11 months so far and do not intend to stop anytime soon!


Dan is very supportive and professional and clearly an expert in his knowledge and skills. It is encouraging to meet with someone in this profession who is sincere and passionate.

When I was at the beginning of my training sessions with Dan I was already sure that he's not gonna disappoint me. Dan makes me feel stronger that I thought to be and more self-confident..I'm working with him on my body and I'm pretty satisfied! So many changes in so short time... He really knows what's the best for me.

With Dan I learned how to push myself to the limit not only physically but also psychically! Thanks for everything. Of course highly recommend to everyone


Dan is a fantastic PT, who provides the right balance between challenge and support. I’ve achieved things I’ve never thought possible and that is all down to Dan!


Been training twice a week with Dan for 3 months now and it is best choice I could of made! Dan pushes you in the gym so you can reach your goals and is great support when working your diet.If like me you drink and eat too much and struggle to train on your own Dan is the man to see.

More about Dan Lambert Fitness
