Daniel Norton For North East Bedfordshire

About Daniel Norton For North East Bedfordshire

Daniel Norton is a Liberal Democrat activist in Bedfordshire

Daniel Norton For North East Bedfordshire Description

Daniel Norton lives in Bedfordshire with his wife, Lucy. He was inspired to take a more active role in politics during the European Referendum, believing that liberals need to make a better case for the benefits of an open, tolerant and united society for people who feel left behind by globalisation. He would like to see more opportunities for lifelong education, a properly funded NHS and a strong ongoing relationship with Europe to give us the security to make these investments.

Daniel had a mixed childhood. Growing up with his mother and brother in Lancashire he endured some hard times, living in council estates in Preston before settling in Clitheroe. On the other hand, he had the opportunity to experience life in countries around the world with his father, who worked in international development. He managed to get into an excellent school and achieved the grades needed to go to Cambridge University. He has since forged a successful career in the energy industry, delivering a service essential to modern life, and is acutely aware of the impact of his decisions on the household finances of millions of customers.

Daniel joined the Liberal Democrats during the coalition years but was activated during the European Referendum - leading the campaign in Bedford, making the positive case for Remain and listening to the hopes and fears of both Remain and Leave supporters. He is standing now to give people who hold liberal values a voice, in a country where dissent from Brexit is regarded as unpatriotic and there are attempts to stifle both freedom of expression and the rule of law. He is passionate about the role of education in lifting people out of poverty and creating opportunities for constant reskilling to meet the needs of a changing world.

More about Daniel Norton For North East Bedfordshire
