Danny Nuttall Hypnotherapist / Cbt Practitioner

About Danny Nuttall Hypnotherapist / Cbt Practitioner

Professional Hypnotherapist

Danny Nuttall Hypnotherapist / Cbt Practitioner Description

All Hypnotherapy is not the same!

I specialise in two forms of therapy, both completely unique in effectiveness, in Bristol, Bath, and Salisbury.

The first process is known as ‘Clincal Hypnotherapy, or Suggestion therapy. This is what most people (including references in the press and on television) are referring to when they talk of ‘hypnotherapy’.

Suggestion therapy is exactly as is sounds: you will be relaxed into a very light hypnotic state (most people don't even feel 'hypnotised') and whilst you are in this lovely, calm relaxed state, the therapist will give you some very positively-worded suggestions that will affect whatever symptom(s) you are consulting about. As well as the positive suggestions, you will be taught how to visualise the outcome you desire and you will be given strategies to think and act more positively.
There are basically two main schools of CBT.
I was trained in the original approach. Also known as . . . . . . . . .
R. E. B. T.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Is an active-directive, solution-oriented therapy which focuses on resolving cognitive, emotional and behavioral problems in clients.
It differs from psychoanalysis in that it places little emphases on explaining the past, but instead, focuses on changing the current evaluation and philosophical thinking about our lives, others, and ourselves. (wikipedia)
4. Fundamental Tenants
Emotional suffering results primarily, thought not completely, from our evaluations of a negative event, not solely by the event per se. In other words, human beings, on the basis of our belief system, actively, though not consciously, disturb themselves and even disturb themselves about their disturbances. ( Wikipedia)
We incorporate what Ellis calls “isms” or “ must urbations” into our lives…the “shoulds”, “oughts” and “musts” and rigidly and forcefully emotionally subscribe to these absolutisms and needlessly disturb ourselves. From these absolutes can develop feelings of anxiety, depression, rejection, rage, guilt and alienation. ( Wikipedia)
5. Framework of REBT
Rational beliefs
Lead to goal attainment
More inner harmony
Reduce conflicts with others and allow for good mental health
Rational thinking, emoting and behaving mean rationally, logically and pragmatically evaluating oneself, others, and life as they really are.
Irrational beliefs
Prevent goal attainment
Lead to inner conflict
Increase conflict with others and lead to poor mental health
Irrational thinking , emoting and behaving leads to the development of emotional difficulties such as jealousy, self-blame, guilt, low-frustration tolerance, depression and anxiety.
Assumes human beings have both rational and irrational tendencies .
In my West country practices I treat people in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere of professional integrity. I operate under the strictest possible ethical guidelines, and so whilst discussions are always open and honest, they also remain utterly confidential.

Hypnosis is not as people often imagine. Clients are always fully in control and always
fully conscious and awake. Therapeutic Hypnosis is purely about deep relaxation, and is a pleasant, interesting, experience.

If you’d like to know more, then please get in touch by sending me an email or call to give me some information about the problem you are looking for help with. I’ll then get back to you THE SAME DAY to discuss a way forward for you. You may want to get straight on and arrange a free consultation. The choice is yours, and whatever it is that’s troubling you, I’m sure I’ll be able to help.

danny@dannynuttall. co. uk
01225 580557

More about Danny Nuttall Hypnotherapist / Cbt Practitioner

Danny Nuttall Hypnotherapist / Cbt Practitioner is located at The Practice Rooms, BA1 1RH Bath, Somerset
01225 580557