Darius Lukas

About Darius Lukas

> entrepreneur, mentor & writer
> founder of samurai bootcamps
> Cut to Clarity - journaling method & app
> founder of The Story Agency

Darius Lukas Description

A writer, entrepreneur and adventurer, Darius Lukas inspires others to live an authentic life.



How can you flow and act like water in your business and life? šŸ¤”
Sounds too Zen, too vague, too woo-woo?
šŸ‘‰ The beauty of the samurai training is that you physically get to experience what sounds like uncrackable Zen ideas.
... A good samurai master takes you and gently guides you beyond your chaotic mind and thoughts. The century-old techniques also helps you to embody and understand what up until then had seemed like larger than life concepts.
Almost daily, Iā€™d leave the dojo in Asakusa Tokyo, mesmerised by my learnings and, in the case of this lesson, knowing what it truly means to flow like water.
Ever since then, Iā€™ve used this technique multiple times in my businesses and relationshipsā€¦
Learn more about the way of samurai āž”ļø https://buff.ly/2I9w28Q
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This was one of the first lessons Iā€™ve learnt training with samurai Karas & Narashino. But what I found most astonishing was that such knowledge wasnā€™t passed onto me intellectually but rather through the sword training. At no point was I told: ā€˜Now we are going to learn how to boost your sense of timingā€™. It was only when I had learnt the lesson - through numerous sword techniques and exercises - that the samurai would explain what the purpose of it was. And very soon into the training, I knew this was far more than a fight strategyā€¦ It was a life lesson.
Learn more about the way of samurai āž”ļø https://buff.ly/2I9w28Q


Whatā€™s your realityā“
You construct your reality out of your understandings, convictions, and hopes of what reality is. So, if you were to revise your understandings, convictions, and hopes, your reality (or perception of it) would change.
But most of us donā€™t revise them voluntarily; more often than not, we are forced to do so through facing the loss of a loved one, illness or any other form of adversity.
... Emotional suffering is what usually encourages us to revise our perceptions of reality.
And this is essentially why personal/spiritual/emotional growth is changing the way you see and understand the world around you, your identity, and how you relate to others.
Recently, I opened Peter Diamandis email with top predictions of what our reality is going to be in 2045. It immediately challenged me to revise my reality.
šŸ”¹ Late 2010s: Glasses will beam images directly onto the retina. 10 terabytes of computing power (roughly the same as the brain) will cost about $1,000.
šŸ”¹ 2020s: Most diseases will go away as nanobots become smarter than current medical technology. Normal human eating can be replaced by nanosystems. The Turing test begins to be passable. Self-driving cars begin to take over the roads, and people wonā€™t be allowed to drive on highways.
šŸ”¹ 2030s: Virtual reality will begin to feel 100% real. By the end of the decade, we will be able to upload our mind/consciousness.
šŸ”¹ 2040s: Non-biological intelligence will be a billion times more capable than biological intelligence (aka us). Through nanotech foglets, weā€™ll be able to make food out of thin air and create any object in the physical world on a whim.
šŸ”¹ 2045: We will multiply our intelligence a billionfold by linking wirelessly from our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud.
We will be able to upload ā€˜our mind/consciousness?ā€™
Such a possibility alone starts to change everything you thought to be true about being a human beingā€¦
It shakes up ā€˜your realityā€™.
And fear arises.
Can you revise your perception of reality without encountering suffering?
Practise it the samurai way šŸ‘‡
APPLY: šŸ”œ A weekend retreat in Lithuania: https://buff.ly/2UdLbdi āž”ļø Tokyo boot camp: https://buff.ly/2Uj5DcD
NOT READY TO JOIN, BUT INTERESTED: šŸ“±Sign up for my updates via Messenger: https://buff.ly/2XOcrS3
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How can you challenge and upgrade your thinking regularlyā“
I have just completed a trekking in Himalayas and am spending a couple of weeks in Leh, an ancient Buddhist town of India. šŸ”
There was something about my Himalayan experience that corresponded to the samurai training I did in Japan half a year ago.
... ā›© Both - the samurai training and the Himalayas trekking - have challenged my body and mind in ways that I hadnā€™t experienced before.
'You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain,' writes one of the most revered samurai, Miyamoto Musashi, in the Book of 5 Rings.
āš”ļøWhen climbing a Himalayan peak or hours on end practising foundational sword moves in Japanese mountains, my mind had given up on trying to rationalise the unfamiliar experience and ceased its tireless stream of thinking.
And in that moment of no thought, there was a space for 'nothingness' to arise, or as Musashi calls it, the Void - the 5th element in the Book of 5 Rings.
That very state had become an opportunity to rise above day-to-day life and gain clarity and insight over my businesses and life.
šŸ–‹And this is exactly what I aim to do at every writing workshop that I organise as well as samurai retreats: provide tools to challenge and upgrade your thinking, and cut through the mind chaos to clarity.
'Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye.' Miyamoto Musash
---------------- LITHUANIA: Samurai Flow - Weekend Retreat with samurai Karas 28th-30th June >>> http://bit.do/eRJfe
JAPAN: Samurai bootcamp for entrepreneurs, 4th - 14th November >>> http://bit.do/eRJfM
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šŸ”¶ How do you become and remain authentic? šŸ”¶
In the world of multiple voices speaking at you through social media, apps, and ads, itā€™s hard to truly be authentic.
And if you somehow managed to switch off from all of the noise, there would still be colleagues, friends, and familyā€¦
... šŸ‘‰ So, how do you stay in touch with your authenticity?
It requires creating a space within and listening to it (and not the voices of others.)
It requires taking time out to continuously revisit what authenticity means to you and so that the voices of the environment would have less power over you.
It requires looking in the mirror every day and embracing who you are so that the need to emulate others is no longer there.
This is what we are going to work on in samurai-themed retreats in Tokyo and Lithuania:
APPLY: šŸ”œ A weekend retreat in Lithuania: https://buff.ly/2UdLbdi
āž”ļø Tokyo boot camp: https://buff.ly/2Uj5DcD
NOT READY TO JOIN, BUT INTERESTED: šŸ“± Sign up for my updates via Messenger: https://buff.ly/2XOcrS3
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What if you could experience real samurai training without travelling all the way to Japan? ā›©
In only 2 months, my teacher, samurai & ninja Karas Fujiyama is coming over to Lithuania and bringing along Hideo, a traditional shakuhachi bamboo flute player.
We are spending a weekend in a beautiful lake house hidden away in the pine forest, learning swordsmanship, samurai meditation, mudras, Japanese calligraphy and the Bushido code.
... šŸ”œ Block out these dates: 28th - 30th June and get in touch if you want to join.
šŸ“ Through using writing as a tool, we will also step out of our day-to-day lives to see where we can apply the samurai principles in our careers, relationships and everyday situations.
This is going to be quite something: beautiful nature, Zen flute, campfire, samurai Karasā€™ wisdom and a group of people wanting to take their minds and bodies to the next level.
šŸ‘‰ And if you have never been to Lithuania before, we will add a few more days to explore its fascinating history and culture.
To join, message me here on Facebook or through filling out the form: https://buff.ly/2UdLbdi
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Are you ready to take your mind, body & business to the next level by joining one of the samurai bootcamps?
LITHUANIA: A weekend lake-house retreat, 28th-30th June >>> http://bit.do/eRJfe
JAPAN: Samurai bootcamp for entrepreneurs, 4th - 14th November >>> http://bit.do/eRJfM ā€” with Karas Fujiyama at Tokyo, Japan.


šŸ”ø Whatā€™s your ā€˜Original Faceā€™?
ā€˜Just be who you are and donā€™t care a bit about the world. Then you will feel a tremendous relaxation and a deep peace within your heart. This is what Zen people call your ā€˜original faceā€™ - relaxed, without tensions, without pretensions, without hypocrisies, without the so-called disciplines of how you should behave,ā€™ Osho writes.
Scroll down your Instagram or Facebook feedback: who wears their ā€˜Original Faceā€™?
... Look around at your office: who wears their ā€˜Original Faceā€™?
Look in the mirror: do you wear your ā€˜Original Faceā€™ or are you reflecting what your followers want to see, what schools and colleges trained you to be and what your mind contrived your image to be?
āœ‹ What if you drop it now?
The facade.
The representation.
The image.
What would happen?
Take 5 minutes. Pick up a pen. Try and jot down the answer.
This is what my samurai teachers and I will challenge you to do at
šŸ”œ A weekend retreat in Lithuania: https://buff.ly/2UdLbdi
āž”ļø Tokyo boot camp: https://buff.ly/2Uj5DcD
NOT READY TO JOIN, BUT INTERESTED: Sign up for my updates via Messenger: https://buff.ly/2XOcrS3
Head to the websites to learn more and apply. Only 10 participants per event!
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āž”ļø What creates stress is resistance.
Resistance immediately constricts your natural flow.
Perpetuated resistance takes you further out of the flow.
... It blocks you.
It causes panic attacks and depression.
It cuts you off from the center of yourself.
Resistance to what is happening, is what ruins your day, your job, your relationship.
Resistance is defined by denial and negativity.
Resistance is anti-life.
šŸ‘‰ So, how do you deal with resistance?
How do you outwit it?
By dancing with it.
Resistance will arise - always.
However, what it fears the most is acceptance.
You only have to accept WHAT IS right now, at this very moment: a task you have to accomplish, a certain thing your partner did or said or the fact your job is, in your opinion, the worst on the planet.
ā• Acceptance doesnā€™t mean defeat. ā•
Accepting whatever is much like becoming a willow in a snowstorm: it goes with the wind, it bends, it dances, it obeys, it doesnā€™t resist.
The burden of snow glides off its branches. Meanwhile, a strong and proud oak breaks down unable to bear the pressure.
Once you accept that which you resist, you can work with it.
You switch from anti-life, anti-flow to pro-life, and pro-flow.
Itā€™s a simple shift.
āœ… But it works.
Itā€™s a simple Zen principle.
Itā€™s what every samurai knows.
Itā€™s what samurai Karas & I will teach at:
>> Samurai Flow/ Weekend Retreat in the picturesque lake district of Lithuania in June: https://buff.ly/2UdLbdi
>> Entrepreneur Samurai/ Tokyo Bootcamp in November: https://buff.ly/2Uj5DcD
Head to the websites to learn more and apply. Only 10 participants per event!
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What did you want to do and be when you grew up? Read more: https://buff.ly/2yObzE7


Even if I am hurting or I am hurt or I have hurt; I know that the clock is ticking. Read more: https://buff.ly/2gNOI4v


Airport. Journalist sees a buddhist monk eating noodle soup. He approaches him to ask a few questions for his article about travelling and happiness. The monk looks up and smiles. ā€˜Who are you?ā€™... ā€˜I am a journalist.ā€™ ā€˜No, who are you?ā€™ Insists the monk. ā€˜I am a husband and father of two.ā€™ ā€˜No, you donā€™t quite get me: who are you?ā€™. ā€˜As I said, I am an award winning journalist and Iā€™mā€¦ā€™ The monk begins laughing. ā€˜I mean You. Who are you?ā€™ ā€˜A human beingā€¦ I donā€™t know... no one's asked me that.ā€™ The monk says kindly: ā€˜How can you be a journalist writing about others when you donā€™t quite know who you areā€¦ā€™
How would you answer the monk's question? Who are you really behind (or besides) the social roles you play out every day?
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I usually donā€™t react. Read more: https://buff.ly/2likLea


Are you stagnating or are you changing? Read more: https://buff.ly/2zaD6QJ


When someone gives me a hard time - be it a colleague, an employee, a partner, a friend or a stranger, before reacting, I ask myself one question: ā€˜Is it any of my business?ā€™ I usually donā€™t react. What that question does is show you whether this personā€™s problem or drama has got anything to do with you. 95% of the time it has nothing to do with you and it is just them having a bad day or, if it is a closer relationship, it is often the other party living out their childhood ...and past traumas. Itā€™s very rare that it is really about you. And, if it is, then you take appropriate action. Having paused and assessed how much of your business it is. But, when it isnā€™t about you, and you consciously realise this, you are able to step away from it and have some distance. A reaction vacuum. The only way to get to bed calm is to not engage with the other peopleā€™s drama, and then, of course, your own. Read more posts: https://buff.ly/2lilA6K
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More about Darius Lukas

Darius Lukas is located at 7 TEMASEK BOULEVARD #12-07 SUNTEC TOWER ONE SINGAPORE, Singapore 038987