Dariyoga Harrogate

Monday: 19:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 18:30 - 19:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Dariyoga Harrogate

Exciting, challenging and inclusive Pay As You Go yoga classes in Harrogate by Daria Tyuneva (RYT-200). £7 for drop-ins, open to all levels. Come along!

Dariyoga Harrogate Description

Yoga Studio



Yep it’s bank holiday weekend and a vast amount of people don’t have to work tomorrow - hurrah - but Yoga STRONG is still on, come on down after having had the BBQs, a bit of sunshine, maybe even some cycling/running/climbing and we’ll stretch and have fun.


Come join me for some core and arm balance fun on this warm evening! It’s not climber-specific anymore, everyone is welcome in this fun and active hatha-based 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️


Practice of change / change practise
My home yoga regime used to be very rigid. When I struggled to go to classes and keep up with my practice to not let it slip I used my Moscow teachers’ videos to do yoga at home. The video classes are brilliant AND demanding, and as much as I felt amazing after having completed them I also felt frustrated a lot if I got tired during the video (which led to getting distracted, checking the phone etc.) and it sometimes felt like complete opp...osite of what I actually needed. My personal practice - sadhana - changed completely after my Yoga Teacher Training, and it’s all about listening to yourself and you body. Coming to terms that allowing yourself to slow down and practise yin/yoga nidra instead of vigorous routine is not laziness but self-care.
If you struggle with your home practice (or if it’s nonexistent entirely) it might be time to change it. Do you find it difficult because you expect too much? I used to get upset if I didn’t do a full hour of ‘proper’ yoga. It took a long time to accept that fact that 20 minutes of any kind of yoga is better than no yoga at all. Even 5 minutes is better than none!
The other challenge is just being at a loss what to do once you unroll your mat! This is easy though - just go to youtube and take your pick from thousands of classes online.
Or maybe you have nailed your practice and are at complete ease - in which case share your success routine with me!
Good luck and happy home practice 🙌
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It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and whilst yoga is known to reduce anxiety and stress and help fight depression it’s not always an immediate answer to mental health issues.
But here are 5 things that could be a point of call if yoga seems too much:
1. https://www.frazzledcafe.org/... A charity that organises meetings for all Frazzled people to socialise and not feel alone (Leeds is the nearest)
2. https://www.samaritans.org/ if you need to talk to somebody
3. https://www.betterhelp.com/ professional counselling at home
4. Yoga Nidra - the ultimate relaxation that is also proven to help with PSTS (https://youtu.be/T_493z6Lde4)
5. Books! If you are a reader there’s a myriad of books that explain our mental health, Matt Haig’s ‘Notes on a Nervous Planet’ is just one of them.
#itsoktonotbeok #mentalhealthawarenessweek
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Pay as You Go Classes I have always struggled with passes versus time limits, AND paying nearly £4 more for a single class drop-in compared to a pass. WHY discourage someone who just wants to come to class without signing their life away?
My classes run how with customers like me in mind. Our lives are busy enough without the added pressure for one thing that’s supposed to help us relax - yoga. All classes are £6 for a drop-in, and you can buy blocks of classes too, that last... you a whole year! What’s stopping you now? Tag your friend and come along! 🙌
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Which class to choose?
There are currently two classes: Yoga STRONG and Sunset Hatha. If you’d like to get into yoga I suggest practicing at least once a week to begin with. Yoga is a slow process - don’t expect major progress if you only do it once a week though! Two classes are different in their pace and intensity. Yoga STRONG is an active, physical class and you can expect to feel worked out afterwards. It is aimed at people who want to increase flexibility and stamina an...d are also beneficial to those into sports like climbing, cycling, running, cross-fit etc. You don’t need to be experienced to come along but WILLING to practise and push yourself. Sunset Hatha is perfect to stretch, decompress and relax after work. Having said that it’s not a gentle class with rolling around the floor for an hour - but a moderate pace, a lot of focus on the breath, bandhas and meditation to compliment asanas. Open to all levels. These two classes make a perfect combination to practice twice a week and represent my approach to personal practice.
If you have any questions please give me a shout! 🙌
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When strength and flexibility meet magic happens 🙌


Ever been to a yoga class and left feeling demanding more? Felt it was a nice stretch but not much else to it? This class is for people who want MORE. Whether you are a climber, cyclist, tough mudder, cross-fit maniac or just someone who likes to push yourself and be active - this class is for you! Tag your friends and come and give it a try!


Hello wonderful people! It’s miserable outside but nice and toasty at the studio, and we are going to explore the wonders of the puppy pose tonight: it stretches the hips, our entire spine, arms and shoulders, acts as a restorative pose and calms the mind, activates the stomach muscles (light uddiyana bandha), and is a fantastic heart opener! What’s not to love?
See you on the mat at 6:30 💚


Continuing my gallery of long-term students - Jack Watts has started practising yoga pretty much from the birth of DariYoga, and been to roughly 150 classes now!
“Practicing yoga with Daria for the last two years has helped me in more ways than I’ll probably ever know. If it wasn’t for Daria I would still be struggling to touching my toes, so for that reason, as well as many more, I couldn’t recommend her classes enough.”
These posts tie-in with the overall image of yoga that... is represented online - when you type ‘yoga’ into image search you will mainly see thin white women in leggings doing advanced poses. This must change. Yoga is for everybody, and yoga is a lot more than just fancy asanas. Don’t be intimidated by the ‘image’ of yoga. Just come and give it a go 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️
And feel free to share your story if you feel yoga has helped you in any way!
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Can I get away with posting last year's photo of the Stray in bloom? Hell Yeah.


May the force be with you! May schedule below, all classes run as normal INCLUDING bank holiday Mondays! Plus another sneaky Kitty Yoga session on Friday the 10th, please book directly through the Kitty Cafe. P.S. The free yoga class trial offer still stands for members of Climbing organisations and regulars of the Friends Meeting House 🙌
See you on the mat!


Pretty accurate yoga pie chart 🧘‍♀️❤️🧘‍♂️


When we went to Caley last time Tom pointed out an E1 route ‘Permutation Rib’ that was climbed hands-free by Johnny Dawes. Hands-free! The amount of skill, and the shift of focus is completely mind-blowing! So today we have a big ‘Look mum no hands section’ in class (Hint: Eka Janu Bitilasana). We’ll test some coordination and balance skills to help you transfer these to both climbing and your daily life! P.S. the video is not from Caley but another no hands one from Johny ...Dawes.
See you on the mat at 7 🙌 Remember you can still use the free class trial offer if you are a new student!
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Today’s shout-out is to Callum Hankin, who has come all the way from a ‘non-believer of yoga’ to a devoted practitioner. I remember back in the day we were chatting about yoga and he thought it was all chanting and gentle stretches! Me and Tom convinced Callum to come and try yoga to find out that the practice can be whatever you want it to be - powerful, vigorous and strict or slow, mindful and focussed. Nothing makes me happier than sharing the love of yoga ❤️
‘Daria is a great teacher with a wide knowledge of Yoga and many styles. Her class was so influential I went from never practicing to doing Yoga every day! 5star highly recommend regardless of ability you will find something useful at this class’.
Come along and see for yourself if you haven’t tried yoga before 🙌


Tag yourself and your friends!
Photos by Tanya Kiaie


CATS + YOGA. GO NUTS! Images by Tanya Kiaie


Pssst.. The Kitty Yoga photos just landed... Here's a teaser, and the rest will follow tomorrow!
All photos by Tanya Kiaie 📸

More about Dariyoga Harrogate

Dariyoga Harrogate is located at HG Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Monday: 19:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 18:30 - 19:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -