
About Darkroom

Darkroom is an exciting new project about to appear in north London. It’s aimed at supporting the revival of interest in analogue photography.

Darkroom Description

Darkroom is an exciting new project about to appear in north London. It’s aimed at supporting the revival of interest in analogue photography and will offer accessible darkroom facilities and courses in film-based photography.

There has been a recent trend in young people growing bored of looking at screens and treating their images with pre-programmed filters. They are now buying up second hand 35mm cameras and discovering the wonders of shooting and developing film. And some of us not so young have never given up, or now miss our film cameras.

Darkroom will provide an open access facility for both the novice and experienced photographer to print work. We have most of the equipment required for this enterprise and are about to acquire the premises to make the plan a reality.

The proposed Camden location, with its good transport links and proximity to central London, offers an ideal launch-pad for building a strong membership-based community through Darkroom. Our scheme will enable those with proven ability to hire an enlarger and work independently, and also offer a range of short courses covering the basics of darkroom practice to those who need to learn them.

We still need to fit out the premises and acquire a few pieces of equipment and will be launching a crowdfunding appeal to help with these costs.

For now, we would like to ask you a few questions about this project:

• Will you be interested in using Darkroom?
• Are there any particular services you would like to see Darkroom offer in addition to those summarised above?
• Would you contribute to our fundraising appeal when we launch it?

Give us your feedback so that we can make a space that serves you well.

Please Like, Follow and Share this page to help us spread the word.

More about Darkroom

Darkroom is located at Camden Town, NW5 3JA London, United Kingdom