Dasam Duar Yoga

Yoga Studio
51.5072, -0.1275
07919 535 465
5 star rating

About Dasam Duar Yoga

Dasam Duar are a creative Kundalini Yoga & Meditation group delivering classes around London. . This is our discussion hub for all things yoga!



For those in the East London area tomorrow there will be a Kundalini Yoga class on a Dalston rooftop overlooking stunning views of London! Sundays 11am Level 9 rooftop, Raddon Tower, Dalston Square E8 3GN. The class is free, but donations welcome. Matts provided, but bring a blanket/cushion for support and bottle of water as it's meant to be warm tomorrow! Let's celebrate the beginning of summer with some yoga! Sat nam.


Here is an inspiring beautiful documentary called 'Himself He Cooks' which is about the free kitchen at the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India. The temple prepares and serves over 50,000 free meals everyday which is simply amazing. The real essence of the film is "seva" which means "selfless service" and we are reminded to practice this a lot in Kundalini Yoga as this along with generosity is a key factor of the human character. A must watch for anyone who is a foodie or interested in travel movies:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrLNMZ1nF 3E&app=desktop


Hope everyone had a lovely Easter! Just a reminder that classes commence as usual tomorrow 10am at Kentish Town Community Centre £8. Joanna will be teaching the 'Foundation for Infinity' a set which the names suggest; setting that foundation and a meditation launching you into the realms of infinity. Hope to see you there


Do you sit in front of a computer all day and suffer from stiff neck and shoulders? Neck roll is a good and simple exercise for stretching the muscles around your neck and shoulders. Try doing seven gentle neck rolls in each direction (inhaling as your head goes back and exhaling as your head comes forward) twice a day to loosen any tension and to help increase blood circulation to the brain.


"Each day we are different, every 72 hours all the cells of the body totally change. Sickness comes and goes. Motivation waxes and wanes, but through all the flux of life, through all the variations of the mind and heart, we consciously choose to maintain a constant and regular practice." -Yogi Bhajan #sadhana


What does it feel like to be human? Being in our physical bodies, the mind, the heart, the breath and what kind of a relationship do you have with yourself? Have you ever asked those questions? Become more aware, become more conscious!


We have two classes this week; Manju will be teaching on Friday 6.30pm at Boutique Beauty, Pilates & Dance in West Ferry (£10), and Juliana on Sunday 10am at Kentish Town Community Centre (£8).


Happy Saturday! What is everyone up to this weekend? Joanna will be teaching the Surya Kriya tomorrow which works with Sun energy - the energy of purification. The set helps to develop mental clarity, boost vitality and is the perfect Spring cleanse! Join her tomorrow 10am at Kentish Town Community Centre £8. Hope to see you there!


If anyone is wondering what ‘Dasam Duar’ means, it literally means the ‘tenth gate’. So we have 9 gates (or holes); the two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, the mouth, front and back, but there is one mystical gate that is hidden and this is at the top of your crown – we call this the Tenth Gate aka Dasam Duar. So we practice yoga to control all nine gates so that the tenth gate can be opened as it is the gate to enlightenment. Sat nam.


Introducing the teachers: Juliana Fenton (Harcharanpal Kaur) a PR guru, blogger and urban yogini who understands how stressful it can be living and working in fast paced and pressured environments. Through her KY practice Juliana has recognised how valuable yoga and meditation can be for processing the constant stress of modern day living. On the weekend's Juliana teaches Kundalini Yoga with heart, grace and authenticity and throughout her class encourages students to nurture their grounding and centering energies to develop a sense of expansion. She also has a great understanding of mind, body and soul connection to help unlock your inner potential and true self.


Today marks the first day of Spring and the equinox AND it's 'International Day of Happiness'! Just a few reasons to smile today :)


Happy Tuesday all! Today we wanted to share a blog post from Juliana about the human drive and two fellow yogis' inspiring stories of recovery. Amy Brown who used yoga to battle from physical and mental adversity after receiving a hip replacement, and you may have heard of Arthur Boorman, a disabled Vietnam veteran who against all odds incorporated yoga in an effort to fulfill his dream of walking again. If their stories can inspire someone you know, please share it with them:
http://julianasyoga.wordpress.com/…/the -human-drive-the-hu…/


Joanna taught the Nabhi Kriya today to set the navel center which is where our personal power, will power, commitment and self esteem resides. It is linked to the phrase "fire in the belly". Very powerful!


Do you listen to the quiet voice of the heart and what do you do to connect to this? Meditation is a great tool to access that deep listening and did you know there are KY meditations specifically for this. What do you do to connect with your heart?


As long as you don’t compliment yourself, your environments and your job, you will always be miserable. Complaints bring misery, compliments brings strength. ~ Yogi Bhajan

More about Dasam Duar Yoga

Dasam Duar Yoga is located at London, United Kingdom
07919 535 465