David Baron Fitness

About David Baron Fitness

First Class BSc (Hons) Sports Studies

10 + years combined personal experience & education in Strength & Conditioning training.

Bespoke Private (1-2-1) / Semi-Private (2 People) Personal Training, Programme Design & Delivery, & Nutritional Guidance

David Baron Fitness Description

Results-Focused Personal Trainer offering services tailored to suit individual client Health, Performance & /or Aesthetic aspirations.

I believe in smarter training design & delivery for achieving your individual Health, Fitness & Body Composition goals вҖ“ focusing on Longevity & Sustainability. My goal is to help you LOVE the LIFE you LIFT!


Personal Training - Private (1-2-1) / Semi-Private (2 People)

Programme Design

Body Transformation Packages

Resistance / Muscle Gain / Muscle Tone / Strength Training

Conditioning / Cardiovascular / Body Fat Loss Training

Sports Performance / Fit & Strong for Everyday Life Training

Nutritional Guidance

Coaching, Education & Accountability



Motivation Monday вңҠ # Do you have a goal that you say you want to achieve? # Then just as I've asked of my 16 Week Photoshoot Challenge Guy's, ensure your actions align with your words & watch sh*t really start to happen.... # If you're with me, bring it in & рҹ‘Ҡ it... # LET'S GO!!! # #MotivationMonday #LifeLessons #OpenMindset #GrowthMindset #ActionNotWords #Transformation #Results #Consistency #HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #16WeekPhotoshootChallenge #DBF16Wk #16WeekChallenge #Coach #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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Motivation Monday вңҠ # Do you have an open or growth mindset? Or do you, knowingly or unknowingly, have a closed or shackled mindset? рҹӨҜ # In my experience, both professionally & personally, I've seen people who suggest that they want to make a change, or they want X results, & yet they're unwilling to embrace the adjustments necessary to lead them to their supposed end result рҹӨҰвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ... # Change isn't easy for most. We take comfort in what we habitually do. However, unless you're exactly where you want to be then accept that nothing is going to change unless you do. # It might take week's of real application to start seeing the benefits of those necessary adjustments. Maybe longer. However, unless you give it a real try then you'll never really know if you're on the right path towards progress. # When all is said & done, you really haven't anything to lose, but you have everything to gain, so why not give it more than a college try & buy into the process fully рҹӨ·вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ # Don't be closed & guilty of not being able to see past yourself. Instead, be open to change & growth & you might be surprised by what actually comes your way... # #MotivationMonday #LifeLessons #OpenMindset #GrowthMindset #Transformation #Results #Consistency #HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #Coach #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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#IWD2019 рҹҷҢ # A big shout-out to my awesome female clients who are kicking ass, taking names & achieving both in the gym & out рҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨұрҹ‘©вҖҚрҹ’јрҹ’ғ # Happy International Women's Day 2019! ... # #Love The Life You Lift # #IWD2019 #StrongWomen #LadiesWhoLift #Coach #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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It's great to read such positive reviews from my clients. # It's always a pleasure to help others achieve their goals and positively change their lifestyles. # It's never just about helping people lose weight or add muscle etc. It's far greater to help them gain confidence & happiness in themselves and their futures! рҹҷҢ... # Love The Life You Lift. # #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift #NewYou #PositiveFuture
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Client Success рҹҷҢ # And this is what progress also looks like! # Sam has continued to press on from our last update on 8th Jan рҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ... # There's been some real challenges, literally/logistically/mentally, over the past few week's, but Sam is now seeing the increasing importance of being resilient & consistent in her application. # We're down by another 7lbs/3kg from our last update & heading into this weekend's hen in a better position on the scales & in mindset too! рҹ‘Ҹ # Whilst we always try to keep the process simple, it should never be confused as being easy, because it isn't! # There'll always be challenges, oftentimes outside of our control. However, what is controllable is how we react to adversity. # Will you throw your toy's out the pram & bolt, or will you use it instead as extra fire in the belly & choose progress instead? рҹ”Ҙ # Sam's choosing the latter. And I hope you do too. # May's Photoshoot Challenge, we're coming for you! рҹ“ё рҹ’ғ # #ClientSuccess #ClientWins #ClientWin #Transformation #Results #Consistency #Motivation #FitnessMotivation #HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #Coach #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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Client Success рҹҷҢ # This is what progress looks like! # Paul is a little over 3 week's into the 16 Week Photoshoot Challenge & he's already down on the scales by an INCREDIBLE 1 stone/14lbs/6kg рҹ‘Ҹ... # Never a drastic measure taken here. Paul has simply been set up with an appropriate & realistic plan of action with his dietary, exercise & lifestyle habits рҹ‘Ң # And he's reaping the benefits through a positive & open mindset, & consistency in his application рҹӨ·вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ # We're holding back Paul's before photo's for a later date, but trust me, they're already positively striking! # Watch this space for Paul's on-going progress over the coming week's. # The game is well & truly ON рҹ’ӘрҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ # #ClientSuccess #ClientWins #ClientWin #Transformation #Results #Consistency #Motivation #FitnessMotivation #HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #Coach #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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Motivation Monday вңҠ # I love this guy рҹҳӮ # But please. When it comes to diet & exercise, don't be this guy рҹӨҰвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ... # Things that matter are hard to attain. Fact. Life would be all sunshine & lollipops for all otherwise & it's not. # You can't expect significant results after 1, 2, 3 weeks of maybe following a regime, & very probably not following it to the letter either. # If weight loss, muscle gain, improving fitness/performance & body composition were easy & instant, everyone would be strolling around as lean, mean, athletic specimens with 8 packs рҹҳҶ # Instead, see past yourself & commit to an appropriate plan for you & your goals. # Be patient. Be consistent in your application. Expect to falter, stutter, plateau, & maybe even feel like giving up. BUT stay the course. Because when you do face adversity, that's exactly the time you need to dig your heels in even more & keep pushing on. # It won't be easy, but I guaran-damn-tee you it'll be worth it. IF you truly want it рҹ’Ә # #MotivationMonday #LifeLessons #Motivation #FitnessMotivation #Transformation #Results #Consistency #HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #Coach #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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Client Success рҹҷҢ # Today marks the 1 year anniversary of this awesome lady & I working collectively to restart Lucy living a healthier, happier & more fulfilling lifestyle again рҹҳҒ # Lucy was beyond anxious that first day. Understandably so as she had never set foot in a gym environment before for any kind of structured exercise.... # However, despite the obvious anxieties & fear of change, she knew something had to give for her to start living strong again & to reclaim her wellbeing рҹ’ғ # There's been wobbles, bumps & tears along the way, but that's fine. It was to be expected since the path of positive change & progress is never a linear one. # What's most important is how you react to any adversity. Lucy never gave up, but rather she dug her heels in, trusted in the process & slowly but surely started to see the results вң” # Lucy is now over 24lbs lighter than she started. She's dropped over 2 dress sizes, & has regained control of her diet. # Lucy continues to grow in confidence & happiness (in the gym & out) everyday & is setting a great example to her husband & 2 young children рҹ‘ЁвҖҚрҹ‘©вҖҚрҹ‘§вҖҚрҹ‘§ # Change is never necessarily easy, but it's only by stepping outside of our comfort zones where the so-called magic happens. # Don't let fear hold you back. If you're unhappy with your situation, feel the fear & do it anyway. # I'm both grateful & humbled that Lucy entrusted me to be a part of her life-changing journey to reclaim her health & happiness, & the results are clear for all to see. # Love The Life You Lift. # #ClientSuccess #ClientWins #ClientWin #DontLetFearHoldYouBack #FeelTheFearAndDoItAnyway #Transformation #Results #Consistency #Motivation #FitnessMotivation #HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #Coach #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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Client Success рҹҷҢ # A throwback to @jon_hodges transformation running into last summer. # The aim was to get Jon into his best shape yet for his wedding, & despite a couple of pre-existing injuries, social events, stag do's & the rest, we achieved what we set out to achieve рҹ’Ә... # With appropriate planning, execution, support & accountability comes great results! # Do you have a big life event this year that you'd like to get into great shape for? # Or maybe you'd finally like to make a lasting positive change? # If you do, & you would like some help in actually making this happen, drop me a direct message & let's talk it over. # Don't wish for it, work for it рҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ # #ClientSuccess #ClientWins #ClientWin #Transformation #Results #Consistency #Motivation #FitnessMotivation ##HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #Coach #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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Motivation Monday вңҠ
"Is the juice worth the squeeze?"
Ever since I heard this saying some year's ago, it immediately resonated with me, & I love its use for me & my awesome clients.
... When I have a goal to contemplate or achieve, I ask myself this for clarity & reinforcement of its importance to me.
It's incredibly easy to get lost or derailed in the challenges of daily life & the process of striving to achieve those big & scary goals that we've tasked ourself.
However, when you feel the fear or pressure, ask yourself this question for your own clarity.
Because if you do, you'll always get the answer as to whether the reward outweighs the endeavour.
So go on, what do you say...
Is the juice worth the squeeze? рҹӨ·вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’Ә
#MotivationMonday #LifeLessons #IsTheJuiceWorthTheSqueeze #Motivation #Transformation #Results #Consistency #HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #PersonalTrainer #LeighOnSea #Chalkwell #Westcliff #Southend #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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A beautiful Friday has got me feeling like... рҹҳүрҹҳҺрҹҷҢ # #TFIFriday #HeresToTheFreakinWeekend #AlrightAlrightAlright #SpringIsComing #PersonalTrainer #LeighonSea #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift


When your awesome client starts nailing unassisted Chin Ups like a BOSS! рҹ‘©вҖҚрҹ’јрҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ғ
Next progression... Pull Ups. Watch this space.
#StrongWomen #LadiesWhoLift #ChinUps #PullUps #Progress #Progression #NoSloppyReps #DBFCoupleGoals #HealthyGoals #HealthyLifestyle #PersonalTrainer #LeighonSea #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift


Transformation Tuesday рҹҷҢвҒЈ вҒЈ Having trouble seeing the wood for the trees in your health & fitness quest?вҒЈ вҒЈ I get it. It's easy to get caught up in the details, & unnecessarily overcomplicate things. вҒЈ... вҒЈ But here's what I believe to be true... Be crystal clear on your WHY or end goal, & keep the process as simple & realistic as possible.вҒЈ вҒЈ I always tell my clients to never mistake "simple" as being ineffective. As long as the method & its parts are consistent with your desired outcome then this can be the smartest, most effective & sustainable approach for long-term success. вҒЈ вҒЈ So whether it's fat loss, muscle gain, improving fitness or performance etc., break it down & keep it simple. вҒЈ вҒЈ It might be a ways off, but keep to this method & be consistent because there's a beautiful view on the other side of the trees рҹҢірҹ’Әрҹ’ғрҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷӮпёҸвҒЈ вҒЈ #TransformationTuesday #KeepingItSimple #SimpleButEffective #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyGoals #PersonalTrainer #LeighonSea #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift вҒЈ
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Saturday Gym Sessions рҹ’Ә # Finishing my Chest & Back workout today with some DB Single Arm Rows. # I'm concentrating on locking myself into position throughout here.... # My intent is to draw my elbow down into my hip & in towards the base of my spine to get my lat into its shortest contracted position for maximum effect рҹ”Ҙ # Give these a try for e.g. 3 x 12-15 reps & ensure your form is on-point from first to last reps! # Hit me up on DM with any form-check questions here, Guy's рҹҷҢ # Love The Life You Lift. # #SaturdayGymSessions #NoSloppyReps #BackWorkout #BackSession #PractiseWhatYouPreach #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyGoals #PersonalTrainer #LeighonSea #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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So it turned out Darren had to join in International Chest Monday in last night's session рҹӨ·вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ # This wasn't necessarily what was ideally programmed for yesterday, however, a busy day at work & disruptions on the trains home from the city meant we had to jump into what was most time-efficient рҹ’Ә # Darren's put on some appreciable muscle tissue in the year's we've trained with one another, but now is finally the time to best reveal his progress by coming into May's Photoshoot C...hallenge in a considerably leaner position than before. # Managing work, a young family, social events & the rest won't necessarily be easy, but if you want something badly enough you will find time & not excuses. # The game is on!! рҹҷҢ # #NoPoorExcuses #BelieveToAchieve #NoSloppyReps #Consistency #Application #DadBod #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyGoals #PersonalTrainer #LeighonSea #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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Sunday night reflections of the week that was... # So this was a shot from this past week's family break away to Center Parcs, Elveden Forest рҹ“ё # Precious time was spent with nearest & dearest & a restful week was had рҹ‘Ң... # Perfect timing & opportunity to recharge & power back up ahead of leading an awesome group of individuals in a 16 Week Photoshoot Challenge running into the end of May. # The goal for this challenge is to deliver every individual's best overall shape yet. Not merely for aesthetics but, more importantly, for health, wellbeing & vitality for themselves & also the benefit of their own nearest & dearest. # Through inspiration, education & empowerment this WILL be achieved... Exciting times ahead for all involved!!рҹ’Ә # #FamilyVacay #FamilyValues #CenterParcsElvedenForest #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyGoals #PersonalTrainer #LeighonSea #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift
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When your awesome client (who was once terrified of the gym) is now far more confident, happy & proud as punch with their strong unicorns & doughnuts sock game... рҹҳҶрҹҰ„рҹҚ©рҹ§Ұрҹ’Ә # #StrongSockGame #Unicorns&Doughnuts #HappyClient #HealthyLifestyle #PersonalTrainer #LeighonSea #Thorpebay #DavidBaronFitness #DBF #LoveTheLifeYouLift

More about David Baron Fitness

David Baron Fitness is located at SPT Fitness, Unit 12-16, Marden Works, 275 Prince Avenue, Prince Close, SS0 0JP, United Kingdom, Southend-on-Sea