David Gallardo Fitness



⭕️Maximal rates of muscle gain⭕️ . When trying to build muscle or in a “Bulking” season it is hard to know how much muscle gain to aim for. I‘ve posted rates for both for men and women and you can see on average women’s are about half that of men. This is at least within shooting distance given differences in physiology, hormones etc. .... Within the context of defining categories, a beginner is someone training and eating effectively for their first year of training, intermediate might be the next 2 years and advanced is anything past that. Is also important to keep in mind that the values represent muscle gain but that the total weight gain per month will be higher than this since it’s nearly impossible to gain muscle without any fat gain. . Using Alan Aragon’s model shown on the image, if we take a 170lb intermediate as an example, this could see him gaining around 0.85-1.5lb/month or around 10-15lb over the year. . So if you find yourself struggling to stay motivated at your rate of visual progress: . ➡️ Use the above muscle growth chart. Although those rates are not set in stone by any means, they are a good guide to what is achievable in terms of muscle growth.
➡️ Set yourself some goals on specific exercises that correlate with the muscle groups you’re trying to improve
➡️Don’t compare yourself to others. . . If you are in your journey of building muscle and improving your physique comment “💪🏼” below or tag someone that would find this post helpful. - #personaltrainer #bristol #puregym #fitfam #fitness #fitnessmotivation #physique #bodybuilding #strong #fit #muscle
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Do weight fluctuations decrease your motivation? Read this 👇🏼 🔻REASON FOR WEIGHT FLUCTUATIONS🔻 - For anyone who is trying to lose or maintain weight, the last thing you wants to see is weight increase on the scale. Especially if you are following a diet and a workout plan consistently. However, you should not worry about it because it won’t affect your long-term progress and you can’t really change it. Even if you had a perfect day of dieting and working out, the chances weig...ht fluctuations may happen still exist. Here are just some of the main reasons why it could happen. ✏️ - 1️⃣ You ate more sodium than you usually do. 2️⃣ You need to poop 3️⃣ It’s almost that time of the month again 4️⃣ You’re weighing yourself at the different time of the day than usual 5️⃣ You ate far more carbs than usual the day before 6️⃣ You’re taking some pills or medication that cause water retention. ✅ - There are many more reasons for this, none of them have impact on your long-term progress, and you shouldn't worry about tinniest weight fluctuations 🥙 - This is why I strongly suggest comparing weekly weigh-ins (daily weigh-ins divided with 7) instead of weighing on random days and comparing these two bodyweights. 🍩 - If you have been keeping your calories in check, this is definitely not the reason to demotivate yourself. You are definitely progressing even if the scale says you are not for that specific day. ☕️ - Liked the post? If yes, comment “💪🏼” below. Great post by @ivicafridrih - - - - - - - #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossfood#weightlosscoach #weightlossmotivation#weightlossdiary #weightlossdiet #nutrition#nutritiontips #nutritionfacts #personaltrainer #fit#fitness #fitnessfood #losingweightfeelinggreat#healthydiet #heathyeating #healthyweightloss#fatloss #losingweight #diet #dieting #diettips#moderation #fitnesscoaching #dietingtips#fatlossgoals #weightlossjourney2018 #mealplans#scale
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🔴STRESS RELATED BLOATING🔴 - This really applies to any stressful situation in life, but fitness wise, it translates to retaining unwanting water and making you look worse than you really are. - Stress is the major factor that causes you to retain water because what high levels of Cortisol do (the stress hormone) is to actually retain water. Always dieting? You’ll retain water. ... Stressed? You’ll retain water. Not sleeping enough? You’ll retain water. Training too much too frequently? You’ll reain water.. so on and so forth! - So, how do we get rid of it? 💡Relaxing. I’m not even kidding! - Eat a little more carbs or have a refeed day! You’ll lose water retention because cortisol levels will drop. - Do some fun activities, go to a SPA, have a glass of wine, spend time with your fiancé. - Netflix & chill? - If stress causes you to get bloated, relaxing will definitely help you lose it. - I feel like sometimes we get too caught up in the short term (maybe always) and as humans we try to do everything in the best way possible, in an extremist way. However, there’s an amount of things we can do well, and IF we actually can, we surely can’t do it for ever. - This is why we NEED to take diet breaks between dieting periods to continue getting leaner. - This is WHY refeeds play a role in successful dieting. - This is WHY we can do just *this much* weekly training before overreaching and get too fatigued. - This is WHY we need to rest. - This is why we need to chill the f*ck out and understand that this isn’t something we’re going to fix in a day, a week not even a month. We need to learn to be PATIENT and we need to learn how to change our own habits in order to make the whole lifestyle feel natural and enjoyable. Take your time and don’t forget to f*cking relax here and there. Squeeze that damn sponge!! Great post by: @pheasyque - #fitness #personaltrainer #fitspo #fit #puregym #fitnessjourney #stress
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💥Low calorie sweet alternative snacks💥 When trying to lose body fat knowing which foods you can have will help not only to maintain your progress, but also adhere to your diet making it sustainable. . In females during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle, progesterone causes some degree of insulin resistance and one consequence is that blood sugar may become unstable. This can cause blood sugar levels to fall, also stimulating hunger. The effects result in increased hun...ger and cravings, especially for high sugar/high fat foods. (E.g Chocolate 🍫🍫) When that happens, stock your cupboards with these low calorie snacks and stay on track with your diet. 😊 . If food intake can be controlled during this time, the increase in metabolic rate during the luteal phase can be used to enhance fat loss. If a woman is able to avoid an increase in calorie intake, the 100-300 calorie/day increase in metabolic rate with an average duration of 10 of the 14 days of the luteal phase will burn 1000-3000 extra calories. This is somewhere between 1/3 to just under one pound of extra fat loss 🔥🔥 . Need help setting your diet or exercise routine for your goals? Get in touch 📧 info@dgfitness.life . #personaltrainer #bristol #puregym #fitfam #instafitness #beastmode #gym #instafit #fitnessaddict #active #bestoftheday #instadaily #fitnessfreak #health #healthylife #eatclean #twelveskip #fitspo #abs #lifestyle #diet #instahealth #wellness #getmoving #weightloss #female #nutrition #lowcalories #snacks #fatloss
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Q. So if your goal is fat loss how's your nutrition and roughly how many calories do you eat daily?
A. I eat healthy, probably around 1200 to 1500 calories, but I don't know why it's not happening.
Those are 90% of the answers I get when I talk with people about nutrition.... But 90% of the time the reality is this 👇 🤔
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10 pull ups, 15 press ups, 20 box-jumps = Milk Chocolate 😄💪🏼 . . #Repost @sarahhendypt with @get_repost ・・・... Winners Cecilia, David and Chris . .
@puregymofficial #puregym #puregymbarrowroad #puregymbristol #personaltrainers #fitness #gym
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It’s Friday!!! 😀
Usually the last day of staying on track with food and successfully dieting before blowing it all on the weekend. If that happened last weekend what are you going to do differently this time around? You can’t make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, it’s no longer a mistake. It’s a choice.... Try new strategies, this weekend is a good opportunity to get it right. You've got this 💪
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1200 calories for weight loss? Starvation mode? 🤔
Great post from Ryan Smith Miller
Q - I've been dieting for a while and I can't seem to lose weight even though I'm only eating about 1200 calories a day. Someone told me if I don't eat enough, my body will go into starvation mode. Do I need to eat more to lose weight?
... A - When someone isn't losing weight and they think they should be, they sometimes ask if they are eating too little AKA they think they're in starvation mode. The idea of eating too little to lose weight is a misconception and there is no such thing as starvation mode. Everyone who consistently eats in a calorie deficit will lose weight.
There are a few things that happen that get the starvation mode rumors flying.
1) If you have been dieting for a long time or have cut your calories drastically, you could experience a drop in energy levels. Because of this, you may be moving less, sitting more, and lowering your daily burn as a result. It's that double edged sword. You eat less so you get tired, then you move less and burn fewer calories, so you slow your weight loss as a result. It's not starvation mode. It's sitting too much on your butt mode.
2) Are you tracking everything that goes in your mouth, including bites of this and that? Are you weighing and measuring everything, or eyeballing? Are you eating out a lot which is notorious for inaccurate portion sizes? Are you having cheat meals or cheat days? Many times we think we're eating 1200 calories but we are only on some days. Once someone starts accurately tracking, the weight comes off. It's not starvation mode. It's that you're finally eating at a calorie deficit.
3) You have a medical issue like hypothyroidism, are severely lacking in muscle, be a very small person, or have another issue that will cause your daily calorie burn to be lower. If you are overestimating your daily calorie burn, you may just need to lower your calories to create a deficit to lose. This is very common since many of us think we have more muscle or move more than we truly do. It's not starvation mode. It's that you're overestimating how much you need to eat to lose weight.
Lastly, some of us who are smaller and/or less active may need to diet on less than 1200 calories. The 1200 rule doesn't apply to everyone. The bottom line is that if you aren't losing weight, you aren't consistently in a deficit for your current body and activity level.
A little knowledge can really go far here, but don't be fooled into thinking you are starving your body into a plateau.
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Fitness Myth Wednesday
“Fruit is bad because it makes you fat”
Fruit doesn’t make you fat, fruit has sugar and that’s why people associate sugar with fat. fruit is good for you, you should eat fruit, but always be mindful about your calorie intake, fruit also has calories, so if you overeat your daily amount of calories you will gain weight. ... Remember, there’s no “good” or “bad” foods, it’s all about finding the balance 🙂
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If you are bored of doing cardio on a treadmill boxing is a good alternative, not only to improve cardiovascular health but to improve total body strength, better motor skills and coordination, decreases stress, and the best of all it’s fun 🙂 Well done @melllhaywardx 🥊 improving every session 🙃 . . #personaltrainer #bristol #puregym #fitfam #instafitness #beastmode #gym #instafit #fitnessaddict #active #bestoftheday #instadaily #fitnessfreak #health #healthylife #eatclean #twelveskip #fitspo #abs #lifestyle #diet #instahealth #wellness #getmoving #boxing #padwork


Great article about “healthy” and “unhealthy” foods. It’s all about balance 🙂
“Clean Eating is a Scam” It’s a scam that’s promoted by athletes, coaches, trainers, doctors, government officials, schools, diet book authors, and pretty much everyone else who eats.... “Clean eating” has no objective definition and no scientific support. Food doesn’t make people gain fat, people over-eating food makes them overweight. Eating some of your calories from less nutrient dense sources is not going to give you a nutrient deficiency. There is no evidence that any food directly damages your health in moderate amounts in every situation. Balance and moderation are what’s important, and the definition of both of these terms depends on who’s eating the food and how much they’re eating. https://completehumanperformance.com/2013 /…/20/clean-eating/
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Question: I go to the gym 6 days per week, and do tons of cardio and can't lose these stubborn pounds. what can I do?
Answer: You need a new routine. One that is 7 days. In the kitchen.
Prepare and track your food daily, ensuring that you are in a calorie deficit consistently over time. All the training in the world isn't going to help if you eat too much. 😉


😊 #simple


If you are one of those people who has a mini panic attack every time you have to step up on the scale, then you should really read this article, weight fluctuations are really common when losing weight. So if you see your numbers going up and down on the scale do not panic, as long as you are in a calorie deficit, tracking your calorie intake, being consistent with your nutrition and training there is nothing to worry about 😊
http://physiqonomics.com/the-weird-and-hi ghly-annoying-wor…/


Struggling to lose weight or stubborn fat?
Try this now! This formula to lose fat is simple, doing it the right way you’ll be able to lose about 1% of your body weight per week, which is sustainable. Eat in a calorie deficit, multiply your body weight in pounds x 9-11 (That would give you a good starting calorie setting), focus on having high protein foods, lift heavy 3-5 days per week and also add some cardio on a few days.... Last but not least be consistent, consistency is key, in exercise and nutrition. You don’t need all this other crap that’s popular this days, like detox or cleanse, drink apple cider vinegar or hot water with lemon in the morning or to do only crazy amounts of cardio.
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The 80/20 rule is the best way to enjoy the foods you like with a perfect balance. 80% of your food should come from minimally processed foods and the remainder, as you like.
Weight loss comes down to energy balance, calories IN vs. calories OUT. Meaning that you could loose weight with a diet comprised only of McDonald's or pizza if you are eating the right amount of calories. (There are studies to prove it)
... But just because you can loose weight on junk food it doesn’t mean you should.
Whole foods come packed with minerals, vitamins and protein that are really important to boost energy build muscle and overall health.
More than taking it literally is all about the mindset, try to get most of your calories from whole foods and save some calories for fun foods or less healthy foods.
Remember if your diet is sustainable you will succeed on your weight loss goal. 😊
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Most of the time we hear that brown rice is healthy and white rice is an unhealthy choice specially when it comes to losing fat.
So which one is better? Here is the final conclusion.
🔹Are there differences between white rice and brown rice? Yes, definitely.
... 🔹Are those differences likely to make any significant difference whatsoever in terms of body composition or health with all else (overall diet, training, consistency, etc.) being equal? No.
🔹In fact, when you really compare the two, any differences that might be even close to significant (for example, digestibility and arsenic content) actually favor white rice over brown.
🔹So which one is better? It’s a tie, and that tie is likely best broken based on your own personal needs and preferences. The rest doesn’t matter. Eat the one you like best and/or have less issues with eating. 😊
https://www.aworkoutroutine.com/brown-ric e-vs-white-rice/
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When talking about fat loss is really important to know how much you are eating to keep the energy balance (Calories in/Calories out). A good place to start is by using any free app like MyFitnessPal, log your food for 1 week or 2 to know the average of your calorie intake. If is something you’ve never done before, you might be surprised by the amount of food you are eating.
🔹Always remember, fat loss is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise.

More about David Gallardo Fitness

David Gallardo Fitness is located at Pure Gym 1 Barrow Road, bs5 0htu Bristol, United Kingdom