Davis Racing.

About Davis Racing.

Davis racing are a team that are competing in the Rebels Racing formula, with our driver Aj and co we aim to give 110% on and off the track.



Saturday 29th June saw the hottest day of the year and we set off for Aldershot at tea time when we hoped it would be cooler and a more comfortable drive .We had contacted the track earlier in the week and said the gates would be locked at 3pm so we had planned to stay outside , but a txt from team Emmett put our minds at rest as the gates would be shut but left unlocked for latecomers , so we arrived and had a chill out with some of the rebel family before retiring to the r...ace van to hopefully get some sleep for raceday ,it was a lot cooler in the van than expected so we slept well and after breakfast AJ started to prepare the car , there were a few things to tighten , some to loosen and others to adjust , then it was time to race !
Heat 1 - this was to be a closed grid start and it saw car #20 on the 6th row outside , he moved up the grid and by the 4th lap was in 4th place and the next lap took 3rd , he continued the race in this position but #993 was chasing hard , then on turn 3/4 #993 made a lunge which saw him ride up the side of car #20 , they both headed towards the barrier and lost places but carried on racing , AJ limping home in 16th place with a flat tyre and Alister Houghton taking his very first win 🏁 . Aj's wheel arch was missing and his tyre was ripped open , inner tube popped and wheel nut striped so after a visit to the van , and a bit of work it was on to the next race .
Heat 2 - AJ lined up on the first row of the reds , the race started but there was a big bang and he lost drive , finally coming to a halt in a very sketchy position at the start to turn 3/4 so this was a DNF for Aj and Brad Cooper took the win . Back in the pits we got busy with team Emmett's dad John and removed the gearbox , fortunately we had another in the van (thanks again John 👍) and it was soon fitted and the car was ready for the last race of the day .
Final - after the poor results it was no surprise #20 was on the last row of the grid outside , he got a good start and was up to 10th at the end of the first lap , he lost a few places then gained several times and was then 9th for the restart after Shay's dramatic rollover , he battled hard with #16 and finished the race in 7th place , with Karl Emmet taking the win and the rebels challenge trophy for the most points of the day 🏆.
So things could have gone better for us , but that's just how things are sometimes , we got a photo off John of the broken gearbox that literally destroyed itself, well at least it went out with a bang !
We need to say a big thank you to John Emmett for all your help , it was much appreciated , we owe you one buddy 👍 ,
£330 was raised from the cake bake for Bowel cancer , what a fantastic achievement for a worthy cause 👏👏👏
Shout out to Moose who didn't get home untill 6am after his gearbox broke at Luton services , enjoy your break and will hopefully see you soon after your holiday .
See you all at Mildenhall when we can say again " let's go racing " !!
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Sunday 23rd June - Buxton
So Sat teatime saw us set off in warm sunshine to pick up more car parts , then it was on to the track where Moose and Boomer were already settled in , and the mood was jovial , we were in awe at Mooses BBQ skills !! 😁 After having a good evening it started to come in colder so it was then sleep time . We woke to a cold cloudy morning and were hoping it was going to stay dry for the days racing ahead , we had breakfast and prepped the car and waited ...
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Lochgelly double header , 6th 7th June - day 2
We woke bright and early to blue skies and sunshine and had breakfast swiftly followed by more paracetamol , and got ready for the days racing. By the time we had finished our food patchy cloud had started to gather and we hoped it would stay dry . As can be seen in the photo we had parked under power lines in the pits , this had caused a lot of hilarity on Sat as every time AJ touched the race van he got a belt of static that ca...
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Lochgelly double header 6th - 7th June .
Friday morning saw us set off to do a few errands before meeting up with Moose at Ferrybridge for the long trip up to bonny Scotland . We were hoping for a smooth trip and not a repeat of last year, and apart from a few traffic hold ups due to accidents in the wet weather, all went well with the trip and we arrived at the track at just gone 7pm . We got settled in and had a good evening chilling with moose and team Emmett before retir...
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So Friday 24th of May saw team #20 travel down to Santa Pod where they would spend the long weekend watching drag racing , with a little bit of their own racing a stones throw away at Northampton thrown in on the Saturday for good measure !
Saturday 25th We woke to a sunny warm morning and after having breakfast and wandering round the pits and watching a few races , we made our way to the track at Northampton . We were a little apprehensive as conditions have not been the b...est on our recent visits to the raceway, and we don't seem to go well on shale .
Heat 1- The track was well watered before the race which caused the outside of the track to become sloppy as the race started , the racing line was not too bad , but if you got pushed wide as we did several times, you were held back by the claggy mud , we couldn't seem to gain much ground and finished in 17th spot with Josh taking the flag in first .
Heat 2 - we started at the back of the reds , the track had dried out a little and the car was running well .There was a restart and we lined up in 16th , we started off and soon got caught up in an incident with 80 , 8 and 131 which saw another restart and us in 13th spot , we picked up a place to finish in 12th place with newcomer Jake McCarthy taking his first win .
Final - we were placed on the 5th row , we got a good start but then someone span and AJ got pushed into them , this caused a lot of damage and we were out of the race , so a dnf in the final with Josh taking the 2nd win of the day . Back in the pits we tried to repair the damage , a steering bolt had snapped and hit the starter motor and knocked the power wire into the signal wire causing the starter motor to be engaged all the time , we bent a steering arm and popped a tire . 😕
GN - of the two reds starting , AJ started on the outside position , he got pushed wide and lost places , but soon found the racing line and started to pick up places again , there was a restart and he lined up in 14th spot , more cars span out and he picked up places placing the best he had all night in 7th position with Jordan taking the chequered flag for the win .
Getting the car into the van proved difficult again , as did getting the thing out at the unit !
Bent bits , lots of bent bits !! After a full strip down another centre bar was needed and things needed straightening and tweeking , by Wednesday she has been all fixed and in the van ready for the journey north to bonny Scotland on Friday ! Let's hope we soon see a turn of fortunes as this year we have had a bit of bad luck so fingers crossed the van makes it !
Let's go rebels racing !!! 😀
Next stop Lochgelly !
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Sunday 19 th May - Buxton
So after spending a great day on Friday swapping out Mooses ill engine for Ajs spare one , Saturday evening saw us travel to Buxton track to meet up again for an overnight stay , we didn't want to get caught up in traffic in the morning so this was the best option .We were up in plenty of time on Sunday and when the gates opened we had breakfast and prepped the car for racing , it started off cloudy but as the morning progressed it got warmer . The ...Rebels entered the track at the start of the meeting where a minutes silence was held for their ambulance driver , Frank , who had recently passed away , after respects were made the rebels lined up for the first race .
Heat 1 - car #20 started middle row of the red pack , after #93 span out taking a heavy impact into the barrier there was a restart of the race and we were 10th in the line up .after another impact on the road side of the track that saw cars airborne , car #20 lined up in 8th place and had soon moved up to 4th spot , it was then that we started running on 3 cylinders , we went wide and lost places finishing the race in 10th spot with Reece flying home with a win . Once in the pits we found a tappet nut had come off , we reset everything, tracked up and we're ready for the second heat .
Heat 2 - we started the front inside of the reds and was doing ok when we had a run in with Dave on the pit corner , this saw us airborne and land heavy on the front end , we continued to race but the handling was off and we finished in 15 th place with Karl taking the win . Back in the pits we found the centre bar that was replaced at Skeggy was bent again as well as steering arms etc ,we did what we could and tracked up for the final .
Final - we were placed fifth row inside on the grid , we got a good start and made our way up to 5th when there was a stoppage , we got a nudge on the restart and lost ground but made up some places and finished in 7th , with Murph taking the flag for first place .
GN - Aj had a few handling issues but managed to gradually work his way up the ranks and finished in 9th position with Josh Spiers taking the accolades in first place .Back in the pits when trying to get the car in the van , we noticed a few more bent parts , we haven't seemed to been able to catch a break this season so far , resolving one issue to find two more ! So it will be a busy week straightening the car out for Northampton , fingers crossed lady luck is kind to us !
Roll on racetime !!
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Skegness double header , May 5th and 6th
It was a wet Saturday evening that saw AJ travel to the track , knowing how the bank hol traffic could be he didn't want to be late for racing . After a sleepover in the car park he was rested and up for the days racing , it was cold and cloudy but dry. During the week we had struggled with the brakes , replacing cylinders and lines , there was a lot of head scratching but very little in the way of stopping power going into the meeting...
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The morning of 19th of April ( Good Fri ) saw AJ set off in the in the race van to attend the modified nationals car show at StoneLeigh Coventry , this was three shows in one as there was also the hot rod and custom show and the Midlands Autofest as well as mod nats , his club simply modified had a stand there . It was only 40 mins from Birmingham so AJ decided to go racing from there leaving after dinner and returning after racing and showing the rebel off there on Sunday ....
The weather was beautiful , with glorious sunshine beating down , and as ever AJ was up for racing knowing this would probably be the last time he had his lights for a while as the new grades would be out after the meeting . The start of the season had been frustrating as there seemed to be one problem after another , but with luck things should start to settle down.....fingers crossed .
Heat 1 - the race started with Boydies exhaust trailing , so we knew it wouldn't be long before there would be a restart , and when it did we were in 24th spot , he was soon up into 19th place but made contact with Fev that took him heading to the wall , his quick reactions managed to just save him from the barrier on turn 4 , he lost a couple of places but finished in 12 th spot with problematic brakes again . Well done to Reece on the win .
Heat 2 - all was going well when turn 3/4 on the 2nd lap saw incidents and AJ spin facing the wrong way on the track , he tried to reverse out of harm's way but was prevented by a stationary car , by the time he was able to rejoin the race he was a lap down and finished in 23 rd place , back at the pits he found he had lost a bolt from his steering . Today the cars handling was the best it's been this season and the car felt fast so hopefully things might finally start clicking into place .
Final - AJ was placed on the 8th row inside , after two laps he gained places and was up to 12th place , the flags came out and car #20 was 8th in line for the restart , taking the flag in 6th spot for the best finish of the day .
GN - AJ got a good start , and by the end of the first lap was in 16th , he made his way up the field with a bit of push and shoving and finished the race in 11th place .
He now needed to haul ass so to speak , as the camp site gates shut at 10pm , he got a reprieve and they took pity on him and let them in at 10.30 !
On Sunday AJ had the rebel on show on the stand , but also went on the skill and time trial track which got a lot of attention and drew in a crowd (ever trying to publicise the formula ! ), so much so that he left his car at track and a line of customers thought they were having a go in it !!! By the end of the day AJ had ended up winning the competition and although there wasn't a prize , they will be showing pics of the rebel on their site 😀 !! ( He did do the course in a borrowed estate car on the sat and got 2nd place lol !! )
Now let's keep the sun , and roll on Skegvagas !!!
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Sorry for the late report.
Sunday 7 April - Buxton
Sat night saw AJ travel to Buxton to meet up with team #29 and camp overnight in the pits so as to be up nice and early and fresh for the days racing .... The morning saw a misty start and as ever we were looking forwards to racing .
Heat 1 - we started off but seemed to be lacking a bit of power on the straights and seemed sluggish , there was an incident and we lined up in 22nd place on the restart , AJ made up places and finished the race in 14th place with Karl Emmett taking the win .Back in the pits we found the tappets needed a little adjustment so fingers crossed we should see a bit more oomph in the car next race . Just before the 2nd heat the sun broke through and it started to look brighter .
Heat 2 - car #20 started well and it looked like the tinkering had helped ! There was a stoppage and he lined up in 18th place we made up places gradually and finished the race in 12 th spot although he started to have trouble with the brakes again a few laps to the flag .
Final/world masters - AJ was placed 6th row middle on the grid , a good place to get into trouble when the race started , on turn 3/4 he got a hit and his engine cut out and was hesitant to start , several more stoppages took place and he ended up in 17th spot with 1st Murph 2nd Reece and 3rd Tom .
GN - the weather had started to get colder and looked like it might start to rain , he started well and when there was a stoppage he lined up in 17th spot , he gradually made up places taking the flag in 10th place ,
We had found out where oil was leaking and had made a temporary fix , there are still a few things to rectify but hopefully we will have the car up to form and running smoothly again , it has been a frustrating start to the season and with a bit of luck the niggles will take an exit and we will be able to run without issues .
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After the meeting at Brum a good bit of time was spent in the unit sorting the niggles that were found with the rebel .The exhaust was put back on and the brakes had new lines , fittings and a rebuild . The slight oil leak on the engine was fixed and we attempted to sort the gear box oil leak .
2nd Meeting - Mildenhall
The drive down to Mildenhall was glorious with no sign of the rain that cancelled last year's meeting . It was our visit to this venue , and it seemed very rem...
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Saturday saw the race van back up and running for the first meeting of the 2019 season .With a bumper crop of Rebelers booked in at a dry, but cold Birmingham wheels raceway we were up for a days racing . The drive down saw wet and windy conditions with a shed perched precariously over the edge of the Ouse bridge , not something you see every day !! Earlier in the week we had made the same trip for a spot of testing , this raised a few problems , and due to pre booked commitm...
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Yesterday saw us travel to Brum for some pre season testing , and a good job we did as a number of issues surfaced , a lot of work will be needed before the weekends racing gets underway . What we thought was going to a twerk on settings turned into a oil leak , gasket failures and handling that was mostly sideways ! Hopefully a couple of nights in the unit will have most of the problems sorted and we can get on with what we like best , Racing !!


Well the start of the season is just around the corner and to say team #20 is excited for the 2019 season is an understatement ! We have the race van fully operational and it will be good to have access to all the benefits that brings . The car will not look massively different to last season and it was decided to keep the bent fin as a good luck charm in the hope of a repeat result from when it obtained it's damage at Skeggy . Lets hope this fine weather hangs about a bit and starts the season off at Brum with sunshine and not snow ! Looking forwards to seeing you all trackside soon , take care and "start your engines" it's nearly race time !
AJ and all at team #20


Well it's been all go in the team #20's unit over the past few weeks , we were hoping to have the car finished over the Xmas break , but getting flu put paid to that ! so january saw the rebel getting stripped right back , parts straightened or replaced , touched up with raptor or paint before being re-assembled , there are a couple of jobs still to finish but the rebel is back on it's wheels and the list is getting ever smaller and should be fully completed in the next week or so . Can't wait for March now as racing fever is biting and we can't wait to get back out there ! Hope everyone is race ready, good luck and see you trackside !
AJ Davis and all at team #20


The feeling you get when it's getting close to the start of race season !
https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1000 013319615508482


Well the fixtures are out for the coming season , and here at Davis Racing we would be more than happy to see a few of you cheering us on in the crowd , we start the season with flashing lights , and hope to do well enough to hold onto them with your support , also if anyone wishes to sponsor us in the coming year give us a call , it doesn't have to be for a lot , but every little helps , we would like to say a big thank you to Stayfast industrial supplies who continue to be ...a big help to us , and who's company colours we continue to sport , also thank you to everyone who has helped us out in the past year as it was a fatal blow losing the race van when the engine blew on the way to Scotland , but hopefully that should be sorted for the coming season , all the best for the coming season to racers and fans alike from AJ and all at team #20 !
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We would like to say a big thank you for the fantastic job rebels racing staff have done on the driver profiles and season round up and also for all their hard work throughout the year , we all appreciate the work you put in week in and week out and wish you all the best for endeavours in 2019 xx


https://www.facebook.com/188746097871117/ videos/205226907031098/

More about Davis Racing.

Davis Racing. is located at St Marks street HU8 7ED, HU8 7ED Kingston upon Hull