Day-Mer Youth

About Day-Mer Youth

Day-Mer Youth Official Page

Day-Mer Youth Description

Day-Mer Youth is an active organisation fighting for the rights of young people in the UK. Our door is open to anyone who is against privitisation, public sector cuts, education cuts and fee increases, racism, slave labour & unemployment, corporate greed, youth discrimination and imperialist wars. In short, we are anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist.

Britain is a rich country and yet all the mainstream political parties are claiming the cuts are necessary and there is no choice. While billions of taxpayers' money is spent on wars in the Middle East, Africa and Asia in the conquest for oil and gas reserves to satisfy the greed of the rich, ordinary people in the UK are being attacked by governments who work in partnership with the rich instead of serving the needs of society.

Whether in education, employment or unemployed, it is vital that young people from all over the UK join in the struggle against the anti-public profit driven attack on the services used by ordinary people; organise in your workplaces and education centres and fight back collectively for your rights.

Youth in education. Our demands:

- Scrap university tuition fees
- Bring back EMA to college students
- No to "free" schools or Academies
- No cuts to college & university courses

Employed & unemployed youth. Our demands:

- No to "slave labour" (workfare) schemes
- Rise in minimum wage in line with the rising cost of food and goods
- Better working conditions by law
- No to increase in retirement age

Our demand in general for a better society:

- Spend taxpayers' money on public services and creation of decent jobs not wars
- Clamp down on tax evasions by the rich
- Stop closing down youth centres
- Cheaper fuel & public transport
- Cap private rent not benefits!
- No to privatisation of NHS

In an environment where job opportunities are lacking while those in work are faced with deteriorating working conditions, young people are graduating with massive debts and no job guarantee. In such environment, benefits are means of subsistence for claimants. Government policy is not making anything better; the Labour Party is not helping either.

Privatisation and cuts are clearly not necessary and their is an alternative. We say stop spending our money on wars and create jobs in the UK! Stop claiming that the benefit system & NHS is a black hole for the economy and clamp down on corporate tax evasion, which equates to around £25 BILLION per year!

The unpopular political contradictions of popular governments are endless and we need to raise our voice against this. But just fighting for the rights of young people is not enough. The attacks on the lives of young people is found in the wider attack on people from all ages and backgrounds.

We can defeat the government and demand a better society not in isolation but with the unity of students, workers, pensioners and unemployed.


Day-Mer Youth Committee