Dbs Environmental Limited

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Dbs Environmental Limited

Environmental Consultants specialising in Contaminated Land, Geotechnics and Wastes Management. We work across the UK.

Dbs Environmental Limited Description

DBS delivers high quality, technically robust work for a diverse range of clients including local and national developers, house builders, architects, local authorities, engineers, other consultants, commercial and industrial clients and private individuals.

We work across the UK.

Our aim is to provide clients with clear, pragmatic advice to help them deliver successful projects.

We work to very competitive fixed fee cost estimates without hidden surprises and all of our work is fully insured.



Ground gas monitoring on site with our new Gas Data GFM436 meter. Measuring the volume of methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen within the ground to enable a Ground Gas Risk Assessment to be prepared to support site redevelopment. We also check for the trace gasses carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide.
Ground gas monitoring helps identify if there are any risks to future receptors such as human health and/or property prior to design. If risks are present then suitable mitigati...on measures can be implemented such as gas resistant membranes and ventilation within property foundations.
There are numerous potential sources of ground gas within the environment such as landfill sites, infilled ground, mine workings, Made Ground and even natural strata such as chalk that can lead to high carbon dioxide concentrations in soils.
Methane is explosive/flammable between 5 and 15% in air, and carbon dioxide can asphyxiate at very low concentrations as it replaces oxygen within the respiratory tract and can lead to death in minutes in CO2 rich atmospheres.
It is therefore important that risks are fully identified and mitigated prior to development of any new site.
We also undertake assessments of historical features such as old landfill sites where risks may be present and no operator is in place to control them.
Some pictures attached of borehole installation and monitoring of a proposed new development site; 6 rounds of monitoring will be completed and a ground gas risk assessment prepared in acccordance with BS8485:2015 guidance to identify if any further work or mitigation against gas risk is needed.
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Lovely winters morning in North Northumberland. Driving across to Chatton from Belford; Cheviots to the west, beaches and north sea to the east. Out and about doing site visits for new development sites.


Geoenvironmental ground investigation for new commercial park almost completed this week; cable percussion drilling and trial pitting. Well done to RD Drilling Ltd for battling soft ground to get the cable rig set up on one of the holes, onto position using the rigs winch, out again using a tow off the JCB.


North East Sport Bayern Under 7s
DBS are proud to be sponsoring North East Sport Bayern Under 7s football team, playing in the Russell Forster mini league.
The lads have just pulled off a 4-1 win with some great skill and determination on show, well done boys!


Out and about again this week; we visited the small Hamlet of Dunstan to undertake a site walkover of land associated with Dunstan Hall, a medieval hall with Peel Tower dating from early in the reign of Henry III (1216-1272).
Interesting history, the original hall was attacked by the Scots in 1385 and burned, it was then repaired in the 1500s and still stands today. The Hall itself is unfortified so would have been easily attacked, the Peel Tower would have provided refuge a...nd a watch point to identify the approach of the Scottish Armies or the infamous Border Raiders.
While there we popped into nearby Craster to enjoy the early spring day in this unspoilt Northumbrian fishing village. The world famous Craster Kippers smoke house was billowing smoke while we had a quick pint in the local watching the North Sea, perk of the job.
Some photos of the trip attached. Spot the worlds best bus stop, and the remains of Dunstanburgh Castle that is a walk from the village up the coast.
This area of the Northumberland coastline is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
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Beautiful day up in Northumberland, site surveys of an old hemmel and former lambing shed located outside the stunning hamlet of Rock.
Some pictures of the visit are attached, see if you can spot the old sandstone quarry that used to provide the village with stone.
Its a real privelege to be out and about on a day like today and gaining access to such remote sites.
... The old shepherds room in the lambing sheds will have provided much needed warmth and shelter from the elements, the cast iron fireolace is still present, looking at the age of the old bottles and items lying around it has been unused for decades.
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Ground Investigation in full swing on a new development site near Corbridge. Work comprises cable percussion boreholes to 10m bgl with geotechnical and environmental sampling, as well as mechanically excavated Trial Pits to 4.5m bgl. The site is located close to the Military Road that once serviced Hadrians Wall and the Roman Empire, no artifacts uncovered as yet, site good to build out for new residential dwellings.


Phase 2 Ground Investigation underway on new development site located outside Corbridge today. Boreholes being sunk to 10m bgl, with mechanically excavated trial pits to 4.5m bgl.
Site is just off the Military Road which originally serviced Hadrians Wall and the Roman Empire, nothing of past note identified in trial pits as yet, site good for build out for new residential housing.


Lots of site visits and walkover surveys completed recently, including visits to Lucker and Amble completed last week, always good to be out and about in rural Northumberland, whatever the weather!


Phase 2 Geoenvironmental investigation underway in County Durham using a terrier rig, commonly referred to as a "window sampler".
The site is being proposed for a new community centre located within a school.
The terrier rig allows for some basic in situ information to be obtained comprising SPTs, and allows samples to be taken for lab testing. It is fairly limited in comparison to info obtained using cable percussion drilling, but, was considered suitable on this project to... provide the structural consultant enough information to support foundation design.
The terrier is remote controlled and runs on tracks, its highly mobile in a small working zone like this accessed through the school yard.
Our drilling subcontractor used was Geocore of Cleveland who did another excellent job for us.
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DBS are sponsoring Veolicity Vipers Under 11 football team, go boys!


Very old Vaux beer bottle dug out of one of our trial pits in Spennymoor, intact with lid and a trace of beer in it.
Anyone know why it has Middlesbrough on it rather than Sunderland drop us a line!


Mine spoil exposed in bank side of burn on site we are working on in County Durham. There are seven mine entries within the site, they worked a coal outcrop that follows the burn. Interesting site history with tramways and aerial ropeways removing the coal from the valley.


New facebook page created to link to our new website updates, take a look for a more detailed overview of our services - www.dbsenvironmental.co.uk

More about Dbs Environmental Limited

Dbs Environmental Limited is located at 4 Admiral Way, SR3 3XW City of Sunderland
0191 5018052
Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -