Devon County Council

About Devon County Council

News and information here. We monitor Facebook weekdays 9am - 5pm (not bank holidays).
Contacts here: https://www. devon. gov. uk /help /contact-us /

Devon County Council Description

Local Authority in the South West of England, serving a population of over 750, 000.

Key stats:
- Population: 750, 100
- Schools: 364
- Pupils: 96, 200
- Children looked after: 550
- Adults helped to live at home: 18, 956
- Residential and nursing care: 3, 564 adults
- Libraries and Mobile Libraries: 58
- Roads: 12, 850 kms (7, 985 miles)
- Bridges: 3, 500
- Public Rights of Way: 4, 940 kms or 3, 070 miles
- Streetlights: 71, 000
- Illuminated road signs: 10, 917
- Recycling Centres: 20
- Recycling rate: 52. 62%



Scheme to widen and add shared cycle route to Newton Abbot’s ‘gateway’ approved


It’s #FuelPovertyAwarenessDay – help is available from Cosy Devon to reduce energy costs and carbon for residents who struggle with energy bills or are vulnerable to the health effects of a cold home Local Energy Advice Partnership - LEAP #WeAreDevon


Leader of Devon County Council, John Hart, joins young people in a show of support for their message on climate change. Here he is talking to the Exeter protest organiser, Sophie Sleeman, and May Puckey. unty-council-supp…/ #ClimateAction #FridayForFuture


Devon County Council supports young people’s climate change concerns: #ClimateAction #FridayForFuture


Overnight work to resurface and waterproof Exe Bridges will start on the evening of Monday 4 March and is expected to take around seven weeks to complete


🔍Check out the job vacancies this week on Devon Jobs 📧 Sign up for job email alerts 👉 Your next move could be working for Devon... Make a difference, help people and contribute to your community. Why Devon? Find out more here #WeAreDevon #DevonJobs


Could you share the love this Valentine's Day?


If you live in Devon, Somerset or Torbay and you have recently had your car serviced, you can have the work checked for free.


Beautiful 😍


Overnight closures to Bitton Park Road in Teignmouth start next week (from Monday 18th February) as a four-week programme of improvement work gets underway.
Work on the A379, from the junction with Shaldon Bridge to the fire station, will include major road resurfacing and footpath repairs, as well as upgrading the toucan crossing near Tesco Express, fixing damaged pedestrian barriers, renewing signage and lining and replacing high friction surfacing where required.
To minim...ise disruption to daytime traffic on this busy route, all the work will be carried out during an overnight road closure (including Shaldon Bridge) between 7pm and 7am (not 5am), Monday to Friday. Work starts on Monday 18 February and is expected to take four weeks.
Residents needing to access their property on streets within the closure will be escorted through site to ensure their safety as there will be heavy plant equipment operating.
Pedestrians and cyclists who dismount will be able to use the pavement.
As with any road closure a recommended diversion route using roads of equal category will be signed, although motorists with good local knowledge may use minor roads to work their way around the closure and short cut the diversions.
Read more:
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New waste transfer facility heralds the end of dustbin waste going to landfill in the county of Devon. This type of waste elsewhere in Devon is already being sent to either the Exeter Energy Recovery Facility or the Devonport Energy from Waste Combined Heat & Power Facility where it too is used as a fuel to generate energy.


This week is Children's Mental Health Awareness Week, so it's timely to hear that we've been chosen as one of only nine local authorities to be part of a trial aimed at improving the mental health of children across the UK.
It’s described by the Government as one of the largest trials in the world, and it will work with schools and services including Children and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
Up to 370 schools across the country will be involved, but in Devon the will focus on support specifically for children who are in the care of the local authority.
Details about the two-year trial have yet to be decided, but its purpose is to see what types of service are most effective in supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing, gathering evidence about what works best. Read more
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Temporary traffic lights currently in place around the site of expansion joint repairs at Bray Viaduct on the A361 are due to be removed around 4pm-6pm tomorrow afternoon (Friday 8 Feb). They will then be back in use from 7am on Saturday morning until 7pm Sunday evening. Traffic lights will be back in use Monday evening at 7pm where normal night work will resume. The only remaining overnight closure that will be needed during the work will be the evening of Wednesday 6 March.


🔍Check out the job vacancies this week on Devon Jobs 📧 Sign up for job email alerts 👉 Your next move could be working for Devon... Make a difference, help people and contribute to your community. Why Devon? Find out more here #WeAreDevon #DevonJobs


A section of Longford Lane in Kingsteignton will be closed during the daytime, between 7am and 6pm, from Monday 18 February to Friday 22 February


Doorstep traders sentenced after carrying out illegal work on protected trees. They had cold called the victim at her home in Kingskerswell and told her that her trees needed cutting back. The victim said that the trees were oak and subject to a Tree Preservation Order, but they persuaded the customer that they could still carry out the work, which they commenced immediately.


I love the fact that Devon County council let's the use of a children's rugby pitch become a breeding ground of self centred dog owners who fail to pick up their dogs mess. Wonderful place when we have it constantly left outside our gate on the footpath. Sometimes if we are lucky the council let us bring it in to our homes and share it with our children. What a wonderful time we live in . Oh, and if you arrange to complain about all this then be prepared for the invoice. Such fun! Let us all live in Honiton and share the excitement.


Tell your werkers that are resurfacing the A380 Newton Abbot bound to get off their

backsides and finish the work. We sat in a jam Torquay bound from Kingsteignton and then returned 30 mins later and they were still leaning on their brooms/ shovels. Come on DCC your road works cost people time and money.


I think some changes with stagecoach are definitely needed over bus fares. Just cost my two children (1 free) and me £5.60 to go to high street from st Thomas and back. Was trying to be green. Next time I'll take the car and park. Much cheaper!

Instead of free bus travel for over 60s why don't you charge 20p or 50p per journey and at least that way the rest of us aren't having to fork out a fortune in our small journeys?


Exeter timetable changes starting 5-9-2016

Can I ask why the News of Stagecoach timetables changes has been hidden from the news?

The early morning workers have lost their service and no public inquire has been held?

Once again we pay for a service funded partly by the tax payer which we can't use?

Thanks again, hope the new depot looks nice for those of you who don't have to walk to work. �


perhaps someone from Devon County Council care to tell me why I am being chased by a dodgy collection company, with goodness knows how much extra fees added onto it, for a parking ticket that was paid for last September? Apparently the Parking team are far too important to actually speak to the people that pay their wages...

Useless, incompetent civil servants....


Why don't you allow people to post comments and messages on your Facebook page? This is bizarre. All the other councils and professional organisations do.

Anyway, I would like an update on the 6 weeks (so far) postponed road resurfacing in Punchards Down at Totnes.

I know they messed up the planning and ordered the wrong workforce for the wrong road width according to last time I chased it up a month ago. But this is getting ridiculous.

Can we please be told when it will be fixed? There is currently no road surface on one side of the road, traffic cones and signs and no information about when the work will be done in the first section of the road.


The road surfacing being carried out on Topsham Road is unacceptable. On Friday morning I was going to work on my motorcycle and the small gravel that's being laid on the surface made my motorcycle slide all over the place. How I stayed on and didn't fall I don't know. It is very dangerous and whoever thought that that type of surface is going to be a good idea was very very wrong! I understand that the works are not finished yet, but I have seen the finished surface in several places now and it is simply not good enough! For example on a piece of road in Marsh Barton the road markings have already been painted on. I thought maybe this gravely surface is just preparation for the final proper surfacing, but no! The main street in Sidmouth has also been covered with this surface; totally unacceptable! The road leading to Whimple from the London Road! The road leading to Tipton St John from the A3052! And so on, as it seems that this is the new norm for surfacing roads in Devon now. Please stop using this type of surfacing, it is very dangerous for motorcycles, and dangerous in general, as the little gravels are flicked by the car tyres and will cause damage to vehicles, or even accidents.



Just wanted dcc to know that there is a road in Teignbridge that isn’t being dug up and there are no lights, cones or traffic at a standstill, just seemed a bit odd thought you should check it out !!!


Just like to say thank you for closing bridge road this weekend. Another completely mad decision to block Exeter again. Someone in the relevant office is either receiving back handers or actually doesn't realise how much congestion these road works cause. Fully understand you have to maintain this city but to to close barrack road and bridge road at the same time as a festival in the city is complete madness. And how are there so many new housing estates being built. When the road network CLEARLY can't cope as it is.


Is it necessary for your gritter drivers to use spreading as a form of terrorism? The dick who gritted both of mine and my wife's car tonight was doing the full 56mph and spreading at a stupid rate coming down Pocumbe hill and off towards Ide. Maybe train them?


Is anyone else livid about the "pothole" on the Honiton bound side of Farway Common Road please?

It has been getting steadily worse over some time and now extends nearly halfway across the road. My guestimate is that after the snow it is approx 3m x 4m. I have reported it twice to EDC and they sent me an email saying it had been passed to the contractor. It is usually covered in water so you can't see it. It is lethal, if a bike hits it in the dark there would be casualties. It was marked on the map at the following link but has been removed! It says on the EDC page that if you are reporting a pothole that is "an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious damage to property" to phone 0345 155 1004. I did this a week after already reporting online. That was 2 weeks ago!!!!

Don't even think about just shovelling a few buckets of tarmac into this one. IT IS LETHAL. DCC if there is injury or loss of life it is on your hands.


I would like to know why Sherford Road PL9 leading to Deep Lane is not being gritted as it has been in the past!

It’s a main road through for many of us to get to the A38 and to get to work. I leave at 6.30 am, had to drive through yesterday and today. The top end of the road by that new, unwanted Sherford town was covered in black ice!

It is also covered in deep potholes which are not being repaired adding to the dangerous conditions.

I drive a small car and it’s treacherous.

I have contacted Plymouth County Council who say it’s your responsibility, therefore

I would appreciate an answer please.


I see you've just painted double yellow lines outside my house on Littabourne, Barnstaple where a pre-existing 'keep clear' marking is present. In doing so you've actually extended that by one car's length, which was totally unneeded as buses, lorries etc have never had a problem turning here......this means that you've now removed available parking from one of the three residences and as yellow lines have been appearing all over Pilton today there's very few places where I can now park. Our concern as residents was raised regarding painting of yellow lines here, but you've obviously ignored them. Where, exactly am I now meant to park legally???? As I can't do so where I actually live!!!!


I can't drive on half the roads round hear any more ..Its a sham,, you work your fingers to the bone pay your your m.o,t to make your car safe..but your roads are not shouldn't be funding anything else until this is sorted..


I am so tired of parking so far away from where I live (probably because the distance I have to walk) when I pay for residents parking!!!! You need to do something about it!! On the web site it says it doesn’t guarantee you a space, what I’m paying for is to protect myself from the traffic warden you employ who you employ to fine people who don’t pay for resident parking. It’s a big scam and a massive revenue, you are an evil greedy association. You should use your profits to come up with a solution like designated parking or removing limited waiting.


First day of term. Road outside South Brent Primary School is closed for roadworks. They took one day, so why choose the one day that kids go back to school? School bus from Bittaford to ICC refused to pick up students who normally pay for their bus transport to school. Effectively our bus service has been cancelled, but no-one told the school, students, or their parents.


Disgraceful that you were ticketing cars in Rock Park, Barnstaple this morning. They were people taking part in the Parkrun and were there for an hour at most. There is no need for the parking measures since the Park and Ride stopped so ticketing people purely to make money is pretty low.


Disappointed to visit Exeter in a motorhome only to find that the park and ride carpark has height restrictions on it. We didn't want to drive into town but wanted to visit and didn't mind paying to park. Not tourist friendly.


Dear DCC,

I just wanted to express my profound thanks for giving me the opportunity to spend 45 minutes at the end of my 15 hour day taking in the sights of the city. I thoroughly enjoyed trying to navigate my way home this evening from the Alphington side of the city which it would appear to be impossible to do short of being airlifted by a chinook helicopter. Allow me to explain, it would appear that you have agreed to close the a30 allowing access to the M5 and therefore providing me with a route home to Woodbury. I was over the moon to discover this as I drove past Sainsbury's tonight. No problem I will follow the well thought out diversion signs which direct me through Marsh Barton. Alas this would clearly not permit drivers to fully appreciate the extensive array of traffic lights that you have installed around the city, clearly to facilitate the smooth movement of traffic (albeit at snails pace). So your ingenious solution? Wait until your diverted citizens reach Bridge Road only to discover this too is closed. Of course why should it be open? It was due to open in spring and it is now virtually summer. It's closed most of the time which causes the city to grind to a halt, even when you have big sporting events and concerts going on. In this way not only do drivers have the good fortune to see the same roads just from the other direction but also they have the chance to follow your vague diversion signs. I appreciate that clearly you feel that drivers such as I enjoy a road trip or that indeed we are some manner of time lord possessing tardis so that we may regain the time spent aimlessly driving backwards and forwards across Exeter. I don't like to use the phrase complete muppetery so I won't but I'm sure I could think of some other carefully chosen phrases to express your ineptitude. But for now I simply wish to congratulate you on a job well done and recommend a pay rise for whoever came up with this genius scheme of increasing tyre wear and pollution.


I love the fact that Devon County council let's the use of a children's rugby pitch become a breeding ground of self centred dog owners who fail to pick up their dogs mess. Wonderful place when we have it constantly left outside our gate on the footpath. Sometimes if we are lucky the council let us bring it in to our homes and share it with our children. What a wonderful time we live in . Oh, and if you arrange to complain about all this then be prepared for the invoice. Such fun! Let us all live in Honiton and share the excitement.


Tell your werkers that are resurfacing the A380 Newton Abbot bound to get off their

backsides and finish the work. We sat in a jam Torquay bound from Kingsteignton and then returned 30 mins later and they were still leaning on their brooms/ shovels. Come on DCC your road works cost people time and money.


I think some changes with stagecoach are definitely needed over bus fares. Just cost my two children (1 free) and me £5.60 to go to high street from st Thomas and back. Was trying to be green. Next time I'll take the car and park. Much cheaper!

Instead of free bus travel for over 60s why don't you charge 20p or 50p per journey and at least that way the rest of us aren't having to fork out a fortune in our small journeys?


Exeter timetable changes starting 5-9-2016

Can I ask why the News of Stagecoach timetables changes has been hidden from the news?

The early morning workers have lost their service and no public inquire has been held?

Once again we pay for a service funded partly by the tax payer which we can't use?

Thanks again, hope the new depot looks nice for those of you who don't have to walk to work. �


perhaps someone from Devon County Council care to tell me why I am being chased by a dodgy collection company, with goodness knows how much extra fees added onto it, for a parking ticket that was paid for last September? Apparently the Parking team are far too important to actually speak to the people that pay their wages...

Useless, incompetent civil servants....


Why don't you allow people to post comments and messages on your Facebook page? This is bizarre. All the other councils and professional organisations do.

Anyway, I would like an update on the 6 weeks (so far) postponed road resurfacing in Punchards Down at Totnes.

I know they messed up the planning and ordered the wrong workforce for the wrong road width according to last time I chased it up a month ago. But this is getting ridiculous.

Can we please be told when it will be fixed? There is currently no road surface on one side of the road, traffic cones and signs and no information about when the work will be done in the first section of the road.


The road surfacing being carried out on Topsham Road is unacceptable. On Friday morning I was going to work on my motorcycle and the small gravel that's being laid on the surface made my motorcycle slide all over the place. How I stayed on and didn't fall I don't know. It is very dangerous and whoever thought that that type of surface is going to be a good idea was very very wrong! I understand that the works are not finished yet, but I have seen the finished surface in several places now and it is simply not good enough! For example on a piece of road in Marsh Barton the road markings have already been painted on. I thought maybe this gravely surface is just preparation for the final proper surfacing, but no! The main street in Sidmouth has also been covered with this surface; totally unacceptable! The road leading to Whimple from the London Road! The road leading to Tipton St John from the A3052! And so on, as it seems that this is the new norm for surfacing roads in Devon now. Please stop using this type of surfacing, it is very dangerous for motorcycles, and dangerous in general, as the little gravels are flicked by the car tyres and will cause damage to vehicles, or even accidents.



Just wanted dcc to know that there is a road in Teignbridge that isn’t being dug up and there are no lights, cones or traffic at a standstill, just seemed a bit odd thought you should check it out !!!


Just like to say thank you for closing bridge road this weekend. Another completely mad decision to block Exeter again. Someone in the relevant office is either receiving back handers or actually doesn't realise how much congestion these road works cause. Fully understand you have to maintain this city but to to close barrack road and bridge road at the same time as a festival in the city is complete madness. And how are there so many new housing estates being built. When the road network CLEARLY can't cope as it is.


Is it necessary for your gritter drivers to use spreading as a form of terrorism? The dick who gritted both of mine and my wife's car tonight was doing the full 56mph and spreading at a stupid rate coming down Pocumbe hill and off towards Ide. Maybe train them?


Is anyone else livid about the "pothole" on the Honiton bound side of Farway Common Road please?

It has been getting steadily worse over some time and now extends nearly halfway across the road. My guestimate is that after the snow it is approx 3m x 4m. I have reported it twice to EDC and they sent me an email saying it had been passed to the contractor. It is usually covered in water so you can't see it. It is lethal, if a bike hits it in the dark there would be casualties. It was marked on the map at the following link but has been removed! It says on the EDC page that if you are reporting a pothole that is "an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious damage to property" to phone 0345 155 1004. I did this a week after already reporting online. That was 2 weeks ago!!!!

Don't even think about just shovelling a few buckets of tarmac into this one. IT IS LETHAL. DCC if there is injury or loss of life it is on your hands.


I would like to know why Sherford Road PL9 leading to Deep Lane is not being gritted as it has been in the past!

It’s a main road through for many of us to get to the A38 and to get to work. I leave at 6.30 am, had to drive through yesterday and today. The top end of the road by that new, unwanted Sherford town was covered in black ice!

It is also covered in deep potholes which are not being repaired adding to the dangerous conditions.

I drive a small car and it’s treacherous.

I have contacted Plymouth County Council who say it’s your responsibility, therefore

I would appreciate an answer please.


I see you've just painted double yellow lines outside my house on Littabourne, Barnstaple where a pre-existing 'keep clear' marking is present. In doing so you've actually extended that by one car's length, which was totally unneeded as buses, lorries etc have never had a problem turning here......this means that you've now removed available parking from one of the three residences and as yellow lines have been appearing all over Pilton today there's very few places where I can now park. Our concern as residents was raised regarding painting of yellow lines here, but you've obviously ignored them. Where, exactly am I now meant to park legally???? As I can't do so where I actually live!!!!


I can't drive on half the roads round hear any more ..Its a sham,, you work your fingers to the bone pay your your m.o,t to make your car safe..but your roads are not shouldn't be funding anything else until this is sorted..


I am so tired of parking so far away from where I live (probably because the distance I have to walk) when I pay for residents parking!!!! You need to do something about it!! On the web site it says it doesn’t guarantee you a space, what I’m paying for is to protect myself from the traffic warden you employ who you employ to fine people who don’t pay for resident parking. It’s a big scam and a massive revenue, you are an evil greedy association. You should use your profits to come up with a solution like designated parking or removing limited waiting.


First day of term. Road outside South Brent Primary School is closed for roadworks. They took one day, so why choose the one day that kids go back to school? School bus from Bittaford to ICC refused to pick up students who normally pay for their bus transport to school. Effectively our bus service has been cancelled, but no-one told the school, students, or their parents.


Disgraceful that you were ticketing cars in Rock Park, Barnstaple this morning. They were people taking part in the Parkrun and were there for an hour at most. There is no need for the parking measures since the Park and Ride stopped so ticketing people purely to make money is pretty low.


Disappointed to visit Exeter in a motorhome only to find that the park and ride carpark has height restrictions on it. We didn't want to drive into town but wanted to visit and didn't mind paying to park. Not tourist friendly.


Dear DCC,

I just wanted to express my profound thanks for giving me the opportunity to spend 45 minutes at the end of my 15 hour day taking in the sights of the city. I thoroughly enjoyed trying to navigate my way home this evening from the Alphington side of the city which it would appear to be impossible to do short of being airlifted by a chinook helicopter. Allow me to explain, it would appear that you have agreed to close the a30 allowing access to the M5 and therefore providing me with a route home to Woodbury. I was over the moon to discover this as I drove past Sainsbury's tonight. No problem I will follow the well thought out diversion signs which direct me through Marsh Barton. Alas this would clearly not permit drivers to fully appreciate the extensive array of traffic lights that you have installed around the city, clearly to facilitate the smooth movement of traffic (albeit at snails pace). So your ingenious solution? Wait until your diverted citizens reach Bridge Road only to discover this too is closed. Of course why should it be open? It was due to open in spring and it is now virtually summer. It's closed most of the time which causes the city to grind to a halt, even when you have big sporting events and concerts going on. In this way not only do drivers have the good fortune to see the same roads just from the other direction but also they have the chance to follow your vague diversion signs. I appreciate that clearly you feel that drivers such as I enjoy a road trip or that indeed we are some manner of time lord possessing tardis so that we may regain the time spent aimlessly driving backwards and forwards across Exeter. I don't like to use the phrase complete muppetery so I won't but I'm sure I could think of some other carefully chosen phrases to express your ineptitude. But for now I simply wish to congratulate you on a job well done and recommend a pay rise for whoever came up with this genius scheme of increasing tyre wear and pollution.

More about Devon County Council

Devon County Council is located at County Hall, Topsham Road, EX2 4QD Exeter, Devon