Devon Fit Camp

Monday: 06:00 - 07:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 07:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 06:00 - 07:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Devon Fit Camp

Draw yourself a new future where you are more confident, sexier and feel great in your own skin. Let us help you to remove the stress & gain some control.

Devon Fit Camp Description

Claire Morgan-Hughes is the Founder of the Award Winning Devon Fit Camp and is one of the most sought after Fitness Experts in the UK.

She is famous for transforming women's lives, supporting and encouraging them to fulfill their desires and walk away with a fabulous figure they are proud of.

Devon Fit Camp is not cliquey or cheesy - it is what it is!

Claire really admires women who have to juggle home and work life to find time to train and look after themselves. It's a privileged job and one she loves.


To give women a clear canvas to take control and look after themselves.

You can draw yourself a new future where you are more confident, sexier and feel great in your own skin.

Money can't buy how you are going to feel.


http://devonfitcamp. co. uk http://devonfitcamp. co. uk /members



• Workout Motivation • What’s your motivation to workout? Is it to feel stronger? Is it to keep well and healthy? Maybe you have some weight to lose?... Whatever your reason, knowing your ”why” will really help push your forward. prevent you from skipping a training day..
After a busy weekend taking the children to their swimming meets in Bristol, I was so tired when I woke up this morning. Having a bit of time off due to half term, meant we weren’t racing out of the house and it could have been so easy to not go to my planned gym session.. Then I remembered my why... I feel so much better for exercising.. those feel good endorphins really have an effect on me. It makes me feel better. I know that I’m not as flexible as I used to be so that is another thing on my “why” list. Back from the gym now and enjoying my post training breakfast - granola and natural yogurt for me today. Back on the healthy eating wagon after a little lapse of late. 🙄 What’s your why..?
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• Sunday Thoughts • “The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.” ― Oprah Winfrey
What lies ahead for you this forthcoming week or even today.? ... Be courageous. You’ve got this!
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For all my dog loving fitness friends ...


• Love is .... • Love is in the air today with lots of valentines wishes being shared. What does Love mean to you..? 💕
This passage from Corinthians 13:4–8a is a favorite of mine about love, my brother in law read it at our wedding ....
... “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
Today I’d love you to write down a list of the things you love.. Then plan to have more of them in your life. ..
I love being with family and friends I love my job I love being in the great outdoors and am currently planning a series of walks around the Devon coastline (let me know if you’d like to join me) I love fresh flowers... I love feeling the sunshine on my face The list is endless - it’s a fab task to do when often we discuss on the things we don’t love... Let me know what’s on your list..
I hope whatever love means to you, where ever you’ve been today that you’ve been able to enjoy the spring weather and are having a lovely day.
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A great story for a Tuesday afternoon ..


• Fitness • What results are you seeing or not seeing in your fitness at the moment? I have an idea!! 💡💡💡


I’m wondering if this resonates with you… Mary used to feel confident and sure of herself, but now there was this funny ‘self doubt’.
She feels exhausted, unhappy with how she feels and looks, could it be the lack of sleep? Excess carbs?
She just wanted out of the vicious cycle.
... You see all she wanted was to feel excited again… like she was moving forward each week…
Find out more about how she feels and the support I can help with…
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• Radio • I’ve had a lovely relationship with BBC Radio Devon over the last 8 years and so it was lovely to visit again this morning. (Delayed from two weeks ago, due to my silly leg injury!) 🏃🏼‍♀️ We talked all things health, fitness, wellbeing, life after Devon Fit Camp, smoothies and being a mum to two active children. 😊 The conversation about our wellbeing and having a healthy mind and brain was top of the agenda - we all know the benefits of exercise and having a healthy... diet but in a day and age of social media, busy lives and high judgement from others - it’s important we value the importance of our wellbeing, taking time for ourselves and not stressing about the small stuff... easier said than done.. I hear you! I don’t always get it right (who does!?) but over the years have studied & picked up nuggets and experiences that are now crucial to my Woman on a Mission programme... . Smoothies and getting the most out of your smoothie was also high on the agenda and I’m thrilled I’ve converted @kerrywhiteradio and crew to Green Smoothies - I shared a recipe from my new book - (link on the website) It might be green but it was yummy and full of vital nutrients and goodness too! If you missed our chats, you can listen again by visiting Radio Devon’s website and click “listen again” 🎧 Thank you for having me Kerry, see you again soon x
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How far down your own priority list are you? Are you even on anyone else's? Have you ever felt you’d like to switch off from the outside world for just a couple of days..? I sometimes do. And last summer I did along with a group of amazing women! Well, this year, I want to take you with me😀.
You can book now for a 3 day retreat in the Norwegian Fjords. We will drink from the waterfalls and have a truly invigorating time. There really is nothing more perfect than the beauty of... the open space to think, re-evaluate and dare to dream…
For more information or to even book your place on this voyage of self-discovery visit our page
You should be the shining star of your own life story and sometimes it takes a step out of your comfort zone to find your way back to being a priority to yourself!
Just take a look at the amazing time we had on our last retreat to the French Alps, this gives you a taste of the experience you could have on our Woman on a Mission retreats.
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You might’ve heard the saying “if you don’t make time for your health, you must make time for illness.” Making small changes to your health, drinking more water, less caffeine, adding more greens can make a huge difference to not only your long term health but how you feel.
Today, more than ever, we need to focus on our health and well-being. It is crucial. Our lives are filled with deadlines, meetings, work demands and stress.
There is lots of overwhelm when it comes to wha...t to eat and when and quick and easy foods after a busy day at work can often be high in calories but low in nutrients.
Green smoothies are a massive shortcut to excellent health & vitality, let’s look at the benefits that can be accrued from preparing and consuming these smoothie gifts from nature: smoothie-book/
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• Dreams • You know when you have a dream that makes you feel sick to the stomach but you need to keep sleeping to find out what happens..? That was me last night.... So realistic and I knew I was dreaming but it scared me to the core. It was about my family, two of the members were extremely sick, it all happened very quickly and my dream took place in the hospital .. I’m not sure what this all means, except that I woke up this morning feeling eternally grateful that my litt...le family were all well and happy. Keep loved ones close and don’t take anything for granted is my lesson today as it can all change all to quickly. That’s all we can hope for isn’t it? 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 This weeks baking is all about the chocolate brownies. I’ve not made them for years and years and following this weeks request, I have two very happy children! My son said “ooh they are the best ever, almost as good as grannies!”🤣 I’ll take that and in the meantime try to ignore them, I might have to freeze them so they don’t disappear before my swimmers get home. Mary Berry has a lot to answer for! What are you grateful for today..? What are your dreams this year?
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• Happy Chinese New Year • Apparently today marks the start of a new Chinese Year - this year it’s the Year of the Pig..
According to, Women born in the Pig year are full of excitement. They attend social events whenever possible and treat everyone genuinely. Combined with their easygoing personality, they gain everyone’s trust.
... However, they are sometimes over-friendly. In their excitement, they can forget to give others personal space.
They also have good fortune with wealth. As long as they keep at it, the efforts will not go to waste. Though they don’t start with an advantage, their hard work will keep money flowing in.
At home, they are highly organized. If the room is messy, they’d stay up the entire night to clean it up. These women love children too. Playing with children is one of the things that bring them the greatest joy. . Health and lifestyle Pigs mostly have a great build and a resilient body. They are always spirited, as if they will never run out of energy. Their natural health is something Pigs are proud of.
But sometimes they can be overconfident and overlook some minor symptoms. If neglected for too long, even the smallest things can become grave.
Health and fitness: Pigs lead very busy lives. Even if they don’t feel tired, they should still remember to take breaks. Seasonal changes have an effect on Pigs’ health too. They may be at risk for respiratory diseases. Unhealthy diets can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol and heart problems too.
Pigs are never one to give in to difficulties. This is a positive trait in the workplace, but might not be here. For good health, Pigs must learn to take small illnesses seriously and get regular checkups.
Happy New Chinese Year 🐖
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Turn back time to when we were 24 hours into our Revive Retreat in the French Alps.
“This weekend has done me the power of good! I’ve woken up realising I don't feel so fearful about stuff. I feel much more positive I'm on the road to being the old me. X”
A wonderful comment from one of our ladies who just weeks before was in hospital with illness.
... Changing your location, spending time with others, pausing the clock exploring where we are at, is powerful, magical and refreshing. Lightbulb city! 💡
You ready to truly take time out for you?‬ It's time to get your next adventure booked! . Join me in Norway this summer where you’ll be enjoying the stunning scenery and unlocking the blocks - there will be plenty of lightbulb moments for sure! ‪ retreat-norway-ju…/
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• February • One of the favourite of the “F’s among our Women on a Mission - along with Fun, Food, Fitness, Faith (self belief) Friendship, Family, Finance and Fashion... lots of F’s within our programme along with a few f**k it moments along the way I’m sure! Not too many last month, unless you count the icy roads of last night ❄️
So hurrah, we say goodbye to January and hello to a whole new month, my Birthday month too! 🎈
... How was January for you? Did you feel it was a total slog and never ending or it flew by with a fresh focus of the new year, new beginnings?
If those New Years Resolutions are a distant memory, move on.. it’s the stopping and starting that causes the problem. Take each day and before you know it you’ll be creating habits that last a lifetime. Which F will you be focusing on this month..? Happy Friday 😊
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Brrrrrr it’s so cold outside! ❄️ How can it be so cold and yet we still don’t have snow.? ☃️ It’s easy when it’s this cold to forget to keep hydrated - and no having copious amounts of coffee all day followed by gin / wine in the evening etc doesn’t count 🤣☕️🍸
Today's top tip is to increase your water intake: water makes a huge difference to how you look and feel. ... Most of us don’t realise that we are dehydrated and often mistake signs of thirst as a sign of hunger!
You should be aiming to drink one litre of fresh clean water for every 50lbs that you weigh. For example if you weigh 150lbs, you’ll need to drink 3 litres of water per day. Yup, that's right, 3 litres… This is probably a lot more than you are drinking now. So keep a bottle by you and give me a 💕 if you are going to take up the water challenge.. Tag a friend who you’d like to join you xx 🙂
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* What’s your why? • Today I wanted to share with you one of my favorite goal-setting and problem-solving challenges. It’s fun, thought-provoking, and the results can help keep you on-track in a BIG way.
It’s all about asking yourself “why!”
This little exercise is a powerful way to help you uncover solutions to problems – both practical AND motivational! Plus your answers might surprise you.
... All you need is a notebook and pen (or empty doc on your computer) and a few uninterrupted minutes.
⭐First, write down what you want to achieve.
Maybe it’s to fit into an old pair of jeans, get back in shape (or just plain into shape), lose 15 pounds, cut sugar out of your diet, etc.
Now comes the fun part….Just ask why. Why do you want to do that? (Write it down!) Then, ask why AGAIN. Continue for a total of 5 times.
Example: I want to lose 15 pounds.
- Why do I want to lose 15 pounds? Because I want to fit back into my jeans. - Why do I want to fit back into my jeans? Because I feel self-conscious and my clothes aren’t fitting the way they used to, and I’ll feel more confident if I’m comfortable in my clothes - Why do I want to feel more confident? Because right now, I hold myself back from being more social. If I feel more confident, I’ll be more outgoing, and would go out with friends more often. - Why do I want to be more social? It’s scary but I want to feel good about myself when I’m out with friends. I want to have more FUN in my life and develop deeper relationships - Why do I want to have more fun and develop deeper relationships? Because I’ve been feeling isolated and a little lonely, and I need a sense of adventure in my life!
When you dig a little deeper- you eventually get to the REAL underlying motivation for wanting to lose that 15 pounds – which actually isn’t about weight loss at all.
It’s about wanting to feel more connected to others and have more fun. Let me know in a comment below... and if you’re feeling brave, let me know what your main goal is!
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• Appreciation • And so spring is just around the corner 🌱 I genuinely smile when I see the little changes to the garden this time of year. New green shoots coming through and these gorgeous snowdrops are just outside the front door. Perfect x
... What’s making you smile today.?
What little things around you do you appreciate?
Happy Saturday everyone!
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How did you sleep last night? Is that "do to" list keeping you awake, tossing and turning 😴 or did you sleep like a baby and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day 😁.
Rest is so important for your body and mind, in my blog I'll be running through some of the best reasons to get more sleep and also some top tips on how you can get some more sleep.
I'd love you take a look and see how many of these tips you can start implementing. Let me know how you get on. ...
Photo: The White Company
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Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime in 2019?
Let's remove the stress and create a greater feeling of being in control ​..
It's time to get your next adventure booked!
... Have you ever felt you’d like to switch off from the outside world for just a couple of days..? I sometimes do. and each year I make sure I get away from it all.
This year, I want to take you with me...…/jo in-me-on-an-adventure
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Working with Claire Morgan-Hughes founder of Devon Fit Camp is undoubtably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. You name a fad diet - I’ve done it. An exercise programme (however nuts) I’ve attempted it! Name a ‘wellness’ book - I’ve bought it! This time reaching a certain age (!) I realised I needed to approach my health & weight altogether differently. No quick fixes, no stupidity, no gimmicks. I see Claire as a personal client because it fits in better with my working life. She’s unpicked my nutrition (or lack of it) and put it back together again. I can jog, lift weights and lost just under 2 stone in a few months. No fuss, no drama, just consistent advice coupled with ongoing support. Can’t wait to restart with Claire week after next! I can’t rate Claire & DFC highly enough.


Without doubt, the best decision I have made in a very long time. Joining DFC has given me back a fit and healthy body after the years of aches, pains, twinges and wobbly bits caused by child bearing! I feel as if I have set foot on a long term commitment to my health and what’s more - I’m leaner AND have met some absolutely delightful people. I signed up for a month...and 10 months later I can’t stop coming!


Turned up sat , full of nerves , I'm 67 so thought might not be for me, I'm so unfit , but finished sat feeling so upbeat ,everyone friendly and positive and helpful, gave me a real buzz , so when back from hols will be joining up , thank you for a lovely time, xx


This is by far the best choice I've made for my health since giving up smoking 3 years ago! Not only physically but mentally I feel stronger than EVER before. With regular health MOT's with Claire I can see the little things I'm doing are adding up to something big! If you'd told me even 5 months ago that my attitude towards fitness, health and wellbeing would be where it is today I'd have told you, you've got the wrong girl! But I'm not the wrong girl, I'm just a different (stronger, fitter, lighter) version of that same girl who's smashing each challenge put in front of her! And what's made it even better..... all the beautiful likeminded friends I've made, helping me every step of the way!! DFC can change your life, all you've got to do is let it!!


There is no other camp like Devon Fit Camp! Claire is amazing, she is constantly there to support you and help you along your journey. She really cares and gets just as emotional as you will when you see your results. Devon Fit Camp has really helped me regain my confidence since having my children. I started in Feb with the online program and I have dropped two dress sizes. I now attend camp and love it. Everyone is friendly and makes you feel welcome and supports each other. My journey so far has been life changing and brilliant. I am proud to be a DFC Devotee! Thanks Claire!


Thanks to all at DFC - first sub 60 min 3km swim and fastest 10km run this week for a few months due to loss of momentum. Could not do it without the focus it gives and the fun along the way. Bring on next week - cannot wait.


One of the best things I have ever done is joined DFC ! Each session is fun and different so although you are working hard it is very enjoyable. The help and support from Claire and the team is brilliant, and the friendship and support from your fellow campers is fantastic. The food and nutrition plan is easy to follow and if you can't make it to camp there are online exercise programmes too. All I can say is I would never have thought I would be up and exercising outside at 6am but now I miss it when I can't go. Thank you DFC!


Nearly finished the 777 project and I have absolutely loved it! Didn’t go into it with much confidence but now I feel like I’ve kick started my fitness journey once again! Huge thank you to Claire for all your hard work you put in! I would recommend it to anyone!��xx


My friend introduced me to Devon Fit Camp and it's the best thing I've ever done! The motivation and encouragement I receive not just at the sessions but all through the day via Facebook, the website and Claire's live streams. I would encourage anyone who has 'tried it all' to join us.


I've been putting off exercise for a long time ! My weight has slowly increased to the point where is affecting my day to day life ... so a month ago I decided enough was enough, a friend recommended Devon fit camp. Firstly speaking to Claire was great, a wonderfully motivating lady who helped me see things more clearly ...the first session was a big hurdle being so unfit, I was worried I wouldn't keep up, but I should not have worried, the instructors are amazing and allowed me to progress at my own pace giving masses of support and enthusiasm. They celebrate personal achievements with you no matter how small! The group provide a friendly motivating atmosphere. A month in I'm not only physically fitter but mentally stronger too ... bonus of being 1/2 a stone lighter too �


I'm just coming up to the end of week 3 of DFC and loving it. The mix of exercise, healthy food and the 'group support' really works for me. Have done diets, gym routines and even a personal trainer but none have worked as well as this. The support from Claire is great and Duncan as instructor ensures that the workouts are hard but fun. I've just signed up for three months so on with the journey!


I thought I would write about my experience on 777. Since November 2012 I have joined 777 a few times despite living away and training with the online programme I still got the results and support I needed, overall I have lost over a stone in weight and gone from a size 14 to a size 10 (I have been a size 10 for nearly a year now), although these are great results it is more than just a weight loss programme, it changed my outlook on so much. So, recently my life has changed so much that I kinda lost my way, I wasn't eating properly, wasn't looking after myself, feeling sick all the time and suffering with severe headaches. Then I saw the post for the 777, I decided it was time to get a kick back in to shape, I joined the 777 and instantly felt better, there were lots of people on the 777, so I knew there would be lots of support and lots of posts about what people had to eat, how they were feeling and peoples good days and bad days. I didn't manage the exercise everyday and I must admit I did go off a little with the food plan, but I picked myself up and carried on as everyone is allowed a bad day, its just making sure that a bad day doesn't turn into days!! At the end of the week I headed over to see my big sis for a few days, she told me to bring my workout stuff and we might go to Camp on Monday / Tuesday. I took my stuff but didn't really think we would go, late nights sitting up chatting would mean it would be impossible to get up!! Little did I know, 5.15am I was woken up on both mornings! Yes, I did get up both days and joined in with an amazing group of people enjoying being out in the elements, no matter what!! I had the best time even though it was hard work, but I felt amazing after. Pity I can't drive and join in more often!! All in all I am eating better, feeling better and people have said I look better too. This is an amazing programme to do to introduce you to a way of life that makes you feel so much better about yourself. Thank you so much Claire!! xx


I never thought I would look forward to getting up in time for a 6am work out but i do and the days I dont go i really miss it! I am much more organised in the mornings & have lots more energy than i did. Claire is very supportive & motivational & inspires me to carry on, I am looking forward to getting fitter!


I have been going to the sessions at DFC when I am at home from

uni. At the age of 20 I am perhaps one of the youngest attending! However, the spirit at DFC is so great that everyone of all ages/ fitness abilities feels part of the team! You are able to work at your own pace so you can push yourself as much as you wish to do so! I would definitely recommend it to anyone wishing to improve/ maintain their fitness levels!


Great support and wonderful results. If you are looking to lose weight and gain fitness this is the place to go!


Amazing, energising, and fun fun fun! Having fallen out of love with the usual gym classes I tried DFC and I'm completely in love! I love working out outdoors it makes me sooo much better! I love that every class is different and fun and I love the support and energy Claire gives us! Come and try it you won't regret it! �


About to complete my 777 week at Devon fit camp! It has been a great boost to my training which is just what I was looking for and I can feel the effects( all my clothes seem to have a looser fit now ! Thanks to Claire and her team, highly recommend it to anyone! X


5 stars in every way. DFC has brought me back to myself after years of being unhappy and having zero self confidence. 110% support from Claire and everyone at camp and online. After trying every fad diet going I have finally seen sense and seen real results. Inch loss, weight loss but mostly feeling stronger, having more energy and feeling happier in my own skin. No one could ever regret making this decision! Huge thanks to team DFC xx


Working with Claire Morgan-Hughes founder of Devon Fit Camp is undoubtably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. You name a fad diet - I’ve done it. An exercise programme (however nuts) I’ve attempted it! Name a ‘wellness’ book - I’ve bought it! This time reaching a certain age (!) I realised I needed to approach my health & weight altogether differently. No quick fixes, no stupidity, no gimmicks. I see Claire as a personal client because it fits in better with my working life. She’s unpicked my nutrition (or lack of it) and put it back together again. I can jog, lift weights and lost just under 2 stone in a few months. No fuss, no drama, just consistent advice coupled with ongoing support. Can’t wait to restart with Claire week after next! I can’t rate Claire & DFC highly enough.


Without doubt, the best decision I have made in a very long time. Joining DFC has given me back a fit and healthy body after the years of aches, pains, twinges and wobbly bits caused by child bearing! I feel as if I have set foot on a long term commitment to my health and what’s more - I’m leaner AND have met some absolutely delightful people. I signed up for a month...and 10 months later I can’t stop coming!


Turned up sat , full of nerves , I'm 67 so thought might not be for me, I'm so unfit , but finished sat feeling so upbeat ,everyone friendly and positive and helpful, gave me a real buzz , so when back from hols will be joining up , thank you for a lovely time, xx


This is by far the best choice I've made for my health since giving up smoking 3 years ago! Not only physically but mentally I feel stronger than EVER before. With regular health MOT's with Claire I can see the little things I'm doing are adding up to something big! If you'd told me even 5 months ago that my attitude towards fitness, health and wellbeing would be where it is today I'd have told you, you've got the wrong girl! But I'm not the wrong girl, I'm just a different (stronger, fitter, lighter) version of that same girl who's smashing each challenge put in front of her! And what's made it even better..... all the beautiful likeminded friends I've made, helping me every step of the way!! DFC can change your life, all you've got to do is let it!!


There is no other camp like Devon Fit Camp! Claire is amazing, she is constantly there to support you and help you along your journey. She really cares and gets just as emotional as you will when you see your results. Devon Fit Camp has really helped me regain my confidence since having my children. I started in Feb with the online program and I have dropped two dress sizes. I now attend camp and love it. Everyone is friendly and makes you feel welcome and supports each other. My journey so far has been life changing and brilliant. I am proud to be a DFC Devotee! Thanks Claire!


Thanks to all at DFC - first sub 60 min 3km swim and fastest 10km run this week for a few months due to loss of momentum. Could not do it without the focus it gives and the fun along the way. Bring on next week - cannot wait.


One of the best things I have ever done is joined DFC ! Each session is fun and different so although you are working hard it is very enjoyable. The help and support from Claire and the team is brilliant, and the friendship and support from your fellow campers is fantastic. The food and nutrition plan is easy to follow and if you can't make it to camp there are online exercise programmes too. All I can say is I would never have thought I would be up and exercising outside at 6am but now I miss it when I can't go. Thank you DFC!


Nearly finished the 777 project and I have absolutely loved it! Didn’t go into it with much confidence but now I feel like I’ve kick started my fitness journey once again! Huge thank you to Claire for all your hard work you put in! I would recommend it to anyone!��xx


My friend introduced me to Devon Fit Camp and it's the best thing I've ever done! The motivation and encouragement I receive not just at the sessions but all through the day via Facebook, the website and Claire's live streams. I would encourage anyone who has 'tried it all' to join us.


I've been putting off exercise for a long time ! My weight has slowly increased to the point where is affecting my day to day life ... so a month ago I decided enough was enough, a friend recommended Devon fit camp. Firstly speaking to Claire was great, a wonderfully motivating lady who helped me see things more clearly ...the first session was a big hurdle being so unfit, I was worried I wouldn't keep up, but I should not have worried, the instructors are amazing and allowed me to progress at my own pace giving masses of support and enthusiasm. They celebrate personal achievements with you no matter how small! The group provide a friendly motivating atmosphere. A month in I'm not only physically fitter but mentally stronger too ... bonus of being 1/2 a stone lighter too �


I'm just coming up to the end of week 3 of DFC and loving it. The mix of exercise, healthy food and the 'group support' really works for me. Have done diets, gym routines and even a personal trainer but none have worked as well as this. The support from Claire is great and Duncan as instructor ensures that the workouts are hard but fun. I've just signed up for three months so on with the journey!


I thought I would write about my experience on 777. Since November 2012 I have joined 777 a few times despite living away and training with the online programme I still got the results and support I needed, overall I have lost over a stone in weight and gone from a size 14 to a size 10 (I have been a size 10 for nearly a year now), although these are great results it is more than just a weight loss programme, it changed my outlook on so much. So, recently my life has changed so much that I kinda lost my way, I wasn't eating properly, wasn't looking after myself, feeling sick all the time and suffering with severe headaches. Then I saw the post for the 777, I decided it was time to get a kick back in to shape, I joined the 777 and instantly felt better, there were lots of people on the 777, so I knew there would be lots of support and lots of posts about what people had to eat, how they were feeling and peoples good days and bad days. I didn't manage the exercise everyday and I must admit I did go off a little with the food plan, but I picked myself up and carried on as everyone is allowed a bad day, its just making sure that a bad day doesn't turn into days!! At the end of the week I headed over to see my big sis for a few days, she told me to bring my workout stuff and we might go to Camp on Monday / Tuesday. I took my stuff but didn't really think we would go, late nights sitting up chatting would mean it would be impossible to get up!! Little did I know, 5.15am I was woken up on both mornings! Yes, I did get up both days and joined in with an amazing group of people enjoying being out in the elements, no matter what!! I had the best time even though it was hard work, but I felt amazing after. Pity I can't drive and join in more often!! All in all I am eating better, feeling better and people have said I look better too. This is an amazing programme to do to introduce you to a way of life that makes you feel so much better about yourself. Thank you so much Claire!! xx


I never thought I would look forward to getting up in time for a 6am work out but i do and the days I dont go i really miss it! I am much more organised in the mornings & have lots more energy than i did. Claire is very supportive & motivational & inspires me to carry on, I am looking forward to getting fitter!


I have been going to the sessions at DFC when I am at home from

uni. At the age of 20 I am perhaps one of the youngest attending! However, the spirit at DFC is so great that everyone of all ages/ fitness abilities feels part of the team! You are able to work at your own pace so you can push yourself as much as you wish to do so! I would definitely recommend it to anyone wishing to improve/ maintain their fitness levels!


Great support and wonderful results. If you are looking to lose weight and gain fitness this is the place to go!


Amazing, energising, and fun fun fun! Having fallen out of love with the usual gym classes I tried DFC and I'm completely in love! I love working out outdoors it makes me sooo much better! I love that every class is different and fun and I love the support and energy Claire gives us! Come and try it you won't regret it! �


About to complete my 777 week at Devon fit camp! It has been a great boost to my training which is just what I was looking for and I can feel the effects( all my clothes seem to have a looser fit now ! Thanks to Claire and her team, highly recommend it to anyone! X


5 stars in every way. DFC has brought me back to myself after years of being unhappy and having zero self confidence. 110% support from Claire and everyone at camp and online. After trying every fad diet going I have finally seen sense and seen real results. Inch loss, weight loss but mostly feeling stronger, having more energy and feeling happier in my own skin. No one could ever regret making this decision! Huge thanks to team DFC xx

More about Devon Fit Camp

Devon Fit Camp is located at PL21 9ES Ivybridge
Monday: 06:00 - 07:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 07:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 06:00 - 07:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -