Diary Of A Dun

About Diary Of A Dun

Amauture Rider and her yellow pony sharing honestly and emotionally the good the bad and the downright ugly!

Diary Of A Dun Description

GR Equestrian offers a wide range of equestrian and pet services for both 365 days of the year. References are available on request. All service are very flexible and are tailored to suit you and your horses needs.
My services are as follows
Holiday care & Yard cover(one off, regular or emergancy)
Event turnout
Field checks
Ground work and Handling
Day groom
Vet /Farrier assistance
Full /half day care
Show /Competition /sales prep
Show competition groom service
Turning out / bringing in
Mucking out
Dog walking
Dog day care
Small animal boarding
Call 07872321288 or message for more information.

Sponsored by Kelly Equine



You know when youвҖҷve got the post xcountry buzz and you canвҖҷt help yourself рҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚв ҷҖпёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Millfield here we come!!!!
#horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #omegahorseoftheweek #bringingbodiesbackintobalance #teamhuff #teamomega #fedonomega #omegastyle


Absolutely over the moon with Barns today!! рҹҘ°рҹҘ°
Full event report to follow soon!! For now I have to race to get the ferry, get home and go to bed!!! рҹ’Ө
#horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #omegahorseoftheweek #bringingbodiesbackintobalance


URGENT PLEA FOR ANYONE AT CHILHAM CASTLE TODAY!!!! рҹҷҸрҹҸјрҹҷҸрҹҸјрҹҷҸрҹҸјрҹҷҸрҹҸјрҹӨҰрҹҸјв ҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖп ёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ


Plaits are done, Barns is snuggled up in his PJвҖҷs!! Can only mean one thing..... Eventing day tomorrow рҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ©


Well tonight was very very productive!! рҹӨ©рҹӨ©
I came out of both tests, annoyed at myself and how shit it felt like I rode! I even had a little cry in the car park into Barnys beautiful plaits рҹҳ”
But.. I watched the videos back and read my comments and actually, we did pretty darn good!! рҹҘ°рҹҘ°
... Barny done everything I asked of him, yes he occasionally rushed off and yes I lost my balance at times, but we are still learning! And we are getting better and better with each outing рҹ’•
A wise lady told me that dressage is just French for schooling and thatвҖҷs what IвҖҷm doing tomorrow! IвҖҷm just schooling, no expectations, no pressure, just a little schooling round рҹҳҳ
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Anyone going to Badders this year for the first time... I am рҹ’ҒрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ҒрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Check out Ponies and Prosecco tips for having a blast at Badminton Horse Trials рҹӨ©рҹӨ©


Well.. IвҖҷm starting to worry and freak out about tomorrow now рҹҷ„рҹҷ„
I have been playing it safe for 2 years by going to the same venues and jumping the same courses. The things that scare me the most are the unknown! рҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Yes I have seen course pictures, but they always look different in real life! Will they be bigger, more meaty than what we usually jump? Will they be as inviting as courses we have run at previously рҹӨһрҹҸјрҹӨһрҹҸј
... I told myself that this year I would force myself out of my comfort zone... and the thought of tomorrow sure is doing just that!!! рҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸ јвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
#horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #diaryofadun #teamhuff #huffstyle #teamomega #fedonomega #omegahorseoftheweek #bringingbodiesbackintobalance
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So, I know I should have done it 100x sooner but I need to get Barny insured!!! рҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
So tell me your recommendations and horror stories!
Thanks рҹҘ°рҹҘ°


We spend tonnes of moneybags time on our horses making sure they are healthy and happy! But we often forget about how our own bodyвҖҷs and health affect our riding!! I get my back done routinely and it definitely has a big impact on my riding!!! рҹӨ©рҹӨ©
So.. @georginaleavold has a fabulous offer for everyone to get their hands on!
рҹҢҹA Full Body massage to include facial cleanse and tone.
... рҹҢҹThe 90min massage will cover all areas of your body including head, back, shoulder, abdomen, legs, arms and feet.
рҹҢҹрҹҢҹUsual price ВЈ70... but... offer price ONLY ВЈ50 when quoting Diary of a Dun.
рҹҢҹрҹҢҹOnly available on Monday 6th May in my new clinic venue at Godshill.
There are so many benefits to massage!! Some reasons to get massage - From relaxation to rehabilitation.
вӯҗпёҸ Relieve stress and anxiety. вӯҗпёҸ Relieve muscles and joint pain. вӯҗпёҸ Reduce muscle tension. вӯҗпёҸ Reduce depression. вӯҗпёҸ Boost immunity. вӯҗпёҸ Improve flexibility and range of movement. вӯҗпёҸ Stimulate blood circulation. вӯҗпёҸ Increase oxygen flow and nutrients to your muscles. вӯҗпёҸ Time for you and to recharge.
So what are you waiting for.. contact Georgina now before the spaces go!! рҹӨ©рҹӨ©
#horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #diaryofadun #horse #chiropractor #mctimoney #back #massage #rehabilitation
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He was absolutely immense today! So be prepared for lots of lesson picture spam!
He listened to me and I listened to him. For the first time ever we were working completely together! рҹҘ°рҹҘ°
... My mindset is improving and because of that, my riding is improving, my horse is improving and our partnership is certainly improving рҹҳҳ
I now cannot wait for this weekend!! Novice 23 and 37 tomorrow evening in preparation for Saturday, when we are off to Chilham for the BE80 рҹӨ©рҹӨ©
@huff_equestrian | @georginaleavold | @omegaequine | @equissimo | @finerequine | @majykequipe | @superxcountry
#horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #diaryofadun #eventer #teamhuff #teamomega #huffstyle #omegahorseoftheweek
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вҖңThere are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit betterвҖқ - Donald Miller рҹҘ°рҹҘ°
#arablefarming #horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #diaryofadun #friends #bestfriends #laugh #support #smile


Boris is looking might fine right now!!!
HeвҖҷs been getting so hot the past couple of weeks that it was time to brave the shave and get rid of the lot! рҹҷҠрҹҷҠ
He also had a lovely bath and then spent about an hour rolling рҹҳӮ
... Boris is fed on The @omegaequine Vitality supplement and it sure does show! HeвҖҷs looking so fab that we are going to a showing show with him next weekend!!! рҹҳҚрҹҳҚ
@huff_equestrian | @omegaequine | @georginaleavold | @finerequine | @glazeandgordon | @equissimo
#arablefarming #horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #eventer #horse #diaryofadun #omegahorseoftheweek #fedonomega #teamomega #teamhuff #huffstyle
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Remember the spider ride and scavenger hunt tomorrow guys!!!!
Come see us at Jubilee car park in Brighstone and we will send you off in search of Easter!
Then head back round to us to grab a burger, eggs and some cakes!! There will of course be Gin, Prosecco and juice too!!
... Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow рҹҘ°рҹӨ©
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Keeping your non horsey husband happy when your relationship consistent of more than just the two of you, is a delicate balance!
рҹӨ©So here are my top tipsрҹӨ© рҹҡңDo make sure to keep the house stocked up on snacks and cook an actual meal (other than pizza and chips) at least 3/4 times a week рҹҘ°
... рҹҡңDo invite him to all your horsey events so he doesnвҖҷt feel left out! If heвҖҷs anything like my husband he will say no anyway рҹҳӮ
рҹҡңDo the вҖҳhorseвҖҷ washing when he as at work рҹ’ҒрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
рҹҡңDo make time to see him, I will often go and sit in a tractor if it means I get an extra hour at the yard рҹӨЈ
рҹҡңDo have the occasional weekend off of competing if he isnвҖҷt working so you can spend the day together. Or see point 2; still go to the event, but invite him рҹҳӮ
рҹҡңWhen talking about show day costs, always half. This will still leave them shocked at how much you spend, but will not require a divorce
рҹҡңand lastly, tell him your going to do the harrowing, baleling, fencing alone and he will be up in no time to show off his masculinity!! Getting the jobs done super quick рҹҘірҹҘі
Got any more top tips on how to keep them happy?? Send them my way рҹҳӮрҹҳӮ
#horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #eventer #equineblogger #farming #shooting #farmer #arablefarming
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Who doesnвҖҷt love a hump day stretch рҹ‘ҢрҹҸјрҹ‘ҢрҹҸјрҹ’ҒрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Barny really is loving working all those back muscles at the moment!! CanвҖҷt get his head off the floor рҹ‘ҢрҹҸјрҹ‘ҢрҹҸјрҹ‘ҢрҹҸјрҹҳҚрҹҳҚ
#horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #eventer #equineblogger #diaryofadun #horse #horses #lunging


The vlog is now live on YouTube!! The Isle of Wight internet didnвҖҷt really want to play ball and so it took some time.. but itвҖҷs there рҹӨ©рҹӨ©
Remember to tag me if your watching and let me know what you think!!!
... #horsesofinstagram #eventersofinstagram #beunstoppable #eventer #equineblogger #teamhuff #teamomega #omegahorseoftheweek #huffstyle #fedonomega
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Yeeehhaaahhh рҹӨ©рҹӨ© Yesterday I nearly threw the towel in.. but I cowboyвҖҷd up and вҖҳrode it like I stole itвҖҷ рҹҳҚрҹӨ©


I love this horse so much рҹҘ°рҹҘ° He listens to my crap, knows his job and brings me home safely every single time рҹ’•рҹ’•
I know IвҖҷm bias but he really is the best horse in the world рҹ’•рҹҰ„рҹҗҙ


I have teamed up with Froghill tack and Gatehouse Equestrian to give you an amazing prize to kick of your Eventing season!!! рҹҘірҹҘі
WhatвҖҷs the amazing prize I hear you ask.... ... ItвҖҷs a Gatehouse Superflex Contour Airflor Body protector!!рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷ ҖпёҸрҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
All you have to do to enter is... рҹҢҹ Follow Diary Of A Dun рҹҢҹ Follow Froghill Tack рҹҢҹ Follow Gatehouse Hats рҹҢҹTag 3 friends!!
Super simples!! And head over to Instagram to get a second entry!!
The winner will be picked at random on 30th April!! GOOD LUCK рҹҚҖрҹҚҖрҹҚҖ
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Very patient,calm and kind whilst clipping my nervous boy, great job done thank you x


Very happy I sent my horse to work with Georgi! She worked on exactly what I needed for her to. My friends can't even believe that my mare is the same horse I had haha! Great work :)


Thank you so much for clipping our little pony today you really were amazing with him and made a beautiful job I would highly recommend you to anyone thank you xx


Great service today 2 horses clipped in no time great job thanks xxx


Georgia came out last minute to clip my horse and did an outstanding job!


Brilliant! very patient with my girl when she had sensitive areas when being clipped, will be using again, she looks so smart now, thank you x


Very patient,calm and kind whilst clipping my nervous boy, great job done thank you x


Very happy I sent my horse to work with Georgi! She worked on exactly what I needed for her to. My friends can't even believe that my mare is the same horse I had haha! Great work :)


Thank you so much for clipping our little pony today you really were amazing with him and made a beautiful job I would highly recommend you to anyone thank you xx


Great service today 2 horses clipped in no time great job thanks xxx


Georgia came out last minute to clip my horse and did an outstanding job!


Brilliant! very patient with my girl when she had sensitive areas when being clipped, will be using again, she looks so smart now, thank you x


Very patient,calm and kind whilst clipping my nervous boy, great job done thank you x


Very happy I sent my horse to work with Georgi! She worked on exactly what I needed for her to. My friends can't even believe that my mare is the same horse I had haha! Great work :)


Thank you so much for clipping our little pony today you really were amazing with him and made a beautiful job I would highly recommend you to anyone thank you xx


Great service today 2 horses clipped in no time great job thanks xxx


Georgia came out last minute to clip my horse and did an outstanding job!


Brilliant! very patient with my girl when she had sensitive areas when being clipped, will be using again, she looks so smart now, thank you x

More about Diary Of A Dun
