Dillon Naidoo Physique Coaching

About Dillon Naidoo Physique Coaching

• Freelance PT based in North London
• Bespoke nutritional and exercise programmes available through online and 1-2-1 coaching

Dillon Naidoo Physique Coaching Description

• Freelance PT based in North London
• Bespoke nutritional and exercise programmes available through online and 1-2-1 coaching



4 WEEKS ONLINE COACHING - Brilliant work from @bav_chauhan who after 4 weeks of coaching online managed to check-in today with me in person ahead of Marbella tomorrow. - With the 4 week time-frame Bav wanted to see results in, we had to go VERY aggressive, ensuring no stone was left unturned even with planned social events (Wimbledon and the F1) which we managed to navigate along with a busy work schedule.... - The short term goal here was to ultimately look better and recomp, both losing body fat and building muscle at the same time. These were areas that Bav had struggled with prior to coaching despite investing a huge amount of time in training (sometimes twice a day) and eating a ‘clean’ and boring diet for the most part. - Someone ask me yesterday if you can get a great result in short time-frames whilst coaching online. The answer is in the above ☝🏾, provided you do what’s needed and are willing to work hard for it. Bravo @bav_chauhan 👏🏾, enjoy Marbella and then it’s back to work. - If you’re struggling to get leaner whilst building or maintaining muscle, then drop me an email or DM and we can see if my online coaching service could be of benefit to you.
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As we age, there is a progressive loss of muscle mass, strength and performance known as sarcopenia. This can lead to a greater risk of falling, bone fractures and injury all leading to a greater functional decline, physical inactivity and social withdrawal. How can we mitigate this and save lives? - 👉🏾 Resistance and weight bearing exercises will play a huge role in preventing sarcopenia, maintaining bone mineral density (a lack of which can increase the risk of falls and fr...actures) and providing a wide array of both physical and mental benefits. 👉🏾 Increasing high quality protein intake to 0.4-0.6g/kg in each meal to protect against sarcopenia. Doses of protein will have to be slightly higher than the average person. 👉🏾 Consider supplementation with Creatine and Fish Oil consuming 5g and 3000mg per day respectively. They’ve both been proven to enhance muscle mass, strength, performance, cognitive function and protection against neurodegenerative disease. - I wonder if I’ll look like this is 35 years time.....🤔
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When I set up online coaching, I wanted to be sure that I covered most if not all bases when it came to providing clients with a comprehensive guide to training and nutrition, something that is challenging for those learning and being coached at a distance. - Nutritional programming, in-depth session plans, visual demonstrations (as above) and detailed notes are all provided to give you the greatest chance of success. Not to mention regular check-ins, video responses and acco...untability all provided along the way too. - Although I’m not taking on any more 1-2-1 clients, you could still benefit from being coached at a distance; more financially accessible, suitable for those who may not be able to travel down to see me, struggle to find set times to train and need a little more flexibility. - The online team is growing and if you’d like to be a part of it then drop me a DM or email.
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Probably one of the best transformations of the mind and body I’ve ever been a part of. Mental health, confidence, self-esteem and well-being all improving daily and on this one an amazing physical change to go with it too. - With a stronger mindset and a better starting point for body composition, we’re now starting to dedicate time to increasing food and accruing more muscle tissue. - Transformations that transcend far beyond just the physical 🧠.


Calories still count on the weekend. Unfortunately you’re not going to progress if your overindulgence on the weekend 🍕🍔🍟🍸🍫🥃undermines all your hard work, consistency and progress across the week. It can quickly shift you from being in a calorie deficit 😁 👉🏾 calorie surplus 😭. ————————————— There’s two things that you can do here: 1. Be consistent across the 7 days and evenly split your calories. 2. Take in less calories during the week (being more aggressive with your calori...e deficit M-F) and ‘save’ more calories for the weekend. ————————————— Remember energy balance is still key here and you must be in a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight/fat. Oh yea...and alcohol counts too 🍸🍹🍷🥃🍺
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16 WEEKS. - Showing transformations that are just as good from the back, as they are from the front. - 1-2-1 coaching is currently full but if you’d like to grab a space on the online coaching team then drop me an email or DM.


10 Random Things My (Small 😂) Following Don’t Know About Me - 1. The beard has gone; when your nephew says you look like one of the eldest in the family, you begin to realise that the grey hairs add at least 10-15 years onto your life. - 2. I love cookies along with all things sweet. It is a daily struggle, the same way it is for my clients. In fact, I just love food.... - 3. I didn’t have what you would consider a ‘normal’ upbringing; as a result I became withdrawn, angry, introverted, unable to communicate and still carry some of these issues into adulthood. Thankfully coaching people forced me to be pushed out of my comfort zone and change the person I once was. - 4. I got into coaching people because without it sounding too clichéd, I genuinely wanted to help people improve all aspects of health and well-being. It was only when I was quizzed by the great @markcolesm10 as to what I stand for, my values and the root of getting into the industry that I realised (albeit subconsciously) that I wanted to help people and compensate for the fact I could never save my own mum. - 5. I love house music (amongst all other types for that matter); you’ll often see me bopping my head or dancing when I’m training, driving, cleaning, the lot. Something about it makes me present, happy and grateful. - 6. Film and TV do the same; my favourite film of all time - Pulp Fiction and my favourite series at the minute - Warrior. - 7. I’m very much all-or-nothing and have an addictive personality. Current addiction: Sekiro Shadows Die Twice on the PS4. - 8. Most personal and professional growth has occurred within the last 5-6 years and it’s no coincidence that I met and subsequently got engaged to the woman that pretty much saved me. My beautiful soulmate, raving partner, travel buddy all rolled into one @francinebarry makes me a better person in every way possible and I’m just so lucky to have met her. - 9. I can sleep with my eyes open; this makes driving long distances a problem. - 10. Martial Arts and Rugby are the two things I miss most in later life; nothing like a good scrap. Hopefully I can get back to at least one of these at some point.
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Online client @joe_r1 showing what he’s made of. When it comes to coaching people online, visual feedback is essential and highly recommended. Regardless of coaching people both 1-2-1 and online, you can teach good exercise technique etc., but results are going to be directly correlated to how hard YOU work.


@n.zorpides gave me less than 6 weeks to get him in better shape before flying to Miami, focussed purely on building a physique that was leaner and more muscular. Results in record time.


@n.zorpides gave me less than 6 weeks to get him in better shape before flying to Miami, focussed purely on building a physique that was leaner and more muscular. Results in record time.


CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING - Killing #cheatmealsunday yesterday @therock style, eating homemade cookies whilst drinking a cold glass of milk (I’d take Cravendale 🙋🏾‍♂️over Don Julio 🙅🏽‍♂️ any day 😂). - No but seriously, context is everything. On the surface: I look like I’m ‘cheating’ on my diet whilst devouring 6 or 7 cookies, probably a little over 1500 kcal in one bowl. Not cool for a coach promoting health and fitness?... - The context: I train hard in the gym, 4-5 times per week. I’m active all day, spending 12-14 hours standing, moving, lifting etc. Although I’m not counting calories, my caloric intake ranges between 3500-4500 kcal per day, enough so this won’t have a significant negative impact. I’m not dieting and right now my sole focus is on business, not the way I look per se. I’m training and eating for enjoyment purposes only, even as a results based coach. This above is just a snapshot of one meal in a given day, the other 90-95% of my diet is healthy and nutritious. - Context is everything. We are all different. Eat accordingly.
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CAN YOU BUILD MUSCLE AND LOSE FAT AT THE SAME TIME? 🤨 - The answer is in above ☝🏾.


GET OUT AND WALK - Tracking movement can be a really useful tool when it comes to fat loss and changing your body. Often completely overlooked, your ‘NEAT’ or Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is the complex term given to activity outside of purposeful physical exercise. It is a crucial component of fat loss which can help keep energy expenditure higher and help maintain a calorie deficit in conjunction with a good diet and adequate training. - Due to the complexities of th...e number activities NEAT can encompass, it can be difficult to measure. However, a pedometer (step counter) like a FitBit can act as an accurate representation of activity outside conscious exercise. - Maintaining a higher step count is just one way of increasing your NEAT or energy expenditure. Why not: 👉🏾 Swap watching TV for doing a bit of house-work, gardening or washing the car. 👉🏾 Opt for the stairs rather than the escalators. 👉🏾 Stand on your commute to work rather than sit down. 👉🏾 Insist on regular breaks at work and during lunch where you get up and stay more active rather than staring at the computer screen all day. 👉🏾 Play with the kids; fitness for the family can be a fun way of staying active. 👉🏾 Ditch Netflix for an evening stroll with your partner; communicating more will lead to a healthier relationship too. - Fat loss which is more fun than cardio on the treadmill. How "NEAT" is that?
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Is poor exercise execution holding you from progressing? - Along with extensive and detailed notes for each exercise, online clients have access to a library of visual demonstrations showing both proper set-up and execution to give you the best chance of success when training. - When we’re trying to get the best body compositional result possible, this resource should prove invaluable. ... - If poor execution is holding you back from achieving the results you need, then drop me a DM and we can discuss how online coaching will benefit you and fast-track your results.
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A transformation is a journey not a race. But even so, if you fully commit and go “all-in,” a result like the above could take as little as 11 weeks. That’s exactly what it took @harryrundle for this impressive change.


Always good to remind people of the truth 💯.


Who else is struggling? 😫 - Struggling to get those last few reps out when your mind is telling you to give up despite knowing this is where your body is going to change the most? Struggling to stay on track with food despite knowing that it is going to make the biggest difference to how you look and feel? Struggling to understand key nutritional and training concepts which may be holding you back from seeing any real progress? - Whilst I’m not taking on any more 1-2-1 clients, online coaching may still be for you. It’s convenient, cheaper but can still address the problems above. Watch out 👀 for my stories later for more information.


Whilst I’m completely devastated that we lost the “before” photo between us, there’s still a tonne of appreciation for the physique that my client has built whilst coaching on and off for a couple of years now. - A completely new lifestyle and habits formed. A new physique to go with it too and who would have thought this would have happened in her 40’s.

More about Dillon Naidoo Physique Coaching

Dillon Naidoo Physique Coaching is located at London, United Kingdom