Dilly Ducklings Childcare

About Dilly Ducklings Childcare

Dilly Ducklings is a home-based care and education setting in Yaxley where there is a focus on each child, ensuring their needs are fully met



My visually impaired experience.
After wearing the glasses for 3 hours this morning I realised what a strain it is to have a visual impairment. My head was hurting and I felt nauseated. I decided to wear them intermittently and to do challenges. But I still won’t do any activity that requires a good amount of sight without them.
... My first challenge was trying to help my sister tidy up at her school. I couldn’t really see where I had to put things once I had picked them up and many things I had put upside down which meant she had to redo the job.
My next challenge was to eat lunch. I realised that it is really hard to judge where to cut and place your fork. It’s even harder to know when your plate is empty, how big your plate is, what you have left and working out where the last couple of pieces of food are in order to empty the plate.
This afternoon I went to the cinema. This was not too bad. The screen was so large that the picture just looked a bit out of focus.
I have found that I need to use my hearing a lot more than usual and also rely on shadows to let me know where I am on a journey.
However I also found out that in the dark I had no vision at all and had to be guided around fully.
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Tom is spending the next five days experiencing life as a visually impaired person. He has been chosen to attend the the 24th World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia in 2019. He is fundraising to pay for himself and another young person from a less privileged background to go. From this particular challenge any money raised will be divided and half will be donated to Guide Dogs for the Blind. As many of you know we are raising money to fund a puppies training in the memory of Maureen, Tom’s nan who passed away in April 2018 and who was an avid supporter of Guide Dogs. If you would like to support him please contact Sadie via a Facebook / messenger.


This was our funky finger activity today. We had great fun seeing how many nuts we could fit onto the bolts. It was tricky but we persevered!!!


It is important to develop the pincer grip (finger and thumb) in readiness for mark making. We shall be doing lots of these ‘funky finger’ activities. Today we were putting tops on bottles and taking them off again.


RIP Jess. We are glad you made us your home for the last few years. (Also known as Tequila, Gypsy and Tobias)


Had a brilliant day visiting Holme Fen with ducklings and dogs. We picked brambles and damsons. When we got home we made bramble and damson jam. We enjoyed spotting the fruit, counting them and stirring.


More goat videos for maximum cuteness.


The goats have some new toys to explore.


Today we had a look around the garden to see all the things that have grown so far. We spotted long and fat courgettes and cucumbers. We also saw small beans and long beans which were thin. There were also round red beetroot and green peppers. We also saw some rather special peaches and small bunches of grapes. We still have lots to grow including tomatoes, carrots and lots of herbs. We also watered them as it is so hot. We then went inside for a well deserved rest watching ‘Stick man’.


This morning we had great fun making ice creams. We practised our scooping and tipping. We talked about our favourite flavours including chocolate, strawberry and orange !!! We felt the different texture of the foam and the toppings. We practised our turn taking really well.


Today we have enjoyed chopped plums from our plum tree. We could not pick the plums as they were really high so Nor Nor had to do it for us with a special basket on a very long pole.


The ducklings enjoyed exploring our new bead table today after it was thoroughly tested by Ila and Jura. We used lots of shape, colour and number language. We also used fine motor skills to thread the beads and we had to take turns which was not always easy but we tried really hard !!!


Today we have been spotting all the vegetables and some of the flowers that we have been growing in the garden. We also had to water them.


Today after playing with the plastic chips practising our scooping, counting and tipping we had lots of number rhymes. We enjoyed using the rhyme props. We counted from 1-5 and then back again. We then listened to a story about ‘One bear’.


This morning we checked on our plants in the poly tunnel-they are growing very fast with the sun and water. We then played with the ice cream set and took it in turns to make each other ice creams. We also made marks on a large ice cream. We also played with the threading. We spotted lots of different shapes including stars and triangles and circles. We sang songs and did ‘Twinkle twinkle’.


I hope all ducklings are enjoying the day whatever they are doing.


I think this will keep the ducklings occupied today!!!


We have received great care for our daughter. Very pleased with warm, welcoming and educational setting. Thank you


Our daughter absolutely loves going to Dilly Ducklings. She's been going since she was 9 months (now 13 months) and it has made my return to work worry free knowing she is so well cared for. She gets very excited when we arrive now and has even gestured at the door for me to leave when I've dropped her off!

More about Dilly Ducklings Childcare

+44 1733 243106