Dinner At Marias

About Dinner At Marias

Supper club - all the advantages of eating out in a restaurant but in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere where you get to chat and meet new people.



It's up and only three seats left - get booking and see you soon, Maria.


We have been asked to put another Vietnamese night on. Would anyone be interested in coming to dinner week commencing Monday 24th September - let me know what day works best for you (and your friends, bring friends!)


It was a real pleasure to cook for this lot last night. - they work as a team and wanted a meal out and came straight from work. If you are celebrating a birthday, an award, new job, new baby or just fancy an out of work catch up please get in touch. Eating here means you will never bump into pupils/parents/clients/patients/service users/customers and it's a relaxing, safe space to chat, gossip, eat, drink and have fun!


First ever visit to Waste Not, Want Not and took home some unloved/unwanted tomatoes and turned them into deliciously sticky chilli jam that always goes down a storm at our Vietnamese nights (in fact people have been known to fight over the last bits in the jar)!


Today we are hosting a celebration of all things vegetarian/vegan. If you have been to dinner before and your favourite dish is not on the menu then give us a shout and we will add it to the list. If you are a vegan and want to come to dinner let me know when you book so that I can make sure that I can adapt dishes or even put on some alternatives for you.


Come along to dinner and share all things vegetables.


Great night last night, so much so that I went to bed without doing the washing up - better get started on this lot! #nodishwasher #shouldhavedoneitlastnight #supperclub


When people come to dinner we quite often get asked "do you eat like this all the time?" Well sometimes we do .... Today's lunch!


Labneh is one of our favourite dishes at our events made with Greek yogurt, lemon and salt it's easy to make and delicious.


If you have been to dinner before you will know that we do magical things with salads and tonight I want to try out a few new ones and recreat some of our most popular dishes. If you are vegan/vegetarain or have a gluten free diet do let me know when you bok sothat I can adapt recipes or rustle up an alternative. (If you havent been to dinner before then what are you wiating for??)


If you have been to dinner you will know that although we have a menu of sorts there are always some last minute additions depending on what's in the fridge and what looks good when I go shopping that morning for the ingredients. Please book via the link.


Peaches poached in a honeysuckle and Iranian saffron syrup served with vanilla ice cream went down very well.


Just four seats left for dinner on Friday night …. click to book


White peaches simmering in a honeysuckle and Iranian saffron syrup being prepped for tomorrow night's event .... will keep you posted on how they turn out


We have a couple of seats left for tomorrow night. All the dishes are light, refreshing, healthy and very tasty (a bit like Alan!)


Productive day today with some homemade rose petal jam - if you are coming to dinner anytime soon we will make sure you get to taste some (it's delicious even if I do say so myself)


If you like Chinese and Thai food then come along to dinner and try some Vietnamese ….


We have some amazing countryside right on our doorstep. Come along to Darwen for breakfast and then a walk around Wayoh reservoir - easy circular route around this pretty reservoir with good footpaths, waterside and woodland sections to enjoy, great views of the surrounding countryside and the impressive Entwistle viaduct.
There will be tea and cake waiting for you when you get back.
Please make sure you wear sensible footwear and bring waterproofs just in case.


Top class food and excellent service once again. Thank you so much Maria and Alan. Better than any restaurant I have ever been to. Everyone needs to spend one night with Maria and Alan, your views on dining at a restaurant will be forever changed. See you again soon. :-)


It’s is always brilliant,


I loved Dinner at Maria's. I have a very severe nut allergy and ended up eating the most of the vegetables - they were the best veg I've ever eaten


I attended Maria's BBQ and Ginception in Darwen last Friday. All I can say is amazing!! The food was absolutely fantastic I'll definitely go to another event.


Another stunning night with Amazing Food that just kept on coming. We want everybody to get to your house and experience Dinner@Maria’s. The presentation and sampling by the Gin Conception boys added another twist, great fun.

More about Dinner At Marias

Dinner At Marias is located at Thompson Street, BB3 2EY Darwen