Disabled Children'S Partnership

About Disabled Children'S Partnership

The Disabled Children's Partnership is coalition of 60 charities, campaigning for improved health & social care services for disabled children, young people & their families in England. #SecretLifeofUs. https://support. disabledchildrenspartnership.org

Disabled Children'S Partnership Description

The Disabled Children's Partnership is a growing coalition of more than 45 charities, campaigning for improved health and social care services for disabled children, young people and their families in England.

We know that 43% of the British public don’t know anyone who is disabled and that 97% of parents with disabled children do not believe the public understands the challenges they face every day.

Our campaign, the Secret Life of Us – developed in close partnership with parents – looks to change this.

It reveals the parts of their lives that most people simply do not see – bringing to life the realities of the challenges disabled children, young people and their families face when living a life many of us take for granted. Through this, we can create greater understanding, affinity and empathy for affected families.

Because without awareness and understanding, we cannot achieve real change. But, with increased awareness and public support we can make a real difference.

Join our campaign here: http://bit. ly /2t590Yw


http://disabledchildrenspartnership.org. uk /



Yesterday, Steve McCabe MP, led a debate in the House of Parliament on the children in need and their transition into adulthood. He made a number of important points about disabled children, including highlighting the funding gap identified by the DCP's research. His full speech is well worth a read.
https://hansard.parliament.uk/…/21D…/ ChildrenInNeedAdulthood


DCP research has highlighted the £1.5 billion funding gap for health and social care services for disabled children and their families.
The NAHT has today published research showing the impact of that funding gap on the support children receive in school.
- 83% of respondents said they were not receiving ANY funding from health and social care budgets to support pupils with statements or EHCPs
... - 30% of respondents said they were =not receiving services from health and social care to support their pupils.
https://www.naht.org.uk/…/empty-promise s-the-crisis-in-sup…/
See More


Many apologies if you've tried emailing our info@disabledchildrenspartnership.or g.uk email address recently, and not had a response or had an email failure notice.
We're working on the fault, but in the meantime you can email us on disabledchildrens.partnership@mencap .org.uk


Great that the LGO has ruled in this case, but terrible that the family has had to wait for so long for the adaptations they need, and has had to fight to get them
https://www.bbc.co.uk/n…/uk-england-sou th-yorkshire-45345847#


https://www.bbc.com/…/uk-n…/parent-ca rers-a-summer-of-stress#


Children’s hospices and palliative care charities provide lifeline care for children like Ella and her family, but only receive an average of 22% of their funding from the NHS and local authorities. Adult hospices receive 33%. Joined UK children’s palliative care charity (and member of the Disabled Children's Partnership) Together for Short Lives in calling for fair and sustainable funding for vital children’s #palliativecare services in England. Add your name here: https://www.change.org/p/rt-hon-theresa-m ay-mp-the-governme…


If you missed tonight's Panorama, you can catch up here https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bc2ch6


A taster of the issues that will be raised in tonight's Panorama
https://www.bbc.co.uk/…/it-is-the-only- chance-parents-get-t…#


We have today published economic research showing a £1.5 billion funding gap for services needed by disabled children. This investment shortfall and its consequences will be highlighted on tonight’s BBC 1 Panorama. The programme will be shown at 8.30pm on BBC1.
There are over one million disabled children in the UK, 33% more than a decade ago. Yet fewer disabled children than ever before are currently getting support. The DCP’s research shows there is a funding gap in disabl...ed children’s services which means tens of thousands are missing out on vital help that enables them to do things other children take for granted like eat, talk, leave the house, have fun and attend school.
Tonight’s Panorama will highlight the consequences of this – families at their wits end having to go to court to fight for vital support and dealing with a system with limited and dwindling resources. That’s why the DCP are urgently calling on the government to plug the £1.5 billion gap – just 0.2% of total government spending – to ensure disabled children and their families have a decent quality of life.
DCP’s research carried out by Development Economics, found that there is a £1.1 billion shortfall in funding for health services for disabled children and £433 million extra needed for social care.
See More


We think it's vital that politicians understand the realities of life for families caring for disabled children, and the impact on families of the decisions they take.
For this reason, we want to encourage them to watch the Panorama programme 'Fighting for My Child' on Monday night - 8.30pm on BBC1.
Please help by using this link to send a tweet to your MP. https://tymp.uk/2L4mMDb


Watch Panorama on BBC One on Monday 16 July for an insight into the lives of disabled children. For the past year, the DCP’s Secret Life Of Us campaign has been bringing to life the realities of the challenges disabled children, young people and their families face in living a life many of us take for granted. It has revealed the parts of their lives that most people simply do not see. Panorama will be taking a similar approach as it follows families and exposes the problems with the services on which they rely. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bc2ch6


After the sad news about Nascot Lawn, some better news (at least for now) about another short breaks centre that has been under threat of closure.
https://disabledchildrenspartnership.org. uk/dcp-welcomes-l…/


Latest news on Nascot Lawn Overnight Short Breaks centre in Hertfordshire
Hertfordshire County Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee met on 3 July. Among the items on its agenda was the decision by Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group (HVCCG) to withdraw funding from Nascot Lawn, a centre that provides overnight short breaks for children with complex health needs. It was open to the council to refer HVCCG’s decision to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, ...but sadly they decided against doing so.
Stephen Kingdom, campaign manager for the Disabled Children’s Partnership says: “Members of the Disabled Children’s Partnership, alongside the families who have fought so hard to keep Nascot Lawn open, are utterly baffled by the county council’s decision not take more decisive action over the CCG’s decision to withdraw funding for the centre and refer the matter to the Secretary of State for a final decision – an option open to the council under local authority regulations.
“The CCG’s decision to stop funding Nascot Lawn needn’t have been the end of the matter if the council considered that this would not be in the interests of the local health service. It seems self-evident to us – and to parents – that closing Nascot Lawn is not in the interests of the health service in Hertfordshire, given the impact it will have on children with complex health needs and their families. The council have missed a real opportunity to stop the closure of a much valued facility that helps local families with some of the most severely disabled children get a short break from caring. It’s also a false economy because keeping Nascot Lawn open could have also saved the council and the state money in the long run. If families with disabled children don’t get the support they need they are more likely to reach crisis point –at far more cost to the council and state than the cost of keeping Nascot Lawn open.”
See More


Y don't great job well down .but I think u also work for other country child .not cover health .only admission in u school and hospital. Like my son he need help u country but no help my child.


Our voice is stronger together. We need to focus on equality for all children and people with a disability, emotional, intellectual, sensory or physical.


It sounds like an excellent partnership. The proof will be in the pudding! My only concern so far is that all the children in the photos show obvious physical disability. This is not always the case; disability often goes harmfully unrecognised.


I think this is very good


I don't want to be treated differently than anyone else.


Family fund has been fantastic helping us transform are garden to a safe clean all year round place for my son to play who as ASD and HDHD thank you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Camelia botnar children's centre needs your help


Amazing partnership and a great example of the charity sector speaking together with one voice for the sake of families living with disability.


Y don't great job well down .but I think u also work for other country child .not cover health .only admission in u school and hospital. Like my son he need help u country but no help my child.


Our voice is stronger together. We need to focus on equality for all children and people with a disability, emotional, intellectual, sensory or physical.


It sounds like an excellent partnership. The proof will be in the pudding! My only concern so far is that all the children in the photos show obvious physical disability. This is not always the case; disability often goes harmfully unrecognised.


I think this is very good


I don't want to be treated differently than anyone else.


Family fund has been fantastic helping us transform are garden to a safe clean all year round place for my son to play who as ASD and HDHD thank you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Camelia botnar children's centre needs your help


Amazing partnership and a great example of the charity sector speaking together with one voice for the sake of families living with disability.


Y don't great job well down .but I think u also work for other country child .not cover health .only admission in u school and hospital. Like my son he need help u country but no help my child.


Our voice is stronger together. We need to focus on equality for all children and people with a disability, emotional, intellectual, sensory or physical.


It sounds like an excellent partnership. The proof will be in the pudding! My only concern so far is that all the children in the photos show obvious physical disability. This is not always the case; disability often goes harmfully unrecognised.


I think this is very good


I don't want to be treated differently than anyone else.


Family fund has been fantastic helping us transform are garden to a safe clean all year round place for my son to play who as ASD and HDHD thank you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Camelia botnar children's centre needs your help


Amazing partnership and a great example of the charity sector speaking together with one voice for the sake of families living with disability.

More about Disabled Children'S Partnership
