Discover Hypnobirthing

About Discover Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing is amazing - it transforms your whole perspective on birth leaving you empowered & excited to go into labour. The course offers all the information you need to feel fully prepared & confident that you can create a positive birth

Discover Hypnobirthing Description

So here is my story…
I fell pregnant – was over the moon but had the rumbling of worry that most women have – “how will I cope with labour?”. I’d heard of hypnobirthing through my sister in-law who had positive births and knew it was right for me. After Lesson One I was sold and became a keen student doing all my practise. I had two very different births using hypnobirthing and whilst there were challenging times, the hypnobirthing absolutely helped me to manage and they were honestly the two greatest achievements of my life. You feel so powerful when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time - goosebumps. I got all my friends to do it and then felt compelled to spread the positive birth vibes with as many women as I can…so I now teach.

And here is how Hypnobirthing can help you…
Lets face it – falling pregnant and having a baby is big – huh?! It’s so exciting but it can be bloody scary too and it is this fear that really interferes with the birth process. But most of this fear comes from the unknown or from the horrible images that the media love to share. Hypnobirthing helps to release all these negative perceptions through hypnotherapy techniques and by sharing scientific, evidence based information that can help you believe on a logical level that birth is safe. Just because it is the unknown, doesn’t mean you have to go into this process unaware.

How I work with you
My course consists of four lessons, each 2-3hrs long and we cover ‘everything’ you need to know about birth so you can take control of your experience, feel confident in the decisions you make and know exactly what to expect (there’s no question you can’t ask). The other really important part of the course is helping you to create the calm, confident and positive mindset that will help you to enjoy pregnancy, support the birth process and put you on the right foot forward into motherhood. We achieve this through hypnotherapy techniques, mindfulness, affirmations and other worry release tools. It’s one thing to be shown these techniques and another to be coached to really make them work. I really care about your experience and will be available to support you right up to birth and afterwards.



Excellent post with guidance on drinking and eating in labour....
The guideline that underpins everything...listen to your body 💫


Yes please?? (I know my hand is raised 🙋‍♀️)) _ If this sounds appealing then come along to Pregnancy Unwind Sessions this eve... _ 1hr of dedicated YOU time using hypnobirthing and meditation tools to help you connect to your inner calm and confidence...💫... _ Book in advance or email me:… /pregnancyunwindbook…
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Usually prepping the Zen Den for sessions is my own meditation - not during school holidays 😖 _ I assure it will be lovely and zen by the eve and I can’t wait to escape to here with a small circle of women for Pregnancy Unwind Sessions tonight @7.30pm _ Still space if you’d like to join us:... gnancy-unwind-ses…/
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Pregnancy Unwind Sessions - this Monday....@7.30pm...😍💫 _ In these sessions, we always practise the hypnobirthing and meditation tools that will help you through labour, but we also take the time to connect with baby and your emotions on a deeper level....💫 _ And this week we will be doing some visualisations to help you prepare mentally for motherhood...🌺... _ Would love you to join us...😘 _ Book or email to confirm your spot:… /pregnancyunwindbook…
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When I fell pregnant and had my first baby my respect for women literally went through the roof 👊
Going through labour and crossing over the threshold into motherhood is without doubt THE biggest transformation in a woman's life 💫
It is a time when EVERY woman on this planet should be joining forces and supporting each other - no matter how we CHOOSE to birth 🌺
... This affirmation felt pertinent at a time when there has been lots of debate around women feeling judged for how they birth. Judgement needs to be dropped. Support needs to be upped.
No birth should be placed on a pedestal 💫
Every woman should be supported along her UNIQUE journey to make it as POSITIVE as possible 💫
Every baby born should be celebrated 💫
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Every Monday evening @ 7.30pm
Relaxation, mindfulness, birth breathing, worry detox and confidence boost! All that good stuff crammed into 1 hour of YOU (and baby time) time...
Booking must be made in advance:... gnancy-unwind-ses…/
£12 drop-in or £40 for a block of four
At The Zen Den, Southgate
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This antenatal course uses hypnobirthing and mindfulness to help you to feel confident and calm through pregnancy, birth and beyond. This couples course also provides your partner with the knowledge and tools that they need to support you fully.
HOW DOES IT WORK? This course involves 4 x 2-3hr sessions, as explained below. Each session will involve a combination of gaining knowledge, meditation, watching videos and discussion.
... Session 1 – Confidence - Delve into your own birth fears and hopes - Discover the incredible power of your mind and birthing body and how you can get them working in harmony during labour - Gain trust and confidence in the birth process
Session 2 - Calm - Learn and practise the hypnobirthing and mindfulness skills that will help to keep your mind in a calm harmonious place during labour - Learn the physical practise that will also support your labour e.g. positions for labour
Session 3 – Control & choices - Feel empowered and informed to take control of your birth experience and choices - Learn about all birth possibilties eg inductions, caesareans etc - Gain tools for working in the best possible way with the health professionals
Session 4 – Birth day - Go through everything you can expect on the day - Feel equipped to give birth as an awesome team
WHAT WILL YOU GET? - The Hypnobirthing Book, Hypnobirthing and mindfulness MP3s and Parents folder containing extensive information - Align your baby online course: - Complete antenatal education - A new circle of birth buddies to support you up until your baby is born - My support and expertise - Royal College of Midwives accredited hypnobirthing teacher and a very warm and caring heart
COURSE DETAILS - Sessions take place on the following evenings: 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th October - Zen Den Southgate - £297 - Three couples per course
Contact me to enquire: or 07904 555505
Check my website:
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September Group Hypnobirthing Course is SOLD OUT 💫💫
Dates for October are live on the website:… /couples-group-hypno…
Something that all my clients say after birth is "I couldn't have done it without the hypnobirthing". 💫
... Hypnobirthing is simply an education and a tool that supports every type of birth. It helps you to cope during this emotional time and feel proud of yourself when you reach mother-side...🌺
I'm a very honest and supportive teacher, and always keen to tell people more so do get in touch if you have any questions:
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When you walk past your daughters room at 22.20 and she freaks you out as she’s looking out the door wide awake (I mean eyes wide)....puts arms out, holds my face for a kiss, says “love you” and rolls over to sleep 😍✨😍✨
Magic moments ❤️ savoured 😍 makes it all worth it ✨


Tip for building a protective shield when you need one - as I have today...(as you can see in my slightly disheveled video 😉)...
Remember with any of these tools it’s all about the intention that you set behind the action / thought - the mind only knows what we tell it...
@katerina Christodoulo thanks for this tip ✨


Well this is an unexpected but very welcome treat. This morn Raf decided he wanted to join Arabella at a club, never been before, but trotted in. I’m now sat here, surrounded by mess but in silence (!) with my borrowed little friend, taking a moment before my wonderful energy healer arrives for some tlc ✨ _ Taking this moment as pure and utter me time, a well deserved mid-school holiday break, guilt free ✨😘❤️ _ You time - find it, make it, grab it, enjoy it ✨


Our bodies are SO good at telling us when we’re carrying unhealthy emotion (fear, worry, shame, guilt) but we’re SO good at ignoring it “I’m feeling so tired...I’m feeling so back is in bits but I’ll ignore, carry on and hope it goes away.” 😉 _ Instead of stopping, doing a body scan and ‘really’ tuning into what our bodies are communicating. My siren is my tummy and anxiety - it tells me loud and clear when something needs addressing. And by taking some deep bre...athes, going to the body part with the strong sensation, sitting with it curiously and compassionately, and asking what is going on - often you’ll hear the whispers of wisdom and find the clarity about what it is you need ✨ . This quote is also so important for birth. As we experience our minds in our body, in labour we want our minds to be calm so our bodies can remain relaxed and birth well ❤️ _ This is where visualisations and mindfulness kick in...🌟 _ If your mind often feels out of control or you feel disconnected from your body, then come along to Pregnancy Unwind Sessions (tonight) where you’ll practise the tools that help you to turn up the Zen volume of your mind ✨ gnancy-unwind-ses…/
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Hello Pregnancy Unwind Sessions....😍
Time for you to relax, receive and unwind...🙏
💫 Meditation 💫 Birthing breathing 💫 Pregnancy & Birth Support 💫 Deep relaxation
... All round goodness for you and your baby...
💫 "I am calm, my baby is calm" 💫
Must book to attend: gnancy-unwind-ses…/
Email with questions:
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And the winner is....
Angela Christodoulou 🎉🎉🎉
Weleda Lavender bath soak, stress-relief spray and beautiful bamboo cup winging its way to you...👏
... Thank you everyone who entered - next time ✨
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On a dreary day like today it’s nice to be reminded of this beautiful sunny meet-up that we had this week ☀️
Was so brilliant to catch-up, share stories and meet new babies 😍
Such an amazing supportive bunch of women right there - all doing their thang 👊


Last last chance to win this lovely gift - simply leave a comment below! Arabella will be drawing the lucky winner this afternoon - live ✨


Last chance to win Mumma's...such a lovely gift for 2 secs of your time 💫


Really looking forward to this today - if you’re pregnant, a new Mumma or have toddlers in are all welcome ✨
Meeting by the play area. PM with any questions 👌


That was a treat to look up at the ladies meditating with the mandala on the floor symbolising harmony and wholeness....✨
Ps Pregnancy Unwind happening again next Monday if anyone wants some dedicated you time to emotionally prepare for birth and feel Zen in pregnancy ✨


We have just finished our couple's hypnobirthing course with Beth. It was absolutely brilliant, and I highly recommend it.

Beth's approach put us both at ease from the start, and the course was informative and interesting. She remains unbiased while providing information on topics like pain relief, and rather than leading us in one direction, she guides through techniques and strategies that can be used regardless of the type of labour and birth we experience. We did it after our NCT course and the two complimented each other.

We both now feel much more informed and calm about labour and birth and are excited to meet our baby! Thank you Beth! xx


We can't recommend the lovely Beth highly enough. She created a safe and non-judgemental space in her Zen Den (at the bottom of her garden in Southgate) for us to explore and prepare mindfully for the birthing process. She equipped us with the tools and confidence to navigate some challenging decisions during labour, whilst maintaining a sense of calm. Beth went above and beyond to support us outside of our sessions and helped me to overcome some significant psychological and emotional barriers. Her support was invaluable for both of us.


So I've just completed my self belief for birth course with Beth and can now say that I am genuinely excited to give birth.

I feel reassured that women CAN and DO have positive birth experiences where they remain calm and serene and I'm determined to do the same.

Beth is so so lovely and has such a calming and non-judgemental vibe. She gave us so much of her time and wanted us to leave feeling well informed and confident and she did exactly that.

Definitely recommend for anyone feeling frightened or nervous about birth!


Our course with Beth has been a total game-changer and I can’t recommend her highly enough. We decided to look into hypnobirthing because the birth of our first baby had been quite traumatic and becoming pregnant and being told it was a high-risk pregnancy again - while wonderful - brought a lot of that back.

Right from our very first conversation, it was clear that Beth was a different order of teacher. Whereas some teachers I contacted were quite prescriptive and told me that they would do x, y and z, Beth really thought about what we personally needed, and tailored the course accordingly.

She was also hugely kind, sensitive, supportive, adaptable and just really lovely in the way she delivered the class too - and already we are seeing the benefits. I have felt much more informed and empowered in dealing with the hospital, with the result that the staff have committed - in really practical ways - to helping us make this birth a better experience.

But best of all, I now feel free to really enjoy this pregnancy, knowing that whatever happens, I am stronger and better equipped to deal with it - and I can’t thank Beth enough for this either.


My partner and I finished our Hypnobirthing course with Beth last week and we have been raving to everyone about how empowered we both feel and how incredible our experience has been.

We have both been meditating for many years and live quite a holistic lifestyle, so I wasn’t sure what we would gain from this, but the truth is, this is a completely new perspective and shines a massive light on a new area for us. So you really don’t have to have our experience or lifestyle for this to massively make a difference in your life.

Beth is absolutely incredible and always goes over and beyond to give you what you need.

You will feel relaxed and more in control over your pregnancy and fully prepared for your birth. EVERYONE needs to experience hypnobirthing whether this is your first baby or not!

I feel that all men should have this experience too, as I know that it took away all of my partners worries around the birth and has made him feel more useful in the birthing process and he really understands how important his role is on that day, which is often not the case for men.

Don’t think about doing this, DO IT, it will be one of the greatest investments you make! ���

I’m sad that our course is over, but looking forward to all the other events that Beth does, as well as when Baby arrives �


Just completed my last session of Beth's self belief for birth course and feeling so grateful to Beth for all her guidance and support. The sessions have been invaluable and I can't wait to make use of all the tools we have learnt, not just during birth but in everyday life. I would recommend Beth's course to anyone wanting to feel calm, empowered and knowledgeable in their birth. Thank you Beth for your calming nature and creating such a safe atmosphere of support and sisterhood ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I decided to book Beth's Self Belief for Birth course as an extra tool to help me get through labour and could never have imagined just how much it would transform my view of birth. I've gone from seeing birth something traumatic and painful, to feeling genuinely excited about it.

The course includes factual information, open discussion, positive anecdotes, props, demonstrations, videos, meditation, mindfulness, with a range of fantastic resources to take away (including meditation MP3s) so that you and your birth partners feel prepared and empowered to have the best birth experience possible.

I would highly recommend Beth's course for all expectant mums; she's super lovely, calm, reassuring and non-judgemental. Her amazing 'zen den' is the the perfect place for it all to happen; there's candles, fairy lights, comfy sofas, relaxing scents and music, that all make you feel calm and peaceful.

She gave us so much of her time (much more than she initially outlined when we signed up!) and I am so grateful to have had such a wonderful experience prior to my baby's birth. Thank you Beth!! ��


Had our last session with Beth last night - feel sad not to be going for any more one to ones with her in her Zen Den, but feel so supported by her, armed with our 'tool kit' and so excited about the birth of our baby girl. As a first time mum, obviously still lots of unknowns to come, but Beth has given us so much invaluable information and support already, my partner and I both feel prepared, positive and calm and actually can't wait to go through the birthing experience! If you're on the fence about Hypnobirthing, definitely contact Beth and get more information. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, and especially doing it with her as she is lovely and so helpful!


Feeling positive, calm and excited about welcoming our new baby to the world. I'd recommend hypnobirthing to anyone planning or expecting. Thank you so much Beth Carboni - you've set us up brilliantly !


Beth’s hypnobirthing course provided me and my partner with both knowledge and tools to enjoy pregnancy without the fear of labour looming.. although my due date is not till next month I feel at ease and calm about the birth of our baby and my partner, who was probably more nervous than I was, would entirely agree. We are able to enjoy every moment now and feel confident about how to overcome any obstacles or challenges we may or may not face.. it has completely changed my outlook on labour and I am very much looking forward to meeting our baby without irrational fears taking over.. thoroughly recommend �


We have just finished our couple's hypnobirthing course with Beth. It was absolutely brilliant, and I highly recommend it.

Beth's approach put us both at ease from the start, and the course was informative and interesting. She remains unbiased while providing information on topics like pain relief, and rather than leading us in one direction, she guides through techniques and strategies that can be used regardless of the type of labour and birth we experience. We did it after our NCT course and the two complimented each other.

We both now feel much more informed and calm about labour and birth and are excited to meet our baby! Thank you Beth! xx


We can't recommend the lovely Beth highly enough. She created a safe and non-judgemental space in her Zen Den (at the bottom of her garden in Southgate) for us to explore and prepare mindfully for the birthing process. She equipped us with the tools and confidence to navigate some challenging decisions during labour, whilst maintaining a sense of calm. Beth went above and beyond to support us outside of our sessions and helped me to overcome some significant psychological and emotional barriers. Her support was invaluable for both of us.


So I've just completed my self belief for birth course with Beth and can now say that I am genuinely excited to give birth.

I feel reassured that women CAN and DO have positive birth experiences where they remain calm and serene and I'm determined to do the same.

Beth is so so lovely and has such a calming and non-judgemental vibe. She gave us so much of her time and wanted us to leave feeling well informed and confident and she did exactly that.

Definitely recommend for anyone feeling frightened or nervous about birth!


Our course with Beth has been a total game-changer and I can’t recommend her highly enough. We decided to look into hypnobirthing because the birth of our first baby had been quite traumatic and becoming pregnant and being told it was a high-risk pregnancy again - while wonderful - brought a lot of that back.

Right from our very first conversation, it was clear that Beth was a different order of teacher. Whereas some teachers I contacted were quite prescriptive and told me that they would do x, y and z, Beth really thought about what we personally needed, and tailored the course accordingly.

She was also hugely kind, sensitive, supportive, adaptable and just really lovely in the way she delivered the class too - and already we are seeing the benefits. I have felt much more informed and empowered in dealing with the hospital, with the result that the staff have committed - in really practical ways - to helping us make this birth a better experience.

But best of all, I now feel free to really enjoy this pregnancy, knowing that whatever happens, I am stronger and better equipped to deal with it - and I can’t thank Beth enough for this either.


My partner and I finished our Hypnobirthing course with Beth last week and we have been raving to everyone about how empowered we both feel and how incredible our experience has been.

We have both been meditating for many years and live quite a holistic lifestyle, so I wasn’t sure what we would gain from this, but the truth is, this is a completely new perspective and shines a massive light on a new area for us. So you really don’t have to have our experience or lifestyle for this to massively make a difference in your life.

Beth is absolutely incredible and always goes over and beyond to give you what you need.

You will feel relaxed and more in control over your pregnancy and fully prepared for your birth. EVERYONE needs to experience hypnobirthing whether this is your first baby or not!

I feel that all men should have this experience too, as I know that it took away all of my partners worries around the birth and has made him feel more useful in the birthing process and he really understands how important his role is on that day, which is often not the case for men.

Don’t think about doing this, DO IT, it will be one of the greatest investments you make! ���

I’m sad that our course is over, but looking forward to all the other events that Beth does, as well as when Baby arrives �


Just completed my last session of Beth's self belief for birth course and feeling so grateful to Beth for all her guidance and support. The sessions have been invaluable and I can't wait to make use of all the tools we have learnt, not just during birth but in everyday life. I would recommend Beth's course to anyone wanting to feel calm, empowered and knowledgeable in their birth. Thank you Beth for your calming nature and creating such a safe atmosphere of support and sisterhood ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I decided to book Beth's Self Belief for Birth course as an extra tool to help me get through labour and could never have imagined just how much it would transform my view of birth. I've gone from seeing birth something traumatic and painful, to feeling genuinely excited about it.

The course includes factual information, open discussion, positive anecdotes, props, demonstrations, videos, meditation, mindfulness, with a range of fantastic resources to take away (including meditation MP3s) so that you and your birth partners feel prepared and empowered to have the best birth experience possible.

I would highly recommend Beth's course for all expectant mums; she's super lovely, calm, reassuring and non-judgemental. Her amazing 'zen den' is the the perfect place for it all to happen; there's candles, fairy lights, comfy sofas, relaxing scents and music, that all make you feel calm and peaceful.

She gave us so much of her time (much more than she initially outlined when we signed up!) and I am so grateful to have had such a wonderful experience prior to my baby's birth. Thank you Beth!! ��


Had our last session with Beth last night - feel sad not to be going for any more one to ones with her in her Zen Den, but feel so supported by her, armed with our 'tool kit' and so excited about the birth of our baby girl. As a first time mum, obviously still lots of unknowns to come, but Beth has given us so much invaluable information and support already, my partner and I both feel prepared, positive and calm and actually can't wait to go through the birthing experience! If you're on the fence about Hypnobirthing, definitely contact Beth and get more information. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, and especially doing it with her as she is lovely and so helpful!


Feeling positive, calm and excited about welcoming our new baby to the world. I'd recommend hypnobirthing to anyone planning or expecting. Thank you so much Beth Carboni - you've set us up brilliantly !


Beth’s hypnobirthing course provided me and my partner with both knowledge and tools to enjoy pregnancy without the fear of labour looming.. although my due date is not till next month I feel at ease and calm about the birth of our baby and my partner, who was probably more nervous than I was, would entirely agree. We are able to enjoy every moment now and feel confident about how to overcome any obstacles or challenges we may or may not face.. it has completely changed my outlook on labour and I am very much looking forward to meeting our baby without irrational fears taking over.. thoroughly recommend �

More about Discover Hypnobirthing

Discover Hypnobirthing is located at The Mall, n14 London, United Kingdom
07904 555505