Distinction Cheer And Dance

About Distinction Cheer And Dance

Distinction Cheer and Dance runs youth and junior cheer competition squads based in Dorchester. They have won numerous regional competitions as squads as well as currently undefeated in their solo and duo entries.

Distinction Cheer And Dance Description

Distinction Cheerleading squads are always looking to expand. We have both Junior and Senior competitive squads, aged between 6-18. We train every Sunday in a variety of skills such as gymnastics, dance, jumps, stunting (lifts) and flexibility. The teams work extremely hard all year round and enter competitions all over the country. It’s a fantastic way to keep active and be part of a successful squad who have lots of fun training as well as winning competitions
If you are interested drop me an email and we can arrange for you to come have a go or just watch to see what we're about!



Sneaky peek at our new uniforms due to arrive soon #uniforms #cheer #cheerleading #cheerleaders #Dorset #dorchester #sparkly


Last session for Christmas complete. Check out some of the fun we had!


Show day tomorrow!!!!! #show #cheerleading #cheerleaders #cheer #bellydance #latin #christmasshow


Monday motivation #striveforperfection #mondaymotivation #betterthanyesterday #cheer #cheerleading #cheerleaders #selfbelief


One week today!!!!!


Please sponsor us for our upcoming competition year. Every penny counts so thank you in advance for all your contributions.


Trophy for Xmas show all ready to give out #cheerleaderoftheyear #cheer #cheerleading #Distinction #Dorset #dorchester #christmasshow #christmas #trophy


Cheerleader of the month for October goes to Pheobie. She has worked really hard on her walkovers and now look great. Her flying skills are continually improving too. Well done! #cheerleading #cheerleaderofthemonth #cheer #Dorset #dorchester #hardworkpaysoff #walkovers #flyer


Some of the juniors happy that their routine is finished. Now the tidying up begins! #cheerleading #cheerleaders #cheer #Dorset #dorchester #Distinction #excited #cleaningtime


Our Christmas Show starts at 5pm prompt. Tickets are £3 adults and £1 for children, it includes refreshments in the interval. There will be a raffle and trophies awarded.
It’s a chance for both cheerleading squads and the adult dancers show you what they’ve been working on this year as well as a chance to see the competition routines ready for February.


Awards Evening. A celebration of how far the girls have come in our first 9 months #proud #welldone #cheer #cheerleading #cheerleaders #awards #trophies #celebration #Dorchester #Dorset


It's tonight! Certificates and trophies at the ready! Plus music to dance to #wobblebaby #cupidsshuffle


Evelynn got both her round off back handspring and standing in one day!


New stunt from today's training, hello level 2!


Cheerleader of the month for September goes to Holly! She has worked hard and overcome her fear of back handsprings, and is hitting the new dance section really clean! Well done! #proud #welldone #hardworkpaysoff #cheer #cheerleading #Distinction #Dorset #Dorchester #tumbling #dance


Great to see the juniors putting the work away from class to get their stretches #welldone #cheer #cheerleading #cheerleaders #flyer #bowandarrow #Distinction #Dorset #Dorchester


Some new stunting going on today #Distinction #Dorset #dorchester #cheer #cheerleading #cheerleaders #stunt #halftwist #showandgo #keeppractising


An evening to celebrate the achievements the squad has made in its first summer. There will be food, a bar, music and dancing. A raffle with all money raised going towards the squads competition expenses. £1 entrance

More about Distinction Cheer And Dance

Distinction Cheer And Dance is located at YMCA Gymnastics Hall, DT1 2RZ Dorchester, Dorset