Divine Hearts Healing

About Divine Hearts Healing

Divine Hearts Healing is a spiritual service offering reiki treatments or mediumship readings, Reiki treatments can provide a tranquil space helping to relieve stress and anxiety.

To book an appointment please contact Joe on:

Mobile: 07397957292

Divine Hearts Healing Description

Hello my names Joe; I am a reiki Practitioner and a spiritualist medium, my ambition is to help others to find upliftmement, happiness and bringing healing where it is needed.

Reiki Healing

As a reiki Pracitioner I clearly focus on allowing myself to be used as a clear channel to allow the reiki energy to help you in anyway that it possibly can within your everyday life.

I'm also a strong believer in the power of positive thinking and we spend some time beforehand blending affirmations into the reiki treatment helping you to see what your going through from a different point of view which in affect leaves you feeeling uplifted and able to see what your dealing with from a higher positive perspective using these skills and with the help of reiki.


As a medium I am strongly passionate about helping others to reunite them with their loved ones providing evidence that life does go on beyond this physical existence, bringing messages of healing and upliftment.