Dj Max Galactic

07376 712558
5 star rating



NEW MIX - CLICK LINK TO LISTEN! Here's my new mix - full of lovely soul and funk gems to warm your cockles and banish the January blues! Includes tracks from Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Chic and Snoop.
If you like it be great if you could share this link - cheers peeps! x


Last night's NYE party The Globe at Hay was an absolute pleasure to DJ at - Young Garbo rocked out a couple of brilliant sets and the atmosphere was fantastic. Great crowd, great venue, high fives all round! Great shots as always from Andrew Barrell! Adam Read installed a cracking lighting rig and really added some sparkle to proceedings πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
2019 was a hell of a year for me, thanks so much to everyone who booked me, backed me, shared one of my mixes, carried some kit or just came along and had a good old knees up at one of my parties! Loads of exciting stuff in the planning for 2020 - see you all soon πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ With Mandy Houghton, Robbie John, Lottie Donovan, Jesse Ingham, Andrew Barrell Event Photographer, Adam Read


Here's a mix to get you in the mood for tonight! Just click through the link to listen. Really looking forwards to a good old knees up - timings for this evening:
7pm - Globe Kitchen is open (for anyone with a ticket for our party), start the night with a curry for a tenner! 8pm - Doors open upstairs with a free glass of fizz - I will be warming things up with some lovely disco groovers... 9.30pm - Young Garbo and their alter ego Average Welsh Band will be serving up some NYE belters for you!! 11pm til close - I will be back on the decks some some hands-in-the-air dance floor bangers to take you into 2020!
It's totally sold out, there won't be any tickets available on the door. If you're lucky enough to have a ticket, make sure you get down there nice and early, it's gonna be a big one! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
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SOLD OUT!! We've had an amazing response to our NYE party with Young Garbo at The Globe at Hay - it's now completely sold out. Can't wait for this one - it's gonna to be right old knees up! with Robbie John, Adam Read, Mandy Houghton


ONLY 20 TICKETS LEFT! Tickets have been flying out over the last few days - If you want to party with myself and Young Garbo this NYE at The Globe at Hay then you need to get online ASAP, there are only 20 tickets left! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯


ONLY 2 WEEKS TO GO! Not long now until our massive knees up on NYE at The Globe at Hay, early birds are sold out, and our Phase 2 tickets are moving fast - get down to the Globe this week if you want to come, and join me and Young Garbo as we see in 2020 in style! As well as a fantastic musical offering, we'll be joined by local lad Adam Read and the Ultrasonic Team who will be adding loads of sparkle to the Globe with a top drawer lighting show, and you'll get a free glass of Prosecco - get involved! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯


100 tickets already gone for NYE, which means the early bird tickets are now officially sold out! If you’re planning on coming along then grab your tickets soon!


Such a huge day tomorrow, so much is at stake. If you're wavering, if you're still not quite sure who to vote for I thought I'd share this to give you a nudge. When you're stood at the voting booth just about to vote please remember this video. Tory MP's cheering, YES CHEERING, as they vote to block a pay rise for nurses. So vote tactically if you live somewhere that you think it will make a difference. Vote for the NHS. Vote for rebuilding our public services. Vote for makin...g Amazon and other huge corporations pay fair taxes. Vote for love and not hate. Vote for bringing people and communities of all race, religion, colour and sexuality together, not tearing them apart. Vote for decent education for everyone, vote for fairness, vote for a level playing field. And most of all - for fuck's sake don't vote for that lying, privileged, unprincipled, racist, sexist, coward just because he was quite funny on Have I Got News For you. With Jesse Ingham, Sean O'Donoghue, Joe Emmett
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ONLY 25 EARLY BIRD TICKETS LEFT! We've had a great response to our NYE party at The Globe at Hay - there are only a small number of Β£10 early bird tickets left. Don't forget that includes a free glass of fizz on arrival alongside a live performance from Young Garbo and a 4 hour DJ set - can't say fairer than that! Phase 2 tickets are Β£13, phase 3 will be Β£15. Tickets on sale from the Globe or click through to their website. Go, go, go!! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ with Beth Bicknell-Thompson, Milo Rodell-john, Mandy Houghton, Robbie John


Still counting the pennies but looks like we're on to make well over Β£1,500 from our party last night, to be split between our two charities. So big thanks to everyone who came along and partied with us or bought raffle tickets or did both! Thanks as always to all the lovely gang at The Three Tuns for hosting us early on in the evening and joining us at Clyro later! Andrew Barrell Event Photographer was on hand to take some great shots! More to follow...
PS We've got a black men's jacket that was left in the cloakroom and if anyone knows Ed Jenkins we've got his phone, driving license and bank card! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ With Lisa Marie Badham, Emma Anderson, Lisa Lloyd, Dan Heele, Eleanor Heele, Daniel Graham, Gwilym Price


Hay Bus Hay Taxi Louise Williams will be on hand tonight to get you to and from Clyro, minibuses will be running between The Clocktower in Hay and Clyro Court at these times:
Getting you there from 10pm - 11.30pm
... Bringing you home from 1.00am - 2.30am
Its Β£2 per person each way - a steal! See you down The Three Tuns for some cocktails and pizzas from 6pm! with Lisa Lloyd, Lisa Marie Badham, Emma Anderson, Gwilym Price, Jesse Ingham, Daniel Graham, Tim Northam, Dan Heele, Eleanor Heele, Kim Georgina,
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AMAZING PRIZES TO BE WON!! We're running a raffle as part of our fundraising efforts tomorrow night, and our headline prize is a night's stay for two with dinner and breakfast at the fantastic The Green Dragon Hotel in Hereford. Newly refurbished and revamped this year, it's an absolute treasure - if you haven't seen the new look you're in for a treat!! Check out the photos, and make sure you pop in next time you're in town, it's definitely the destination for cocktails, food... and a luxurious stay over. We're so grateful for the donation of this awesome prize, what a bunch of legends they are! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Please share this post and spread the word! We've got loads of other great prizes on offer - we'll be selling the final tickets and doing the draw in the The Three Tuns tomorrow night before we head on over to Clyro Court. With Lisa Lloyd, Lisa Marie Badham, Emma Anderson, Daniel Graham, Julian Vaughan, Samantha Vaughan,
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ONLY 50 TICKETS LEFT!! If you're planning on partying with us at Clyro this Saturday, you'll need to grab your tickets asap. Half the tickets left are at The Three Tuns, the other half are at FLOW. Get down there!
with Lisa Marie Badham, Emma Anderson, Lisa Lloyd, Daniel Graham, Gwilym Price


Make sure you grab your tickets from FLOW or The Three Tuns if you want to come - don't forget you have to buy tickets in advance!


Get yourself down to The Globe at Hay Thursday night from 7pm - the Hay Chamber of Commerce are holding a fab promise auction to raise money for the Xmas lights, lots of brilliant prices on offer including a bundle of free tickets and a personalised mix from me! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ with Katie Sutton, Andrew Williams,


TWO WEEKS TO GO! The fun will start at 6pm at The Three Tuns, with some great deals on cocktails and pizzas to get you nicely warmed up for a big night out! Tickets for the party at Clyro Court are moving fast, make sure you grab yours soon - don't forget you won't be able to buy a ticket on the door (and we expect this to sell out well in advance). With Daniel Graham, Lisa Marie Badham, Lisa Lloyd, Emma Anderson, Gwilym Price, Dan Heele, Eleanor Heele


Just uploaded a new mix for the autumn - full to to the brim with disco sizzlers, 90’s classics and more piano’s than you can shake a large stick at! CLICK THE LINK TO HAVE A LISTEN!


NEW MIX - click through the link to listen! Get ready for the weekend with my new mix - full to to the brim with disco sizzlers, 90’s classics and more piano’s than you can shake a large stick at!
If you like it, give it a share and spread the love! πŸ˜‰ Danni O'Connell, Louise Williams, Eileen Williams-Sweet, Adam Tatton-Reid, Emma Price, Jesse Ingham, Maisie Walker

More about Dj Max Galactic

07376 712558