Dog Whisperer Ade Howe Uk

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Dog Whisperer Ade Howe Uk

I am a specialist dog trainer, who focuses on targeting behavioural issues using a natural approach. This provides long term solutions as opposed to treat training. I focus on lead pulling, jumping up, dog aggression, recall and separation anxiety.

Dog Whisperer Ade Howe Uk Description

Quick, simple and effective techniques for common dog problems without using treats or harsh methods.



Here's Fergie. She's got a lot to learn about her dog manners.


Best trick I know!


Bobby a rescue from Spain. He just needed a little help to understand humans. And they needed a language lesson in 'dog'.


Bailey and Bella learning their door manners. Easy to use techniques to help you with your dog. All in my book dog training without treats.


Here's Poppy. A very aggressive Jack Russell 4 years old. Had to be muzzled to start with. She's bitten a few people. I'm her last chance. Previous treat trainer failed miserably. I had a few words with Poppy. We did a few simple exercises. Took the muzzle off and went for a walk together. Then she came and sat at my feet all on her own. Job done


Jack being spoiled. Not supposed to be on the furniture!


Even small dogs can be aggressive. Through fear usually.


2 young Neopolitan Mastiffs were jumping and mouthing their owner. She was covered in bruises and scratches. Now after one session she is Boss lady and the dogs respect her.


The dog owners from Leeds wrote this review on Freeindex. From the moment we stepped through the doors, Ade knew what our problem was. His achievement in calming our puppy Evie was instant and incredible. We had originally gone with open minds but even we were sceptical about whether it would work on her. She has been possessive, aggressive and skittish around anything and everything that moves - though our biggest troubles are walking with other dogs. She barks and goes to b...ite any dog that comes close. With this in mind, we were worried that Evie may simply not ever be able to be socialised with other dogs and that we'd forever be walking her alone at unsocial hours of the day. However we were proved wrong immediately. Ade's calm and controlled manner is so impressive that it was a pleasure to watch him work. We have come away from the session already noticing a difference in Evie's manner and temperament and with loads of helpful tips which will help us train ourselves to better provide the environment that Evie requires. It is a work in progress that we are committed to continuing with - it was never going to be an instant fix with the bad habits that need converting. But it is definitely achievable which we had originally doubted - he has given us proof that our dog is capable of being a well-behaved member of doggy society if we stick to what he has shown us.
Thank you so much for your time! Please keep being a gift to the dog-owner community. You are incredible. Many thanks. Rachel, Dan and Evie Mason.
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Dog training workshop. Learn simple, quick, effective and dog-friendly techniques to correct and control your dog without the use of treats. No shouting, yanking on the lead or relianc on out-dated treat training methods. Maximum 12 dogs, optional pack walk in the afternoon. £30 for one dog and owner, additional £10 for second person.


Who's this with Peppa the French Bulldog?


Dear Mr.Howe,
I have never owned a dog before until this late in life, when I acquired a Cavalier King Charles a fortnight ago. Tudur is now approaching 12 weeks. After a great deal of research, I instinctively knew that training a dog with treats didn't feel right, anymore than doing the same with children, and I managed that pretty well...she said modestly!
I was so thrilled to discover your book and that I wasn't mistaken in my gut feeling. I only received it a few days a...go but your simple but oh so effective instructions has been a revelation, not least that my little pooch is responding already in knowing who is top dog in my household. I'd just like to add my grateful thanks to all those already heaped upon you.
If I may presume to ask one question. At what age would you recommend I start lead work? As yet, I haven't even put a collar on him, as the breeder recommended waiting a month. I would very much appreciate your advice.
Many thanks, in anticipation.
With Regards,
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Hi Ade, It's now almost 12 months since we came to see you with our timid Cavalier King Charles spaniel called Izzy. Our main dilemma was that she was scared of my husband Derek and men in general. I know that you will be pleased to hear that she has made wonderful progress and this morning she actually came unbidden and sat at his feet to have her lead attached when he was standing with his coat on and ready to leave. She goes looking for him around 1/2 hour before her d...inner time, hoping to get his attention, this means so much to him and we are very grateful for your advice and help with learning to connect with Izzy. Thank you so much, you are doing a marvellous job. kindest regards Kathy C
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Since attending Ade's training sessions in December 2015 we have exercised Rowan in dog-attended areas and the aggression for which we sought help has completely vanished. We are very grateful to Ade for giving us the benefit of his expertise and offer this update as encouragement for others who despair of seemingly unchangeable behaviours in their dogs. As the problem has been solved successfully it is appropriate to offer Ade full marks on all counts. Many thanks Kathy


Hello Ade
I wanted to drop you a line and thank you for your workshop yesterday. After Charlie's 2nd time off the lead yesterday without apparently learning much, I was doubtful about how much had been achieved, although I accept that most of the training is for the owners as much as the dogs and I was grateful for being shown some tools and tactics to deal with the unwanted behaviour.
This morning I took them both out for a walk and I have come home amazed and encouraged at... how pleasant it was. I had reached the point of dreading seeing another dog coming the other way, but today we met a Doberman that she normally lunges at without fail, (the owner thinks it's personal) 2 Irish Setters off lead who got very up close and personal, a Chow on lead, 2 Jack Russells and 2 Labradors, all off lead and running up to her. Using your tactics of anticipation and blocking with a flick of my foot under her back end, she ignored all of them and I was congratulated by the Doberman owner!
Once off lead I waited for the usual running attack on Sky, my Bedlington, and it didn't happen once. Admittedly, Sky has worked out avoidance tactics, by sticking close to her or behind, so that she can't gather momentum to chase, but that doesn't always work and today was the first time for a while that it's not happened. I am more relaxed too, knowing that I have a way of dealing with it. I have realised that I need to treat her as if she was someone else's dog on the attack instead of my own. Had I thought of that before, of course the natural instinct is to block and chase her off.
I think too that I need to find situations where I can walk her with plenty of other dogs. I suspect I will be joining you for your pack walks, with both of them, if that's OK. And we still have the General and Sentry lesson to learn!
Thanks again, I'm glad I bought the book, to refer back to and reinforce the lessons.
Warm regards
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Here's Buddy tired after so much reading!


Would definitely recommend Ade. He helped us with our 2 year old Cockapoo that had seperation anxiety. Within 2 weeks of implementing Ade's advice, Oscar is now a completely chilled and happy boy. We no longer have any seperation issues. Thank you!


We've seen Ade twice now and he has helped us no end with first our Staffy and now our German Shepherd pup, if your struggling with your dog and not sure what to do Ade is definitely worth it


We were having problems with our 6 yr old Boxer who would sometimes lunge and bark at other dogs while on walks, this unnerved me and I would avoid meeting up with other dogs for this reason. Ade showed us how to read our dogs body language and what to do to be her pack leader and correct it. We ended our session with a calm boxer walking around the park with Ade's dogs, but the true test was when we were able to fuss Ade's dogs without our dog kicking-off this was truly amazing. Anyone having any problems with their dog should give Ade a call without hesitation.


We have a 9 month old dachshund ( Doris ) , we are her third family and we have never had dogs before so we did a lot of things wrong and felt sorry for her. She liked to bark at neighbours and Visitors she just wanted to get at them to play, everything was a game even trying to get the lead on to take her for a walk turned into a game of chase and then once on the walk she would pull us round.

We contacted Ade when I read the sort of training he did and read the reviews as we didn't believe that treat based training was doing anything for us and wanted to try something else.

Anyway what can I say Ade came see us last week and showed us how to communicate with Doris and be the packer leader the results are just amazing so far she has calmed down such a lot in a short period and when we have visitors she will bark a couple of times to make you aware but then stops and lets you take over, really feel we now have the right tools to really enjoy my beautiful little dog.

Can't thank Ade enough for what you have done for us all.


Thank you Ade for helping me understand my JRT x Staffie Buddy. We've now been taught the language of dog and straight away Buddy is now the submissive one. No more jumping up and walking all over the furniture almost instantly. It was really nice to see him interact off lead with Ade's own dogs, something other dog trainers wouldn't allow due to the uncertainty of how Buddy would react resulting in him being branded 'unfriendly' without even meeting him.

We left very happy and quite tired from all the learning and excitement.

Hopefully this is the start of a positive future with Buddy


Our rescue 3yr old Staffy x was lunging at other dogs when walking, excessive barking and pulling on the lead.

After a very informative visit from Ade I am pleased to say Midge is responding to the training in a positive manner. The barking is under control and we have less lead pulling. The lunging at other dogs is a work in progress and after only one week she will ignore the smaller dogs. I am impressed with the success we are achieving after such a short time.


My friend and i visited Ade at his home on 28 Dec with my two dachshunds Dolly and Cassie. Due to them both lunging and barking at other dogs on walks i had been walking them at silly hours so as to avoid other dogs. Other trainers i had tried failed to show me any techniques which worked. Ade was my last try and thank goodness i did. Within minutes he had them paying attention to him. He showed me how to do this and when we went for a walk with his dogs they did great. I am practising every day and there is a marked improvement. I no longer dread walks so thank you Ade, the best money i ever spent. Helen


My brother Eddie Kirk and I visited the Dog Whisperer in December. Since then Mummy says that we are much better on the lead and do not pull as much as we did before, so our walks are far more enjoyable.

Ade also taught Mummy and Daddy some good stategies for our behaviour at the door, and the kitchen. Mummy and Daddy's new consistent approach to training us has paid dividends and everyone is much happier as a result.

Thank you Ade Dog Whisperer.


My 3 year old Labrador is a lovely dog, however although I’d worked hard on her as a puppy she still didn’t see me as her leader and led to a number of attention seeking issues. I had been told it was too late now, basically I’d missed the opportunity to get it right. Ade Howe demonstrated very simply this is far from the truth! He came to my house last Thursday and I can already see massive improvements. He has taught me techniques that are simple to follow, giving me confidence to improve my bond with Hetty. I feel we already have an understanding and Hetty has started to respect me and all the issues I was faced with are melting away. I just wished that I’d met Ade earlier he’s brilliant!


I spent a few hours today with Ade and we walked our dogs to the park. For us normally a walk to the park means pulling on the lead, stopping and sniffing everything on the way, barking and growling at other dogs. Normally when we get to the park I will not interact with other dogs, in fact I walk away from them in case Xena try's to go for them. Spending time with Ade he has shown me how to correct these problems and we had all the dogs walking together, no barking and growling and no pulling. Xena joined his dogs pack and was very relaxed. I would highly recommend Ade if your dog and you need help in training your dog the correct commands. It was so nice seeing my dog interacting with other dogs today. Excellent service. Thank you Lynn


I saw Ade a couple of weeks ago to help my little 1 year old Cockerpoo with his separation anxiety. I have left it a couple of weeks so I could provide the progress made and I am very pleased. Leo would get very anxious and start crying when he sensed you were going out. He would hide so that you couldn't shut him in the kitchen and leave. He would cause damage to anything that got in his way and trashed 4 cages. Since Ade has seen us, Leo is now being left in the kitchen when I work upstairs during the day and I can now leave Leo on his own in the house for short periods and have no damage caused. Best of all the cage has gone!!! We still have some way to go however the improvement in such a short space of time is fantastic. Thank you very much Ade.


I met Ade today (31/10/16), I knew when I booked him about 7 weeks ago my house was out of control in terms of the dogs’ behaviour. I have 3 rescued staffies and a 6 month old GSD. It is very important to me to be an ambassador of these breeds which are often demonised by the media and so I want them to be well behaved and walk properly without pulling on the lead.

At the point Ade came they were all pulling on the lead and to use his words my house was a 24 hour play pen. Within about half an hour we had the dogs all calm and respecting my personal space using the techniques Ade gave me.

I learnt how to distract my youngest Staff (Lulu) from snarling at other dogs and also got techniques to stop them pulling on a walk.

I can now control Elsie’s (GSD) barking when I return to the house using a lead.

The house is a lot calmer and so am I. I now have the skills to handle the dogs properly rather than shouting and adding to the chaos and excitement. The dogs seem calmer now by having someone they see as a leader.

As with anything, it is now up to me to keep up the good work but I have to say I cannot thank Ade enough for his time and input and would recommend him to anyone who not only has behavioural issues with their dog but also who wants to learn how your dog learns from you. It makes happier pets!!!

I also have to say that Ade’s latest book Dog Training without Treats is a great read and has really useful tips to back up the training I have done.

Thanks again Ade

Tracey Rodgers


I had been to Ades workshops previously with my sprollie Dyson, i was blown away with how he could communicate effectively with all the dogs, with just a look and sharp A he had them under his control....amazing, even my husband was impressed and that says a lot.

i tried to put in practice what Ade had taught us and it was sort of working, establishing rank and respect. We have since rescued a Romanian chihuahua X, he is most definitely the boss and will wind Dyson up and he will snap at Dyson, especially when theres somebody at the door.

i contacted Ade for a house visit because Dyson unfortunately nipped a visitor...i was mortified and at a loss, Ade managed to calm me down whilst talking to him over the phone and explained that Dyson was over guarding and he could fix that easily....but for me the visit couldn’t come sooner.

Ade knocked on the door both dogs went ballistic, barking, growling, running around, jumping on the sofa and ignoring me. No sooner had Ade stepped into the porch...the magic happened, within seconds he had both dogs quiet, sat at his feet and looking up at him, this guy just has an aura of calm about him which not only puts the dogs at ease but also the owners.

Ade recapped on the general and sentry, which I Was partly doing already but advised me that I was complicating things by also using treats, lots of ahaha s and hand signals. He advised I keep it simple and just use the sharp A and parent stare with the genereal and sentry technique.

within minutes I had both dogs paying attention to me and was able to have them sit and wait whilst I answered the door to the caller (Ade) ..AMAZING..

if you have any issues with your dogs, ....if no one else can help then you need to Call Ade... and his A team..Fliss, Ollie & Jack üòâüòâ

Since Ade has left I have put into practice what he’s taught me and I can get them to calm down a lot quicker and stay when theres somebody at the door, not quite confident to

leave the door open when the tesco man is at the door...Dyson has an issue with men in high viz... still it’s early days.

I 100% recommend Ade if you have any issues, no matter how bad they may seem, he can sort them out!!!!!!!!!


Brilliant! Had a morning session with Ade with my new puppy, had never had a dog before and wanted to get off to the best start.

Was really impressed with Ade, learnt so much. Def recommend, thanks Ade!


Ade was fantastic with our 11 year old dog today, who does not obey when someone comes to the door. She would not entertain a stanger coming in, without trying to circle and stare at them. Within 2 minutes of Ade entering our house, he took the lead, and corrected her, within 5 minutes, she was completly at ease with Ade being in the house. Ade showed us, the problems that we had, without patronising us, as we had been sending lots of mixed signals to our dog, This was due to having bad advise when our dog was younger from another trainer. We will be using the techniques to carry on, and we are very hopeful for a more peaceful house. We are getting a new puppy next week, and will definatly be using Ade to train him. Thank you so much Ade, for the great advise, just wish we had found you 11 years ago.


Ade was AMAZING ! I am still in shock to the difference he made in 3 hours. I was to the point of not being able to have guests over or walk our dogs because of their aggressive behaviour and bad manners. I now feel so much more confident for the future ! :) Ade is also a lovely guy and made me feel comfortable practising how to communicate with our dogs and continue to practice what he's shown us :) i would 100% recommend him !!


Ade knows his stuff. Helped to train us on how to show Olly � since we saw Ade, Olly’s relaxed and so have we.

Simple techniques (when you know how), to make your dog happier.

Training for humans that helps the dog have a better time if things. Helps you understand ‘dog’ behaviour and ‘dog’ language

We Recommend Ade highly.


Ade came to see me and my 17 week springador as I was confused about training as she had a lack of interest in treats due to nervousness of just about everything! Ade gave both Ebony & myself confidence in me & I now have a definite gameplan of how to move forward. Ebony is now walking confidently on the lead and even willing other dogs to play - life for her is puppy playfulness not anxiety and training is progressing extremely well. Thanks Ade for answering my concerns with points that made sense.


Ade came to see Maddy today 25/1 after last seeing her 4 years ago . During that time she has been an amazing dog up until around 2/3 months ago when she was attacked by a staffy in the park. She had started to be very aggressive towards other dogs, where before she would play and chase happily. Ade started to help me remind Maddy that I was the General and he saw very quickly how scared she had become with humans, which I couldn’t pin point anything major happening and only time she had been away was in the Kennels. Which was not long after her behaviour towards humans also changed.

We can’t say it was the kennels that caused her change as we have no evidence but it’s the only time she has not been with us.

Ade has given me ways to work with Maddy and we will be going on his pack walks in March. Ade’s pack help her with the socialising and all we need now are a pack who can help her gain the trust back.

By the time Ade left Maddy was so much more relaxed and was walking with his pack and even Jack was trying to entice her to play with him. It was magical to watch her change just with a few simple commands. Getting her used to humans that will be an on going process…will she go back into the kennels that I don’t know at the moment. I also have to learn to be more assertive and not always say good girl to everything !!

A big thank you again and the book is brilliant., fingers crossed you will see a big difference come March.

Anyone who has issues with there dog I would say just don’t hesitate and contact Ade, doesn’t matter how old or young the dog or what the issues are he will have a good and positive impact on your dog, as he has ours

Thank you again

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More about Dog Whisperer Ade Howe Uk

Dog Whisperer Ade Howe Uk is located at 62 Arnolds Crescent, LE9 9LW Leicester, United Kingdom
07971 894631
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -