D'Overbroeck'S Oxford

About D'Overbroeck'S Oxford

An independent, co-educational day and boarding school for students aged 11-18

D'Overbroeck'S Oxford Description

d'Overbroeck's is a co-educational independent school in Oxford



Latest news from d'Overbroeck's Sixth Form -


Science Live! 2019
Students from Year 10 and 10i and some of their Science teachers visited New Theatre in Oxford on Monday for Science Live! - a day of lectures and demonstrations about cutting edge Science and Technology. We listened to talks by Profs. Robert Winston, Andrea Sella, Dave Cliff, Lucie Green and Jim Al Khalili, all of which were fun , witty and informative.
Prof. Winston set the bar high right at the start by showing amazing time-lapse photography of white bl...ood cells chasing bacteria and destroying them. He then talked about cells specialising, cell aging, modern advances in human reproductive technology and the ethical issues that arise - all very relevant to the topics Y10 are studying in Biology at the moment (cell differentiation, stem cells and ethics).
Prof Sella started his talk with a “So what?” demonstration of ice floating on water and then went on explain how amazing this is and helping students to appreciate the triple point of water and even start to understand phase diagrams. My personal favourite demonstration was Prof. Sella showing us how to liquefy solid carbon dioxide by increasing the pressure around it.
Prof. Green told us about how the magnetic field lines of the Sun are used to help understand the structure of the Sun. Prof. Cliff gave an energetic and fast talk about the future of Computer Science including Hadoop – using software frameworks to manage large amounts of data and solve problems that require massive computation - and amazingly, programmable slime mould brains for robots!
Finally Prof Al-Khalili gave a mind bending talk on time travel both into the future (easy!) and the past (not so easy!).
Our Year 10 students were a real credit to the school. Here are some of their comments:
“The presentations really made me think, and some of them were really funny as well”
“Jim Al-Khalili’s talk about the possibilities of time travel into the past encapsulated the amazing ideas being considered by Scientists today”
“I really enjoyed Science Live! Because I have learnt a lot from all of the Scientists. I really liked the variety of information and how it was presented. I would definitely visit Science Live! Again.”
Thank-you to all the staff involved and especially Henry from the International School for getting the much sought after tickets!
Anne-Marie Jones - Head of Year 7-11 Science
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Science Live! 2019
Students from Year 10 and 10i and some of their Science teachers visited New Theatre in Oxford on Monday for Science Live! - a day of lectures and demonstrations about cutting edge Science and Technology. We listened to talks by Profs. Robert Winston, Andrea Sella, Dave Cliff, Lucie Green and Jim Al Khalili, all of which were fun , witty and informative.
Prof. Winston set the bar high right at the start by showing amazing time-lapse photography of white bl...ood cells chasing bacteria and destroying them. He then talked about cells specialising, cell aging, modern advances in human reproductive technology and the ethical issues that arise - all very relevant to the topics Y10 are studying in Biology at the moment (cell differentiation, stem cells and ethics).
Prof Sella started his talk with a “So what?” demonstration of ice floating on water and then went on explain how amazing this is and helping students to appreciate the triple point of water and even start to understand phase diagrams. My personal favourite demonstration was Prof. Sella showing us how to liquefy solid carbon dioxide by increasing the pressure around it.
Prof. Green told us about how the magnetic field lines of the Sun are used to help understand the structure of the Sun. Prof. Cliff gave an energetic and fast talk about the future of Computer Science including Hadoop – using software frameworks to manage large amounts of data and solve problems that require massive computation - and amazingly, programmable slime mould brains for robots!
Finally Prof Al-Khalili gave a mind bending talk on time travel both into the future (easy!) and the past (not so easy!).
Our Year 10 students were a real credit to the school. Here are some of their comments:
“The presentations really made me think, and some of them were really funny as well”
“Jim Al-Khalili’s talk about the possibilities of time travel into the past encapsulated the amazing ideas being considered by Scientists today”
“I really enjoyed Science Live! Because I have learnt a lot from all of the Scientists. I really liked the variety of information and how it was presented. I would definitely visit Science Live! Again.”
Thank-you to all the staff involved and especially Henry from the International School for getting the much sought after tickets!
Anne-Marie Jones - Head of Year 7-11 Science
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Here's the whiteboard Maths problem for this week. It's waiting to be solved by our A level Maths students (or anyone passing who fancies a go - we caught our Head of Philosophy formulating a solution to last week's problem).
Would anyone on Facebook like to offer a solution?
#maths #atdoverbroecks #howdoyousolveaproblem


d'Overbroeck's codebreakers inspired by Bletchley Park visit
On what was a chilly Monday morning this week, Year 8 set off on their visit to Bletchley Park. Although the site seems relatively unassuming on first inspection, our students learned that this was one of the most important and secretive sites in the UK during the Second World War. This was because it was a place where no fewer than 10,000 operatives worked around the clock for the duration of the war to decrypt mes...sages sent between the Axis forces.
During the day, students were taken on a guided tour of the site, including the original 19th century mansion, 1930s/40s prefabricated codebreaking huts and took part in a codebreaking workshop (in the relative warmth of the visitors’ centre!). One particular highlight was getting to see, and try out, an original Enigma machine - one of only 200 estimated to survive worldwide. It was fascinating to see the different letters light up and movement of the wheels when each key was pressed, and we were all surprised by the huge number of different possible ways the machine could be configured: approximately 503 sextillion! This really helped to underline to us all the huge task that the workers of Bletchley Park faced during the war, and how impressive it is that they were able to break the cipher on a daily basis, since the settings changed on a daily basis.
Overall we had a very enjoyable day; here are a few words from the students to tell you more:
“I enjoyed seeing the replica Bombe machine and typing on the Enigma.” - Isaac
“We cracked the codes to uncover the spy’s name.” - Katie
“If I had worked at Bletchley Park during World War II, I would have felt claustrophobic with the cramped huts, excited, stressed, frustrated and proud.” - Leonie
“It must’ve been hard to keep secret all the work that was going on there.” - Ben
“I was surprised that most of the people who worked at Bletchley Park were women.” - Liv
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Netball round robin sees a clear win for d'Overbroeck's team
The first netball fixture of the year took place last Thursday against Cokethorpe and involved a combined Year 7&8 team.
The girls played a round robin tournament consisting of 5 matches in total. Considering how cold it was, all the girls showed fantastic team work, determination and effort throughout all the games. The overall result was 4 games to 1 with scores for the games 2-1, 3-0, 1-0, 0-2, 0-2 which meant d’...Overbroeck’s won with a considerable margin!
Brilliant passes and movement throughout the court, with Eliza and Jemma working brilliantly together to get in some fantastic shots. Lola, Katie, Millie and Leonie put lots of pressure on in the centre passes and helped Susie and Poppy keep up some strong defensive strategies.
Next fixture for years 7&8 is on Monday 28 January vs Wychwood.

Kathryn Avent, Teacher of PE
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Oxford Schools' Debating - through to the next round?
Last Wednesday two teams from d'Overbroeck's debating society, Alice & Eanna, and Anna-Maria and Julia, competed alongside 63 other teams in the regional round of the Oxford Schools' Debating Competition, hosted at Magdalen College School. The competition is in 'British Parliamentary' style and every team participates in two debates, with only 15 minutes and no internet to prepare.
The motions were: “This House Would ban v...iolent video games”, and, “This House Would arm all policeman with guns".
Both pairs had to display great teamwork and formulate clear, structured arguments corresponding with their position in the debate. After a great performance from everyone, we were left in anticipation as the judges deliberated which 9 teams were to go through to the Finals Day, to be held on 9 March at the Oxford Union. Finally, it was announced that Alice and Eanna had made it through!!
Write-up by ​Alice and Eanna
This is the first time d’Overbroeck's have ever got to this stage in the competition. Both teams put in a great performance and special congratulations to Alice and Eanna and best of luck in the next round.
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On the boards: Textiles
In our continuing series highlighting noticeboards and displays around our school sites, this week we're featuring Textiles.
Textiles is offered as a 2 year A level at d'Overbroeck's and is growing in popularity. You can read more about this subject here and see work by current and past students at our next Open Morning.
... This display is currently on show in the Knowles Library at our Sixth Form and shows the work of Maddie Pirrie who graduated last year. The starting point for this piece was inspired by Maddie's Psychology and Media A level coursework. Maddie is now on a gap year before beginning a Media/Communication studies at university. She's seen here working on her A level project with Textiles teacher Louise Arnold.
For Maddie's Textile A level course work project she chose the title 'Identity'. She began by exploring deeper concepts like 'childhood' and 'psychological state'. She used Textiles techniques such as free hand machine embroidery, bondaweb embellishment and screen-printing. Her garment features text and images from her own personal journey through her formative years. The opening pockets reveal the transition from childhood to teenage years and beyond.
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Fashioned from Nature
Towards the end of last term, a group of A level Textiles students traveled up to London for a research and development visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum and Soho fabric shops.
The V&A’s exhibition Fashioned from Nature was the first to explore the complex relationship between fashion and nature from 1600 to the present day. The exhibition presented fashionable dress alongside natural history specimens, taxidermy and unprocessed plant and animal fi...bres, inviting the students to think about the materials of fashion and the sources of their clothes.
Students were asked to record 20 fibres, fabrics and designs inspired and often taken directly from nature. They were asked to discuss the fabrics properties and end uses and in their own opinions, supported by the information they found what effects have they had on the environment for both humans and nature.
Kathryn, one of the students in the group, says, "I think the exhibition really made me aware of the changing opinions within the fashion industry on sustainability and the environment. It also showed me how far the fashion and textile industry has come since the 1900's, for example the use of beetles wings and other animals components for decoration and dyes. The 20th century leading designers are now thinking about the environment and the impact of materials/processes they are using, as well as making the garments still look stylish. An example of this is Emma Watson's Met Gala dress in 2016 in which designer Calvin Klein made sections of her dress from recycled plastic bottles."
In the afternoon students visited the fabric shops in Berwick Street, Soho where they were able to find samples for their individual projects.
Further information on our Textiles A level can be found here.
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Following on from our story below on Lower Sixth student Adam's recent cross country win; he's made the local papers with another good result in the Chiltern Cross Country League: https://www.heraldseries.co.uk/…/173611 30.round-up-latest-…/
This course is famous for using part of the equestrian centre water jump and athletes have to run through the water which is around 25m in distance. After a very tough week of training, alongside returning to school and study, this was not... an easy 'addition' to Adam's schedule and coming in the top ten in this championship distance (6.1 km) race is a great achievement.
Adam now has the Southern England cross country championships on the horizon as well as the Schools cross country in February in which he'll be competing in the senior boys group, so against runners a year or two older.
#crosscountry #sport #atdoverbroecks
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Our Open Mornings are the best opportunity to meet many of our students and staff in one visit. Whether this is your first visit to d'Overbroeck's or you've already been in to see us but want to find out more, do come along! Registration can be made at www.doverbroecks.com/openday
If you have questions about applying or would like to arrange an individual visit, please contact Years 7-11 Registrar, Rob Barker, on 01865 688700.


Latest news from d'Overbroeck's Sixth Form -


Our Open Mornings are the best opportunity to meet many of our students and staff in one visit. Whether this is your first visit to d'Overbroeck's or you've already been in to see us but want to find out more, do come along! Registration can be made at www.doverbroecks.com/openday
If you have questions about applying or would like to arrange an individual visit, please contact Senior Registrar, Lynne Berry, on 01865 688600.


Mantegna and Bellini Exhibition review
In December, our History of Art A level students attended the Mantegna and Bellini exhibition at the National Gallery in London. Upper Sixth student Megan gives a review here of the exhibition and her response to the work shown. Images are taken from the National Gallery and Sao Paulo Museum of Art.
'From the vast mountainous landscapes of Andrea Mantegna to the rich realism of Giovanni Bellini, the National Gallery’s Exhibition on thes...
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Adam leads the way into 2019
Athlete and d'Overbroeck's Sixth Form Sports Scholar Adam has begun the year in great form, winning the U17s race at the Oxfordshire Cross Country Championships at Horspath, by a very safe margin. Running for Abingdon Athletics Club, Adam crossed the line at 16 minutes 54 seconds with the second place runner in at 17m 02s. Full results can be found at https://oxonxc.org.uk/files/results/2018_ 33.txt
Adam will be representing d'Overbroeck's at the Oxford Schools cross country on 31 January and we'll report back after the event.


d'Overbroeck's new Medic Mentor Student Ambassador
Congratulations to Lower Sixth student Nikola who has been appointed Student Ambassador for d’Overbroeck’s by the Medic Mentor organisation.
This programme gives motivated and exceptional students the opportunity to join Medic Mentor’s School Ambassadors Council. The Council will give represented students a chance to engage further with the organisation, create initiatives that will be of benefit to their colleagues, and demo...nstrate excellent leadership skills in preparation for joining as future mentors and scholars. In addition, discussions at council meetings encourage the Widening Participation team at Medic Mentor to develop projects which are most likely to have the greatest impact on students nationally.
Nikola joined d'Overbroeck's in September having completed IGCSEs at an international school in her home country of Latvia and plans to study Medicine after A levels. Her first Council meeting will be in February, so we'll catch up with her again after that to find out more.
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Watching me, watching you
January is Peer Observation Month at d'Overbroeck's. This is when our teachers get to sit in on other teachers' lessons and learn a few things from each other (and probably from our students too).
Entirely voluntarily, we ask teachers to open their lessons to observation and to observe as many of their colleagues as possible. This may mean a Geography teacher observing how another Geography teacher runs their class or a Maths teacher picking up tip...s from a History lesson. As there are three parts to d'Overbroeck's (Years 7-11, the International School and the Sixth Form), a teacher in the Sixth Form may choose to observe a Year 10 lesson to get more of an insight into how the students who will be in front of them in a couple of years' time are being taught now.
Some teachers opt to 'buddy up' - observing a colleague's class and then being observed by them in return and sharing feedback with each other. We also encourage teachers to observe a class in another subject, just for the pure interest in that subject!
Teachers will be sharing their feedback with each other and we will report back at the end of the month to see what they've learned...
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Oxford Playhouse sponsorship for 2019
We are delighted to announce that d'Overbroeck's will continue as a sponsor of the Oxford Playhouse during 2019.
The Playhouse celebrated their 80th anniversary last year and continues to bring the best and most exciting shows to Oxford as well as working offstage with thousands of young people on creative projects.
... What sponsorship means for our students is that the Oxford Playhouse participation team will visit us for a series of workshops throughout the year and students will also be able to sign-up for the Playhouse's OPTin membership (for free). OPTin gives them free tickets to selected performances at the Playhouse and the Burton Taylor Studio, discounted tickets for other performances and invitations to special OPTin events.
We're looking forward to a year of drama, comedy and music and you can find out What's On at the Playhouse here.
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d'Overbroeck's has amazing and inspiring teachers. Enjoyed every moment.


You know it's good when you want to come back and visit. 2 years in this school was incredible.


Unforgettable 2 years of my life. Nowhere quite like it. Wish I was there for longer.


The most incredible 2 years of my high school, I have spent in d'Overbroeck's. This school is truly exceptional and anyone would be silly to not join if given the opportunity to! The staff/ teachers are out of this world amazing!


The best school experience I've ever had. My kids will sure go to d'Overbroeck's.


The best 2 years of my academic life! Immensely grateful to all my amazing teachers there! Would not have been able to be accepted into the LSE had I not come here!


Such an incredible place. Anyone who chooses not to go to Doverbroecks is passing by an amazing opportunity. I will be forever grateful to Doverbroecks for everything they have done for me.


One of the best schools in England!


No words to describe how greatful I am to have had d'Overbroecks in my life!


No words can really describe D'Overbroecks. Best two years of my life with the best friends and the best teachers. Thanks for being a very special place


Made me who I am. Best friends for life formed


Literally life changing experience! Best two years in my life, couldn't wish for better teachers and people!


Had a great time here, great people, such good teachers - would want to relive the experience again!


Fantastic college to go to! The super close relationship between the student and their director of studies and teachers allows one to set and achieve their academic goals, whilst small class sizes and a plethora of after study activities allows students to develop their social skills making friends for life.

What more could I have asked for?


Best two years I had in Oxford! Wouldn't have wanted to go to a better sixth form! Inspiring teachers and amazing people!

More about D'Overbroeck'S Oxford

D'Overbroeck'S Oxford is located at 333 Banbury Road, OX2 7PL Oxford, Oxfordshire