Dragon Star Restaurant

About Dragon Star Restaurant

Dragon Star Restaurant is based solely off of Japanese Culture which adds a touch of international spice.

Dragon Star Restaurant Description

Dragon Star Restaurant is based solely off of Japanese Culture which adds a touch of international spice. We serve mainly Japanese food but also includes international food as well to be able to carter to a variety of ethnicities.
We serve food throughout the day, this includes appetisers, breakfast, lunch and dessert we also include takeaways additionally for those who don’t have time to stop by. We also have buffet Sunday which is open from 15: 00-20: 00, and after those enclosed times it will be a normal pay for each individual food. This feature is not an exclusive once a month offer but more of a once a week offer. We also have a first come first service in order with a reservation in place and the first come first service rule applies as well. Furthermore we also like to help the customers receive something extra, alongside there patronage, we include a tier reward in situated on every table alongside the menu which is in the salt and pepper holder you should find a reward tier card.
Upon having eaten at the place twice you will receive a 25% discount on the next entry etc, the maximum reward is twenty five times, upon that entry everything is free and afterwards the points tally will reset. We also have the ‘Challengers Hall’ in which individuals can challenge themselves against the most daring of foods we will pit them against. Depending on the difficulty we will label as stars and the maximum being ten you will receive a variety of rewards and can be checked on the billboard before the entry, the challenge will change every month and if the individual wishes they can have their name put on the ‘Conqueror of Challenges’.
We also insist as well that food should be available to anyone and not restrict it to the adults, it’s only fair children get a taste of amazing cuisine from around the world to help their cultural taste, and get the knowledge of what others eat around the world.
You can also see more detailed information about the latest updates, challenges and maybe even more additions to our menu, we are on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Some details have yet be released but check frequently.