Drifting Sun

5 star rating

About Drifting Sun

UK-Based Progressive Rock Band.

Drifting Sun Description

Pat had already composed some early material for the project, and joined forces with American Vocalist /Lyricist Rafe Pomeroy soon after his move to the UK. Together, they crafted some of the songs that are part of Drifting Sun’s first album. In 1994, they cut four numbers in a London Studio. The recording was sent to French Progressive Rock label Muséa while Pat was touring in Canada with another band. The demo received a positive response from Muséa, and a distribution deal with their parent Hard Rock label Brennus led to the making of Drifting Sun’s eponymous debut CD, released in December 1996 to positive reviews from across the globe.

Following the release of their first record, Drifting Sun decided to carry on as an Indie band. Pat also set out to pump new blood into the group, resulting in drastic line-up changes within Drifting Sun. In 1997 he met Drummer Tobin Bryant, who was recruited through a former member of the band. Tobin introduced the band to Guitarist John Spearman. All that was left was the addition of a new Frontman. Quite by sheer coincidence, another American answered the call. Vocalist and Lyricist Chris Martini, a transplant from Rhode Island, was up to the job. Now the line-up was complete and the path was clear for the events to follow. The group began writing and recording material for their second helping, aptly titled On The Rebound, which was released in the fall of 1998.

After taking a long break from the music business during which time he pursued other interests, Pat decided to revamp his project, and is now armed with a brand new line up. Drifting Sun (Mark 3! ) have just completed the recording of their third opus: Trip The Life Fantastic is a brand new and exciting album carved in Drifting Sun’s unmistakable vein, a rich and varied offering which is now available on itunes etc as a digital download, along with the rest of their catalogue.



Please go to the following link (Drifting Sun's new official Facebook page) to continue following us there:
https://www.facebook.com/driftingsunoffic ial/


Hi folks
Our brand new single ‘Everlasting Creed’ sees the light of day today, featuring a mesmerising vocal performance by Joshua Corum (Head With Wings). If you like this half as much as we’ve had fun make it, then you will rush to our Bandcamp page to get your copy for just a Pound! It’s all there:
https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/ev erlasting-creed
... Watch out for more featuring Joshua on upcoming album Planet Junkie now due out in just about a month (ish!)
We're keeping you posted :)
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Hi guys,
With only days to come before we unveil another great surprise (how's that for keeping the suspense alive?!?), please take a look - for those of you who haven't still - at our latest 2 singles recently out, both off upcoming new album Planet Junkie, and featuring the great Marc Atkinson from Riversea/Moon Halo on vocals, and the equally awesome Colin Mold from Karnataka, also on vocals! So many vocalists, you may think? Well... think again... as we said, more news co...ming from us very soon now, in the meantime feel free to visit our Bandcamp page if you want to discover what we've been up to lately!
https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/st ay-with-me-3
https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/mi ssing
See More


Morning folks!
With our first 2 singles off new album 'Planet Junkie' now out for a few weeks, we will have the pleasure to bring one more surprise to you guys in a couple of weeks... until the album finally sees the light of day!
Meanwhile, why not 'pop in' to our Bandcamp page, where the singles - and the rest of our ever-growing catalogue - are available to listen (and purchase should you so wish, your support always helps us fund more music for you!)... it's all there:
... https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/st ay-with-me-3
https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/mi ssing
See More


Brand new Drifting Sun single 'Stay With Me' has only been out a few days ago and is again causing quite a stir! Expect to hear a lot of it on the radio in the next few weeks! In the meantime, who hasn't heard the song yet? It features a very emotional vocal performance by Colin Mold (Karnataka), we're chuffed to present this new track to you guys, taken from our forthcoming new album 'Planet Junkie'.
Go on, you know you want to!
https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/st ay-with-me-3


Please join Shaun Geraghty's Prog Mill on Progzilla Radio this Sunday July 21st, where Shaun will play our new single Stay With Me... another great show to listen to? You'd be a fool to miss it, I say!
http://www.progzilla.com/bobcast-not-the- americanprog-sho…/…


Please check out Progzilla's recent podcast with Brian Watson on his Not The American Prog Show... show! Our single Missing is part of the play selection for that show, more to come on Brian's radio show, with new single Stay With Me being aired soon... don't miss it!
http://www.progzilla.com/bobcast-not-the- americanprog-sho…/…


Brand new single just hot off the press from the DS HQ! Who hasn't heard it yet? Here's your chance to redeem yourselves:
https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/st ay-with-me-3


Thank you so much for the spins, guys!


Don't forget to tune in Scott Hamilton's Rockfile Radio in the US, Scott always packs tons of great tunes in his shows (the new DS single 'Stay With Me' amongst them... cheers for the spins, Scott!)... if you're up for cool sounds then don't miss it!


Brand new Drifting Sun single 'Stay With Me', only out one day and again causing quite a stir! Expect to hear a lot of it on the radio in the next few weeks! In the meantime, who hasn't heard the song yet? It features a very emotional vocal performance by Colin Mold (Karnataka), we're chuffed to present this new track to you guys, taken from our forthcoming new album 'Planet Junkie'.
Go on, you know you want to!
https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/st ay-with-me-3


Brand new Drifting Sun single now out, check it out on our Bandcamp page.
'Stay With Me' showcases the warm and emotional voice of Colin Mold, with a vocal performance nothing short of brilliant.... here's where you can discover the song (and purchase it too, if you so wish.... why not?!)
https://driftingsun.bandcamp.com/track/st ay-with-me-3


Thank you for the kind words Nick, much humbled xx

More about Drifting Sun
