Driver First Assist

About Driver First Assist

Saving lives on our roads

Driver First Assist Description

Driver First Assist is a game changing not-for-profit road safety initiative seeking to reduce deaths and lifelimiting
injuries at road traffic collisions, providing first-response training to professional and fleet drivers.
Created in partnership with the emergency services, Driver First Assist trains professional drivers – often
the first at the scene - to manage incidents in the vital few minutes before the arrival of the emergency
Every day, victims of road traffic collisions (RTCs) die needlessly because those first at the scene lack the
ability to administer basic first aid. The Driver First Assist programme has the potential to reduce the
number of fatalities caused by RTCs by up to 46% .
Driver First Assist training gives drivers the skills to administer basic life-saving first aid and keep themselves
and members of the public safe, while minimising road closures and traffic congestion.
With the support of the Department for Transport, along with key representatives from the transport
industry, drivers’ unions and the emergency services, this event will provide a platform to debate how the
UK can utilise drivers to provide a crucial early incident response.

More about Driver First Assist

Driver First Assist is located at SK17 9LD Buxton
0303 040 1020