Dr.Silvia Gerea - Psychologist, Psychotherapist,Coach & Business Consultant

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Dr.Silvia Gerea - Psychologist, Psychotherapist,Coach & Business Consultant

Psychologist, Business Consultant, CBT, Psychotherapist"Life begins with change! Rediscover and reinvent yourself every day ! "Psiholog, Psihoterapeut, Consultant Languages: English & Romanian

Dr.Silvia Gerea - Psychologist, Psychotherapist,Coach & Business Consultant Description

Psiholog, Psihoteraput, Consultant de Afaceri
-bilingual-English & Romanian



#grateful #aware #secure #blessed #psychology #psychotherapy #psihologiepentruoameniobisnuiti #psiholog #redicoveryourself #reinventyourself #everyday #lifebeginswithchange #viataincepeprinschimbare #redescoperate #reinventeazate #psiholog #psihologie #psihoterapie


#mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #psychology #psychotherapy #lifebeginswithchange #redicoveryourself #reinventyourself #everyday @crazyheadcomics


Follow @oups_uk and @bps_lhc Book for our next event: Mental Health in the GiG Economy #eventplanning #oupsuk #mentalhealth #gigeconomy


Just finished a very insightful committe meeting with @bps_lhc British Psychological Society LHC. We discussed and planned lots of events for this year for our 18.000 members. A great conference about TRAUMA is being organised and will be delivered this year. Please follow us @bps_lhc and book for attending our events at https://www1.bps.org.uk/…/london-home-c ounties-branch/events #psychology #members #psychologist #eventplanning #metting #psychologyawareness #mentalhealthawareness #committed #committee @ Friends House


Rewire your brain for positivity and happiness! #happy #gratitude #kindness #people #psychology #psychotherapy #lifebeginswithchange #rediscoveryourself #reinventyourself #everyday #psiholog #psihoterapeut #londra #psihologiepentruoameniobisnuiti


Vă mulțumesc din tot sufletul! Sunt un doctor foarte rasfatat si tot ce fac este din pasiunea mea pentru oameni. De 8 martie am sărbătorit Ziua Internațională a Femeii. Acesta este sărbătorita în multe țări din întreaga lume. Este o zi când femeile sunt recunoscute pentru toate realizările lor. Am fost răsfățata de pacienții mei și am primit flori și cadouri personalizate. Portretul: a fost făcut de doua surori și a fost primul portret facut de ele la o vârstă foarte mica.... Desenul unicorn: a fost făcut de un băiat (vârsta de 6 ani) care a spus că sunt un unicorn cu o putere specială a unui cititor de ganduri și acesta a fost motivul pentru care am reușit să-l vindec. Unicornul: a fost făcut de o tânără domnisoara cu un fier de calcat. Felicitarea : a fost făcută manual de o doamnă minunata. #multumescpentrutot #martie #8martie #ziuamamei #christian #cumpui #grateful #viataincepeprinschimbare #reinventeazate #redescoperate #infiecarezi #doctor #psiholog #psihoterapeut #pasiune #psihologiepentruoameniobisnuiti #multumesc
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Thank you all very much very much! I am a very spoiled doctor and everything I do is with passion for life and people. On the 8th of March we celebrated International Women's Day. This is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. I was spoiled by my patients and got amazing flowers and personalised gift. The por...trait: was done by to sisters and was there first ever portrait at a really young age. The unicorn drawing: was done by a little boy ( age 6) that said that I am a unicorn with a special power of a mind reader and this was the reason that I managed to heal him The unicorn: was done by a young girl that handmade it with an iron. The card: was done by a wonderful lady that handmade it for me. #march #InternationalWomensDay #mothersday #cherish #thankyou #grateful #lifebeginswithchange #reinventyourself #rediscoveryourself #everyday
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#internationalwomansday #mother #cherish #love #family #lifebeginswithchange #rediscover #reinvent #yourself #everyday #PowerForAllWomens


#martisor #viataincepeprinschimbare #redescoperata #reinventeazate #infiecarezi


What to do when feeling down!#psychology #people #mentalhealthfirstaid #mood #psychotherapy #life #psihologiepentruoameniobisnuiti #psihologiepentruoameniobisnuiti #lifebeginswithchange #rediscover #reinventyourself #everyday #viataincepeprinschimbare #redescoperate #reinventeazate #infiecarezi


Attending a great intensive course: “First Aid in Mental Health International Training”. Soon this will become mandatory for anyone who has a business or as an individual. Together we can #raiseawareness about #mentalhealth #mentallillhealth #psychology #psychotherapy #training #international #firstaid #mentalhealthfirstaid #dr #psihologiepentruoameniobisnuiti #psihologie


Rediscover yourself and reinvent yourself every day! #psychology #psychotherapy #innerpeace #thoughts #psihologie


In May I became Governor for the CNWL NHS Foundation Trust representing Borough of Brent and all other patients from different boroughs. Today we had a very insightful training : The role of governors and the well led review! #greatevening #training #workingforthegreatergood #nhs #insightful #insightfultraining #peopleareimportant #mentalhealth #generalhealth @ Dr.Silvia Gerea - Psychologist, Psychotherapist,Coach & Business Consultant


🙏Good night everyone! Fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose! #goodnight #youarecapable #grateful #sleepwell #positivevibes #cleanheart #positivenight #sleep #peacefully #youareenough #findyourself #findyourpurpose #dreambig #psychology #psychotherapy #psychologist #psychotherapist #mentalhealthawareness #insomniaawareness #youareenough #psihologiepentruoameniobisnuiti #psiholog #psihoterapeut #psihologieintot #viataincepeprinschimbare #sanatatementala #somnlinistit #noaptebuna #inimacurata #noaptelinistita #viseaza #viseaza #gasestetiscopul #dr #psihologromanlondra #psihoterapeutromanlondra


Very good, professional and very understanding! The best!


Va recomand din tot sufletul tuturor care aveti nevoie de ajutor sa apelati cu toata increderea la Dna Silvia este minunata si foarte dedicata meseriei, o face cu multa pasiune si pentru a ajuta. Nu o sa regretati! !!!!


Un psiholog si psihoterapeut excelent ! Felicitari pentru profesionalitate !


Toata stima si respectul pentru acest psiholog si psihoterapeut minunat!Va multumesc pentru tot ajutorul! Sunteti extraordinara!Va recomand cu toata caldura tuturor!




Serioasa, bine pregatita profesional. Site-ul este explicit si ofera informatii utile. De apelat cu incredere.


Professional, friendly and reliable. I realy recommend.


Very good, professional and very understanding! The best!


Va recomand din tot sufletul tuturor care aveti nevoie de ajutor sa apelati cu toata increderea la Dna Silvia este minunata si foarte dedicata meseriei, o face cu multa pasiune si pentru a ajuta. Nu o sa regretati! !!!!


Un psiholog si psihoterapeut excelent ! Felicitari pentru profesionalitate !


Toata stima si respectul pentru acest psiholog si psihoterapeut minunat!Va multumesc pentru tot ajutorul! Sunteti extraordinara!Va recomand cu toata caldura tuturor!




Serioasa, bine pregatita profesional. Site-ul este explicit si ofera informatii utile. De apelat cu incredere.


Professional, friendly and reliable. I realy recommend.


Very good, professional and very understanding! The best!


Va recomand din tot sufletul tuturor care aveti nevoie de ajutor sa apelati cu toata increderea la Dna Silvia este minunata si foarte dedicata meseriei, o face cu multa pasiune si pentru a ajuta. Nu o sa regretati! !!!!


Un psiholog si psihoterapeut excelent ! Felicitari pentru profesionalitate !


Toata stima si respectul pentru acest psiholog si psihoterapeut minunat!Va multumesc pentru tot ajutorul! Sunteti extraordinara!Va recomand cu toata caldura tuturor!




Serioasa, bine pregatita profesional. Site-ul este explicit si ofera informatii utile. De apelat cu incredere.


Professional, friendly and reliable. I realy recommend.

More about Dr.Silvia Gerea - Psychologist, Psychotherapist,Coach & Business Consultant

Dr.Silvia Gerea - Psychologist, Psychotherapist,Coach & Business Consultant is located at 457B Kingsbury Road, NW9 9DY London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -