Dulwich Podiatry Ltd

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -



FUN FRIDAY FOOT FACT The oldest shoe found to date was discovered in 2010 and dates back 5,500 years. The stitched leather 'moccasin' was found stuffed with grass (it is unknown if this was as insulation properties for the shoe wearer, or to maintain the shape of the shoe) and was fortuitously preserved within sheeps dung.
We learn two things today then. -Prehistoric man wore shoes... -Sheep apparently ate prehistoric man 🤔
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FAQ. 1


Name: Debbie Delves Role: Clinical Director Debbie qualified as a podiatrist in 1989. She ran a small domiciliary practice in Essex before taking ownership of Dulwich Podiatry in 1995. Debbie has a degree in Podiatry and a Masters degree in Theory of Podiatric Surgery. She is a Fellow of both the College of Podiatry and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. She sits on the Council for the College of Podiatry and was their ...Chairman between 2016-2018. In her free time, Debbie enjoys playing tennis and dog-sitting. She also sings in her church choir. Clinic Days: Monday and Saturday.
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FUN FRIDAY FOOT FACT One of the earliest human prosthetics found to date is a 3000 year old wooden big toe. It was found in an Egyptian tomb near Luxor in 1997. Designed to be functional, comfortable and realistic, this particular prosthetic stands out in quality and sophistication from similarly age prosthetics. It was modified several times during the lifetime of its owner (a priest's daughter of apparently considerable wealth given the quality of the work)
Image Attribution: http://bit.ly/2QR3q6P


We would like to thank Sun Sense for their generous information and sample packs, which will be available in our clinic for all patients.
We remind our patients not to neglect their feet when slathering on the samples. Any exposed skin is at risk of sun damage.
Have a safe and happy Summer everyone!! (When it gets here 🙄😂)


It might feel like a moot point while our gardens are getting the best watering they've had in days, but this IS National Sun Awareness Week.
It appears that we still have a little more time to stock up on the SPF. When you do, don't forget your feet! So often we slather sun protection across our arms, back, face and legs and for some reason assume that our flip-flopped feet can bare the brunt 'au naturel'.
... However your feet are at as much risk of sun burn and malignant melanoma as any other exposed flesh. Take care of them and they will take care of you.
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We are here to answer your questions. This is a common one.
What is the difference between a Podiatrist and a Chiropodist?


May the Fourth be with you!! Today the world celebrates the iconic franchise that brought us Wookies, Death Stars and Lasers.
It's a stretch - and we know it is - but we are using the occasion to talk about our own 'LASERs'.
LASER stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
... LASER treatment stimulates the cells in order to encourage tissue repair and/or offer pain relief. Most conditions require 2-3 visits a week in the early stages to be effective but you should start seeing a response in this time.
Prices start at £52 per appointment and savings can be made for package bookings. Do give us a call if you have any questions.
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The big toes were the last part of our feet to evolve.
The transition from the trees was a gradual one. Though the foot developed over time to accommodate prehistoric mans increased time on the ground, the opposable big toe persisted long after the development of the rest of the foot, potentially interfering with gait whilst at the same time retaining some ability to escape to and forage within the trees.
... Research (#Google) suggests that the 'stiffening up' of the big toe first occurred in the Homo genus who appeared around 2 million years ago, as a consequence of the genus' more solid commitment to living on the ground. They.... We... traded in the flexibility to grasp tree branches for the strength and rigidity to hold the weight of an upright body and to push ourselves off from a standing start.

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Worried about your feet? Not sure if you need a podiatrist? April is Foot Health Month and as part of this Dulwich Podiatry is offering 10 minute telephone consultations with one of our podiatrists.
Call us on 020 8693 6000 to book a slot. Subject to availability.


In a recent pole of 2000 people 48% reported having sought treatment or advice on a foot health issue. 56% of whom visited their GP first against 26% who went direct to their podiatrist. GPs have extensive knowledge of the overall well-being of the body. But for specialist concerns specialist training always has the edge, particularly regarding complaints that are less common, more painful, or that could look sim...ilar to other ailments requiring entirely different treatment.
If you have concerns specifically regarding your feet, come and visit your podiatrist for the best chance of a one-stop-fix.
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Worried about your feet? Not sure if you need a podiatrist? April is Foot Health Month and as part of this Dulwich Podiatry is offering 10 minute telephone consultations with one of our podiatrists.
Call us on 020 8693 6000 to book a slot. Subject to availability.


We're not sure if anyone other than Podiatrists are actually aware of this, but April 2019 is 'National Foot Health Awareness Month'

In respect of the occasion The College of Podiatry has distributed a pamplet on common foot ailments and how to treat them. We have some in our clinic. Feel free to take one on your way in or out. And take another for your friend. They probably have feet too! :-)


Do you buy your shoes online? It's quick and it's convenient but it comes with a downside. Studies indicate that ill fitting shoes as a consequence of 'not trying before buying' increase the risk of common podiatric complaints such as corns and in-growing toenails. If you already have these concerns, your podiatrist can treat them. But in some cases they can be prevented entirely. https://cop.org.uk/…/press-…/the-nati ons-shoe-buying-habits/


It looks like a portable games machine but this little Kardia is far more useful.
We at Dulwich Podiatry are committed to maintaining the overall health of our patients, within our specialism. We offer this simple and painless test service at no additional charge to patients with diabetes or with history of an unexplained fall, in order to capture early signs of irregular heartbeat, which may be a sign of Atrial Fibrillation (AF), and can lead to stroke.
Please note: if we detect signs of AF, we will advise a referral to your GP for further investigation, this is by no means an indication of immediate concern. As they say, Prevention is better than Cure.


Worried about your feet? Not sure if you need a podiatrist? April is Foot Health Month and as part of this Dulwich Podiatry is offering 10 minute telephone consultations with one of our podiatrists. Call us on 020 8693 6000 to book a slot. Subject to availability.


Struggling with recurring athletes foot?
Dulwich Podiatry has a new addition to its expanding range of equipment.
This is our new Klenz machine!
... For the negligible cost of £2 per pair, this nifty little machine will blast silver ions into your shoes while you proceed with your podiatry consultation, effectively killing off any fungus that has made a home within them and eradicating a major source of re-infection. If interested, please ask your podiatrist at the start of your appointment.
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The big toes were the last part of our feet to evolve.
The transition from the trees was a gradual one. Though the foot developed over time to accommodate prehistoric mans increased time on the ground, the opposable big toe persisted long after the development of the rest of the foot, potentially interfering with gait whilst at the same time retaining some ability to escape to and forage within the trees.
... Research (#Google) suggests that the 'stiffening up' of the big toe first occurred in the Homo genus who appeared around 2 million years ago, as a consequence of the genus' more solid commitment to living on the ground. They.... We... traded in the flexibility to grasp tree branches for the strength and rigidity to hold the weight of an upright body and to push ourselves off from a standing start.

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We're not sure if anyone other than Podiatrists are actually aware of this, but April 2019 is 'National Foot Health Awareness Month'

In respect of the occasion The College of Podiatry has distributed a pamplet on common foot ailments and how to treat them. We have some in our clinic. Feel free to take one on your way in or out. And take another for your friend. They probably have feet too! :-)

More about Dulwich Podiatry Ltd

Dulwich Podiatry Ltd is located at 6 Woodwarde Rd, Dulwich, SE22 8UJ London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -