Dungeons And Dragons Society York

Social Club
4 star rating

About Dungeons And Dragons Society York

Dungeons and Dragons Society at the University of York. We welcome all levels of ability and types of player, including complete beginners!



Hey everyone! Unfortunately, due to the issues on West Campus, and consequently East Campus being very busy, we're cancelling the social today. It will definitely be on this time next week though, so do come along next week! Thanks everyone!


Hi everyone!

A few announcements/reminders before the list of what’s going on this week:
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We are in courtyard!!! Come and join us and hang out 😍 we are on the end of the sofa part in the part by the outside 🤔 if that makes sense... See you soon 😉 -Hope






Hi everyone, here’s a little recap of our info for this week! Hopefully see you all tomorrow😉
Once again, thanks for the absolutely incredible respone last week-safe to say you blew every single one of us away with your enthusiasm! This week our regular schedule starts up in full swing, so while the rooms will change you can expect a similar thing each week from now on.
Tuesday 9th October: TAVERN TUESDAYS... -3:00PM- 5:00PM: Courtyard bar -Come along and chat! We’ll bring biscuits, courtyard has a variety of things on offer to drink and eat, so there’ll be food for days. For anyone wanting to get to know the other people in the society, or to have a chat about games they have planned or what they’re loving about D&D so far, come and find us!
Wednesday 10th October: WEEKLY WORKSHOPS -6:30PM- 9:30PM: W/N/202 -This weeks focus is combat, we’ll be running over the rules of combat, and then giving you the chance to try them out in a game. As a warning: the combat encounters will be HARD, so instead of using your level 1 characters from last week we’ll have a few level 3 characters sheets ready for people to use instead! This should also give you all a chance to try out some different classes, so if you made a spellcaster but think that melee combat is more your thing, this is a good chance to try it out!
Friday 12th October: ONE SHOT -7:00PM- 11:00PM: RCH/042(Pod 1-the biggest pod) -ADVANCE SIGN UP NEEDED -Yannis’ one-shot for the week! -WARNING: This will be the same one shot Yannis has been running for beginner games, so if you’ve played one of his games earlier this week maybe give this one a miss! -Link to sign-up: https://doodle.com/poll/nv34pt8b5n76t5yz
Message the Facebook page/drop us an email if you need any info. See you at the table!
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Ha, this made me smile to myself and get a weird look off some random guy -Hope




DMs can relate to this. As a player, this hurts to admit 😂


Hey guys! Remember we have our social, Tavern Tuesday.... on Tuesday next week! We also have a workshop on combat on Wednesday and our one shot night is Friday 😉 this is for week 3, please vote below if you would be interested in attending the workshop or the one shot evening. I will post a separate post for our social soon ❤️ -Hope


Ready for the first beginner game from our Doodle poll! ❤️


Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who answered our poll for the next week’s worth of beginner games - the slots are completely full! At the end of this week, we’ll put up another poll for more beginner games - keep an eye out! Thank you so much everyone! 🎲❤️


To those who were at yesterday's session and didn't get chance to play, or to those who couldn't make it and still want to play: our doodle poll for next week is live! Emily is running the 3 hour sessions, and Yannis is running the 5 hour ones. If you didn't get chance to finish your character, don't worry, your DM will help you out. Also, if you missed the first workshop entirely, either bring a level 1 character sheet, or we'll have some ready for you to use. The rooms are being booked out now, and we'll put up a schedule of the rooms that will be used. Feel free to message Emily or Yannis with questions too.Thanks! :) https://doodle.com/poll/s4h7gp9xqbeuk9tf< br>


So.... guys.... this happened? MATTHEW MERCER KNOWS OF OUR EXISTENCE! He replied to Emily’s tweet😱 -Hope


Hello everyone! Just letting you know that the doodle poll where you can arrange to play your beginner game will be live by this evening - we're just working out when we're available for you all. Thank you for your patience, and we'll see you at the table!


Today we were BLOWN AWAY by how many people turned up. Over 100 people came to our first event today- so many, we had to move into a bigger lecture theatre. Some of our favourite moments include: 1. All of you lovely people turning up with such cool attitudes. 2. That guy that made a sentient fruit as a sorcerer. 3. Mitch saying “wismic” instead of “wise” and misquoting The Hobbit.... 4. That guy that gave a bit of garlic bread to each of the committee members.
This was our first event as a new society and we can not express how happy we are with how it went and how many people turned up. We expected half of that at the MOST. We can’t wait to get to know you all better at future events, I have a feeling we’re all going to make some great memories.
If anyone has any questions/event suggestions/comments, give us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks and see you all soon! -Hope
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Due to over 100 people turning up.... WHICH IS AMAZING!! We have moved!


Who's this in your party? 😂