Dusk Till Yawn Sleep Consultant - Ruth Louzado

About Dusk Till Yawn Sleep Consultant - Ruth Louzado

Hi, I'm Ruth, a gentle sleep coach (OCN Level 4 certified). Let me help improve your baby /infant's sleep, using a tried & trusted approach. Taking a holistic view of the situation & using my knowledge & experience, I'll suggest the best strategies for you



šŸŽ„6 days till ChristmasšŸŽ„ā € ~ā € Over the next 6 days Iā€™m going to share helpful hints to support you over the Christmas period. Things that I hope youā€™ll find useful at this time of year, when you might be travelling to visit family and friends and just generally be out of your normal routine!ā € ~ā € TIP #1: BRING YOUR ROUTINE WITH YOU!ā €... ~ā € What does your bedtime routine with your baby consist of? A bath? Story time? Some play time? Singing songs together? Massage? ā € ~ā € These are transportable! Donā€™t skip them just because youā€™re in a different place. This routine is the very thing to focus on and make time for. Even if itā€™s Granny or Aunty Sara putting your darling to bed. The familiarity associated with the routine is key to feeling loved, secure and settled enough to fall asleep. Itā€™s also a sign to your little one that bedtime is coming; itā€™s sleep time. Donā€™t rush it either. If youā€™re in a new environment it make take a little longer than usual to settle them to sleep. But persevere and keep calm. Theyā€™re sensitive little beings and will pick up on stress quickly!ā € ~ā € Ok, some evenings you might be running later than expected. Some evenings you might skip bath or stories, but keep one or two components as a reminder and signal that itā€™s bedtime. ā € ~ā € Some nights you might just have to grin and bear it; theyā€™re overtired, over stimulated and cranky. But, start afresh the next day; you can get things back on track. Itā€™s Christmas! Itā€™s going to mess with your routine. And itā€™ll be ok! Youā€™ll find your way!ā € ā € #dusktillyawn #christmastips #enjoythiswonderfultimeoftheyear #dontworrybehappy
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Silly season is upon us folks! 12 days until Christmas Day. Are you on Santaā€™s naughty or nice list? I havenā€™t even written my letter... Iā€™ll email him šŸ˜œ šŸŽ„ Iā€™m feeling festive and full of the Christmas cheer, and I want you to celebrate too. Sign up to one of my services before Christmas, and receive 25% off! šŸŽ„ Youā€™ve 12 days to avail of this offer! Give yourself the gift of sleep in 2019!... šŸŽ„ Email me: dusktillyawn@gmail.com šŸŽ„
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Iā€™ve been quiet on social media recently, finding it hard to fit in this little role since being back at work. Trying to strike that balance between work and home. šŸ’« I didnā€™t even post last week; for the first time since I decided to create this account I missed a #wisewordswednesday! šŸ’« Real life has been happening. Nothing major, nothing bad, but Iā€™ve prioritised time away from the screen, trying to be present in the moment. At the back of my mind there is a nagging thought... that I should make time for this; that I want to make a go of it; that I gave myself 12 months to see what would happen with #dusktillyawn... and if I donā€™t post or engage in social media then Iā€™m not giving it my all. And thatā€™s true, but Iā€™m also ok with it. šŸ’« 15 months into this journey of motherhood, and Iā€™m slowly getting the idea that nothing is permanent, in terms of behaviour or routine. The disturbed sleep will settle. The sickness will improve. The relationships that I havenā€™t had time for will blossom again at some point. Iā€™m slowly starting to stress less about life not being perfect. Itā€™s #perfectlyimperfect. Itā€™s messy, itā€™s rushed, itā€™s slightly chaotic, and itā€™s fun! Iā€™m tired and Iā€™m blessed to be tired! šŸ’« This too shall pass... and rather than willing it to pass quickly, Iā€™m trying to slow down and cherish all these little moments. Because in years to come Iā€™ve a feeling these little moments will be the ones Iā€™ll wish to have been more present with. šŸ’« Watching her push and pull the cupboard doors, vigorously willing them to open šŸ’« Stepping on her tippy toes, trying to get more snacks/sweets or something Iā€™ve said no to! šŸ’« Playing peek-a-boo and hiding for way too long, then laughing hard once she says ā€œdeeā€ (boo) šŸ’« Ad infinitum
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Iā€™ve alluded to this in my stories a few times and I need to make a changeā€¦ Iā€™m always rushingā€¦ I struggle to switch off from work-mode before I collect my daughter and then my evenings are stressy and tense, my temper becomes shorter, and itā€™s just more of a struggle. The evenings I am strict with myself to put my work phone away, stop checking emails before I collect her and am present with her fully, giving her my time, are the evenings that flow well, that we both enjoy. ...But itā€™s not easy, especially after a day where thereā€™s been lots of issues. ~ Help me! Help us! How do you switch off? How do you transition from one mode to the next? Any advice? Practice obviously will help, but Iā€™d love to hear from you too! Slide into my DMs or comment below! ~ Weā€™re going through some interesting tantrums recently, a relatively new occurrence, and because of them Iā€™ve chosen a specific book for this monthā€™s read. Yes, Iā€™m three weeks late starting my November book. (Trying to read a book a month for a year. November is month 4ā€¦ eekā€¦ didnā€™t take long to fall behind. Iā€™m not concerned about the timeline really, just enjoying some time with a book when I can. Usually on a packed tube to work.) ~ The book is ā€˜No Drama Disciplineā€™ by Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. Anyone read it? ~
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I shared this on my stories yesterday and had some lovely messages about it. šŸ’« Itā€™s so easy to get caught up in thinking your little one isnā€™t eating enough, and if this resonates with you then take a moment to stop and think: Are they healthy? Are they gaining weight? (I donā€™t mean according to a growth chart, I mean in its simplest form, are they gaining weight?) Are they alert? Are they progressing with development? šŸ’« If your baby is healthy, gaining weight and alert, ask... yourself where your idea they are not eating enough has come from? šŸ’« If there are health concerns, prioritise getting them seen and addressed by the right health professionals and make sure their advice rings true with your instinct as well. šŸ’« Just like us, babies stop eating for all manner or reasons. If they are sick, focus on getting them better and then their appetite might return. šŸ’« My Child Wonā€™t Eat! is a great little book. Wish Iā€™d read it earlier. They central message is: donā€™t force your child to eat. Offer them food, respect their refusal if it happens. Keep offering! #easiersaidthandone šŸ’«
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Newborns. Feeding. Routines. Sleep. Motherhood is the steepest learning curve Iā€™ve ever experienced! Because itā€™s new and youā€™re out of your comfort zone, you question yourself. Are you doing it right? Is the baby getting all they need? Doubt, overwhelming joy, raging hormones... what a cocktail!! No wonder itā€™s a bit of a blur a year or so on! ~ Once we passed the engorgement and soreness of the first couple of months, my breastfeeding journey was a pleasure. We luckily had ...no issues that can affect so many: tongue tie, reflux, colic, latch problems, allergies, mastitis, to name a few. Until some serious doubt crept in about 3 or 4 months later. My daughter fed in 5 minutes, less sometimes, and I couldnā€™t trust that that was enough for her. She was growing, alert, and gaining weight (albeit slowly and not quick enough for the almighty growth charts), but the books said babies should feed for 10 minutes. And the books know, right? I didnā€™t know what I was doing, so thank goodness for the books! #sarcasm ~ I wish I knew then what I know now! ~ This book - My Child Wonā€™t Eat! by Carlos Gonzalez - basically re-told my story to me! It repeated my concerns and doubts back to me! And then it dismissed them. With logic, biology, and trust. ~ Trust? Yes, trust. Trust that your baby knows when they are full ā€“ just like we do. Trust they will stop when theyā€™ve had enough. Trust they will let you know when they want more. Trust that your milk will change to meet their nutritional needs. Whoa! Thatā€™s a whole lot of trust. Not just for breastfeeding mothers, it also covers bottle feeding. #nojudgementhere #fedisbest ~ This trust isnā€™t just for babies. Itā€™s for toddlers too. When it comes to solid food, ideally, we will offer a wide variety of food types, offer the foods repeatedly, and over time children build a taste for them. Thanks to @sr_nutrition for this insight! If a new food is rejected the first time donā€™t let that stop you offering it again! Persevere! It doesnā€™t mean they didnā€™t like it. itā€™s just new. Mealtimes can be fraught with emotion and fear, a topic this book addresses well. ~ Slide into my DMs if you have any questions! Happy reading! šŸ“–
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Iā€™ve shared a link to the article on my profile - have a read! Do you agree? Do you disagree? Explore it a little - internally or in the comments. What do you think about the concept of dependence becoming independence? ~ I have to admit, a lot of these concepts hadnā€™t ever occurred to me before becoming a parent. But this one resonates with me. It fits in with my approach to parenting. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s right, or that you should agree... just as each child can have a diffe...rent temperament, so can each of us have a different approach to parenting. But Iā€™m interested to hear your view... ~ Every time my daughter cries, whether at night or during the day, Iā€™ll go to her. I want her to trust me, to trust that she is supported, to trust sheā€™s not alone. I want her to believe that she can rely on me, on people in general, and I believe as that trust grows, she will show more independent characteristics. ~ I am not in a rush for her to be independent (although the day she wipes her own bum canā€™t come soon enough šŸ˜‚) and Iā€™m happy to take it at her pace, even though thatā€™s tough for me sometimes. I know there are times when sheā€™ll be more dependent on me, and thereā€™ll be times she will want to be independent but thatā€™s a scary prospect for her - sheā€™ll want me close. ~ Iā€™m slowly coming around to the idea that I need to let go of my ideas of how my daughter should be, and rather trust in her and believe sheā€™ll figure it out in her own good time with us by her side.
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Itā€™s Halloween. Wednesday. I donā€™t have a well thought out, nugget of information / motivational post for you. Iā€™m back at work, short on time, rushing here, there and everywhere to try and spend as much time as possible with the little one. And Iā€™m drained. The routine is new. The commute is new. The amount of time together is short. The days are shorter. The pace is faster. But this... this remains the same... Mama, trust your instincts. You know best! Tune in. Slow down. Breathe. Together. You. Here. Now. Nothing else matters. Youā€™ve got this!


A clinical trial looking at the effect of vitamin D (up to 6 months of age) on infant eczema, found no significant difference between the infants supplemented with Vitamin D compared to those given a placebo. ~ Interestingly, they did find that babies spending more time in sunlight were less likely to develop eczema and attributed this finding to UV light exposure rather than Vitamin D levels. ~ More detailed studies looking at how sunlight appears to reduce the incidence of ...infant eczema are required, but it seems like sunlight may change the inflammatory response which is associated with allergic conditions. ~ More research is also needed to determine how much sunlight is ideal and this will have to be measured against the potential sun exposure-related skin damage that might occur. ~ Rueter, Kristina, et al. "Direct infant UV light exposure is associated with eczema and immune development." Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2018).
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A small but significant milestone! ~ Iā€™ve got a tribe of 100 followers on each platform! Feeling proud, motivated and happy. Thank you for your likes, comments and support! ~ This is a journey for me too - I studied to become a gentle sleep coach while I was struggling with my babyā€™s sleep. The topic fascinates me to this day, but Iā€™ve read so much in and around this topic that is shaping how I approach parenting and how I approach this work. I love it! ... ~ Watch this space - Iā€™m going to share some of the stuff Iā€™ve come across that has deeply resonated with me! šŸ’ššŸ§”šŸ’™šŸ’œšŸ’›ā¤ļø
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Have you ever used the words ā€œbad habitā€ when describing how you get your baby to sleep? Or describing anything to do with parenthood? ~ THERE IS NO SUCH THING! Thereā€¦ I said it. Itā€™s been bugging me for a while because I hear so many parents use the phrase and I hear the disappointment that goes with it! Parenthood is a journey; weā€™re launched into it without experience. We learn on-the-job; and we learn fast! Sleep is important and sacred, for both baby and the wider family... and we find a way to get as much as possible for all concerned. ~ Let me say this, though: we may have a habit that is no longer working for us, or for the baby, and something needs to change. But itā€™s not a ā€˜badā€™ habit. ~ Hereā€™s the thing: the mind is POWERFUL. It fulfils the information we feed it. Repeatedly saying ā€œbad habitā€ conjures negative associations. We start to feel guilty having formed this habit. We begin to resent it. We question our parenting skills. WHY? We told our mind that we have caused this bad habit, that we are to blame for whatever scenario has unfolded. STOP!!! Stop this thought process when it happens. ~ Itā€™s natural to compare; itā€™s natural to look for differences from one baby to another, one family to another, one parent to another. BUT REMEMBER: each baby is different. They grow and develop at different rates. Each mother and father are different to the next mother and father. All this variability creates different scenarios in each home. There is no need to compare, no need to feel guilt or shame, and no need to set unrealistic expectations for your baby or your parenting style. Imagine all of us conformed to one way of doing things. Thereā€™d be no variability in the children we raise! #stoptheguilt #rantover #thanksforbearingwithme ~ Turn the negative into a positive! Iā€™d like x, y, or z to change. I wonder how I could do that? I wonder if baby is telling me this isnā€™t working anymore? The feedback Iā€™m getting is that baby is ready for something different. Letā€™s try something new and find out what else might work. Iā€™m here to help you through these changes! Get in touch if youā€™d like some help and advice!
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Ooooh I love #halloween! Mainly because I can dress my little one up!! Canā€™t wait to see her bring this #pumpkin to life next week. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Food for thought this Saturday... #attachmentparenting #dusktillyawn #gentlesleepcoach #nocryitouthere #love #relationship #babiesofinstagram #mum #dad #infantsleep


Clocks go back 1 hour on Sun 28 October (GMT zone)! ~ This means our little delights will wake earlier in the mornings and be sleepy earlier in the evenings. The clocks are changing but their biological rhythms are not... so what can we do? We gradually realign their circadian rhythm with the new time. ~ If we manipulate sleep and wake times the week before the clocks change, we can lessen the impact this has on our little oneā€™s sleep and mood. ... ~ In essence, you make slight changes to the morning and evening light in the week leading up to the clock change. Keep the mornings as dark as possible after wake up, until you reach the desired wake up time, or for as long as you can (e.g. current wake time is 6:30am, youā€™ll aim for darkness until 7:30am). Play quietly in dim light in babyā€™s room, or snuggle, sing... whatever calm activity you like. Also, try and delay the first feed as long as possible. ~ With the evening routine, keep all the lights on and everything as bright as possible until you start your bedtime routine. Push the bedtime routine out by 15 minutes every night/ couple or nights until you reach the desired bedtime (e.g. current bedtime is 7:30pm, youā€™ll aim for an 8:30pm bedtime just in time for the clock change). ~ Even though bedtime will be incrementally later, the wake up time wonā€™t change for a few nights, until the darker mornings start to take effect and the circadian rhythm starts to change. Itā€™s a good idea to push daytime naps a little later too, if possible. ~ Your baby will go to bed at the new bedtime of 8:30pm on Sun 28 Oct, the night the clocks go back. They will, hopefully, wake at the appropriate adjusted time (or thereabouts). On Monday night, bring bedtime back to the usual 7:30pm (or whatever it was), readjusting for the hour difference. ~ If youā€™re little one has a really late bedtime and youā€™ve wanted to bring it earlier, this is the opportunity for you. Do nothing. Change nothing! As if by magic your baby will wake an hour earlier and go to sleep an hour earlier too! Simple! ~ This is a very condensed summary of the approach. Please feel free to get in touch, ask questions or comment below.
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#mondaymotovation ā–«ļø Today was my first day back at work since I went on maternity leave almost 14 months ago. What a joy to have the opportunity to be off with my baby for so long. ā–«ļø I have to admit it felt good!... ā–«ļø Parenting wonā€™t stop though. We still have so much to give and so many opportunities to be close with our baby. Yes, her care is shared now. But attachment and bond are as important as they ever were.
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Happy Saturday! Itā€™s time to relax, re-connect and have some fun! What are your plans?


#worldmentalhealthday ā–«ļø Thereā€™s so much I could write on a day like today, but instead Iā€™ll leave you with this: none of us can read minds. Tune in to your loved ones and ask twice if they donā€™t seem themselves. ā–«ļø Itā€™s #timetochange the stigma surrounding mental health. #itsoknottobeok ... ā–«ļø #support #love #kindness #time #dusktillyawn
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Half an hour of hell... at the time. Now I feel like a badass!


šŸ’¤Baby, infant & toddler gentle sleep consultant šŸŒUK based. Clients worldwide šŸ”In-home consultations ā˜ŽļøPhone consultations šŸ“œOCN (Open College Network) Level 4 Certified... šŸ“²dusktillyawn@gmail.com
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