Dynamic Core Trainer

About Dynamic Core Trainer

Mellikof total body condisioning will give you back control of your body it benefits and enormous and long lasting but the practice is for life and must be maintained on a weekly basis.



Somatotype’s are a Unhelpful Designation There are either two somatotypes’s or an infinite variation Every human being is in a split of roughly 50-50 oxygen powered fibres And Chemical powered fibres These are you type one and type two fibres and the type two variation, what gives the Spectrum of human variation is that some people are skewed 60/40 one way or the other ... More type one slow twitch fibres powered by oxygen more aerobic capacity, more type II more explosive capacity. The subsequent shape of the body would be a misleading marker especially in telling the difference between Endomorph and Mesomorph Is a mesomorph a skinny runner type who just lift weights?or a endomorph who eats right? I am pretty sure a lot of overweight people are potentially explosive athletes on the wrong diet, and doing the wrong training. I would be astonished if any of them were actually overweight type1 Fibre dominant people, my intuition tells me that people skewed towards explosive Chemical powered muscle fibres rely more on glycogen and creatine phosphate for energy are more likely to be in a Energy imbalance. People who can perform very intense short duration explosive exercises are more likely to find aerobic low intensity exercises torturous, they have less slow twitch oxygen burning fibres, and they would literally produce more lactic acid from the cycling of adenosine triphosphate exploding into a diphosphate back into a triphosphate with the byproduct of all that lactic acid
They would benefit much more from HITT training and a change in diet
And yet we bung them all in the sausage factory the same way
That’s why everyone should do DNA fit to find out What they’re white to red fibre distribution is
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Here’s what I do I look at some movie star who looks amazing for their age.
Then I find out who all their personal trainer team is
... Then I torture myself by sitting through all the training techniques and nutrition advice
Than after 100 exercises I see to that I like And I nick them, then I test them on my people to see if they are better than what we are already doing If they are exceptionally effective they can stay..... if not they are in the bin
Just found two more Will test them Sunday
Only steal from the best xx
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Someone asked me tonight what’s your favourite class... Wow that’s a good question At first I thought the one with the most people in it So I can pretend to be Bruce lee or a cult leader It makes you feel important to have so many people in the class ... But then I thought more about it My favourite class is actually any size were I manage to ballance the elements of serious teaching hard work and everyone laughs themselves silly. It’s easy to do too much of all of the above Too serious too silly too hard, or the dreaded not hard enough
The other best bit about a class is when someone shy like Gemma gets such an amazing body that all the girls wolf whistle her till she wants to die of equal parts pride and embarrassment. Or when someone does the crab for the first time since school, or simply touches their toes for the first time in their adult life It’s all a gift that keeps on giving
I’ve been in a fog for two and a half years and it’s lifting, so don’t go away yet I have more to show you. Xxxx❤️❤️❤️
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I love my job xxxx


Fitness is not an ever moving treadmill up leading nowhere, it’s a mountain we can climb & maintain altitude on, expect to slip down every now and again, but remember, missing two weeks or even a month isn’t starting all over again.


My first class back is Monday night if my flight is not delayed xxxMy first class back is Monday night if my flight is not delayed xxx


I’m back on Monday Evening flight delays not being a factor xxx


My Sunday 10:30 class is my last class till Monday 25th Be there xxx😉My Sunday 10:30 class is my last class till Monday 25th Be there xxx😉


48 bitches xxx


January is it there are more cars but you can’t see them all I do like a busy class xx






47 😉😉😉




62 and a grandmother 🔥🔥🔥🔥xxx My client!!!!!!

More about Dynamic Core Trainer

Dynamic Core Trainer is located at the cowshed hammes barn Washington road, bn144 3day Steyning