Eat Breathe Believe

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Eat Breathe Believe

Holistic health & wellbeing: recipes, tips & articles to inspire you to change what you eat, how you breathe and the things you believe to benefit your health. Services include: Nutritional Therapy, Indian Head Massage & Workplace Wellness.

Eat Breathe Believe Description

Holistic health & wellbeing: recipes, tips & articles to inspire you to change what you eat, how you breathe and the things you believe to benefit your health. Services include: Nutritional Therapy, Indian Head Massage & Workplace Wellness.



Tea. Sometimes there is nothing better than a good cup of tea. I stopped drinking caffeine a few years ago as it didn't help my #cfs The caffeine gave me a false energy boost which I would use to do something I didn't really have the energy for, and then I would crash.
I was using caffeine as a crutch to get through my day - to do the things I thought I needed to do. If you're doing the same it's worth trying to swap at least some of your caffeinated beverages to non-caffein...ated ones. Caffeine can add stress to your body as it promotes your adrenals to produce cortisol (your stress hormone) and while cortisol can be useful in some situations, if your adrenals are always "on" because you're stressed or drinking a lot of caffeine, it can cause them to burn out.
Take care of your adrenals by swapping to herbal teas like this cup of rooibos tea with a splash of plantbased milk. Looks like tea, is as comforting to drink as tea but is nourishing your body rather than adding to it's load.
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Looking for some inspiration of what to cook this weekend? Why not try my black bean stir fry with lettuce wraps - cheap, quick, easy and so much better for you than a take-away!


I brightened up my usual granola mix this week by adding some turmeric, cinnamon and mulberries before I baked it and I got this beautiful golden granola! It's packed with healthy fats and protein from the seeds, slow releasing carbs from the oats and sweetness from the mulberries and cinnamon. The bioactive compound curcumin, found in turmeric, has been shown to help reduce inflammation which can help with a whole host of inflammatory it looks like sunshine in a bowl which on a cold and grey morning is no bad thing! I served mine with coconut yoghurt because curcumin is a fat-soluble compound so this can help your body absorb and utilise this beneficial nutrient 👍🏻
Let me know in the comments below if you'd like to see the recipe for this one on the blog...


When that 4pm energy slum hits it's all too easy to reach for a sugary treat and caffeinated drink. I should know I used to do it day in, day out, just to get me through the rest of the working day.
These days I don't have the same energy dip in the afternoon and if I do - or if I know I've got a busy evening ahead or I'm heading to do a workout later, I opt for a herbal tea and an energy ball. These give me a natural life and sustainable energy which sees me through to dinner.
Find out more about why sugar and caffeine aren't the best choices when you're struggling with your energy in my blog:


Struggling to decide what to make for dinner? How about these simple but delicious miso black bean lettuce wraps? So simple to make and perfect reheated the next day with some rice noodles for a simple second dinner!
THE BENEFITS OF MISO If you haven't tried miso before it's a fermented soy bean paste which is salty but this recipe uses a small amount and no other salt so it's nicely balanced. Because it's fermented it contains probiotics which are great for your gut bacteri...a which are so important at this time of year because your gut contains 70% of your immune system so adding fermented foods to your diet can help you stay healthy this winter. Miso is available in the international food aisle of most big supermarkets now. Opt for a paste which you add to hot water rather than the dried sachets. Store in the fridge after opening. You can also drink miso as a hot beverage - a great savoury alternative to tea and coffee!
Not a fan of miso? Just leave it out of the sauce and add some extra tamari 😉 not quite the same gut boosting benefit but still a delicious meal.
Link to recipe:
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I'm working on an exciting new project and today it got me thinking about ACCEPTANCE.
I love the quote "grant me the serenity to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference".
... I used to think that "acceptance" meant giving up, but actually it's about focusing energy on the things that you can change rather than battling against the things you can't change.
Acceptance played a big role in my wellbeing journey. I had to accept my diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). I had to accept the limitations on what I could and couldn't do now and stop comparing myself to the me before. I had to accept what I could and couldn't change about my situation in the short and long term. I had to accept things had to change and I was the only one who could make those changes.
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Happy Halloween! As a treat I've got a new recipe for you - a delicious sweet seasonal treat - a chocolate pumpkin pie. This chocolate I used in this recipe was the deliciously dark 79% cacao bars by Rosemary & Robert. The bitterness of the dark chocolate works really well against the sweetness of the pumpkin and the crispy base. The perfect Autumnal sweet treat for a chilly Halloween! Plus it's #glutenfree #vegan #nutfree #dairyfree and #refinedsugarfree - what more could you want? Let me know if you try the recipe and what you think!


"Better done than perfect".
As a recovering perfectionist, if I can't do things 'perfectly' I still sometimes don't do them at all. But it's something I'm working on overcoming so I love when the universe sends me little reminders that it's better to do something than nothing for fear of it not being perfect.
As we head into a new week I am going to try and push myself to do the things I scared of. I may not do them perfectly, but at least they will be done!
... Is there something you're putting off doing because you think it/you/the timing is not 'perfect'? Maybe it's better to just get it done rather than continue to procrastinate?
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As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler my body is craving warm sweet drinks and hugge afternoons under cosy blankets.
My chocolate chai latte is the perfect comforting hygge drink. Naturally sweet from the cinnamon, rich from the cacao and dairy-free! The perfect weekend warmer after a walk with our dog Coco.
Recipe: olate-chai-latte/


This poster is supposed to be giving people healthy dietary advice...
Yes breakfast is important but choosing cereal or toast will not pay dividends (?!?) in the end. Both cereal and toast are high in sugars so will spike your blood sugar and leave you on a rollercoaster which has you craving more sweet foods just a few hours later.
A better choice is a breakfast packed with protein like eggs or porridge topped with nuts and seeds. it will keep you feeling full and balanced ...all morning.
If it's cereal or toast or nothing for you in the morning then at least pump up the protein levels with some nuts, seeds and yoghurt on your cereal and some nut butter on your toast.
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Enjoying a lunch of leftovers...
Lentil dahl with extra spinach, broccoli and coriander, because you can never have too many greens!
Did you know coriander - as well as making a perfect accompaniment to curry - contains essential oils which can stimulate digestive juices? So chewing on some fresh coriander leave before a meal or adding them to your meal can aid digestion - top nutrition tip there for you!
... If you're looking for a dahl recipe look no further:
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What’s the first thing you eat or drink in the morning?
Is it something nourishing or is it something stimulating to get you going?
I always try to start my day with hot water and fresh lemon because I’s hydrating, kick starts the digestive system and supports detoxification.
... Read more about the health benefits of starting your day with hot water and lemon on my latest blog post: 5 reasons to start your day with hot water and lemon:
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When that 4pm energy slum hits it's all too easy to reach for a sugary treat and caffeinated drink. I should know I used to do it day in, day out, just to get me through the rest of the working day.
These days I don't have the same energy dip in the afternoon and if I do - or if I know I've got a busy evening ahead or I'm heading to do a workout later, I opt for a herbal tea and a energy ball. These give me a natural life and sustainable energy which sees me through to dinner....
Find out more about why sugar and caffeine aren't the best choice when you're struggling with your energy in my latest blog - link in bio.
#energy #lowenergy #energyboost #health #cfs #me #chronicfatigue #caffeine #sugar #ditchthesugar #sugarfree #balance #bloodsugar #bloodsugarbalance #support #adreanalfatigue #adrenals #eatbreathebelieve
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What’s the first thing you eat or drink in the morning?
Is it something nourishing or is it something stimulating to get you going?
I always try to start my day with hot water and fresh lemon because I’s hydrating, kick starts the digestive system and supports detoxification.
... Read more about the health benefits of starting your day with hot water and lemon on my latest blog post: 5 reasons to start your day with hot water and lemon: link in bio
#howdoyoustartyourday #lemon #hotwaterandlemon #lemonwater #nutrition #nourishing #wellbeing #bestwaytostarttheday #healthywaytostarttheday #detox #hydrate #hotwater #lemons #eatbreathebelieve
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Incase you didn't know... I ❤️hummus.
It's packed with protein and fibre and is so versatile - with oatcakes and vegetable crudiets as a snack, topping a #buddhabowl or salad for extra protein and texture, on toast with soup - basically anywhere I can add some hummus I will, and I consider most meals incomplete if they don't contain some form of hummus 😆
I'll admit it's one of the foods I do often buy pre-made as I struggle to keep up with my own hummus demands! But I know i...t's actually really easy to make, I can have fun experimenting with flavours and ingredients to make an even more nutritiously powerful spoonful of hummus goodness AND it will help reduce the amount of recycling plastic waste I create (probably quite considerably!) 🙈
Today I whipped up this broccoli hummus in under 5 minutes. Tasted great, made a HUGE batch and just look at the colour! 💕
- Handful of steamed broccoli I cooked the other day as a batch cooking session - 1 x tin of chickpeas - Handful of cashew nuts - 1 tbsp @udoschoice oil - Splash of cashew milk - Half a teaspoon of ground cumin - Salt and pepper to taste
Add everything to blender and mix for 2-3 minutes or until smooth - add extra milk if necessary to reach desired creamy consistency.
Served with vegetable crudités, gluten free crackers and oat cakes. Simple delicious snacking 🙌🏻
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I'm using this time away with work to reset myself (as well as helping guests reset themselves on our retreat!) One of the best ways I find to reset healthy habits is by keeping track of them! Writing them down and giving myself a tick when I do them is a real motivator for me so I thought I would share my habit tracker with you. You can also find my top tips to help you get healthy habits back on track after life has thrown you odd course (which it inevitably will!) in this blog post:


TOP TIP: If you're making homemade tomato sauce add a tin of lentils before you blend it to increase the protein levels! ⠀ This afternoon I roasted 5 large vine tomatoes (for about 20 minus at 200) while gently frying onions, celery, garlic and carrots in a large pan. I added the roasted tomatoes, 2 tins of chopped tomatoes, 500ml passata and 250ml veg stock and simmered for 30-40 minutes to the pan. I added a tin of cooked green lentils before blitzing to create a sauce smooth.
For dinner I'll added this sauce to some GF brown rice pasta and then will freeze leftovers to use another day because tomorrow I'm off on retreat!


Health is wealth ⠀
Apart from the use of the term "clean eating" which I'm not a fan of, I couldn't agree more with the message on this chalk board ⠀ Healthy living is about having a positive mindset, eating well and exercising often to help you feel better and make better choices which in tern will give you a more positive mindset.

More about Eat Breathe Believe

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -