Eating Disorders And Food Addiction Therapy Birmingham

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Eating Disorders And Food Addiction Therapy Birmingham

Eating Disorders are complex mental health problems that have a number of underlying causes which can include, neurochemical changes, genetics, lack of confidence or self-esteem, perfectionist personality trait, or problems such as bullying

Eating Disorders And Food Addiction Therapy Birmingham Description

Eating disorders are characterized by an abnormal attitude towards food that causes someone to change their eating habits and behavior.
A person with an eating disorder may focus excessively on their weight and shape, leading them to make unhealthy choices about food with damaging results to their health.
Risk factors that can increase the likelihood of a person having an eating disorder include:
having a family history of eating disorders, depression or substance misuse
being criticized for their eating habits, body shape or weight
being overly concerned with being slim, particularly if combined with pressure to be slim from society or for a job – for example, ballet dancers, models or athletes
certain underlying characteristics – for example, having an obsessive personality, an anxiety disorder, low self-esteem or being a perfectionist
particular experiences, such as sexual or emotional abuse or the death of someone special
difficult relationships with family members or friends
stressful situations – for example, problems at work, school or university.
Eating disorders are complex; there’s no single cause and not all symptoms will apply to all people. You may feel that you have a mixture of anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder or even alternate between them. Some people also find they are affected by other mental health issues, an urge to harm themselves or abuse alcohol or drugs.
‘Recovery’ is different for each and every person affected by an eating disorder.

If we look at a definition from the dictionary for ‘to recover’ it says: to get or find something again; to regain one’s good health, spirits or composure, to regain a former and usually better condition.

For some people it might mean that they never have another eating disorder thought again, for others it means that although these thoughts are still there they happen less frequently and they’re able to control them through the coping mechanisms and techniques they’ve learnt meaning they no longer have the same impact on their daily life.
I have had extensive experience in successfully helping people control and recover from various eating disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, Food Addiction.

Call Stuart + 44 7825 599340 for a free confidential, no obligation discussion regarding your issue.



Eating disorders are isolating illnesses which often cause low self-worth and low self-esteem. They create stress, turmoil and they thrive on secrecy.Telling someone your concerns about the eating disorder and about recovery can be daunting. Before you talk to someone, you could prepare by writing down what you want to say. It might be helpful to think about: The thoughts and feelings affecting your eating. How long the eating difficulties have been going on. What the person ...
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Eating Disorders and Control ? Many adolescents and adults in treatment for an ED share that their symptoms serve a purpose, that of control. Control of what though? Their body? Their environment? Their lives? What I have experienced as an ED Therapist is that ED symptoms serve to control, numb, or even suppress the experience of uncomfortable emotion, whether it was fear, sadness, anger, shame, or all of the above. Therefore, a therapy focused on behavioural symptoms was nec...essary, but is not always sufficient. In some cases, young people “recover” from an ED only to then develop other mental health disorders, including problems with substances. The ED symptoms have resolved but the emotional processing deficits fueling the illness persists and were often expressed in other ways. Therapy and recovery has a more profound success when focused both on behavioural symptoms and emotional processing allowing individuals to address the root causes and ultimately make a full recovery . Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your or a friend/family members ED issue stuart@hypnotherapy4freedom
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Eating Disorders and Control ? Many adolescents and adults in treatment for an ED share that their symptoms serve a purpose, that of control. Control of what though? Their body? Their environment? Their lives? What I have experienced as an ED Therapist is that ED symptoms serve to control, numb, or even suppress the experience of uncomfortable emotion, whether it was fear, sadness, anger, shame, or all of the above. Therefore, a therapy focused on behavioural symptoms was nec...essary, but is not always sufficient. In some cases, young people “recover” from an ED only to then develop other mental health disorders, including problems with substances. The ED symptoms have resolved but the emotional processing deficits fueling the illness persists and were often expressed in other ways. Therapy and recovery has a more profound success when focused both on behavioural symptoms and emotional processing allowing individuals to address the root causes and ultimately make a full recovery . Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your or a friend/family members ED issue stuart@hypnotherapy4freedom k
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Eating Disorders and Control ? Many adolescents and adults in treatment for an ED share that their symptoms serve a purpose, that of control. Control of what though? Their body? Their environment? Their lives? What I have experienced as an ED Therapist is that ED symptoms serve to control, numb, or even suppress the experience of uncomfortable emotion, whether it was fear, sadness, anger, shame, or all of the above. Therefore, a therapy focused on behavioural symptoms was nec...essary, but is not always sufficient. In some cases, young people “recover” from an ED only to then develop other mental health disorders, including problems with substances. The ED symptoms have resolved but the emotional processing deficits fueling the illness persists and were often expressed in other ways. Therapy and recovery has a more profound success when focused both on behavioural symptoms and emotional processing allowing individuals to address the root causes and ultimately make a full recovery . Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your or a friend/family members ED issue stuart@hypnotherapy4freedom k
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Eating Disorders - Food Addiction ? Call Stuart 07825 599340 k


Eating Disorders Affect Overweight People
Ranker's top 10 movies about an eating disorder all focus on girls driven to become too thin. No wonder most people equate the phrase "eating disorder" with anorexia.
But young adults 18-24 who are overweight or obese are more likely to have eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors than their normal or underweight peers (29.3 percent versus 15.8 percent for women; 15.4 percent versus 7.5 percent for men).... They're also far more likely to go undiagnosed and untreated. That's the conclusion of a recent study that looked at 14,322 young adults. Other studies have found that among overweight/obese folks, the two most common forms of eating disorders are binge eating disorder and night eating syndrome. In night eating syndrome, 25 percent of daily calories or more are consumed after the evening meal and/or at least three times a week the person gets up from sleeping to eat. Binge eating disorder — eating more than normal over a period of time and the inability to control eating — shows up in as many as 25 percent of Type 2 diabetes patients and may be accompanied by disordered eating behaviors such as vomiting and use of laxatives and diuretics. If you or any of your loved ones are overweight or obese and struggling to achieve a healthy weight, it is important to talk with an eating disorder specialist to see if you need to address those challenges before, and then while, you focus on losing weight.
Call Stuart - 07825 599340 or email
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Self-harming and self-injury behaviours are increasing at an alarming rate – particularly among young people It is common to feel powerless in the face of such wilful self-destruction – and many also find such behaviour difficult to understand or sympathise with . There is an addictive element of self-harming behaviour which requires to be broken,allowing you to take back control of your life.The cycle of change, allows you to set and achieve goals in order to meet your inn...ate needs and start moving away from self-harm Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free confidential 30 minute consultation to discuss your issues, At Eating Disorders Birmingham we have successfully helped many clients with varying eating disorders to deal with the deeper underlying emotional issues which are often the triggers for the eating disorder. You can take back control of your Eating Disorder – You can live a calmer, happier, much more relaxed, balanced life- CALL NOW Eating Disorders Birmingham Quadrant Court 51-52 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 1TH Call- 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation. uk
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How A Life Coach Could Help You Achieve Your Potential? We all feel lost and unmotivated at some point in our lives. Life coaches aren’t some elusive, omnipotent beings that have the ultimate knowledge. We are therapists that listen intently to your current situation and help you conceptualise how you could become more satisfied with your life. There are many ways that I can work with people, and it’s all on an individualistic basis. Some people literally have one thing in mi...
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Self Image article published in May 2018 in Hypnotherapy Directory Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free telephone consultation


Weight Issues ? - Call Stuart -07825 599340


When We Don’t Love Ourselves, We Can’t Be Loved By Someone Else When we don’t love and accept ourselves fully, we can’t ever have a great relationship or a happy life.
Our partner may whisper, “I love you so much” and we won’t believe them. We’ll always be looking for evidence that they are secretly losing interest.
... Did they call us when they said they would? (If they didn’t, it’s because they don’t love us.)
Did they initiate sex, or cuddle like they used to, or hold our hands when we walked down the street? (They are losing interest. They’ve met someone else. I’m less desirable than I was ten years ago.)
We can’t tell them our secret feelings or fears, because it will push them away.
We feel like we “aren’t good enough” to date our crush, or we settle for someone who is “safe” or “fine” but who doesn’t make our heart leap with joy.
We don’t trust our partners (they aren’t telling the truth). We think they are cheating (where was she last night?)
We carry around the pain of never feeling good enough to have the kind of love other people experience. We doubt ourselves; we doubt our partners; we doubt love.
We let challenges demoralize and deflate us, and it’s not long before we realize we’re a much smaller version of ourselves. We won’t ask for a raise; we’ll stay in dead-end jobs.
We’ll lose weight and feel fatter than ever. We give up on our health, thinking it’s too hard or takes too much effort.
We’ll look for quick fixes to make ourselves feel better: a new haircut, a one night stand, a bottle of bourbon, a brownie sundae.
But none of these fixes fix us at all. They leave us feeling lonelier, emptier, sadder.
And we will remain that way until we stop looking for other people to give us the love and care we yearn for and deserve.
After all, why would someone else love us, if we don’t think we are worthy? Call Stuart -07825 599340 uk
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Your Weight As A Buffer Your extra weight could also be hiding unexplored and unexpressed anger.
Women have historically been chastised for standing up for themselves, especially in communities where doing so is seen as an act of defiance against patriarchy. Most women don't know how to recognize their body signals for core feelings and to distinguish feelings - especially anger and fear - from hunger.
... If you view anger as wrong, you've probably lost touch with what anger even feels like in your body. And so instead of tending to the actual emotion, you'll "handle" it by eating a carton of ice cream. Of course, this generates even more negative feelings within you, and since you haven't learned how to address core emotions, you'll eat even more.
It's a vicious cycle, and it's entirely self-created. This is very good news, because if you created it, you can reverse it and create something entirely new instead.
Getting To The Bottom Of Your Hunger - For Good
Learning to say no easily and confidently allows women to occupy themselves rather than shrinking, and to be proactive rather than passive and/or defensive.
We each have what's called a kinesphere around us - not just the space inside our skin, but also the space around us that we use when, for example, hailing a cab down the street or running into the ocean arms and legs akimbo and free.
Many people - women especially - who have weight issues, shrink in toward their core in interactions rather than breathing into and enjoying the great range of movement and interaction possibilities that we can each generate. It's about being expansive in a whole new way - you fill your space with your spirit rather than your weight!
No meal plans to implement guiding you to lose weight through tapping into the true emotional, psychological, and spiritual source of your overeating.
You will emerge after your sessions with not just a new body, but a clear inner voice that will guide you for life. You'll be able to confidently stand up for what you want, who you are, and what you need. You'll learn to identify emotions like fear and sadness so that you don't mistake them for hunger.
Once you learn how to address those emotions effectively and lovingly, you'll discover a whole new way of eating that is much more pleasurable and that leads to permanent weight loss:
call Stuart - 078925 599340 for a free telephone consultation to discuss your weight issues uk
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Weight Issues ? If you've been struggling to lose weight, you have a problem - and it's likely not the problem you think you have.
My guess is that you've tried all sorts of approaches to losing weight:
... You've cut calories. You've joined the gym. You've hired personal trainers. You've kept logs about what you eat and how much. You've tried to keep stress levels down.
Or maybe you've just given up hope and blame your genes. Being overweight seems to run in the family.
But what if you've been missing a key piece? What if there is one area you've overlooked that will finally help you get it right - so that your weight struggle becomes a thing of the past?
While some people do get compromised in the genetics lottery, this is only one piece of the weight-loss puzzle. Your psychological, emotional, and spiritual state play a major role and have the power to shift everything for you. Call Stuart - 07825 599340 uk
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Weight and you ? I'm going to ask you two questions that may, on the surface, seem to have nothing to do with your weight:
Do you have a hard time saying "no?" Do you rarely get angry?... If you answered yes to one of these questions, get very excited. Because you've just found the key to having a body you love. Your answers to these questions hold a very important clue to your weight-loss breakthrough.
Over the years, I've worked with many clients who have body issues. They've been right where you are - fighting against this internal unseen monster that makes them reach for yet another chocolate bar . These clients have looked at themselves in the mirror with disgust, and they've hated themselves for not being able to change their bodies.
And then I've asked them the two questions above. Their answers have led to their ultimate transformation, and it could be yours.
If you find it almost impossible to say no to people, your extra weight could be protecting you from truly being seen. And if you can't remember the last time you got angry, it's very possible that your weight is acting like a buffer for unexpressed anger. Let me explain.
Your Weight As Protection Did you somehow feel unworthy or unimportant in your childhood?
Perhaps you experienced a competitive dynamic where you couldn't outshine your sibling or take away attention from a troubled parent. Or maybe you endured some kind of abuse or bullying.
If so, you may have grown up to feel that you couldn't speak your truth or be who you really are. You may find it hard to say no to people, because saying what you really want feels unsafe. You end up going along with what other people want and never really living the life you want. You become resigned to disappointment and playing small.
But this is a painful way to live. To cope, some people turn to overeating. You eat to cover up the true you from being seen. The weight acts like layers of protection. Others don't have to look at the truly vulnerable parts of you if they're hidden under fat.
Over time, you may become so disconnected from your truth that you don't even know what you want. These feelings of confusion and emptiness lead to even more overeating.
On the surface it looks simply like a weight problem, but the truth is that you are silencing your inner truth. And as long as you avoid coming into and expressing your truth, you will stay stuck.
Call Stuart for a free telephone consultation to discuss your weight issues-07825 599340 uk
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Eating disorders are characterized by an abnormal attitude towards food that causes someone to change their eating habits and behaviour. A person with an eating disorder may focus excessively on their weight and shape, leading them to make unhealthy choices about food with damaging results to their health. Risk factors that can increase the likelihood of a person having an eating disorder include: having a family history of eating disorders, depression or substance misuse criticized for their eating habits, body shape or weight being overly concerned with being slim, particularly if combined with pressure to be slim from society or for a job – for example, ballet dancers, models or athletes certain underlying characteristics – for example, having an obsessive personality, an anxiety disorder, low self-esteem or being a perfectionist particular experiences, such as sexual or emotional abuse or the death of someone special difficult relationships with family members or friends stressful situations – for example, problems at work, school or university. Eating disorders are complex; there’s no single cause and not all symptoms will apply to all people. You may feel that you have a mixture of anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder or even alternate between them. Some people also find they are affected by other mental health issues, an urge to harm themselves or abuse alcohol or drugs. ‘Recovery’ is different for each and every person affected by an eating disorder. If we look at a definition from the dictionary for ‘to recover’ it says: to get or find something again; to regain one’s good health, spirits or composure, to regain a former and usually better condition. For some people it might mean that they never have another eating disorder thought again, for others it means that although these thoughts are still there they happen less frequently and they’re able to control them through the coping mechanisms and techniques they’ve learnt meaning they no longer have the same impact on their daily life. I have had extensive experience in successfully helping people control and recover from various eating disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, Food Addiction. Call Stuart +44 7825 599340 for a free confidential, no obligation discussion regarding your issue.
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More about Eating Disorders And Food Addiction Therapy Birmingham

Eating Disorders And Food Addiction Therapy Birmingham is located at Quadrant Court , 51- 52 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom
+44 7825 599340
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -