Ebodhi Holistics: Online Courses

About Ebodhi Holistics: Online Courses

We provide critically-acclaimed online massage courses, teaching the very best of ancient and modern from around the globe, leading you to a high-end, professional massage skill sets.



Demonstrating IT Band releasing techniques From Last Weekend! New workshops coming to floating point in Pangbourne soon and the course continues at OHSOYO.GA in arborfield soon :)


E aloha mai E mana mai E pono mai E ola no Amama, ua noa
... Let there be love - let there be power! Let there be harmony - let there be healing! So, be it, it is done.
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Next class today at 3pm at ohsoyo.ga ! meditation and minimal effort thai massage :) A few spaces left, message me to book


Really enjoyed sharing some of these super easy to apply massage techniques and singing bowl practices with a lovely group last night, thanks for coming everyone :) Xx


My Friend is hosting this great raw chocolate making class for Valentines in Farnborough!


3 hour workshop, covering grounding exercise for therapists, slow deep and powerful thai massage techniques and introduction to sound healing. Call 07907646482 to book thanks!


Its funny how ego invades everything including spiritual practices. Pre UFC, all the great martial artists proclaimed there styles to be the best. I was blessed to train mixed martial arts at a young age and realise all these ego games break down under scrutiny, there is much we can learn from many styles.
Even with spirituality and religion, somehow the ego invaded and many great practitioners become dogmatic; "my style is the best, only practise this religion, only follow ...this type of meditation..." Great practises like vipassana, can become cultish even with a great intention at the start if they encourage rigidity in thought. Stay fluid in the mind. Question everything and hold onto nothing tightly. heres some science which dispells cultish meditation conceptions. Theres treasure to be found in many paths. No need to just follow one!
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Looking forward to this 3 hour workshop in OH SO YO GA Arborfield, Berkshire on the 2nd Feb! Easy accesss from Reading and Wokingham. We're looking at preventative therapy with effortless thai massage, sound healing and meditations to balance the practitioner!


First Workshop of 2019! A 3 hour class looking at ancient holistic practices, primarily minimal effort, maximum effect techniques from Thai Massage, Sound healing and Shamanic Healing, as well as meditation and sensitivity training. At Bikram Yoga Leeds 26th Jan. Booking essential 07907646482


First workshop for 2019, We will be looking at minimal effort maximum effect techniques from Thai massage, sound and energy healing and grounding exercises. Call to book only 12 places. 07907646482


Workshop coming to Leeds in Jan 2019! Really excited for this :)


I'm excited to be working on a new instructional video with the Ebodhi Team (www.ebodhi.com) demonstrating how to give massage with minimal harm to the givers body.
And coming in early 2018 live 3 hour workshops in Bikram Yoga Leeds


To stay healthy as a therapist, harness gravity and dont bother with too many fancy stretches. Keep your arms and legs straight when possible to avoid tension in the muscles. Utilise tools such as singing bowls and hot stones to do your work. Listen to your clients needs and focus on what you can have the most effect on. And dont take it too seriously XD

More about Ebodhi Holistics: Online Courses
