About Ed Labs

I plan to build vertical search engines with discovery features in Travel and Local space. The products planned to be launched this year. I am well versed in driving traction and user growth to a large userbase around a unique differentiated product. On my previous sideproject I successfully managed to get Yometa.com featured in magazines, university and school textbooks, research journals, school and university library webpages, computer science research conferences. Below are just a few of the places that Yometa.com was featured at: http://www. itwire.com/business-it-news /business-technology aate.org. au /documents /item /635(page 105)http://enr. construction.com/technology /information_technology /2011 /0516-asearchenginewithperipheralvision. asp (This link mentions my name)http://dl. acm.org/citation. cfm?id=2414542(Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction ConferencePages 34-37 ) (page 2 mention)
Social Link - Angellist: http://angel. co /orvoo
Keywords: leisure, travel & tourism

More about Ed Labs

Ed Labs is located at London, England, United Kingdom