Edge Hill University Badminton Club

About Edge Hill University Badminton Club

Welcome to EHU Badminton Club. This page will keep all members, family, friends and newcomers up to date with all fixtures, results and events. #oneteamonedream

Edge Hill University Badminton Club Description

Edge University Badminton Club is an all inclusive club welcoming players of all abilities to have a go. We currently have 4 men's teams and 2 ladies teams competing in the British Universities and Colleges Sports leagues. As a club we focus on promoting fun and well being allowing people to succeed both mentally and physically.

We train 2 times a week in the University's New Sports Centre as well as having social opportunities during the week:

2016 /17 Training Times
Tuesday 20: 00-22: 00 Edge Hill Sport - Sports Halls 1 & 2
Friday 17: 00-19: 00 Edge Hill Sport - Sports Hall 2

If you would like anymore information please get in touch.




So itвҖҷs that time of year again...
Massive congratulations for everyone who has received their final degree classifications, 3 years of hard work has finally paid off and you can now properly relax and celebrate that all the stress has been worth it!
For those of you who are leaving us, we wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do next! And youвҖҷre always welcome to pop by and join a training session if youвҖҷre around рҹҳү
... And for those of you who are choosing to stick with edge hill for further academic studies, letвҖҷs keep one team one dream alive!
Well done everyone! рҹ’ңрҹ’ҡ
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Little shout out to those joining us this September or those of you who are returning to play for Edge Hill badminton!


On Monday we celebrated the year with all the other sports teams within Edge Hill University at the annual Sports Awards. It was a great night for everyone! To top off the incredible night our very own Isaak Dalglish was awarded Sports Personality of the Year! рҹҷҢрҹҸј Isaak has been working nonstop to achieve success which he has been rewarded with over the past year. He is a great member of the club and we wish him all the best as he is currently competing at the Dubai international! Well done Isaak рҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹҸёрҹ’ҡ


HUGE Congratulations to our MenвҖҷs and WomenвҖҷs teams that both won their matches at Varsity yesterday! рҹҸҶрҹ’ҡрҹҸёрҹ’ңрҹҺү
WeвҖҷre very proud of our fantastic teams! Although weвҖҷre gutted we lost out on points to UCLAN in the end Edge Hill will claim it back next year!


ItвҖҷs time for our final matches of the season, VARSITY!! рҹҳұрҹҸҶрҹҺү
Tomorrow our menвҖҷs and womenвҖҷs 1st teams will head to UCLAN and weвҖҷre hoping for our 3rd consecutive win for both teams and Team Edge Hill! рҹҸҶ
If you can get yourselves down to cheer everyone on! рҹ’ҡрҹ’ң
... #teamedgehill
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Read all about our amazing Isaak in Team Edge HillвҖҷs post below! рҹҸёрҹҳҒрҹҸҶ


вӯҗпёҸ We have 7 of our players heading to Sheffield today for the weekend competing at the National Championships вӯҗпёҸ
We wish them the best of luck and to have an incredible weekend!
#OneTeamOneDream... #GreenArmy
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Our results from today are in!
вӯҗпёҸ MenвҖҷs 1st Won 8-0
ItвҖҷs another consecutive 8-0 win for our unstoppable lads. Some amazing performances on court yesterday, with fantastic shots being played. WeвҖҷll play lads, keep the winning streak up!
... Player of the match: Matt Latham рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
вӯҗпёҸ WomenвҖҷs 1sts won 5-3
This is the first win for our women this year in a very tough division 1! Great performances and rallies yesterday really showing in convincing scores. Partnerships are definitely improving, well done girls!
Player of the match: Katie Dudgeon & Dominika Zagorska рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
Certainly not forgetting our womenвҖҷs 2nd result from the previous week...
вӯҗпёҸ WomenвҖҷs 2nd won 8-0
WomenвҖҷs 2nds were on fire! A very convincing win after strong performances in both the singles and doubles. Lots of comfortable wins with blossoming partnerships, weвҖҷre very proud ladies
Player of the match: Lucy Hudson рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
рҹ’ҡрҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹҸҶрҹҸёрҹ’ңвӯҗпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸ»вҖҚ вҷӮпёҸ
#teamedgehill #oneteamonedream
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ItвҖҷs Wednesday which means itвҖҷs BUCs Wednesday and we only have 1 match today!
вӯҗпёҸ Our womenвҖҷs 2nd are playing Liverpool Hope womenвҖҷs 2nds away @ 1pm
LetвҖҷs wish them all the best of luck рҹ’ҡ
... Good luck to the other Team Edge Hill teams playing today!
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ItвҖҷs the first week of BUCS fixtures tomorrow!!
We have 3 teams playing tomorrow and theyвҖҷre all at home!! рҹ’ҡ
... вӯҗпёҸ MenвҖҷs 3rd vs University of Chester @ 3.30pm
вӯҗпёҸ MenвҖҷs 4th vs Liverpool Hope 2nds @ 1.30pm
вӯҗпёҸ WomenвҖҷs 2nds vs UCLAN @ 3.30pm
Please make sure you get down to support them to start the second season off with a win! рҹ’ҡрҹҸёрҹҸҶрҹҸғрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’ң
#oneteamonedream рҹ’ҡ
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WeвҖҷre in the hub today until 2pm. If you are looking to get into badminton for the remainder of the year or regret not signing up during welcome week come and sign up today!! рҹҸёрҹҸё


Some exciting events for us to look forward to as we approach the second half of our season! рҹ’ҡрҹҸҶ
No strings is back on tonight 5 - 6.45 in the new sports center so get yourselves down there. Even if youвҖҷve never played before and bring your friends and flat mates along with you! рҹҸёрҹҸё
Team training starts again tomorrow and weвҖҷre very excited to see everyone back from Christmas! рҹҳҒрҹ’ҡрҹҸғрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпё Ҹ
... #oneteamonedream
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Happy New Year, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas and weвҖҷre looking forward to getting back to training very soon рҹ’ҡрҹҸё
But firstly, could you please head over to Badminton Europe and vote for our very own Isaak Dalglish as European Fan Player of the Year! HeвҖҷs definitely a crowd entertainer both on and off the court with fantastic results so far this season and many more to come!


Last night we had an amazing time at our Christmas meal! рҹ’ҡрҹҺүрҹҚҫ
Thank you very much to our social sec Josh for organizing it all for us! рҹ‘Ҹ
Here are some pictures from last night including our third years who had their last Christmas meal with Edge Hill Badminton.
... What a great last time together before Christmas and we will see you all in 2019!
#oneteamonedream рҹ’ҡ
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ItвҖҷs the last BUCS Wednesday of 2018 and we only have 1 match today!
вӯҗпёҸ Our menвҖҷs 2nd are playing University of Lancaster away @ 1pm
LetвҖҷs wish them all the very best and then look forward to celebrating at our Christmas meal tonight рҹҺүрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹ’ҡ
... Good luck to the other 3 Team Edge Hill teams playing today!
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Our results from today are in!
вӯҗпёҸ MenвҖҷs 1st Drew 4-4
It was going to be a difficult match with a different team from last time, due to players unable to play. Despite this there were some great matches with extremely close scores unfortunately just missing out in the last match! Well played lads.
... Player of the match: Ben Winstanley & Richard Walsh рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»

вӯҗпёҸ MenвҖҷs 2nd lost 8-0
There were a of close matches and great games to watch, especially with three players playing up today. However the lads were unlucky with their result and were unable to seal the wins today and unfortunately lost 0-8 to Lancaster 2nds.
Player of the match: Louis Gunnell рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
вӯҗпёҸ Mens 3rd Drew 4-4
MenвҖҷs 3rds faced some difficult but close games with a weakened team. Unfortunately just missed out on the win in the final game of the day. Lots of positives to take away!
Player of the match: Jordan Baron рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
вӯҗпёҸ WomenвҖҷs 2nd lost 6-2
All the girls performed well against a tough opponent with a few close games and one player down. One doubles taking the last match to three and unfortunately just missing out.
Player of the match: Kithira Glasby рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
Well done to everyone who played this week and onto next week, where only our MenвҖҷs 2nd are in action with the last match before Christmas!
рҹ’ҡрҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹҸҶрҹҸёрҹ’ңвӯҗпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸ»вҖҚ вҷӮпёҸ
#teamedgehill #oneteamonedream
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ITвҖҷS MATCH DAY! рҹҸёрҹҸҶрҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
We have 2 teams playing at home today:
Home matches рҹҸЎ
... вӯҗпёҸ Edge Hill MenвҖҷs 2nd vs Lancaster University 2nd @ 1.30pm
вӯҗпёҸ Edge Hill WomenвҖҷs 2nd vs Keele University 1st @ 3.30pm
Away matches рҹҡҢ
вӯҗпёҸ Edge Hill MenвҖҷs 1st vs University of Liverpool 2nd @ 6pm
вӯҗпёҸ Edge Hill MenвҖҷs 3rd vs Liverpool Hope 1st @ 1pm
Please get down and give our 2nd team as much support as you can!! рҹҚҖ
Best of luck to all our teams playing and to all other Team Edge Hill teams playing this week! рҹ’ҡрҹҸёрҹҸҶрҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹҸғрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ
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Our results from last week are in!
вӯҗпёҸ MenвҖҷs 1st Lost 5-3
Everyone played the best they could despite air con issues but unfortunately it affected our boys performance. LetвҖҷs swap the result around for the home match!
... Player of the match: Kieran Waters рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
вӯҗпёҸ MenвҖҷs 2nd lost 7-1
Some great games from this match! The result definitely does not reflect the games with some being extremely close. Some great positives to take away from this match.
Player of the match: Ben Winstanley & Richard Walsh рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
вӯҗпёҸ Mens 3rd lost 5-3
Very close game for the 3rds, just losing out in 3 in the last doubles game. They put their all into the match and were very unlucky just to miss out. Onto next week lads!
Player of the match: Ben Williams рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
Well done to everyone who played this week and onto next week!
рҹ’ҡрҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹҸҶрҹҸёрҹ’ңвӯҗпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸ»вҖҚ вҷӮпёҸ
#teamedgehill #oneteamonedream
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More about Edge Hill University Badminton Club

Edge Hill University Badminton Club is located at Edge Hill University, L39 4QP Ormskirk