Edmaru Soul Creations

About Edmaru Soul Creations

They are spiritual, different, unique, quality products, made with the best materials, love and care to give an especial touch to your home.

Edmaru Soul Creations Description

Welcome to Bespoke Soul Creations -

It is an emotional moment when I have finished each product. I settle into a peaceful mindset before I start each product, all the wood is harvested lovingly, from fallen wood in the local woods. The Universe is alive and magical : )

My finished products, connect you to the natural world, helping you to step into the hidden realm of mystery magic and wonder. They are created with magical intention with a gateway for positivity and protection.

Our gifts are spiritual, different, unique, quality products, made with the best materials, love and care to give an especial touch to your home.

https://www. etsy.com/uk /shop /EdmaruSoulCreations?ref=hdr_shop_menu

Have a browse through my shop https://www. etsy.com/uk /shop /EdmaruSoulCreations?ref=hdr_shop_menu

More about Edmaru Soul Creations
