Effective Altruism

About Effective Altruism

Effective Altruism

Effective Altruism Description

A global community of people using reason and evidence to do the most good.



If your application for EA Global has been accepted, today is your last chance to register for an Early Bird ticket. Prices increase from £140 to £200 from tomorrow.
If you haven't applied yet, you'll find all the details here:


EA Global: London takes place on 26-28 October 2018. If you have a solid understanding of effective altruism, but would like to master more complex problems, gain skills, network, or move into a new role, you should consider attending.
The application only takes a few minutes and you don't have to pay for anything until you're accepted. Early bird tickets are currently £140 but prices increase to £200 after Wednesday 25 July.
Apply here:


Many organisations in the Effective Altruism community are looking for great operations people right now. In this week's 80000 Hours podcast, Tanya Singh explains the value of her work at the Future of Humanity Institute in Oxford and how you can follow a similar path.


“A good ops person doesn’t just allow you to scale linearly, but also can help figure out bottlenecks and solve problems such that the organization is able to do qualitatively different work, rather than just increase the total quantity”
Listen to the 80,000 Hours podcast with Tara Mac Aulay to learn more about the importance of operations roles in the effective altruism movement.


We are currently accepting applications to attend EA Global: London! Join us from 26-28 October to meet like-minded people, develop your career and learn from expert speakers.
Apply here:


The Centre for Effective Altruism is currently hiring for the following roles:
- EA Grants Evaluator - Community Specialist - UK & US Operations Specialists... - Events Specialist - Project Manager
Learn more about these positions and how to apply:
See More


A team at Yale are seeking participants for several studies to investigate what causes people to be altruistic.
You will be compensated for your participation, and have the chance to earn further bonuses based on your performance which will be donated to effective charities.
PARTICIPATE NOW: http://bit.ly/everydayexp


We're just a few days away from EA Global San Francisco 2018. Here's a reminder of last year's event.


One week left to submit your application for EA Global: San Francisco (8-10 June). Apply now:


There are two weeks left to submit applications for EA Global: San Francisco (8-10 June).
This year's conference will include a range of talks, workshops, whiteboard sessions and meetups to spark your curiosity.
Apply now:


Working in operations looks like the highest-impact role for many people in the effective altruism community right now.
To help address this bottleneck, CEA is running an Operations Forum in San Leandro, CA from May 24-28th. Register your interest: https://efctv.org/2r3xVve


The key idea of EA Global: San Francisco 2018 is ‘Stay Curious’.
Last year, our focus for EA Global was on ‘doing good together’. But as more people take the ideas behind effective altruism seriously, we must continue to seek new problems to work on, and be mindful that we may still be missing ‘cause X’. Read more: https://efctv.org/2GVl19k


One month until the application deadline for EA Global: San Francisco! This year’s theme is ‘Stay Curious’ with content tailored for people who already have a solid understanding of the core principles of effective altruism.
Apply now: https://efctv.org/2JGJxNc


We've opened applications for our summer internship program, with projects focused on community-building and research. Apply before March 25th:


Effective altruism is about using evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible and taking action on that basis. Want to get more involved? Read our guide:


Applications are now open for Effective Altruism Global: San Francisco, 8-10 June. Apply now!


We've just launched Effective Altruism Community Building Grants for individuals and groups doing local EA community building work. Learn more: https://efctv.org/2EVGE8D


Looking for part-time work? CEA is hiring for two contract roles; Assistant Event Producer & Communications Officer: https://www.centreforeffectivealtruism.or g/careers/


The Global Priorities Institute has released a new research agenda and is now hiring researchers and a maternity cover to run its operations https://efctv.org/2BwSeJx


This has been a big year for the Centre for Effective Altruism. This post summarises our work in 2017 and gives you a taste of the things we will be working on in 2018.


This page was recently reclaimed by the Effective Altruism Community


This page has now been reclaimed by the Effective Altruism Community as of April 2017.


This page has nothing to do with effective altruism.

Edit: Page has been updated, it now does have to do with effective altruism.


This movement positively shaped so many aspects of my life! I feel deeply grateful :)


They just might kill the horsemens of the apocalypse.


My encounter with effective altruism was life defining.


Great to see that the Effective Altruism community had taken this page back.


Glad to see the official page back. Go CEA!


Excellent. Effective Altruism is the best idea I've come across in my life, and I'm thrilled to have a unified organization with explicit and transparent goals steer the ship.


Edited to reflect CEA now owning the page. Old post below.


This is a scam page run by a person looking to promote his own blog. It has no association with the effective altruism community.


EA is a library of excellent knowledges on how to help others most effectively, and a community of excellent people applying this knowledge. By consuming the resources associated with EA, and mingling with its people, you too will probably become more effective at helping others. If you want. : )


Best community I've ever been a part of. Smart, thoughtful and ambitious people.


This page was recently reclaimed by the Effective Altruism Community


This page has now been reclaimed by the Effective Altruism Community as of April 2017.


This page has nothing to do with effective altruism.

Edit: Page has been updated, it now does have to do with effective altruism.


This movement positively shaped so many aspects of my life! I feel deeply grateful :)


They just might kill the horsemens of the apocalypse.


My encounter with effective altruism was life defining.


Great to see that the Effective Altruism community had taken this page back.


Glad to see the official page back. Go CEA!


Excellent. Effective Altruism is the best idea I've come across in my life, and I'm thrilled to have a unified organization with explicit and transparent goals steer the ship.


Edited to reflect CEA now owning the page. Old post below.


This is a scam page run by a person looking to promote his own blog. It has no association with the effective altruism community.


EA is a library of excellent knowledges on how to help others most effectively, and a community of excellent people applying this knowledge. By consuming the resources associated with EA, and mingling with its people, you too will probably become more effective at helping others. If you want. : )


Best community I've ever been a part of. Smart, thoughtful and ambitious people.

More about Effective Altruism
