
About Effectusfit

James is a qualified Personal trainer who specialises in Body Transformations through Strength & Conditioning. Online coaching also available.

Effectusfit Description

Check out my Twitter @JamesWaggittPT
Check out my YouTube Channel at James Waggitt-IFPT

Giving you help with all your fitness and health needs.



Make sure to change things around during your fitness journey in order to keep it exciting! This goes for both workouts and healthy eating. It is easy to get bored, and once boredom settles in its even easier to lose motivation.


We often take for granted the importance and benefit of daily movement 🚶‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️ - As we get older, we become more accustomed to sitting and moving around less. It’s usually not our fault and has a lot to do with our careers. This can lead to awful muscular imbalances, overall tightness and weight gain. -... Take time from your day to MOVE around, walk to grab a coffee, take a lap around the office or do some light cardio.
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Struggling to get fit? read this 👇🏻 - We only have so much energy throughout the day. - The truth is - many of us use our energy inefficiently.... - We try to be everywhere and take care of everything - But, in reality, we aren’t actually getting anything done and most of the time it’s not stuff that’s important to us. - One of the best things you can do (before taking on fitness which will take a lot of energy) - Is to start setting limits and removing non-priorities from your life. - For example, running errands for people that aren’t important, holding long conversations with negative people, drinking with co-workers because you are bored, etc.. - I promise... - If you cut down on the shit that doesn’t matter, you will be able to sustain this lifestyle much easier.
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TRAIN for strength and lose MORE fat 👇🏻 - I know this is a weird concept to most.. - Lifting heavy weights is not typically associated with lost weight (especially in advertising)... - Truth is... - It’s not sexy It hurts It hard AF - But, it’s legit the best thing you can do for fat loss - Here’s why you should do it - 1️⃣ Strength is muscle
Getting stronger is the best indicator for gaining lean muscle.
2️⃣ Performance based goals
Fat loss takes time and you need to enjoy your workout whilst doing it.
Lifting for strength and creating weekly goals is the best way to do so.
3️⃣ Strength mindset
Being strong feels fucking amazing (for both men and woman)
You feel like a boss both in and out of the gym. Physical strength carries over to mental strength. - I promise... - Train for strength and watch what happens 💪🏻
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So, I have a legit question and want real answers to it... - Why do you want to get fit (or stay fit)? - The obvious answer is we want to look good naked.. of course... - But, that’s not enough to keep going and pushing yourself in the gym - Diving deeper - what is your extra push? - For me, I want to stay fit to feel fucking awesome - I absolutely love jumping out of bed with more energy, enthusiasm and drive to start my day - I’m addicted and can’t live without to be honest - But, why do you want to get fit? Let me know in the comments 💪🏻
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PULL, PULL and PULL some more 👈🏻 - Most training splits are focused on push movements (chest press, shoulder press etc..), but neglect the importance of pulling movements (back, rear delts etc..). - To balance your physique, you need to make sure both days are equal (if not more focused on pulling).... - Any questions DM me, let’s reach our goals together 💪🏻.
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DONT TRY TO LOSE FAT, INSTEAD DO THIS 👇🏻 - First off, having a fat loss goal is not bad - I’m all for it... but I’m not a fan of the mindset it creates.... - The fat loss mindset usually creates a cycle of yo-yo dieting, impatience and excessive exercise. - Victims of this mentality will try every new diet, class, supplement or trend that will supposedly “destroy fat” - Unfortunately, they never actually get there (or sustain it if they do) and it drives me insane. - Because the reality is.. - Once you abandon the fat loss mindset and focus on what actually matters, you’ll reach your goal. - Here’s what to focus on instead. - 🍏 EAT MOSTLY WHOLE, NUTRITIOUS FOODS.
📝 TRACK YOUR WORKOUTS & SET GOALS - Try this and I promise you will see the results you’ve been chasing!!
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Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about having fun and seeking out joy. - As little kids we’re fun professionals! We know intuitively how to have fun. But soon our priorities change. Instead of focusing on fun, we start to focus on achieving goals. - We learn to become outcome-oriented. We put our energy into getting good grades, making sports teams, finding prom dates, getting into college and so on.... - This pattern only intensifies in adulthood. We fixate on our goals. We focus so much on the outcome that we struggle and suffer to get to where we want to be. - We withhold happiness from ourselves until we check that goal off our list. And then we’re immediately onto the next goal! We get hung up on the idea that joy comes from achievement. - The ironic thing is that we have it totally backwards! By having fun and leaning toward joy, we achieve our goals with much less effort. In truth, our goal isn’t to achieve something. The goal is to have fun along the way to what we desire!
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THINGS I WISH I KNEW WHEN I FIRST GOT INTO FITNESS 👈🏻 - 👉🏻 Diet is the most important 👉🏻 Cardio doesn’t burn fat, lifting weights does 👉🏻 Exercise form over weight... 👉🏻 Mobility work and warming up are mandatory 👉🏻 Working out too much can have a negative impact on results 👉🏻 Avoid crash dieting - slow and steady always wins 🐌 👉🏻 Choose an exercise program you enjoy and can actually abide to - Have a great weekend
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There are only 2 things in this life that you can control: your thoughts and your actions. - Everything else you can't control is irrelevant: Traffic, peoples opinions, the news etc... - stressing any of that only takes away from you and doesn't add anything truly valuable. ... - I have no opinion on politics, who's dating who, or anything else that isn't pushing my agenda forward. - I see people who's sole purpose is to wait on someone to post something and the second they don't agree they leave a shitty comment trying to validate themselves or get some form of clout. - You can miss me with all of that. I'm either pushing someone forward or ignoring that shit altogether. - Like I said, you can only really control two things in life so focus on those and let everyone else play in the mud. We'll see who was just talking and who was really working when the dust settles.
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Waggitt, do you need to do cardio? - First off, it depends on what your goal is.. - If your goal is to gain lean muscle mass, then not really. If your goal is to shred fat, then it could be a good idea.... - What exactly does cardio do? - In terms of fat loss, cardio is a short term solution for burning calories. - ❌ it does not “target” fat or remove fat from your body. Only a calorie deficit and resistance training can do that. - However, there are some unique benefits of cardio.. - ✅ improves recovery time from heavy workouts ✅ Decreases stress and mental clarity ✅ Burns more calories in the “short term” ✅ Longer sexy time (which a friend told me is really fun) - What form and how much should I do? - You can really do whatever form of cardio you enjoy. Some prefer the stair stepper, bike, treadmill etc. Some, prefer running or walking tons, Some, like myself, prefer football or boxing. - In terms of how much cardio, it is really dependant on your goal and how much exercise you’re doing on top of it. - Here are some guidelines that have helped myself and clients... - 1️⃣ Cardio should be used to recover from your workouts. It should never take the place of a resistance training day. - 2️⃣ Stay away from high intensity interval training between training session. This will place too much stress on your body. - 3️⃣ Do forms of cardio you actually enjoy! - 4️⃣ Running is the harshest form of cardio.. if it hurts your knees/shins/lower back, DON’T RUN!! - Hope this helps!!
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Fit people aren't born with will power
In fact, nobody is....
... Will power develops overtime
At first, it can be tough to eat healthy, consistently workout and learn to say "no"
But, if you stick with it for long enough... your will power will grow (like a 💪🏻)
Soon enough, these things that felt difficult or sometimes draining will be effortless
So, good news is that you have will power
You just need to develop it by sticking to your goals
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There's just some things in life I don't understand...
1️⃣ How do people enjoy kale?
2️⃣ Why squat on a exercise ball?
... 3️⃣ Why put butter in your coffee?
4️⃣ What's the point of detoxes?
I know.. pretty deep for a Friday Eve 😂😂😂 I feel like I'm going mad.
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Waggitt, how do these Instagram people eat shitty foods non-stop and NOT gain weight?
I've been in the fitness industry a while now...
So, I am well aware of the instagram "tricks and secrets" to stay lean.
... Here are my possible answers:
This is the only way to stay lean. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight. And, once you get lean, you just need to maintain it (which allows you to eat a little more).
So, if ________ is eating 2000 calorie burgers every night.... they aren't eating much during the day, which can be done by intermittent fasting, stimulants, sleeping all day, etc..
If they aren't restricting calories and can afford to eat way more than any normal human being, they are devoting their lives to exercise. Personally, I've never seen anyone able to sustain this lifestyle.
Most people who stay fit year-round do not eat food like this on the regular. It is 10000x more sustainable by eating mostly whole, filling foods.
So, you are probably seeing the "cheat meals" or foods that get thrown away after the photo.
🔑 I guess the key takeaway here is that there's no "secret" to what they're doing. Energy balance is key.
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Today’s workout 💪🏻 biceps!
Save this workout and give it a try, if you want to start getting bigger arms then you need to start working them right, this workout is for biceps but don’t neglect the triceps as if bigger arms is what you want then training them both will give you that! _________________________________________ ____
... Alternating Bicep Curls - 10 reps Preacher Curl - 10 reps DB Hammer Curl - 15 reps Chin ups - 15 reps . Beginner - once round is enough Intermediate - 2x Advanced - 3x . If your doing more than 3 times then the weight is too light, you want to be just hitting them reps, if you can do more reps weight too light take it up! _________________________________________ ____ If you want more workouts like this for different muscles, drop me a message I have online training programmes that will be just for you, train right 💪🏻
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
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Throw back to when I lifted my best Deadlift (202.5KG)
Strength 💪🏻 what is it??
Iv been doing strength training a long time now and I love it over any other type of training, when I see my deadlift or chest press numbers going up it gives me a great buzz, setting my next target and then going after it and achieving it, it just feels awesome.
... But what is it, I can search the internet and find videos of people doing a 150kg squat and thinking wow that guy is strong, but then find another video of someone lifting 200kg etc.. so is the guy who did 150kg not really that strong! But then think about this, who is stronger, someone who can deadlift 2 times their own bodyweight, or someone who can bale hay all day long and come back and do it the next day? Who has stronger legs, Chris Froome or Cristiano Ronaldo? And how do we measure the leg strength of Haile Gebreselassie, a guy who is only 5' 3 and 55kg soaking wet, but can run 26 miles in a row well under a five minute pace?
Of course these are all silly questions. (But strangely compelling!) One way to answer them might be to start defining different kinds of strength. So one guy has absolute strength, the other guy has power, one guy has strength endurance, etc.
Experts have created many different categories of strength along these lines, distinguishing maximal strength from strength speed, from speed strength, from strength endurance from reactive strength. And then of course there’s eccentric, isometric and concentric strength.
But there are further complications to consider. Even within any one of these categories of strength, it’s real world application depends on many other variables, such as the angle of the joint, accurate direction of the resultant force, the positioning and movement of the other joints, postural control and balance, the ability to relax the antagonist muscles and recruit stabilizer muscles, maintenance of a focused mental state, the absence of pain, etc.
In fact, if we were to extend all the categories of strength to their logical conclusion and respect the true specificity of strength, we could simply say that great deadlifters have great lifting strength, that marathoners have long distance running strength, and that Tiger Woods has great golf ball hitting strength. But now we are right back to our circular definition, where we just say that strength is the quality of being able to do stuff that takes strength.
So what is strength?
How about a small, simple definition for strength? ABILITY. To be strong is to have ability. In life, in the gym, and in relationships. The ability to overcome the physical, emotional, or subjective obstacles that hinder our progress as human beings. That is strength.
I like it!
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
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Don’t attack weight loss on an “all or nothing” approach. This never works. Little steps are your best approach. Pick one thing each week to work on. Whatever it may be… getting an extra hour of sleep, drinking an extra glass of water per day, consuming more protein… small steps will always allow you to build up to a bigger reward.


It’s not easy, and I highly doubt I’d have kept it up this long if it was. It is however rewarding in more ways than one. Be passionate, be consistent and be patient.


Don't wait for it to happen, go make it happen.
Never lose faith. Silence says a lot more than you think.
... Do the best you can with what you have.
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If you want to get strong then I would recommend adding in deadlifts, but before you do check out this video first!! 💪🏻 BOSH.


Thank you James for being such a fantastic inspirational motivator for fitness. I can't believe how much I have changed my eating habits since I started pt with you. The confidence I feel grows every day....and its just the beginning of the journey to a new me!


Started Circuits a few weeks ago and can honestly say, best class I've been to! Not only does the class tackle every aspect of fitness/weight loss, but everyone is lovely and James is always on hand to give professional advice and assist you, with your own personal goals and needs. Highly highly recommended!


Started Boxercise in January and absolutely loved it, now also do the Circuits class and love that too, ive lost almost 2 stone since i started, James is a lovely guy and a fantastic support full of encouragement and knowledge and always makes his classes fun, no two classes have ever been the same so its never boring would highly recommend everyone give his class ago !


Really great guys. Genuinely interested in helping you reach you goals. Classes are lively and always fun.


Never thought I'd say I enjoy exercise, but I love my boxercise class! No two are ever the same and I am ready to drop at the end! Great, thank you James. :)


Massively recommend. Great person, great advice and a great setup with even more potential for future.


Just started these classes in the day time while I am on maternity leave, really enjoy every class, they are tough and effective and the trainers are brilliant focusing on technique, HIIT, cardio and strength... Plus they let the mum's bring the kids which is a massive bonus!


Just finished an 8 week weight gain training program with James and I couldn't be happier with the results! Always struggled to put weight and muscle on and Iv managed to do both with the nutritional plan and guidance from James.

Highly recommend anyone who struggles the same as me to get in contact with him!


James is really supportive and is avaliable all the time and changes things if needed to help support me as best as possible x


I've recently completed a 12week hard gainer program with James and I highly recommend him. He'll make a program to fit your requirements can't thank him enough


I have been weight training for numerous years now but found it difficult putting on weight and not knowing which exercises are best for building muscle. For the past 8 weeks I have been working with James Waggit from Effectusfit in his skinny to muscle program. I entered this program weighing 197lbs and after 8 weeks of 3 days a week training with James I now weigh 202lbs. This was achieved by following the provided exercises and routines along with following the diet plans James provided. James made the sessions easy and fun to follow and was always available for help and assistance outside of the classes.

I would highly recommend James for anyone looking to gain weight through his skinny to muscle program.


I have been personal training with Ricky for nearly 6 months, have lost over a stone and dropped a dress size (nearly 2). Every session is different and so much fun I can't imagine ever giving it up. Highly recommend him :)


Have done an 8 week weight gain training program with James and I am very happy with the results! Always struggled to gain weight and muscle and I have done that. It was the help I needed to get started I hope to continue in the future.

Highly recommend anyone who struggles the same as I was give James a call.


Fantastic trainer with bags of enthusiasm, you never tire of James instructions and the end result is definitely worth it. Go on and give James a try what have you got to lose?


Couldn’t believe the results I got with Effectus fit - really helped me tone and lose weight! Couldn’t recommend enough. 5*


Can not recommend enough, great classes, great pts. Very professional. Love it here!


Been training with James for few years. Have lost weight & toned up very noticeably. Feel so much better.


Been going to classes and had some PT with Ricky and the results have been awesome. Improvements in every aspect after 1 week of strength training!


Been doing pt for a few weeks and just started doing a class as well with these guys! I can't recommend them enough! Very supportive and helpful with training and Nutrition. I am already starting to notice the difference in myself the change in shape and health to. Feeling great!

More about Effectusfit

Effectusfit is located at Sumners Leisure Center, CM19 5RD Harlow, Essex
+44 7969 776572