Eft Matrix Reimprinting

About Eft Matrix Reimprinting

Welcome to Karl Dawson's Matrix Reimprinting! Here you can keep up-to-date with all the news, dates and developments from this cutting-edge personal development technique, dramatically improving health and well-being. http://matrixreimprinting.com



#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: https://goo.gl/czVfQa


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


#FridayFunny Change your life. #MatrixReimprinting - Become a practitioner: www.matrixreimprinting.net


When EFT & Matrix are used together they are two of the most powerful and effective tools for clearing historical trauma and facilitating your own ability to transform your life. I am delighted to be qualified as a practitioner and grateful to be part of such a wonderful community. :-)


There's a trend if we look back through history of modest people making life changing discoveries.

Karl comes into this category with his Matrix Reimprinting, building on another modest chap's work, Gary Craig's EFT. It's had a massive impact on my life and those people with whom I've practised.

Matrix Reimpriniting, for me is up there as the no.1 'sort your life out' tool - like going 'Back To The Future' to sort life out - literally.

It's more than worth it to do the course with Karl even if you just want to help yourself and family as it's so uncomplicated and quickly effective.


The beauty of EFT is that it's such a simple and effective technique that works when counseling and cognitive understanding of your problems or traumas just isn't enough to make that desperately needed shift in your body and whole being. Matrix reimprinting is EFT on LSD 😁- so powerful, insightful and such fun, giving you the tool for profound healing. Karl Dawson's books and training are soooo worth it if you're ready for some soul work and to allow yourself to heal! I feel so creatively empowered now that I'm using this wondrous energy tool as I'm witnessing the shifts in my health, relationships and attitude to life.


Matrix Reimprinting with EFT is a creative and highly effective, client centered therapeutic approach. I studied with Karl Dawson, who is a wonderful teacher, and I have to say it has absolutely changed my life for the better. I receive consistently positive responses from clients who have also found the benefits of deep healing through Matrix Reimprinting.


Matrix Reimprinting is indeed a marvellous technique that Karl invented and it deserves to become available to all people. Karl is an amazing inspiration to me as he managed to overcome his chronic fatigue syndrome and I have yet to do the same for me and with it goes of course Bruce Lipton when he says that our beliefs are shaping our lives and we do not need to become enslaved to our genes.


Matrix Reimprinting is an incredible modality that has helped myself and many others move through and past trauma and find healing many times over. Client-led, powerful AND empowering. Accessible from anywhere. Would recommend to anyone.


Matrix Reimprinting has first hand helped me to heal from numerous health/physical issues including severe hayfever, period pain, abnormal cervix cells and PTSD.

I first learned of MR back in 2009, trained with Karl and have recommended him and MR to many people.

There are no words to express how much it has transformed my life. It continues to be one of my go to healing tools.



MatrIx reimprinting is a powerful and amazing modality! I am so grateful to have found it. I have let go of the trauma and limiting beliefs I wasn't even aware I had. And it has allowed me to move forward with my life in a much more positive direction. Thank to Matrix reimprinting my life has transformed In ways I didn't think possible before. It's life changing and everyone should try it!


It's very difficult to explain exactly what matrix reimprinting does for you. But, I will try! It totally transforms your life! If you are sick and in physical pain, it can heal you (you need to be ready to heal and it takes time, but it WORKS)! If you are full of anger, it helps you release it, if you are sad, it brings you joy, if you are grieving, long after your loss, it helps you see the joy in your memories instead of the pain. If someone has broken your heart, it puts it back together. In all honesty, whatever is holding you back from enjoying life, matrix reimprinting will find it and release it. There you will find freedom and peace, and who doesn't want that? Matrix reimprinting has healed me physically, emotionally and mentally. Come and join the fun! 💕


I was blown away by EFT and its effectiveness for dealing with past traumas. I am using EFT and Matrix Reprinting with family and friends with a view to taking EFT into schools. Thank you Karl for an amazing life changing course.


I used to really like EFT, until I found out how deep Matrix Reimprinting was. It has changed my life in many ways and it has empowered me to assist others in their healing process. It has allowed me through the layers of time, peel them off and not only find the roots but actually, remove the beliefs that imprisoned and enslaved my mind. The way I see it, in my utopic world, if there was a healing bible in every home, then Matrix Reimprinting would on the first page. Thank you Karl for creating this tool.


I love EFT and Matrix Reimprinting. They are most definitely tools that have changed my lives and continue to change the lives of my clients. I'm so grateful to have learned these amazing techniques from Karl Dawson. I seriously can't recommend this work high enough. Put aside your inner critic and take the plunge, you won't regret it!


I can honestly say that Karl, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting saved my life. In the right hands this is one of the worlds most effective and lasting transformational tools. I am so grateful to have met Karl and proud to now be qualified as a practitioner and to be one of the MR family!


I absolutely loved the courses that Karl held. I learnt not only a lot about how to help others, but also learnt a lot about myself. Karl, as a tutor, is very calm, funny, approachable and engages well on a 'human' level, enabling the coursework easier to absorb and digest.

I have attended 3 of his workshops and enjoyed every single one. I would highly recommend them to anyone


EFT is a powerful self-help tool that, once you can get over how daft it looks, can really calm the stress response in the body and facilitate new insights in seconds. Matrix Reimprinting takes it to a whole other (quantum) dimension. Every time I have used it to work on myself during Karl's life-changing trainings, I have gone home and the same issue presents itself to be healed in my family. It is no coincidence. Time and time again, it has shown me that when you work in the matrix, you access the field of pure potentiality in which everyone and everything is connected. This is such powerfully healing and transformative work. I can't recommend it highly enough!


EFT and Matrix Reimprinting is a wonderful tool to help heal the traumas, big and small that we all acquire in our life time. Patterns are uncovered, and released, limiting beliefs that hold us back from a joyful, fulfilling life go by the wayside. Suddenly our life takes on a deeper understanding and awareness of why and how we attracted certain experience and relationships into our lives, repeating the same thing over and over again just with different faces and different places. Freedom from our own created pain comes in the form of this strange technique that uses gentle tapping on specific trigger points on your body as you talk through your story and the Matrix part, well that is where the really deep transforming work takes place. Everyone should have this tool in their tool kit and every school should teach children how to use EFT on a daily basis. What peaceful, anxiety free, happy schools we would have.


EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are superb modalities, and the training I had from the wonderful Karl Dawson has served me so well in my personal development. And enabled me to do the same for others. Deceptively easy, and do effective.


EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are simply magic !!

Using your own natural energy to heal yourself and clear traumas, negativity, phobias, anxiety and pain without medication is a no brainer for me. Having worked with EFT for 3 years and now Matrix Reimprinting and seen the results in myself and others is life changing. Thank you to Karl Dawson, you are a star !!


EFT Matrix Reimprinting has turned my life around, by transforming my beliefs and my thinking... from trying to find out what was wrong with me... to seeing all the things that are 'right' and wonderful. Also seeing many friends and clients shift is profoundly moving... Matrix Reimprinting with EFT is a powerful tool and a beautiful gift to the world. Thank you Karl Dawson and Gary Craig.

More about Eft Matrix Reimprinting

Eft Matrix Reimprinting is located at B966HS Feckenham