Electoral Reform Society

About Electoral Reform Society

The Electoral Reform Society is leading the campaign for your democratic rights. Join us at www. electoral-reform.org. uk

Electoral Reform Society Description

The Electoral Reform Society is campaigning for a better democracy. Join us at www. electoral-reform.org. uk



Threats by noble Lords to hold up the passage of ALL legislation in the House because of their opposition to Lords reform led to Blair and the Conservative leader in the House, Viscount Cranborne, negotiating a secret deal to bring in the by-elections. https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/the-l udicrousness-of-h…/


Voters across the nations are being let down by their local democracy - but it doesn't need to be this way. When Scotland introduced fair votes to its local elections in 2007, overnight every Council became competitive, forcing a renewal of local democracy.
With the old system, barely half of Scots got a councillor they voted for, now, the vast majority have a councillor who was their favourite candidate. Sign our petition for fair votes 👉https://action.electoral-reform.org.u k/page/2401/petition/1


We revealed that banning voters without ID from General Elections could cost between £4.3m and £20.4m per election, excluding any IT equipment costs. https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/gover nment-figures-hav…/


Voters in England and Wales are being let down by their local democracy. By using Westminster's broken electoral system for local Council elections, it means we often get councils that don't represent what people voted for.
We are left with a broken system with unchecked power. In this year's local elections in Lewisham, only 52% of people voted Labour but they won every seat. Sign our petition 👉https://action.electoral-reform.org.u k/page/2401/petition/1


Gerrymandering is drawing constituencies to get a desired result - but even with our independent boundary commission, as long as each area has only has one representative, where boundaries go will decide the winner. We want to change this, join us here: https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/join- the-movement/


The government has found time to address the franchise of overseas electors, yet not the major electoral integrity challenges faced in the UK http://www.democraticaudit.com/…/the-uk s-democracy-is-in-d…/


If a party can win supporters and lose seats or lose supporters and gain seats how can the public properly hold them to account? #FirstPastThePost https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/how-c an-a-party-lose-s…/


Countries with hereditary lawmakers: UK 🇬🇧 & Lesotho 🇱🇸
Countries where clerics can vote on legislation: UK 🇬🇧 & Iran 🇮🇷
Countries with a bigger legislative chamber than the Lords: China 🇨🇳.
... Sign the petition to stop this nonsense : http://ers.do/House-of-lords
See More


Despite evidence that already-marginalised groups will be those who suffer the most from ID requirements - the government is pushing ahead with the policy regardless https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/the-g overnment-is-wear…/


Democratic Audit found unprecedented declines in the core institutions of the UK’s democratic system, particularly at the centre. http://www.democraticaudit.com/…/auditi ng-the-uks-democrac…/


In comparative league tables of liberal democracies the UK’s democracy is judged to be First Division, but not Premier League. http://www.democraticaudit.com/…/in-com parative-league-tab…/


The #HouseofLords effectively has seats reserved for men https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/the-h ouse-of-lords-eff…/


The vast majority of people on the continent are used to the idea that if more people vote for a party they will get more seats. Only in Westminster, France and Belarus do some voters have more power than others. https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/which -european-countri…/


In comparative league tables of liberal democracies the UK’s democracy is judged to be First Division, but not Premier League. http://www.democraticaudit.com/…/in-com parative-league-tab…/


Here are five New Year’s resolutions ministers should be signing up to so that in 2019.
https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/five- new-years-resolut…/


How undemocratic is the #HouseofLords? We think the case for reform is also now impossible to ignore. http://ed.gr/4tj3


Bringing the country together on this issue can seem almost an impossible task. But there is a tried and tested way of doing this: a Citizens’ Assembly of randomly selected citizens.
https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/there s-a-way-through-t…/


From Halloween: In 1917 a group of prominent Sligo citizens decided to form the cross-community Sligo Ratepayers Association to campaign for reform of their stagnating town.
A fair voting system was at the top of their list of demands. It's thanks to them, Ireland has a fair voting system today. https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/the-g raveyard-of-first…/


If the government don't need the majority of people to vote for them, are they going to govern in the interests of the majority?
We need to change Westminster's voting system to put the majority back in control. https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/campa …/electoral-reform/


We need to desperately need to change the voting system in England. At present the first pass the post is unfair and not a true account of what the Electorates want. The system is unfair as the minority wins.


We need everyone's voices to be heard all the time, not just in one off events, like the recent referendum. I believe Safe seats are a major reason for apathy.


Time to change our voting system for the greater good of the common man. Its well passed time we, the electorate, took charge of politics and make our votes realy count for something!


Now, more than ever, we need PR so that we can be a truly democratic society!


It really is time we abandoned this voting system. It's as patently unfair as not having voted for women. We can't tell people that every vote counts when that's so patently untrue.


In an increasingly undemocratic UK, the importance of an independent body to represent the need and views of those who seek reform and accountability is paramount.


I believe this organisation is essential if we are to ever have a democratic voting system.


I am 78 years of age and living in a Conservative constituency. I have voted for Labour for 57 years, when reaching 21 years of age in 1961. Never ONCE has my vote made a difference to the outcome of any election. That's why I support proportional representation.


How can we encourage people to vote...when so many of our votes don't count !!!


Great Alliance with Make Votes Matter and Unlock Democracy.


Fighting the underlying issue that plagues every democratic country at the moment: People are not represented, votes are being ignored.

If we fixed these systems, the world would be a much better place.


ERS has campaigned tirelessly for decades to replace our outmoded, unfair, unpredictable voting system with a proportional system that produces a parliament that actually reflects the way people have voted.


Change is long overdue. Westminster and the corporatocracy must be brought to heel.


Campaigning to make Britain a fairer democracy for all. Rich or poor.


Absolutely 100% essential. Ok, at least forty characters.....


The essence of one vote for all eligible voters is translate into giving meaning to equality of representation in the assemblies. If the assemblies do not reflect the voices of the people then democracy is dislodged and incessantly misplaced. Our votes should reflect our voices in the law making chamber. Democracy must continue


Now is the time in history to really go for it. Change must come to Lords in next few months, legislated change or the farce and political manipulation smog the House will further disrespect out Democracy. General Election reform must happen before the next election or people will not bother to vote and the numbers will indicate another election where a minority voted in a team, - whether that local or General Elections that is where we have sunk to!


How do you become a member of citizens assembly?


We need to desperately need to change the voting system in England. At present the first pass the post is unfair and not a true account of what the Electorates want. The system is unfair as the minority wins.


We need everyone's voices to be heard all the time, not just in one off events, like the recent referendum. I believe Safe seats are a major reason for apathy.


Time to change our voting system for the greater good of the common man. Its well passed time we, the electorate, took charge of politics and make our votes realy count for something!


Now, more than ever, we need PR so that we can be a truly democratic society!


It really is time we abandoned this voting system. It's as patently unfair as not having voted for women. We can't tell people that every vote counts when that's so patently untrue.


In an increasingly undemocratic UK, the importance of an independent body to represent the need and views of those who seek reform and accountability is paramount.


I believe this organisation is essential if we are to ever have a democratic voting system.


I am 78 years of age and living in a Conservative constituency. I have voted for Labour for 57 years, when reaching 21 years of age in 1961. Never ONCE has my vote made a difference to the outcome of any election. That's why I support proportional representation.


How can we encourage people to vote...when so many of our votes don't count !!!


Great Alliance with Make Votes Matter and Unlock Democracy.


Fighting the underlying issue that plagues every democratic country at the moment: People are not represented, votes are being ignored.

If we fixed these systems, the world would be a much better place.


ERS has campaigned tirelessly for decades to replace our outmoded, unfair, unpredictable voting system with a proportional system that produces a parliament that actually reflects the way people have voted.


Change is long overdue. Westminster and the corporatocracy must be brought to heel.


Campaigning to make Britain a fairer democracy for all. Rich or poor.


Absolutely 100% essential. Ok, at least forty characters.....


The essence of one vote for all eligible voters is translate into giving meaning to equality of representation in the assemblies. If the assemblies do not reflect the voices of the people then democracy is dislodged and incessantly misplaced. Our votes should reflect our voices in the law making chamber. Democracy must continue


Now is the time in history to really go for it. Change must come to Lords in next few months, legislated change or the farce and political manipulation smog the House will further disrespect out Democracy. General Election reform must happen before the next election or people will not bother to vote and the numbers will indicate another election where a minority voted in a team, - whether that local or General Elections that is where we have sunk to!


How do you become a member of citizens assembly?

More about Electoral Reform Society
