Elizabeth Louise Support

About Elizabeth Louise Support

My name is Elizabeth.
I was born in 1991, I am the eldest child of three. I have two brothers who were born in 1993 & 1995.
I am a survivor of child abuse & neglect.
My father abused my brothers and I from as early as I can remember. He was an alcoholic. My mother allowed my father to abuse us and was in and out of Mental Health hospitals when we were growing up.
Despite Children's Services being involved with our family we were never removed from our parents; my father denied any allegations put infront of him and my mother lied to protect him; years later it was found that the Social workers chose not to investigate the situation further as they were scared of him.
My brothers and I were neglected, we were not fed or cleaned and we were abused in every way imaginable. The only respite we got was when we went to school, however this was not often as we were mostly kept at home to hide our bruises and keep our fathers secrets safe. Part of me loved being at school because I could just be a normal girl but part of me dreaded it, I was aware that I was unwashed and filthy, I was infested with head lice and I was bullied for the way I looked and smelled.
I would try constantly to care for my baby brothers, after their beatings with belts or other weapons I would try and offer them the love and support I knew they needed, I remember the three of us crying together, asking each other how we were going to survive. I can only describe my childhood as living in hell. Some days I did not want to be alive and I would pray that I would die.
Finally in 2003 when we were age 11, 9 & 7 we were removed from our parents care and placed in Foster care, we were split up immediately from one another and homed individually, I went from being with my brothers every minute of every day to seeing them at a supervised contact session once a month.
In 2011 West Sussex Council admitted liability for their grave failings and paid myself & my 2 brothers a substantial amount of compensation for our lost childhoods.
My father went to prison when he was found guilty of his crimes against us and he remains on the sex offenders register today.
My parents are still together, my mum chose to stand by my dad and not have a relationship with her children. Since we were removed from her care she has not once been hospitalised, I believe this is because when we were there she needed the 'break' from him and what he was doing to us.
After I was rescued I stayed with one amazing foster mum & foster dad who has since sadly passed away (another hell of a trauma) for who immediately showed me what I'd never had - love, kindness & compassion, I still call her mum to this day. In between being with her I also lived with my Grandparents; whilst I was with my biological parents they were allowed minimal input and had no idea of the abuse reigned upon us who gave me the education and strong mind I have today.
I had therapy to help me deal with my trauma and I started to heal.
I am now a mum to my 2 sons and I have an amazing supportive husband.
I have begun this page, in the hope I can help other people who have or are enduring childhood abuse, in any shape or form, for anyone that needs help or support right now with something they think they maybe witnessing or on behalf of someone else. I want to help end the suffering that is child abuse.
I am a qualified therapist and specialist in sports massage therapy along with 7 other massage therapies listed in my services to help people. . . but I also offer an open service where people can contact me to talk about anything that they are going through. . . .
Thank you for reading my story

I run my business page now along side the support page, many people chose massage for the instant relieve of stress and anxiety, it helps to put your mind and body in a state of relaxation allowing every day worries easier to deal with. Many other people will chose it for
- Health conditions such as poor immune systems
- Sport Injury problems
- Lymph drainage issues
- Winter blues
- Sleeping problems
- Anxiety & self esteem issues
- Nutrition advise
- Relaxation
- Time to themselves
- Sports injuries
- Sprains and Stains
- Back Pain
- Pregnancy (2nd Stage)
- Headaches
- Pre and Post event massage
- Period Pain
- Joint & ligament pain
- Trapped nerves
& the list can go on , pretty much anything can be treated by myself.

Whatever you choose your massage for I am sure to help you, by leaving me in a more relaxed and comfortable state of mind and body.

My email address is elmtherapist@gmail.com

Elizabeth Louise Support Description

My name is Elizabeth.
I was born in 1991, I am the eldest child of three. I have two brothers who were born in 1993 & 1995.
I am a survivor of child abuse & neglect.
My father abused my brothers and I from as early as I can remember. He was an alcoholic. My mother allowed my father to abuse us and was in and out of Mental Health hospitals when we were growing up.
Despite Children's Services being involved with our family we were never removed from our parents; my father denied any allegations put infront of him and my mother lied to protect him; years later it was found that the Social workers chose not to investigate the situation further as they were scared of him.
My brothers and I were neglected, we were not fed or cleaned and we were abused in every way imaginable. The only respite we got was when we went to school, however this was not often as we were mostly kept at home to hide our bruises and keep our fathers secrets safe. Part of me loved being at school because I could just be a normal girl but part of me dreaded it, I was aware that I was unwashed and filthy, I was infested with head lice and I was bullied for the way I looked and smelled.
I would try constantly to care for my baby brothers, after their beatings with belts or other weapons I would try and offer them the love and support I knew they needed, I remember the three of us crying together, asking each other how we were going to survive. I can only describe my childhood as living in hell. Some days I did not want to be alive and I would pray that I would die.
Finally in 2003 when we were age 11, 9 & 7 we were removed from our parents care and placed in Foster care, we were split up immediately from one another and homed individually, I went from being with my brothers every minute of every day to seeing them at a supervised contact session once a month.
In 2011 West Sussex Council admitted liability for their grave failings and paid myself & my 2 brothers a substantial amount of compensation for our lost childhoods.
My father went to prison when he was found guilty of his crimes against us and he remains on the sex offenders register today.
My parents are still together, my mum chose to stand by my dad and not have a relationship with her children. Since we were removed from her care she has not once been hospitalised, I believe this is because when we were there she needed the 'break' from him and what he was doing to us.
After I was rescued I stayed with one amazing foster mum & foster dad who has since sadly passed away (another hell of a trauma) for who immediately showed me what I'd never had - love, kindness & compassion, I still call her mum to this day. In between being with her I also lived with my Grandparents; whilst I was with my biological parents they were allowed minimal input and had no idea of the abuse reigned upon us who gave me the education and strong mind I have today.
I had therapy to help me deal with my trauma and I started to heal.
I am now a mum to my 2 sons and I have an amazing supportive husband.
I have begun this page, in the hope I can help other people who have or are enduring childhood abuse, in any shape or form, for anyone that needs help or support right now with something they think they maybe witnessing or on behalf of someone else. I want to help end the suffering that is child abuse.
I am a qualified therapist and specialist in sports massage therapy along with 7 other massage therapies listed in my services to help people. . . but I also offer an open service where people can contact me to talk about anything that they are going through. . . .
Thank you for reading my story

I run my business page now along side the support page, many people chose massage for the instant relieve of stress and anxiety, it helps to put your mind and body in a state of relaxation allowing every day worries easier to deal with. Many other people will chose it for
- Health conditions such as poor immune systems
- Sport Injury problems
- Lymph drainage issues
- Winter blues
- Sleeping problems
- Anxiety & self esteem issues
- Nutrition advise
- Relaxation
- Time to themselves
- Sports injuries
- Sprains and Stains
- Back Pain
- Pregnancy (2nd Stage)
- Headaches
- Pre and Post event massage
- Period Pain
- Joint & ligament pain
- Trapped nerves
& the list can go on , pretty much anything can be treated by myself.

Whatever you choose your massage for I am sure to help you, by leaving me in a more relaxed and comfortable state of mind and body.

My email address is elmtherapist@gmail.com



My Boys at the start ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜˜




Should be ashamed of yourselves and should you find yourself needing help from the work this women does well I hope Karama & fate sorts you out! Vile! ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜“


I have a few spaces this week
ยฃ25 for 1 hour treatments with this Facebook code ๐Ÿ’•


Anyone fancy a coffee morning at mine & a look through all my lovely books I have to order ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘Œ
Get Christmas ready ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ‘


Life is funny at times - this is the very photo I wished I had as a child to look back on as an adult but I dont, but I can see the past , future and present all in one photo.
Thank you for giving me a daughter to re live how I wish my childhood had gone, is that weird to say?
I am so utterly greatful to share fathers day with some really awesome father figures.
... My foster dad did a really good job from day 1 to allow me to trust men again. I miss you every single day! Every single time I see a Robin I try to see your smile within it and I swear I do. I dont have enough minutes in the day to describe how you were, I was just lucky I met you. My grandad took over the lead role and supported me and pushed me in ways I thought I wasnt capable of. I also have you to be thankful for, you provided me with enough stability whilst you were well to give me the future I lead now. Cary - well your absoutely loved beyond measures, you've shown me so much love and support that when we dont ring each other every day I miss that days phone call. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You've picked up my broken heart more times than anyone needed too. Love you so much. My husband - my absolute bestest friend ๐Ÿ’• I've watched you go through your own stages and that fact alone that you stand here still, amazes me, life has been so cruel to you but you continue to love and support our family. You love them children like they are your last breath, the patience you show them is unbelievable. I'm sorry for the hurdles you've faced and I promise you we're laugh holding hands together in our graves. My brothers - your both so utterly mentally full of life and energy I literally beam from ear to ear when I'm in your company! Tim you have been an absolute rock the last few months I am so greatful. My sons - the way you both tell me you love me & pick me flowers from the neighbour's garden & tell me you've missed me whilst being at school is enough to wash any bad day away. My father in law - you are absoutely off your head with silly jokes & I just love being in your presents, your laid back approach calms any family tension, and little Oaks adores you so much.
You see I had 1 DEADbeat father enter me into this world, I have now found peace because I got 9 amazing 'man figures' to bring me up as an adult and create me for who I am. All these different different manly figures have provided something in their own little ways and I am so proud to celebrate them all. So thank you - it's easy to focus on the negatives of life but I am so greatful to actually celebrate the positives.
Happy fathers day to you all, which actually should be called father figures or manly figures or little men figures because each of you in my life need celebrating. I love you all so much ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜›
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Prom rides in Oscar's grandads car?
Absoutely lovely guy


My talented best friend made this flower arch and after much pushing shes going to start making to sell! She ll be starting a new business page and will post the link below would appreciate the love and support. I wish I had something girly coming up to buy myself:) xx


Cant believe the amount of messages I've had since last night asking for help & advise - blows my mind people come to ME for help! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Remember your not alone - I've felt alone and stressed lately but slowly getting the support and help we need.
I can promise you there was so many other parents suffering in silence too.
... Smile & be kind we dont know the battles they are facing.
Remember to always be calm in those really stressful scary times & always reach out for HELP dont suffer alone.
๐Ÿ’• hugs
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My children's mental health have been a priority always but when we hit rock bottom some months ago now, with the right support I certainly think we can change things around - Oscar's mental well being took a horrible turn, so finding something to work on that wasnt too long but knew what we needed is in this very journal, ever felt like crying holding something you so desperately needed? Honestly think I want to be a child therapist these days - just wanted to rave about som...ething that I think most parents will think there alone on but actually they arent! So if your wanting to find something to work with, with your child to help set their little minds with positive energy then this is the journal.
Shout out to all the mummies & daddies struggling with little boys or girls with BIG emotions in LITTLE bodies - you all rock & you've got this. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜˜
HappySelf Journal
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More about Elizabeth Louise Support

Elizabeth Louise Support is located at 186 Hinkler Road, SO19 6GB Southampton