Elizabeth Truss

About Elizabeth Truss

Liz Truss is the MP for South West Norfolk constituency, and is Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade, and Minister for Women and Equalities

Elizabeth Truss Description

Liz Truss is the MP for South West Norfolk constituency, and is Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade, and Minister for Women and Equalities



My October update..
https://mailchi.mp/38649f250194/elizabeth trussmpoctober2018


This year was a vintage Tory Party Conference with huge energy and ideas. Great to meet up with members from the South West Norfolk Conservative Association– we were joined by the Defence Sec and John Flack MEP who both swung by to say hi too.
I had the pleasure of speaking on a number of really exciting fringe events during Conference, on topics ranging from shaking up the economy, business, Brexit opportunities to pet ownership, housing and youth crime.
You can read my sp...eech to conference on Economy Day here: http://press.conservatives.com/…/liz-tr uss-speech-to-conser…
.. and all the main stage speeches here: http://press.conservatives.com/archive
A fab few days, concluded by the PM who gave a strong speech full of optimism, clarion call for freedom....with dancing too..
Thanks for having us Birmingham!
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Fantastic young person’s job market event today at the Charles Burrell Centre. Great to see local businesses, training and service providers talking jobs and opportunities to potential employees. Thanks to Norfolk County Council, DWP for organising.


Following the announcement that local business, Banham Poultry was at risk- I have been working closely with the directors of Banham Poultry and Mid Norfolk MP George Freeman to ensure the long term future of Banham Poultry. The business currently employs 1100 staff with a considerable number of additional staff indirectly employed through the supply chain.
I am delighted that a buyer has been secured for Banham Poultry. The business supports a considerable number of employm...ent opportunities across East Anglia and I wanted to ensure every option was being explored by Lloyds Banking Group to protect the long term future of the business and safeguard jobs. I raised these points with senior directors at the bank, and I know the work done by George Freeman MP, local councils and the LEP in offering support has been instrumental in this month’s positive announcement.
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My article in the Scotsman today..
https://www.scotsman.com/…/liz-truss-i- played-margaret-that…


Back in Norfolk today to attend the fantastic Local Flavours 2018 event - and got straight into the #fenspirit of things!
Such an enormous range of suppliers and producers showing off their food and drink. Not only was it a chance for boasting the fab local foodstuffs but was also a serious buyer and supplier event- attracting over 1000 buyers from across the UK.
Trade in the Eastern region is booming and food and drink are a large export- the event welcomed the Dutch contingent who are very interested in what this region offers.


I’m in Scotland this week talking positive economic growth. Proud to swap English whisky from South West Norfolk with Scottish Gin.
Read about my visit here …
... https://www.gov.uk/…/enterprise-and-ent repreneurship-is-tra…
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Last week, in my role as Chief Secretary to the Treasury - I was in the States to strengthen the ties between the UK and US, and discuss expanding trade and economic opportunities.
In Washington I met White House officials, Congressmen and women, and I delivered a speech to the Cato Institute- a free market think tank that calls on both nations to work together to deliver more economic opportunities for younger people.
After Washington I went to Cleveland, Ohio where I presen...ted the owner of the American NFL team Cleveland Browns with a Norwich City shirt. It was great to bring the great name of Norwich to the States and recruit a new supporter! My visit this week is very much about reaffirming our hope that a team will come over to the UK. Every season we see the huge economic and cultural benefits of matches being played in London, and the benefit the U.S receives from British tourists travelling stateside to watch matches. The Government will do everything it can to make a permanent UK NFL team a reality offering support and advice wherever the NFL needs it.
https://www.gov.uk/…/bound-together-by- a-shared-belief-in-l…
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Great news that the Downham Market Post Office has re-opened, however this has been an extremely protracted and frustrating situation. The post office has been closed for over two months and in a town the size of Downham Market this is not acceptable. I appreciate that events sometimes occur necessitating a temporary closure, but the lack of alternate planning in providing post office services needs to be addressed and reviewed. The inconvenience and additional costs this has caused a number of my constituents should be looked into by Post Office officials and I have raised these points with the Chief Executive of Post Office Ltd.


Read my full speech to the @CatoInstitute in Washington, DC. #MarketsForMillennials
https://www.gov.uk/…/market-millennials -speech-by-the-chief…


Off to a flying start! It was incredible to see the F35 Lightning aircraft in their new home at RAF Marham- it has been a long time coming and it was great to hear about the exciting plans for all the development at the base.
The infrastructure at Marham has had £500 million investment in preparing for the long term operational activities at the base. It is important to note that 15 percent of every one of these multi million pound planes has been made by British business.
T...he set up at RAF Marham will mean it has the capacity to conduct training for more overseas clients, there is an integrated flight centre, full mission simulators - this is all great news not only for the local economy but the whole of the UK. The Great British brand is recognised around the globe as a high value product and I am delighted that here in Norfolk, the expertise, engineering and training from our military and industry partners is proving to be a huge asset to the county.
By 2025, there will be 48 planes operating from Marham and the new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.
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I met with Post Offices reps and local councillors at an emergency meeting regarding the temporary closure of Downham Market Post Office - quite frankly the way this temporary closure has been managed is not acceptable.
Repeated requests for alternative post office services to be reinstated in the town havefailed to happen. This service has fallen well short of what is expected from Post Office Ltd and I have called on the post office to look at compensation for those individ...uals who have suffered financially as a result of this closure.
Moving forward, I expect more information to be provided next week on the current situation and hopefully we will be in a better position and post office services will be resumed in Downham Market.
http://www.edp24.co.uk/…/liz-truss-mp-e mergency-meeting-on-…
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Delicious cakes and lots of dogs at the Beachamwell Summer Fete- I was really impressed with Ryan Collins who was running his own stall to fund raise for a trip to World Scout Jamboree in 2019 in West Virginia, USA.
Ryan, who is a member of the 2nd Marham Scout Group, is one of 18 selected to represent Norfolk as part of the UK contingent. He has been hard at work fundraising and I wish him all the best at the Jamboree!


My July update:
https://mailchi.mp/ff27ddcb9a8d/elizabeth trussmpjuly2018


It was Norfolk Day on Friday and I was delighted to be at The Fox Inn, Garboldisham to open the new mini kitchen and cafe.
It is incredible to think how far the pub has come since its purchase by the community in 2016.
The pub is the hub for the village and wider area and I certainly enjoyed the tea, cakes and of course the beer in the sun! Well done!


Great to hear of the plans for West Suffolk College.
The College has moved a step closer to securing Institute of Technology status thanks to the hard work and determination of Principal Nikos Savvas and Richard Bridgman of Warren Services. I look forward to visiting again soon.

More about Elizabeth Truss

Elizabeth Truss is located at House of Commons, SW1A 0AA London, United Kingdom